01. State Geologist
02. Geological And Mining Surveys
03. Inspector Of Mines [Repealed]
04. Location And Working Of Mining Claims
05. Right-Of-Way To Mines
05A. Compensation For Damages From Mining, Oil And Gas Development
06. Sand, Gravel And Construction Aggregate Mining
06A. Mining Land Reclamation [Repealed]
06B. Mined Land Reclamation
06C. Mineral Exploration
06D. Uranium Exploration
07. Mineral, Oil And Gas Leases
07A. Mineral Well Capping, Sealing And Plugging [Repealed]
08. State Oil And Gas Board [Repealed]
09. Oil And Gas Conservation
10. Interstate Compact To Conserve Oil And Gas [Repealed]
Surveys relating to geology, natural history, archaeology, and anthropology--Duty to
Specimens are state property.
45-2-1, 45-2-2.
Contracts by state geologist--Payments.
Continuation of geological survey--Purposes.
45-2-5, 45-2-6.
Discovery of lode within limits of claim essential.
Conditions precedent to filing of location certificate.
Marking surface boundaries of claim.
Location certificate--Recording of claim--Contents--Validity.
Location certificate limited to single location.
Dimensions of lode claim--Determination of width by election.
Fee for recording and certification of location certificate--Certified copy.
Additional location certificate--Relocation--Existing rights of others not affected--Claimant not precluded from proving title under previous location.
Relocation of abandoned lode--Fixing of boundaries--Erection of new discovery
monument--Contents of relocation certificate.
Location certificate--Surface ground included and excluded.
Longitudinal limits of claim.
Right to mine separate from right to surface--Security required of miner--Enforcement.
Fencing of mining claim or mineral property for protection of livestock--Duties on
abandonment--Liability for damages--Violation as misdemeanor.
Actions involving mining claims--Proof of customs, usages, or regulations.
Actions involving mining claims--Survey ordered by court.
Order requiring survey of disputed claim--Designation of surveyor--Witnesses to
examine property.
Order requiring survey of disputed claim to be made in open court or upon notice--Agreement--Affidavits.
Order for removal of obstacles in drifts or shafts.
Association with another to obtain possession of a lode, gulch, or placer claim by
force and violence, by threats of violence, or by stealth--Misdemeanor.
Trials under § 45-4-20--Evidence sufficient for conviction.
Writs of injunction to restore person to possession of mining property.
Recording required--Affidavit of labor--Recording fee.
Owner of mine or mining claim entitled to right-of-way for necessary road, ditch, cut,
flume, shaft, or tunnel--Eminent domain for pollution control measures.
Petition for right-of-way--Filing with clerk of circuit court--Verification--Contents--Demand for relief.
Order to show cause--Service--Time for hearing.
Hearing on petition--Award of right-of-way--Appointment of commissioners to
assess damages.
Assessment of damages by commissioners.
Payment or tender of damages--Use of right-of-way.
Report of commissioners may be set aside.
Appeals from assessment of damages--Time for taking--Service of notice upon
Appeal bond--Approval of sureties--Amount--Conditions.
Appeal from assessment of damages--Limited to amount of damages--Jury trial.
Bond pending appeal.
Costs of appeal.
Costs and expenses under chapter to be paid by party making application.
Costs and expenses if applicant tendered sum equal to or more than amount of
damages assessed.
Legislative findings.
Purpose of chapter.
Definition of terms.
Compensation to surface owner for losses--Determining damages--Payment.
Treble damages for failure to negotiate in good faith.
Notice to surface owner of proposed surface disturbing development activities.
Notice to surface owner and surface lessee prior to entry on land for mineral
exploration activities.
Damages for failure to provide notice.
Exception to notice requirement.
Responsibilities of developer.
Time for notice of damages to developer.
Offer of settlement by developer.
Action for compensation.
Other remedies not precluded.
Motor vehicle operation excluded from chapter.
45-6-1 45-6-1 to 45-6-63. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 340
45-6-64 Sand, gravel and construction aggregate mining--Definitions.
45-6-65 License required--Compliance with requirements--Fee--Deposit.
45-6-66 Governmental units exempt from fee and security requirements.
45-6-67 Operating and reclamation standards.
45-6-67.1 Reclamation by owner--Time limit--Extension--Forfeiture of surety.
45-6-68 Publication of notice of mine operation--Contents.
45-6-69 Notice of operation to public agencies--Contents--Time required.
45-6-70 Emergency waiver of notice requirements.
45-6-71 Security required--Amount--Conditions--Alternatives.
45-6-71.1 Joint powers agreement for single surety.
45-6-72 Annual fee and report.
45-6-73 Operation without license as misdemeanor.
45-6-74 Revocation of license.
45-6-75 Appeal to board from revocation or denial of license.
45-6-76 Refusing entry for inspection as violation of license--Obstructing inspection prohibited--Report of inspector to operator.
45-6-77 Exemption of extraction for personal use.
45-6-78 Temporary cessation of license to mine--Requirements--Exemption during cessation--Reinstatement.
45-6-79 Filing request for temporary cessation--Contents.
45-6B-1 Citation of chapter.
45-6B-2 Legislative findings and policy.
45-6B-3 Definition of terms.
45-6B-4 Local government permit--Additional bond or surety not authorized--Conditional mining permit.
45-6B-5 Application for permit for mining operation.
45-6B-6 Application for permit--Contents.
45-6B-7 Reclamation plan--Contents.
45-6B-8 Previously mined land--Reclamation not required for surface mining.
45-6B-9 Previously mined land--Reclamation not required for underground mining.
45-6B-10 Map of affected area.
45-6B-11 Approval of reclamation plan by Department of Education and Department of Game, Fish and Parks.
45-6B-12 Consultation with surface owner--Instrument of consultation.
45-6B-13 Instrument of consultation not obtained--Hearing and order.
45-6B-14 Fee for application.
45-6B-15 Copy of application filed with department and register of deeds--Public inspection.
45-6B-16 Notice of application--Publication.
45-6B-17 Notice of application--Mailing to owners and lessees of surface rights.
45-6B-18 Amendment of permit and modifications of operating or reclamation plans--Application fees.
45-6B-19 Confidential information in application protected--Violation as misdemeanor.
45-6B-20 Inspection of site prior to issuance of permit--Surety for reclamation costs required.
45-6B-20.1 Board may require additional proof of financial assurance from certain operators--Content and amount--Factors for consideration.
45-6B-20.2 Time for filing under 45-6B-20.1.
45-6B-21 Criteria for determining amount and duration of surety.
45-6B-22 Surety bond--Surety other than bond--Considerations by board.
45-6B-23 Cash or securities in lieu of surety.
45-6B-24 Surety payable to state--Conditions required.
45-6B-25 Surety liability continues until released.
45-6B-26 Surety penalty--Amount.
45-6B-27 Surety penalty--Increase or reduction.
45-6B-28 Objections--Statements in support of application--Notice and hearing.
45-6B-29 County request for hearing on application.
45-6B-30 Hearing on application--Time extension--Notice--Time for decision.
45-6B-31 Modification of application prior to hearing.
45-6B-32 Grant of permit if application in compliance with law--Grounds for denial.
45-6B-33 Unsuitable land--No permit issued.
45-6B-33.1 Socioeconomic impact study--Preparation at operator's expense--Contents--Determination of sufficiency.
45-6B-33.2 Permit application for small-scale mining operation--Small-scale mining operation defined.
45-6B-33.3 Special, exceptional, critical, or unique land defined.
45-6B-33.4 Preliminary list of special, exceptional, critical, or unique lands--Application for classification.
45-6B-33.5 Alternative restrictions and limitations by board on special, exceptional, critical, or unique land.
45-6B-33.6 Determination of classification--Notice and grounds.
45-6B-33.7 Appeal of determination--Hearing--Notice.
45-6B-33.8 Underground mining allowed beneath special, exceptional, critical, or unique land.
45-6B-34 Notice to county commissioners of approval or denial of permit or amendment.
45-6B-35 Mining operations--Applicable law.
45-6B-36 Annual filing of map and fee.
45-6B-37 Grading.
45-6B-38 Disposal of refuse.
45-6B-39 Revegetation.
45-6B-40 Removal and handling of topsoil.
45-6B-41 Disturbance to hydrologic balance.
45-6B-42 Slides, subsidence, or damage protection--Fencing.
45-6B-43 Surface areas protected--Spoil piles--Weeds.
45-6B-44 Proposed reclamation plan--Copy to adjacent landowner--Approval of plan--Consultation with landowner and local authorities--Reclamation of all affected land.
45-6B-45 Choices of reclamation--Requirements for operator.
45-6B-46 Time for completion of reclamation--Plantings not required under certain conditions.
45-6B-47 Transfer of permit--Application--Release of first operator and surety as to reclamation--Transfer fee.
45-6B-48 Violation--Notice to operator.
45-6B-49 Violation--Cease and desist order.
45-6B-50 Violation--Hearing.
45-6B-51 Violation--Modification, suspension, or revocation of permit.
45-6B-52 Violation--Action for temporary restraining order or injunction.
45-6B-53 Small-scale operation--Special permit laws applicable.
45-6B-54 Small-scale operation--Application for permit--Contents.
45-6B-55 Small-scale operation--Fee--Surety.
45-6B-56 Small-scale operation--Annual notice of intent to continue--Fee and reporting requirements.
45-6B-57 Small-scale operation--Notice of completion of reclamation.
45-6B-58 45-6B-58. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 166, § 100.
45-6B-59 Laws applicable to processing and action on applications.
45-6B-60 Small-scale operation--Conversion of permit to larger operation.
45-6B-61 Small-scale operation--Conversion of permit--Time for action on application.
45-6B-62 Small-scale operation--Conversion of permit--Laws applicable to procedure.
45-6B-63 Small-scale operation--Conversion of permit--Grounds for denial.
45-6B-64 45-6B-64, 45-6B-65. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 308, §§ 15, 16
45-6B-66 Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Proceedings by attorney general.
45-6B-67 Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Foreclosure of real estate.
45-6B-68 Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Reclamation of land by board.
45-6B-69 Fees deposited in environment and natural resources fee fund--Proceeds of forfeiture of surety deposited in special revenue fund.
45-6B-70 Violation of permit--Civil penalty--Liability for damages to environment.
45-6B-71 Operation without permit--Civil penalty.
45-6B-71.1 Operation without permit near lake or stream as misdemeanor.
45-6B-72 Refusal of access or interference with inspection as violation.
45-6B-73 Jurisdiction and authority of board--Employment of personnel--Legal services provided by attorney general.
45-6B-74 Studies and programs initiated and encouraged by board.
45-6B-75 Assistance provided by other departments and agencies.
45-6B-76 General powers of board.
45-6B-77 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 215, § 30.
45-6B-78 45-6B-78. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 237, § 7.
45-6B-79 Use of reclamation fund.
45-6B-80 Exemption of educational and recreational activities.
45-6B-81 Promulgation of rules.
45-6B-82 45-6B-82 to 45-6B-85. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 237, §§ 1 to 6.
45-6B-85.1 45-6B-85.1. Executed
45-6B-86 45-6B-86. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 166, § 101.
45-6B-87 Large-scale gold or silver surface mining operations not exempt from federal laws.
45-6B-88 Procedures for issuance, suspension, revocation, and renewal of permits--Hearing--Uncontested recommendation.
45-6B-89 45-6B-89. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 166, § 102.
45-6B-90 45-6B-90. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 237, § 8.
45-6B-91 Postclosure plan--Postclosure care--Financial assurance--Certification of completed postclosure activities--Liability of operator.
45-6B-92 Description of critical resources affected by reclamation plan.
45-6B-93 Annual report on large-scale gold or silver surface mining operation--Information to be included.
45-6B-94 Gold or silver surface mining--Legislative findings.
45-6B-95 Permits for new large-scale operations--Limitations.
45-6B-96 Permits for presently operating large-scale gold or silver surface mines.
45-6B-97 Reclamation--Qualifications for credit--Assignment.
45-6B-98 Submission of reclamation plan--Contents.
45-6B-99 Exclusion of underground mining operations.
45-6B-100 45-6B-100 to 45-6B-103. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 237, §§ 9 to 12.
45-6B-104 New surface mining permits prohibited for private land in Spearfish Canyon.
45-6B-105 Location of Spearfish Canyon.
45-6B-106 Lake dredging activities license.
45-6C-1 Citation of chapter.
45-6C-2 Legislative findings and policy.
45-6C-3 Definition of terms.
45-6C-4 Permit or surety not required by governmental office or political subdivision of state.
45-6C-5 Compliance with public land laws and this chapter.
45-6C-6 Notice of intent to conduct exploration operation--Items comprising notice.
45-6C-7 Notice form--Contents.
45-6C-8 Plan of reclamation--Contents.
45-6C-9 Map of exploration area.
45-6C-10 Notice to Department of Game, Fish and Parks--Restrictions concerning riparian habitat.
45-6C-11 Notice to state archaeologist--Restrictions concerning site disturbances.
45-6C-12 Water rights or water pollution control restrictions.
45-6C-13 Time for commencement of exploration operation.
45-6C-14 Confidential information and notice of intent protected--Violation as misdemeanor.
45-6C-15 Copies of intent and restrictions--Filing with county commissioners--Publication.
45-6C-16 Consultation with surface owner--Preferences for reclamation and travel restrictions.
45-6C-17 Fee for notice of intent.
45-6C-18 Domestic water wells--Information required of operator.
45-6C-19 Inspection of area before exploration--Surety for costs of plugging test holes and reclamation.
45-6C-20 Criteria for determining amount of surety.
45-6C-21 Surety bond--Surety other than bond--Considerations by board.
45-6C-22 Cash or securities in lieu of surety.
45-6C-23 Surety payable to state--Conditions required.
45-6C-24 Surety liability continues until released.
45-6C-25 Surety penalty--Amount.
45-6C-26 Exploration operations--Applicable laws.
45-6C-27 Explosives.
45-6C-28 Capping, sealing, and plugging of test holes--Temporary delay.
45-6C-29 Capping, sealing, and plugging test holes--Rules.
45-6C-30 45-6C-30. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 166, § 104.
45-6C-31 Test holes used for water wells.
45-6C-32 Roads and trails.
45-6C-33 Restoration of drill sites and affected land.
45-6C-34 Penetration of aquifer--Notice to board.
45-6C-35 Penetration of aquifer--Report required.
45-6C-36 Violation--Notice to operator.
45-6C-37 Violation--Cease and desist order.
45-6C-38 Violation--Hearing.
45-6C-39 Violation--Suspension of operations.
45-6C-40 Violation--Action for temporary restraining order or injunction.
45-6C-41 Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Proceedings by attorney general.
45-6C-42 Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Reclamation of land by board.
45-6C-43 Fees deposited in environment and natural resources fee fund--Proceeds of forfeiture of surety deposited in special revenue fund.
45-6C-44 Operator currently in violation--Filing notice of intent prohibited.
45-6C-45 Violation--Civil penalty--Liability for damages to environment.
45-6C-46 Refusal of access or interference with inspection as violation.
45-6C-47 Jurisdiction and authority of board--Employment of personnel--Legal services provided by attorney general.
45-6C-48 Assistance provided by other departments and agencies.
45-6C-49 General powers of board.
45-6C-50 45-6C-50. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 166, § 105.
45-6C-51 Exemption of educational and recreational activities.
45-6C-52 Annual report of activities conducted under notice of intent--Information to be included.
45-6C-53 Transfer of notice of intent.
45-6C-54 Publication of application for a transfer of notice of intent--Contents.
45-6C-55 Confidentiality period of certain mineral exploration reports.
Citation of chapter.
Legislative findings and policy.
Definition of terms.
Permit or surety not required by governmental office or political subdivision.
Laws applicable to operations on state-owned land.
Application for permit for exploration operations--Items comprising application.
Application form--Contents.
Reclamation plan required.
Reclamation plan--Contents.
Map of permit area.
Copy of application filed with register of deeds--Public inspection.
Notice of application--Publication.
Notice to Department of Game, Fish and Parks--Restrictions concerning riparian
Notice to state archaeologist--Restrictions concerning site disturbances.
Confidential information in application protected--Violation as misdemeanor.
Consultation with surface owner--Restrictions of owner.
Domestic water wells--Information required of operator.
Fee for application.
Inspection of area prior to issuance or renewal of permit--Surety for costs of plugging
test holes and reclamation.
Criteria for determining amount of surety.
Surety bond--Surety other than bond--Considerations by board.
Cash or securities in lieu of surety.
Surety payable to state--Conditions required.
Surety liability continues until released.
Surety penalty--Amount.
Objections--Statements in support of application--Notice and hearing.
County request for hearing on application.
Hearing on application--Notice--Time for decision.
Grant of permit if application in compliance with law--Grounds for denial.
Term of permit--Triennial renewal.
Notice to county commissioners of approval of or denial of permit or renewal.
Exploration operations--Applicable laws.
Capping, sealing, and plugging test holes--Temporary delay.
Capping, sealing, and plugging test holes--Rules.
Test holes converted to water wells.
Roads and trails.
Restoration of drill sites and affected land.
Penetration of aquifer--Notice to board.
Penetration of aquifer--Report required.
Geological conditions--Report required.
Geological conditions reports confidential--Violation as misdemeanor.
Renewal of permit--Information required.
Renewal of permit--Notice of application.
Renewal of permit--Confidentiality of required information.
45-6D-46 Renewal of permit--Objections--Statements in support of application--Notice and hearing.
45-6D-47 Renewal of permit--Hearing on application--Notice--Time for decision.
45-6D-48 Renewal of permit--Operation continued under original permit--Implementation of nonapproved modification ground for revocation or denial of permit.
45-6D-49 Renewal of permit--Grounds for denial of modifications.
45-6D-50 Renewal of permit--Grounds for denial.
45-6D-51 Violation--Notice to operator.
45-6D-52 Violation--Cease and desist order.
45-6D-53 Violation--Hearing.
45-6D-54 Violation--Modification, suspension, or revocation of permit.
45-6D-55 Violation--Action for temporary restraining order or injunction.
45-6D-56 Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Proceedings by attorney general.
45-6D-57 Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Reclamation of land by board.
45-6D-58 Fees deposited in environment and natural resources fee fund--Proceeds of forfeiture of surety deposited in special revenue fund.
45-6D-59 Operator currently in violation--Issuance of permit prohibited.
45-6D-60 Violation of permit--Civil penalty--Liability for damages to environment.
45-6D-61 Operation without permit--Civil penalty.
45-6D-62 Refusal of access or interference with inspection as violation.
45-6D-63 Jurisdiction and authority of board--Employment of personnel--Legal services provided by attorney general.
45-6D-64 Assistance provided by other departments and agencies.
45-6D-65 General powers of board.
45-6D-66 Specifications regarding application of chapter to new and prior operations.
45-6D-67 Confidentiality period of certain mineral exploration reports.
Discharge and cancellation of record of lease--Marginal entry on record.
Discharge and cancellation by endorsement on original lease--Entry on margin of record.
Expiration or forfeiture of lease--Release of record.
Demand for release--Service upon lease owner of record--Form.
Affidavit as to demand for release--Filing with register of deeds.
Action by owner of lease to determine rights--Lis pendens notice--Affidavit as to demand
for release not recorded.
Affidavit as to demand for release--Recording by register of deeds, effect.
Action to obtain release--Damages--Attorney fees.
Extension of lease on occurrence of contingency--Effect--Recording.
45-9-1 Purpose of chapter--Development of oil and gas resources.
45-9-1.1 Functions of environment and natural resources board transferred to Board of Minerals and Environment.
45-9-2 Definition of terms.
45-9-3 Waste of oil and gas prohibited--Production of gas in conjunction with water excluded from coverage of chapter.
45-9-4 Application to drill oil or gas well--Permit--Rules and regulations of board--Fee, disposition--Agreement with surface owner.
45-9-5 Identification of ownership of facilities for producing oil or gas.
45-9-6 Testing of oil and gas wells.
45-9-7 Separation of production from wells--Gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons--Measurement.
45-9-8 Classification of wells.
45-9-9 Metering or measuring of oil, gas, or product.
45-9-10 Operation of wells with inefficient gas-oil or water-oil ratios.
45-9-11 Operations for production of oil or gas, regulation by board.
45-9-12 Production of oil and gas from field, pool, or area where physical waste created.
45-9-13 Administration of chapter by board--Rules and orders to prevent waste, protect correlative rights and govern procedure before board.
45-9-14 Prevention of oil or gas escape, intrusion of water, pollution of fresh-water supplies, and blowouts, cavings, seepages, and fires.
45-9-15 Plugging and performance bond for wells--Amount--Conditions.
45-9-15.1 45-9-15.1. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 227, § 2.
45-9-15.2 Application date of bond requirements.
45-9-15.3 Supplemental plugging and performance bond--Idle wells--Amount.
45-9-16 Recordkeeping by producers, handlers, and processors of the quantities of oil or gas--Examination.
45-9-17 Reports or plats--Filing with board.
45-9-18 Mechanical well logs, surveys and reports on well location, drilling, and production--Samples, core chips, and complete cores--Filing--Exploratory wells.
45-9-19 False representations as perjury--Drilling without permit as misdemeanor.
45-9-20 Spacing units for a pool--Purposes--Establishment by board--Exception.
45-9-21 Spacing units for a pool--Size and shape, establishment by board, modifications and exceptions.
45-9-22 Spacing units to be sized and shaped for efficient development of pool--Minimum size.
45-9-23 Spacing units for a pool--Production limited by waste--Order of board establishing, contents.
45-9-24 Spacing units of different sizes or shapes--Adjustment of allowable production.
45-9-25 Hearing to establish spacing units--Establishment of temporary spacing units by board pending determination of ultimate spacing period.
45-9-26 Order establishing spacing units for a pool--Size and shape of each unit--Location of permitted well--Exception for wells drilled or drilling at time of application.
45-9-27 Drilling of well at other than prescribed location when authorized by secretary.
45-9-28 Scope of order establishing spacing units for a pool--Modification--Inclusion of additional area--Exclusion of land not underlaid by pool.
45-9-29 Order establishing spacing units--Modification to prevent waste, avoidance of unnecessary wells, or to protect correlative rights.
45-9-30 Two or more separately owned tracts or interests embraced within spacing unit--Pooling of interests.
45-9-31 Order pooling all interests in spacing unit--Application by interested person--Notice and hearing--Terms and conditions.
45-9-32 Operation of well--Rights of owners to participate--Payment of expenses.
45-9-33 Alternative rights of owners--Surrender of leasehold interest to participating owners--Participation on a limited basis.
45-9-34 Spacing unit covered by pooling order--Definition of terms--Operations incident to the drilling of a well--Portion of production allocated to each tract.
45-9-35 Rights of owners operating well or paying costs for benefit of another under pooling order--Share of production--Determination of costs by board.
45-9-36 Well completed prior to pooling of interest in spacing unit--Sharing of production--Calculation of costs.
45-9-37 Operation as unit of one or more pools--Consideration of need--Hearing.
45-9-38 Findings of board requiring order for unit operation of a pool.
45-9-39 Order of board for unit operation of a pool--Terms and conditions--Prescribing plan of operation--Essential elements of plan.
45-9-40 Order of board for unit operation of a pool--Not effective until approved by persons responsible for operating costs.
45-9-41 Supplemental hearing on approval of plan for unit operation.
45-9-42 Order of board for unit operation of a pool--Revocation when not approved by persons owning required percentage of interest.
45-9-43 Amendment of order for unit operations--Conditions.
45-9-44 Order of board for unit operation of a pool embraced in unit area established by prior order--Allocation of production.
45-9-45 Order of Board of Minerals and Environment for unit operation on less than whole of a pool--Size and shape of unit area.
45-9-46 Operation of well upon unit area--Unit of production allocated to separately owned tract.
45-9-47 Order of board for unit operation--Express or implied obligations of contract covering land in unit area, fulfillment by conducting operations under order.
45-9-48 Order of Board of Minerals and Environment for unit operation--Ownership of portion of production allocated and proceeds of sale.
45-9-49 Order for unit operations does not transfer title.
45-9-50 Contract for sale or purchase of production from separately owned tract not terminated.
45-9-51 Rights of owners within unit area to property acquired in conduct of unit operation.
45-9-52 Agreement for cooperative development or operation of field or pool--Approval by board--Failure to submit for approval not evidence of antitrust law violation.
45-9-53 Lands to which chapter applies.
45-9-54 Enforcement of chapter--Jurisdiction of board.
45-9-55 Investigations by board.
45-9-56 Authority of board to act--Upon its own motion--Petition of interested person.
45-9-57 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 212, § 4.
45-9-58 Notice of hearing--Service by mail or publication--Proof of service.
45-9-59 Witnesses--Production of books and records.
45-9-60 Noncompliance with subpoena--Refusal of witness to testify--Court order--Contempt.
45-9-61 Prior rules, regulations, and orders continued in force--Accrued penalties and liabilities not repealed.
45-9-62 45-9-62. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 256, § 49
45-9-63 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 212, § 6.
45-9-64 Emergency order of board--Issuance without notice or hearing--Promulgation--Termination.
45-9-65 45-9-65, 45-9-66. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 256, §§ 51, 52
45-9-67 Appeal from rule, regulation, or order of board--Persons adversely affected--Procedure.
45-9-68 Violation of law, rule, regulation, or order--Civil penalty--Liability for damages to environment.
45-9-69 Action by attorney general to recover civil penalties--Venue.
45-9-70 Shutting down and sealing property or equipment by secretary for violation--Cancelation of lease or bond forfeiture.
45-9-71 Action for injunction--Service--Order.
45-9-72 Failure of board to enjoin violation on request of person adversely affected--Action for injunction by affected person.
45-9-73 Procedure for issuance, suspension, revocation, and renewal of permits--Hearing--Uncontested recommendation.
45-9-74 Hearing on application for order under chapter--Notice--Contested case hearing--Procedure.