24-15A-57. Factors for consideration in determining grant or denial of compassionate parole.
The Board of Pardons and Paroles shall consider the following factors in determining the grant or denial of a compassionate parole:
(1) The inmate's assessed risk level;
(2) The inmate's conduct in prison;
(3) The inmate's conduct while on extended confinement, if applicable;
(4) Sentence served and sentence remaining;
(5) Offense and chronicity of criminal behavior;
(6) Prognosis and incapacitation level;
(7) The inmate's compliance with health care ordered by a health care provider;
(8) Release plan including provisions for health care;
(9) Input, if any, of the sentencing judge, the prosecuting attorney, and the victim;
(10) If the care and supervision that the inmate requires and is anticipated to require can be provided in a more medically appropriate or cost effective manner than the Department of Corrections;
(11) Allowing a geriatric or terminally ill person to live at a location outside of prison prior to death; and
(12) The ability to adequately monitor the inmate, after release, to ensure public safety.
Source: SL 2018, ch 154, § 3.