01 Initiative And Referendum
02 Legislative Districts
03 Emergency Interim Legislative Succession [Repealed]
04 Sessions Of Legislature
05 Legislative Officers And Employees
06 Legislative Committees And Investigations
07 Legislative Printing, Records And Journals
08 Legislative Fiscal Notes [Repealed]
09 Legislative Research Council
10 Revisor Of Statutes [Repealed]
11 Commission On Uniform Legislation
12 Lobbyists
13 Publication And Distribution Of Acts And Session Laws
14 Construction And Effect Of Statutes
15 Conventions For Amendment Of United States Constitution
16 Codes And Compilations
17 Constitutional Revision Commission [Obsolete]
2-1-1 Initiative petitions--Number of signatures required.
2-1-1.1 Initiated constitutional amendment--Petition--Finalization deadline--Contents--Signatures--Circulator handout--Circulation period.
2-1-1.2 Initiated measure--Petition--Finalization deadline--Contents--Signatures--Circulator handout--Circulation period.
2-1-1.3 Definitions.
2-1-1.4 Repealed.
2-1-1.5 Repealed.
2-1-1.6 Repealed.
2-1-1.7 Repealed.
2-1-1.8 Repealed.
2-1-1.9 Repealed.
2-1-2 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 18, §§ 4, 5.
2-1-2.2 Withdrawal of initiated constitutional amendment.
2-1-2.3 Withdrawal of initiated measure.
2-1-3 Referendum--Laws subject to petition--Form.
2-1-3.1 Referred law--Petition--Filing deadline--Contents--Signatures--Circulator handout.
2-1-3.2 Withdrawal of petition for referred law.
2-1-4 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 18, § 6.
2-1-5 Total vote used to determine number of signers required in petitions.
2-1-6 Persons qualified to sign petitions--False or unqualified signing as misdemeanor.
2-1-6.1 Repealed by SL 1989, ch 23, § 3.
2-1-6.2 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 18, § 7.
2-1-6.3 2-1-6.3. Repealed by SL 2009, ch 64, § 6, eff. July 1, 2010.
2-1-7 Petitions to be signed in person.
2-1-8 Repealed by SL 1990, ch 104, § 1.
2-1-9 Separate papers constituting single petition.
2-1-10 Verification of petition circulator--Violation.
2-1-11 Petitions liberally construed.
2-1-11.1 Initiated measure to embrace only one subject.
2-1-12 Effective date of measures approved by voters.
2-1-13 Repealed by SL 1989, ch 23, § 5.
2-1-14 Signatures secured contrary to law not to be counted.
2-1-15 Petition examined by secretary of state--Public record--Signature count--Random sample.
2-1-16 Signatures to be verified by random sampling--Methodology.
2-1-17 Certification of results of random sampling--Notification of petition sponsors.
2-1-17.1 Submission of affidavit challenging petition to secretary of state--Appeal.
2-1-18 Court challenge to petition.
2-1-18.1 Petition signature withdrawal--Written notification.
2-1-18.2 Petition signature withdrawal--Challenge required.
2-1-19 Transferred to §§ 2-9-33, 2-9-34 by SL 2017, ch 17, § 3.
2-1-21 Violations by petition sponsor or circulator--Four-year prohibition--Civil penalty.
2-1-1. Initiative petitions--Number of signatures required.
All measures proposed by initiative shall be presented by petition. The petition shall be signed by not less than five percent of the qualified electors of the state.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0401; SL 1957, ch 278, § 1; SL 1976, ch 105, § 76; SL 1978, ch 19, § 1; SL 1989, ch 23, § 1.
2-1-1.1. Initiated constitutional amendment--Petition--Finalization deadline--Contents--Signatures--Circulator handout--Circulation period.
A petition as it is to be circulated for an initiated amendment to the Constitution must be filed with the secretary of state, including an electronic copy of the petition, prior to circulation for signatures and at least one year before the next general election at which the initiated amendment is proposed to be submitted to the voters. The petition filing must:
(1) Contain the full text of the initiated amendment in fourteen-point font;
(2) Contain the date of the general election at which the initiated amendment is to be submitted;
(3) Contain the title and explanation as prepared by the attorney general;
(4) Be accompanied by a notarized affidavit form signed by each person who is a petition sponsor that includes the name and address of each petition sponsor; and
(5) Be accompanied by a statement of organization as provided in § 12-27-6.
Each petition circulator shall provide to each person who signs the petition a circulator handout containing the title and explanation of the initiated amendment to the Constitution as prepared by the attorney general; any fiscal note prepared pursuant to § 2-9-30; the name, phone number, and email address of each petition sponsor; and a statement whether the petition circulator is a volunteer or paid circulator and, if a paid circulator, the amount the circulator is being paid. The secretary of state shall approve the circulator handout for each initiated amendment to the Constitution before the petition is circulated.
For any initiated amendment petition, no signature may be obtained more than twenty-four months preceding the general election that was designated at the time of filing of the full text. A sworn affidavit, signed by at least two-thirds of the petition sponsors, stating that the documents filed constitute the entire petition and to the best of the knowledge of the sponsors contains a sufficient number of signatures, must also be filed with the secretary of state. The initiated amendment petition signatures must be filed with the secretary of state by the first Tuesday in May of a general election year for the initiated amendment to qualify for submission to the voters at the next general election. The State Board of Elections shall prescribe the form of the affidavit and the petition otherwise, including petition size and petition font size for ballot measure language not prescribed in this section.
Source: SL 2012, ch 18, § 2; SL 2016, ch 23, § 1; SL 2016, ch 24, § 1; SL 2017, ch 16, § 7; SL 2018, ch 21, § 1; SL 2018, ch 22, § 3; SL 2018, ch 75, § 2; SL 2018, ch 80, § 4; SL 2019, ch 14, § 8, eff. July 1, 2020; SL 2020, ch 8, § 9; SL 2021, ch 15, § 2; SL 2023, ch 8, § 1; SL 2024, ch 16, § 1.
2-1-1.2. Initiated measure--Petition--Finalization deadline--Contents--Signatures--Circulator handout--Circulation period.
A petition as it is to be circulated for an initiated measure must be filed with the secretary of state, including an electronic copy of the petition, prior to circulation for signatures and at least one year before the next general election at which the initiated measure is proposed to be submitted to the voters. The petition filing must:
(1) Contain the full text of the initiated measure in fourteen-point font;
(2) Contain the date of the general election at which the initiated measure is to be submitted;
(3) Contain the title and explanation as prepared by the attorney general;
(4) Be accompanied by a notarized affidavit form signed by each person who is a petition sponsor that includes the name and address of each petition sponsor; and
(5) Be accompanied by a statement of organization as provided in § 12-27-6.
Each petition circulator shall provide to each person who signs the petition a circulator handout containing the title and explanation of the initiated measure as prepared by the attorney general; any fiscal note prepared pursuant to § 2-9-30; the name, phone number, and email address of each petition sponsor; and a statement whether the petition circulator is a volunteer or paid circulator and, if a paid circulator, the amount the circulator is being paid. The secretary of state shall approve the circulator handout for each initiated measure before the petition is circulated.
For any initiated measure petition, no signature may be obtained more than twenty-four months preceding the general election that was designated at the time of filing of the full text. A sworn affidavit, signed by at least two-thirds of the petition sponsors, stating that the documents filed constitute the entire petition and to the best of the knowledge of the sponsors contains a sufficient number of signatures, must also be filed with the secretary of state. The initiated measure petition signatures must be filed with the secretary of state by the first Tuesday in May of a general election year for the initiated measure to qualify for submission to the voters at the next general election. The State Board of Elections shall prescribe the form of the affidavit and the petition otherwise, including petition size and petition font size for ballot measure language not prescribed in this section.
Source: SL 2012, ch 18, § 3; SL 2016, ch 23, § 2; SL 2016, ch 24, § 2; SL 2017, ch 16, § 8; SL 2018, ch 21, § 2; SL 2018, ch 22, § 4; SL 2018, ch 75, § 3; SL 2018, ch 80, § 5; SL 2019, ch 14, § 9, eff. July 1, 2020; SL 2020, ch 8, § 11; SL 2021, ch 15, § 1; SL 2023, ch 8, § 2; SL 2024, ch 16, § 2.
2-1-1.3. Definitions.
Terms used in this chapter mean:
(1) "Circulates," either:
(a) Physically presents or otherwise makes available a ballot measure petition to another person for that person's signature; or
(b) Solicits from another person, personally and in the presence of such other person, a signature on a ballot measure petition, while acting in concert with another person who simultaneously physically presents or otherwise makes available the ballot measure petition;
(2) "Petition circulator," the same as the term is defined under § 12-1-3;
(3) "Petition sponsor," any person who proposes the placement of a statewide ballot measure on the ballot;
(4) "Ballot measure," any measure placed on a statewide ballot in accordance with § 2-1-1.1, 2-1-1.2, or 2-1-3.1;
(5) "Paid circulator," any person who receives money or anything of value as consideration, in whole or in part, for acting as a petition circulator;
(6) "Volunteer circulator," any person who does not receive money or anything of value as consideration, in whole or in part, for acting as a petition circulator.
Source: SL 2016, ch 24, § 4; SL 2018, ch 22, § 1; SL 2019, ch 14, § 1, eff. July 1, 2020; SL 2020, ch 8, § 2; SL 2024, ch 16, § 3.
2-1-1.5. Repealed.
Source: SL 2019, ch 14, § 3, eff. July 1, 2020; SL 2020, ch 8, § 3; SL 2024, ch 16, § 6.
2-1-1.6. Repealed.
Source: SL 2019, ch 14, § 4, eff. July 1, 2020; SL 2020, ch 8, § 4; SL 2024, ch 16, § 7.
2-1-1.7. Repealed.
Source: SL 2019, ch 14, § 5, eff. July 1, 2020; SL 2020, ch 8, § 5; SL 2024, ch 16, § 8.
2-1-1.8. Repealed.
Source: SL 2019, ch 14, § 6, eff. July 1, 2020; SL 2020, ch 8, § 6; SL 2024, ch 16, § 9.
2-1-1.9. Repealed.
Source: SL 2019, ch 14, § 7, eff. July 1, 2020; SL 2020, ch 8, § 7; SL 2024, ch 16, § 10.
2-1-2, 2-1-2.1. Repealed by SL 2012, ch 18, §§ 4, 5.
2-1-2.2. Withdrawal of initiated constitutional amendment.
A petition of the voters proposing an amendment to the Constitution may be withdrawn within the meaning of section 3 of article XXIII of the Constitution not later than one hundred twenty days prior to the next general election, if not less than two-thirds of the named sponsors file with the secretary of state, in writing, their request for withdrawal of the question from the ballot. The secretary of state shall attach to the petitions on file the request for withdrawal and shall take no other action thereon.
Source: SL 1974, ch 118, § 50.
2-1-2.3. Withdrawal of initiated measure.
A petition of the voters proposing an initiated measure may be withdrawn not later than one hundred twenty days prior to the next general election, if not less than two-thirds of the named sponsors file with the secretary of state, in writing, their request for withdrawal of the question from the ballot. The secretary of state shall attach to the petitions on file the request for withdrawal and shall take no other action thereon.
Source: SL 2009, ch 64, § 9, eff. July 1, 2010.
2-1-3. Referendum--Laws subject to petition--Form.
Any law which the Legislature may have enacted, except one that may be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, shall, upon the filing of a petition as provided in this chapter, be submitted to a vote of the electors of the state at the next general election. The petition shall be signed by not less than five percent of the qualified electors of the state. The form of the petition, including petition size and petition font size, shall be prescribed by the State Board of Elections.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0402; SL 1957, ch 278, § 2; SL 1976, ch 105, § 77; SL 2018, ch 75, § 4.
2-1-3.1. Referred law--Petition--Filing deadline--Contents--Signatures--Circulator handout.
The petition as it is to be circulated for a referred law must be filed with the secretary of state prior to circulation for signatures and must:
(1) Contain the title of the referred law;
(2) Contain the effective date of the referred law;
(3) Contain the date of the general election at which the referred law is to be submitted;
(4) Be accompanied by a notarized form signed by each person who is a petition sponsor that includes the names and addresses of each petition sponsor; and
(5) Be accompanied by a statement of organization as provided in § 12-27-6.
The petition must be filed with the secretary of state within ninety days after the adjournment of the Legislature that passed the referred law. A sworn affidavit, signed by at least two-thirds of the petition sponsors, stating that the documents filed constitute the entire petition and to the best of the knowledge of the sponsors contains a sufficient number of signatures, must also be filed with the secretary of state. The State Board of Elections shall prescribe the form of the petition and affidavit.
The petition circulator shall provide to each person who signs the petition a circulator handout containing the title of the referred law; any fiscal note or summary of a fiscal note obtained pursuant to § 2-9-32; the name, phone number, and email address of each petition sponsor; a statement whether the petition circulator is a volunteer or paid circulator and, if a paid circulator, the amount the circulator is being paid. The secretary of state shall approve the circulator handout for each referred law before the petition is circulated.
Source: SL 2012, ch 18, § 1; SL 2016, ch 23, § 3; SL 2017, ch 16, § 9; SL 2018, ch 21, § 3; SL 2018, ch 22, § 5; SL 2019, ch 14, § 10, eff. July 1, 2020; SL 2020, ch 8, § 13; SL 2024, ch 16, § 4.
2-1-3.2. Withdrawal of petition for referred law.
A petition of the voters referring a law to the vote of the electors pursuant to § 2-1-3 may be withdrawn no later than one hundred twenty days prior to the next general election, if no less than two-thirds of the petition sponsors file with the secretary of state, in writing, their request for withdrawal of the question from the ballot. The secretary of state shall attach to the petitions on file the request for withdrawal and shall take no other action thereon.
Source: SL 2012, ch 19, § 1.
2-1-4. Repealed by SL 2012, ch 18, § 6.
2-1-5. Total vote used to determine number of signers required in petitions.
The total number of votes cast for Governor at the last preceding gubernatorial election, shall for the purposes of this chapter, be the basis for determining the number of petitioners required.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0404; SL 1976, ch 105, § 78.
2-1-6. Persons qualified to sign petitions--False or unqualified signing as misdemeanor.
Every person who is a qualified voter may sign a petition to initiate a constitutional amendment or other measure or to refer a law. If a person, knowing he or she is not a qualified voter of the state or knowing that he or she has already signed the same petition, signs a petition for initiation of a constitutional amendment or other measure or for referral of legislation or if any person signs a name other than his or her own, that person is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Source: SDC 1939, §§ 55.0404, 55.9901; SL 1980, ch 24, § 15; SL 2007, ch 15, § 2.
2-1-6.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 23, § 3.
2-1-6.2. Repealed by SL 2012, ch 18, § 7.
2-1-7. Petitions to be signed in person.
Every petition proposing a measure shall be signed in person by the petitioners.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0403; SL 1957, ch 278, § 3; SL 2009, ch 64, § 7, eff. July 1, 2010.
2-1-8. Repealed by SL 1990, ch 104, § 1.
2-1-9. Separate papers constituting single petition.
A single petition may be made up of one or more papers, each having the requisite heading and verification.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0403; SL 1957, ch 278, § 3; SL 1986, ch 114, § 2.
2-1-10. Verification of petition circulator--Violation.
Before filing a petition to initiate an amendment to the Constitution, for an initiated measure, or for a referred law, with the officer in whose office the petition is required to be filed, each petition circulator shall sign a verification attesting that:
(1) The circulator personally circulated the petition;
(2) The circulator is not attesting to any signature obtained by any other person;
(3) The circulator is a resident of South Dakota;
(4) The circulator made reasonable inquiry and, to the best of the circulator's knowledge, each person signing the petition is a qualified voter of the state in the county indicated on the signature line; and
(5) No state statute regarding the circulation of petitions was knowingly violated.
The State Board of Elections shall prescribe the form for the verification. The circulator's signature on the verification shall be witnessed and notarized by a notary public commissioned in South Dakota or other officer authorized to administer oaths pursuant to § 18-3-1. Any person who falsely attests to the verification provision provided in subdivision (1) is guilty of a Class 6 felony. Any person who falsely attests to the verification provisions provided in subdivisions (2) to (5), inclusive, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0405; SL 1957, ch 278, § 4; SL 1974, ch 22; SL 1976, ch 105, § 79; SL 1989, ch 23, § 4; SL 2000, ch 19, § 1; SL 2007, ch 15, § 1; SL 2010, ch 74, § 1; SL 2018, ch 22, § 8; SL 2023, ch 9, § 1.
2-1-11. Petitions liberally construed.
The petitions herein provided for shall be liberally construed, so that the real intention of the petitioners may not be defeated by a mere technicality.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0406.
2-1-11.1. Initiated measure to embrace only one subject.
No initiated measure may embrace more than one subject, which shall be expressed in the title.
Source: SL 2018, ch 23, § 1.
2-1-12. Effective date of measures approved by voters.
Each constitutional amendment, initiated measure, or referred law that is approved by a majority of all votes cast is effective on the first day of July after the completion of the official canvass by the State Canvassing Board.
Source: SL 1979, ch 11, § 2; SL 2017, ch 11, § 1.
2-1-13. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 23, § 5.
2-1-14. Signatures secured contrary to law not to be counted.
All signatures secured in a manner contrary to the provisions of state law shall not be counted.
Source: SL 1988, ch 23, § 2; 1st SS 1991, ch 1, §§ 3, 4; SL 2019, ch 15, § 1.
2-1-15. Petition examined by secretary of state--Public record--Signature count--Random sample.
Upon the receiving of any initiative petition, referred law petition, or initiated constitutional amendment petition, the secretary of state shall promptly examine and catalogue the petition and petition signatures and make them available to the public upon request and payment of reasonable fees in accordance with § 1-8-10. No signature of a person may be counted by the secretary of state unless the person is a registered voter in the county indicated on the signature line. No signature of a person may be counted if the information required on the petition form is not accurate or complete. The secretary of state shall generate the random sample under § 2-1-16 within five days of completing the examination and cataloguing of the petition signatures and make available to the public the random sample validation sheets upon request and payment of reasonable fees in accordance with § 1-8-10.
Source: SL 2007, ch 16, § 1; SL 2019, ch 15, § 2; SL 2023, ch 8, § 3.
2-1-16. Signatures to be verified by random sampling--Methodology.
The secretary of state shall verify the signatures pursuant to § 2-1-15 by random sampling. The random sample of signatures to be verified shall be drawn so that each signature received by the secretary of state is given an equal opportunity to be included in the sample. The secretary of state shall calculate the number of valid signatures by multiplying the total number of signatures received by the percentage of successfully verified signatures from the random sample. The secretary of state shall promulgate rules, pursuant to chapter 1-26, establishing the methodology for conducting the random sample. The random sampling shall be an examination of the signatures received consisting of a number of signatures that is statistically correlative to not less than ninety-five percent level of confidence with a margin of error equal to not more than three and sixty-two one-hundredths percent.
Source: SL 2007, ch 16, § 2; SL 2017, ch 12, § 7.
2-1-17. Certification of results of random sampling--Notification of petition sponsors.
If the random sample indicates that a sufficient number of qualified electors have signed the petition, the secretary of state shall certify that the petition has been signed by the required number of qualified electors and shall place the proposed measure or amendment on the next general election ballot. If the random sample indicates that an insufficient number of qualified electors have signed the petition, the secretary of state shall certify that the petition has not been signed by the required number of qualified electors and may not place the proposed measure or amendment on the next general election ballot. The secretary of state shall, within five days of certifying, notify the petition sponsors by certified mail of the secretary of state's action pursuant to this section.
Source: SL 2007, ch 16, § 3; SL 2017, ch 12, § 1.
2-1-17.1. Submission of affidavit challenging petition to secretary of state--Appeal.
Not more than thirty days after a statewide petition for an initiated amendment to the Constitution, initiated measure, or referred law has been validated and filed, any interested person who has researched the signatures contained on the petition may submit a sworn affidavit to the Office of Secretary of State to challenge the petition. The sworn affidavit shall include each specific deficiency other than the following:
(1) Signer does not live at address listed on the petition;
(2) Circulator does not live at address listed on the petition;
(3) Circulator listed a residence address in South Dakota but is not a South Dakota resident;
(4) Circulator did not witness the signers;
(5) Signatures not included in the random sample; and
(6) Petition that was originally rejected.
Any challenge by the same person or party in interest shall be included in one sworn affidavit.
The original sworn affidavit shall be received by the Office of Secretary of State by 5:00 p.m. central time on the date. If the sworn affidavit challenges any deficiency prohibited under this section, that deficiency shall be rejected. A challenge to a deficiency is not a challenge to the petition as a whole.
No deficiency may be challenged a second time with the secretary of state. The secretary of state's decision regarding a challenge under this section may be appealed to the circuit court of Hughes County. Any person who does not challenge a petition pursuant to this section, may bring a challenge pursuant to § 2-1-18.
Source: SL 2017, ch 12, § 3; SL 2018, ch 24, § 1.
2-1-18. Court challenge to petition.
Nothing in §§ 2-1-15 to 2-1-18, inclusive, prohibits any interested person who has researched the signatures contained on a validated petition from challenging in circuit court the validity of any signature, the veracity of the petition circulator's attestation, or any other information required on a petition by statute or administrative rule, including any deficiency that is prohibited from challenge under § 2-1-17.1. The results of the process of signature verification by the Office of the Secretary of State under chapter 2-1 shall be presumed valid as applied to all signatures for purposes of considering any additional ground for disqualifying petition signatures, including any ground listed in subdivisions 2-1-17.1(1) to 2-1-17.1(4), inclusive, and cumulating total valid signatures to determine the results of an appeal under § 2-1-17.1. The summons and complaint for a challenge under this section shall be served on each petition sponsor as a party defending the validated petition being challenged. Any appearance by the attorney general at a challenge under this section shall be limited to the process of signature verification by the Office of the Secretary of State under chapter 2-1. For purposes of determining whether a sufficient number of valid signatures has been submitted, the interested person may elect to proceed with a challenge limited to the sample generated in accordance with § 2-1-16, with the resulting valid sample percentage applied to the entirety of the petition signatures.
Source: SL 2007, ch 16, § 4; SL 2017, ch 12, § 2; SL 2018, ch 24, § 2; SL 2019, ch 15, § 3.
2-1-18.1. Petition signature withdrawal--Written notification.
An individual who has signed a petition to initiate a constitutional amendment or measure, or to refer a law, may submit a written notification to the secretary of state stating that the individual's name be withdrawn from the petition. A signature may be withdrawn as provided in § 2-1-18.2.
The written notification must include:
(1) The title of the petition;
(2) The printed name, signature, residence address, and county of registration of the individual withdrawing the individual's signature from the petition; and
(3) A statement that the individual is withdrawing the individual's signature from the petition.
The individual’s signature on the written statement must be witnessed and notarized by a notary public commissioned in South Dakota or other officer authorized to administer oaths pursuant to § 18-3-1. For a written notification to withdraw a signature to be valid under this section, an individual must submit the written notification to the secretary of state at any time before the petition from which the individual is submitting a written notification for withdrawal under this section and § 2-1-18.2 is filed and certified for placement on the next general election ballot under § 2-1-17.
The written notification may be delivered by hand, or United States registered mail to the secretary of state.
Source: SL 2024, ch 17, § 1, eff. Mar. 14, 2024.
2-1-18.2. Petition signature withdrawal--Challenge required.
If a challenge to a validated petition is filed pursuant to § 2-1-17.1 or 2-1-18, the secretary of state must provide to each party to the proceeding all written notifications, submitted under § 2-1-18.1, that pertain to the validated petition being challenged. If a signature is withdrawn pursuant to § 2-1-18.1, the signature is deemed withdrawn from the petition and may not be counted as valid in a challenge.
Source: SL 2024, ch 17, § 2, eff. Mar. 14, 2024.
2-1-21. Violations by petition sponsor or circulator--Four-year prohibition--Civil penalty.
If any petition sponsor, or any person or entity compensated by the petition sponsor or a ballot question committee for purposes of petition circulation, knowingly or with reckless disregard commits multiple violations of the law regarding petition circulation, residency of a petition circulator, or campaign finance regulation, the petition sponsor, person, or entity, including any person serving as a member of the board or as an officer of the entity, is prohibited from being a petition sponsor or petition circulator, and from performing any work for any ballot question committee for a period of four years in addition to any other penalty imposed under state or federal law. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall also result in a civil penalty of up to five thousand dollars to be deposited into the state general fund.
Source: SL 2018, ch 22, § 7.
2-2-1 2-2-1 to 2-2-8. Repealed by SL 1981, ch 14, § 10.
2-2-9 2-2-9. Transferred to § 2-2-20.1.
2-2-10 2-2-10 to 2-2-13. Repealed by SL 1981, ch 14, § 10.
2-2-14 2-2-14 to 2-2-22. Repealed by SL 1991 (1st SS) ch 1, § 9.
2-2-23 2-2-23 to 2-2-31. Repealed by SL 2001 (SS) ch 2, § 9.
2-2-32 2-2-32 to 2-2-40. Repealed by SL 2011 (SS), ch 1, § 12, eff. Jan. 23, 2012.
2-2-41 Legislative policy in redistricting.
2-2-42 Number of senators and senate districts.
2-2-43 Repealed.
2-2-43.1 Senatorial districts described.
2-2-44 Number of representatives and house districts.
2-2-45 Number of senators from each district.
2-2-46 Number of representatives from each district.
2-2-47 Repealed.
2-2-47.1 Single-member house districts--District No. 26.
2-2-48 Repealed.
2-2-48.1 Single-member house districts--District No. 28.
2-2-49 Ideal population of a senate and house district.
2-2-50 Voting district boundaries.
2-2-51 Attachment of omitted areas.
2-2-41. Legislative policy in redistricting.
The Legislature, in making the 2021 redistricting, determines, as a matter of policy, that the following principles are of primary significance:
(1) Adherence to standards of population deviance as established by judicial precedent and to standards of population deviance as prescribed by S.D. Const., Art. III, § 5;
(2) Protection of communities of interest by means of compact and contiguous districts;
(3) Respect for geographical and political boundaries; and
(4) Protection of minority voting rights consistent with the United States Constitution, the South Dakota Constitution, and federal statutes, as interpreted by the United States Supreme Court and other courts with jurisdiction.
Source: SL 2011 (SS), ch 1, § 1, eff. Jan. 23, 2012; SL 2021, ch 16, § 1.
2-2-42. Number of senators and senate districts.
The state shall be divided into thirty-five senatorial districts, as specified in § 2-2-43.1, and the Senate shall consist of thirty-five members.
Source: SL 2011 (SS), ch 1, § 2, eff. Jan. 23, 2012; SL 2021 (1SS), ch 1, § 4, eff. Feb. 9, 2022.
2-2-43. Repealed.
Source: SL 2011 (SS), ch 1, § 3, eff. Jan. 23, 2012; SL 2015, ch 56 (HJR 1005), eff. May 1, 2015; SL 2021 (1SS), ch 1, § 11, eff. Feb. 9, 2022.
2-2-43.1. Senatorial districts described.
The senatorial districts are as follows:
(1) District No. 1:
(a) Day and Marshall counties;
(b) The portion of Brown County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 14 Oneota-Brnrd-Wstprt-GrlndTwp-WestprtCty, VTD-precinct 17 Highland-NewHope-WarnerTwp-Warner, VTD-precinct 18 Gem-WRondell-ERondellTwp-Stratford, VTD-precinct 19, VTD-precinct 20 SDetroit-ClaremontTwp-ClaremontCity, VTD-precinct 21 Lbrt-Hcla-Prt-Grnld-Lnsg-Nth-DtrtTwp-HclCy, and VTD-precinct 22 Plmr-Ocla-Savo-Alsn-Frdrck-RchdTwp-FrdrCy;
(c) The portion of Roberts County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 1 Bossko-Norway-MinnesotaTwps-ClareCityTown, VTD-precinct 3 Lien-HartTwps-NewEffingtonTown, VTD-precinct 4 Ortley-AltoTwps-OrtleyTown, VTD-precinct 6 HarmonTwp-RosholtTown, VTD-precinct 7 Victor-Brnt-WhiteRockTwps-WhitRckTown, VTD-precinct 8 SummitTwp-SummitTown, VTD-precinct 12-Sisseton ward 1, VTD-precinct 13-Sisseton ward 2, VTD-precinct 14-Sisseton ward 3, VTD-precinct 10-OneRoad-GoodwillTwps, and VTD-precinct 11-DrywoodLake-Enterprise-Grant-LongHollow-SissetonTwps, N&E of SissetonTown;
(d) The portion of Brown County in VTD-precinct 12 EAberdeen, the blocks of: 460139519003004, 460139519003005, 460139519003006, 460139519003007, 460139519003008, 460139519003009, 460139519003010, 460139519003011, 460139519003012, 460139519003013, 460139519003014, 460139519003015, 460139519003016, 460139519003017, 460139519003018, 460139519003019, 460139519003020, 460139519003021, 460139519003026, 460139519003298, 460139520004240, 460139520004241, 460139520004255, 460139520005268, 460139520005269, 460139520005270, 460139520005271, 460139520005272, 460139520005273, 460139520005274, 460139520005275, 460139520005276, 460139520005277, 460139520005278, 460139520005281, 460139520005282, 460139520005284, 460139520005285, 460139520005286, 460139520005287, 460139520005288, 460139520005289, 460139520005290, 460139520005291, 460139520005292, 460139520005293, 460139520005294, 460139520005295, 460139520005296, 460139520005297, 460139520005298, 460139520005299, 460139520005300, 460139520005301, 460139520005302, 460139520005303, 460139520005304, 460139520005305, 460139520005306, 460139520005307, 460139520005308, 460139520005309, 460139520005310, 460139520005311, 460139520005312, 460139520005313, 460139520005314, 460139520005315, 460139520005316, 460139520005317, 460139520005318, 460139520005319, 460139520005320, 460139520005321, 460139520005322, 460139520005325, 460139520005326, 460139520005327, 460139520005328, 460139520005339, 460139520005340, 460139520005341;
(e) The portion of Brown County in VTD-precinct 13 Shlby-Clmbia-Cmbria-OrdwyTwp-ClmbiaCity, the blocks of: 460139514004000, 460139520003179, 460139520003180, 460139520003181, 460139520003189, 460139520003190, 460139520003191, 460139520003192, 460139520003193, 460139520003194, 460139520003195, 460139520003196, 460139520003198, 460139520003199, 460139520003202, 460139520003203, 460139520003204, 460139520003205, 460139520003206, 460139520003207, 460139520003208, 460139520003209, 460139520003210, 460139520003211, 460139520003212, 460139520003213, 460139520003214, 460139520003215, 460139520003216, 460139520003217, 460139520003218, 460139520003221, 460139520003222, 460139520003223, 460139520003224, 460139520003225, 460139520003226, 460139520003227, 460139520003228, 460139520003229, 460139520003230, 460139520003231, 460139520003234, 460139520003235, 460139520003236, 460139520003237, 460139520003240, 460139520003241, 460139520003242, 460139520003243, 460139520003244, 460139520003245, 460139520003248, 460139520003249, 460139520003250, 460139520003251, 460139520004083, 460139520004084, 460139520004085, 460139520004086, 460139520004087, 460139520004088, 460139520004089, 460139520004090, 460139520004091, 460139520004092, 460139520004093, 460139520004094, 460139520004095, 460139520004096, 460139520004101, 460139520004102, 460139520004103, 460139520004104, 460139520004105, 460139520004107, 460139520004109, 460139520004110, 460139520004111, 460139520004112, 460139520004113, 460139520004114, 460139520004115, 460139520004116, 460139520004117, 460139520004118, 460139520004119, 460139520004120, 460139520004121, 460139520004122, 460139520004123, 460139520004124, 460139520004125, 460139520004126, 460139520004127, 460139520004128, 460139520004129, 460139520004130, 460139520004131, 460139520004132, 460139520004133, 460139520004134, 460139520004135, 460139520004136, 460139520004137, 460139520004138, 460139520004139, 460139520004140, 460139520004141, 460139520004142, 460139520004143, 460139520004144, 460139520004145, 460139520004146, 460139520004147, 460139520004148, 460139520004149, 460139520004150, 460139520004151, 460139520004152, 460139520004153, 460139520004154, 460139520004155, 460139520004156, 460139520004216, 460139520004217, 460139520004218, 460139520004219, 460139520004220, 460139520004221, 460139520004228, 460139520004229, 460139520004230, 460139520004231, 460139520004232, 460139520004233, 460139520004234, 460139520004235, 460139520004236, 460139520004237, 460139520004238, 460139520004239, 460139520004245, 460139520004267, 460139520004268, 460139520004269, 460139520004273, 460139520004274, 460139520004275, 460139520004278, 460139520005063, 460139520005064, 460139520005065, 460139520005067, 460139520005068, 460139520005127, 460139520005128, 460139520005129, 460139520005130, 460139520005131, 460139520005132, 460139520005151, 460139520005152, 460139520005153, 460139520005154, 460139520005155, 460139520005156, 460139520005157, 460139520005162, 460139520005163, 460139520005164, 460139520005165, 460139520005166, 460139520005167, 460139520005168, 460139520005169, 460139520005170, 460139520005171, 460139520005172, 460139520005173, 460139520005174, 460139520005175, 460139520005176, 460139520005177, 460139520005178, 460139520005179, 460139520005180, 460139520005181, 460139520005182, 460139520005183, 460139520005184, 460139520005185, 460139520005186, 460139520005187, 460139520005188, 460139520005189, 460139520005190, 460139520005191, 460139520005192, 460139520005193, 460139520005194, 460139520005195, 460139520005196, 460139520005197, 460139520005198, 460139520005199, 460139520005200, 460139520005201, 460139520005202, 460139520005203, 460139520005204, 460139520005205, 460139520005206, 460139520005207, 460139520005208, 460139520005209, 460139520005210, 460139520005211, 460139520005212, 460139520005213, 460139520005214, 460139520005215, 460139520005216, 460139520005217, 460139520005218, 460139520005219, 460139520005220, 460139520005221, 460139520005226, 460139520005227, 460139520005228, 460139520005229, 460139520005230, 460139520005231, 460139520005232, 460139520005233, 460139520005234, 460139520005235, 460139520005236, 460139520005237, 460139520005238, 460139520005239, 460139520005240, 460139520005241, 460139520005242, 460139520005243, 460139520005244, 460139520005245, 460139520005246, 460139520005247, 460139520005248, 460139520005249, 460139520005250, 460139520005251, 460139520005252, 460139520005253, 460139520005254, 460139520005255, 460139520005256, 460139520005257, 460139520005258, 460139520005259, 460139520005260, 460139520005261, 460139520005262, 460139520005263, 460139520005266, 460139520005267, 460139520005279, 460139520005280, 460139520005329, 460139520005331, 460139520005344;
(f) The portion of Brown County in VTD-precinct 15 Franklin-Carlisle-Ravinia-Mercier-LincolnTwp, the blocks of: 460139513002000, 460139513002001, 460139513002002, 460139513002003, 460139513002004, 460139513002005, 460139513002006, 460139513002007, 460139513002008, 460139513002009, 460139513002012, 460139513002013, 460139513002014, 460139513002015, 460139513002016, 460139513002017, 460139513002018, 460139513002019, 460139513002022, 460139513002023, 460139514004012, 460139520001284, 460139520001294, 460139520001295, 460139520001296, 460139520001297, 460139520001298, 460139520001299, 460139520001300, 460139520001301, 460139520001306, 460139520001307, 460139520001308, 460139520002005, 460139520002006, 460139520002007, 460139520002008, 460139520002009, 460139520002010, 460139520002011, 460139520002012, 460139520002013, 460139520002021, 460139520002022, 460139520002023, 460139520002040, 460139520002041, 460139520002042, 460139520002043, 460139520002044, 460139520002045, 460139520002046, 460139520002052, 460139520002053, 460139520002054, 460139520002055, 460139520002056, 460139520002057, 460139520002058, 460139520002059, 460139520002060, 460139520002061, 460139520002062, 460139520002063, 460139520002064, 460139520002065, 460139520002066, 460139520002067, 460139520002068, 460139520002069, 460139520002070, 460139520002071, 460139520002072, 460139520002073, 460139520002074, 460139520002075, 460139520002076, 460139520002077, 460139520002078, 460139520002079, 460139520002080, 460139520002081, 460139520002082, 460139520002083, 460139520002084, 460139520002085, 460139520002086, 460139520002087, 460139520002088, 460139520002089, 460139520002090, 460139520002091, 460139520002092, 460139520002093, 460139520002094, 460139520002095, 460139520002096, 460139520002097, 460139520002098, 460139520002099, 460139520002100, 460139520002101, 460139520002102, 460139520002103, 460139520002104, 460139520002105, 460139520002106, 460139520002107, 460139520002108, 460139520002109, 460139520002110, 460139520002111, 460139520002112, 460139520002113, 460139520002114, 460139520002115, 460139520002116, 460139520002117, 460139520002118, 460139520002119, 460139520002120, 460139520002121, 460139520002122, 460139520002123, 460139520002124, 460139520002125, 460139520002126, 460139520002127, 460139520002128, 460139520002134, 460139520002155, 460139520002156, 460139520002157, 460139520002158, 460139520002213, 460139520002214, 460139520002215, 460139520002216, 460139520002220, 460139520005098, 460139520005099, 460139520005100, 460139520005119, 460139520005120, 460139520005121, 460139520005122, 460139520005123, 460139520005124, 460139520005125, 460139520005126, 460139520005222, 460139520005223, 460139520005224, 460139520005225, 460139520005330;
(g) The portion of Brown County in VTD-precinct 16 WAberdeenTwp, the blocks of: 460139513002010, 460139513002011, 460139513002021, 460139513002026, 460139513002027, 460139513002028, 460139513002029, 460139513002030, 460139513002031;
(h) The portion of Roberts County in VTD-precinct 5 Agency-Lawrence-Becker-SpringGrove-EasterTwps-PeeverTown, the blocks of: 461099408001076, 461099408001077, 461099408001078, 461099408001079, 461099408001080, 461099408001081, 461099408001085, 461099408001086, 461099408001087, 461099408001088, 461099408001091, 461099408001092, 461099408001093, 461099408001094, 461099408001095, 461099408001097, 461099408001104, 461099408001105, 461099408002043, 461099408002044, 461099408002045, 461099408002046, 461099408002048, 461099408002049, 461099408002052, 461099408002055, 461099408002056, 461099408002057, 461099408002058, 461099408002059, 461099408002060, 461099408002061, 461099408002062, 461099408002063, 461099408002064, 461099408002065, 461099408002066, 461099408002071, 461099408002072, 461099408002073, 461099408002074, 461099408002075, 461099408002076, 461099408002081, 461099408002082, 461099408002083, 461099408002084, 461099408002085, 461099408002086, 461099408002087, 461099408002088, 461099408002089, 461099408002090, 461099408002091, 461099408002092, 461099408002093, 461099408002094, 461099408002095, 461099408002096, 461099408002097, 461099408002098, 461099408002099, 461099408002100, 461099408002101, 461099408002102, 461099408002103, 461099408002104, 461099408002105, 461099408002106, 461099408002107, 461099408002108, 461099408002109, 461099408002110, 461099408002111, 461099408002112, 461099408002113, 461099408002114, 461099408002115, 461099408002116, 461099408002117, 461099408002118, 461099408002119, 461099408002120, 461099408002121, 461099408002122, 461099408002123, 461099408002124, 461099408002125, 461099408002126, 461099408002127, 461099408002128, 461099408002129, 461099408002130, 461099408002131, 461099408002132, 461099408002133, 461099408002134, 461099408002135, 461099408002136, 461099408002137, 461099408002138, 461099408002139, 461099408002140, 461099408002141, 461099408002142, 461099408002143, 461099408002144, 461099408002145, 461099408002146, 461099408002147, 461099408002148, 461099408002149, 461099408002150, 461099408002151, 461099408002152, 461099408002153, 461099408002154, 461099408002155, 461099408002158, 461099408002159, 461099408003000, 461099408003001, 461099408003002, 461099408003003, 461099408003004, 461099408003005, 461099408003006, 461099408003007, 461099408003008, 461099408003009, 461099408003010, 461099408003011, 461099408003012, 461099408003013, 461099408003014, 461099408003015, 461099408003016, 461099408003017, 461099408003018, 461099408003019, 461099408003020, 461099408003021, 461099408003022, 461099408003023, 461099408003024, 461099408003025, 461099408003026, 461099408003027, 461099408003028, 461099408003029, 461099408003030, 461099408003031, 461099408003032, 461099408003033, 461099408003034, 461099408003035, 461099408003036, 461099408003037, 461099408003038, 461099408003039, 461099408003040, 461099408003041, 461099408003042, 461099408003043, 461099408003044, 461099408003045, 461099408003046, 461099408003047, 461099408003048, 461099408003049, 461099408003050, 461099408003051, 461099408003052, 461099408003053, 461099408003054, 461099408003055, 461099408003056, 461099408003057, 461099408003058, 461099408003099, 461099408003100, 461099408003101, 461099408003102, 461099408003103, 461099408003104, 461099408003105, 461099408003136, 461099408003137, 461099408003138, 461099408003139, 461099408003140, 461099408003141, 461099408003142, 461099408003143, 461099408003144, 461099408003145, 461099408003146, 461099408003147, 461099408003148, 461099408003149, 461099408003150, 461099408003151, 461099408003152, 461099408003153, 461099408003154, 461099408003155, 461099408003156, 461099408003157, 461099408003158, 461099408003159, 461099408003160, 461099408003161, 461099408003162, 461099408003170, 461099408003171, 461099408003186, 461099408003187, 461099408003341, 461099408003342, 461099408003343, 461099408003344, 461099408003345, 461099408003346, 461099408003347, 461099408003348, 461099408003349, 461099408003350, 461099408003351, 461099408003352, 461099408003353, 461099408003355, 461099408003356, 461099408003357; and
(i) The portion of Roberts County in VTD-precinct 9 Lee-Lake-SpringdaleTwps-WilmotTown, the blocks of: 461099408003163, 461099408003164, 461099408003165, 461099408003166, 461099408003167, 461099408003168, 461099408003169, 461099408003172, 461099408003173, 461099408003177, 461099408003178, 461099408003179, 461099408003340.
(2) District No. 2:
(a) The portion of Minnehaha County consisting of precincts VTD VP 05, VTD VP 15, and VTD 4-11;
(b) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 2-7, the blocks of: 460990104011000, 460990104011001, 460990104011002, 460990104011004, 460990104011006, 460990104011008, 460990104011010, 460990104011011, 460990104011012, 460990104011013, 460990104011014, 460990104011015, 460990104011016, 460990104011017, 460990104011018, 460990104011019, 460990104011020, 460990104011021, 460990104011024, 460990104011025;
(c) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 2-14, the blocks of: 460990104012001, 460990104012002, 460990104012003, 460990104012004, 460990104012005, 460990104012006, 460990104012007, 460990104012008, 460990104012009, 460990104012010, 460990104012011, 460990104012012, 460990104012013, 460990104012014, 460990104012015, 460990104012016, 460990104012017, 460990104012018, 460990104012019, 460990104012020, 460990104012021, 460990104012022, 460990104012023, 460990104012024, 460990104012025, 460990104012026, 460990104012027, 460990104012028, 460990104012029, 460990104013064, 460990104013065, 460990104013081, 460990104013085, 460990104013086, 460990104013087, 460990104013088, 460990104022035, 460990104022036;
(d) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 4-7, the block of 460990104031083;
(e) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 4-10, the blocks of: 460990004053016, 460990004053017, 460990004053021, 460990004053022, 460990004053023, 460990004072000, 460990004072001, 460990004072002, 460990004072003, 460990004072004, 460990004073000, 460990004073001, 460990004073002, 460990004073005, 460990004073006, 460990004073007, 460990004073008, 460990004073009, 460990004073010, 460990004073014, 460990004073015, 460990004073016, 460990004073017, 460990004073018, 460990004073035, 460990104013035;
(f) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 4-12, the blocks of 460990104013036 and 460990104013037;
(g) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD VP 01, the blocks of: 460990104021038, 460990104021039, 460990104021040, 460990104021041, 460990104021042, 460990104021043, 460990104021045, 460990104021046, 460990104021047, 460990104021048, 460990104021049, 460990104021050, 460990104021051, 460990104021077, 460990104021078, 460990104021079, 460990104021096, 460990104021097, 460990104021098, 460990104021099, 460990104021100, 460990104021101, 460990104021102, 460990104021103, 460990104021104, 460990104021105, 460990104021106, 460990104021107, 460990104021108, 460990104021109, 460990104021110, 460990104021111, 460990104021112, 460990104021113, 460990104021114, 460990104021115, 460990104021116, 460990104021117, 460990104021118, 460990104021119, 460990104021120, 460990104021121, 460990104021122, 460990104021123, 460990104021124, 460990104021125, 460990104021126, 460990104021127, 460990104021128, 460990104021129, 460990104021130, 460990104021131, 460990104021132, 460990104021133, 460990104021134, 460990104021135, 460990104021136, 460990104021137, 460990104021138, 460990104021139, 460990104021140, 460990104021141, 460990104021142, 460990104021143, 460990104021144, 460990104021145, 460990104021146, 460990104021147, 460990104021148, 460990104021149, 460990104021150, 460990104021151, 460990104021152, 460990104021153, 460990104021154, 460990104021155, 460990104021158, 460990104021159, 460990104021160, 460990104021161, 460990104021162, 460990104021163, 460990104021164, 460990104021165, 460990104021166, 460990104021168, 460990104021169, 460990104021170, 460990104021171, 460990104021172, 460990104021173, 460990104021174, 460990104021175, 460990104021176, 460990104021177, 460990104021178, 460990104021179;
(h) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD VP 02, the blocks of: 460990104011003, 460990104011005, 460990104011007, 460990104011009, 460990104011022, 460990104011023, 460990104012000, 460990104013008, 460990104013012, 460990104013029, 460990104013030, 460990104013031, 460990104013032, 460990104013033, 460990104013034, 460990104013040, 460990104013041, 460990104013042, 460990104013045, 460990104013046, 460990104013047, 460990104013048, 460990104013049, 460990104013050, 460990104013051, 460990104013052, 460990104013053, 460990104013054, 460990104013055, 460990104013056, 460990104013058, 460990104013059, 460990104013060, 460990104013061, 460990104013062, 460990104013063, 460990104013066, 460990104013067, 460990104013068, 460990104013069, 460990104013070, 460990104013071, 460990104013072, 460990104013073, 460990104013074, 460990104013075, 460990104013076, 460990104013077, 460990104013078, 460990104013079, 460990104013080, 460990104013082, 460990104013083, 460990104013084, 460990104022000, 460990104022001, 460990104022002, 460990104022003, 460990104022004, 460990104022005, 460990104022006, 460990104022007, 460990104022008, 460990104022009, 460990104022010, 460990104022011, 460990104022012, 460990104022013, 460990104022014, 460990104022015, 460990104022016, 460990104022018, 460990104022019, 460990104022020, 460990104022021, 460990104022022, 460990104022023, 460990104022024, 460990104022025, 460990104022026, 460990104022027, 460990104022028, 460990104022029, 460990104022030, 460990104022031, 460990104022032, 460990104022033, 460990104022034, 460990104022037, 460990104022038, 460990104031042, 460990104031043, 460990104031044, 460990104031045, 460990104031046, 460990104031047, 460990104031048, 460990104031049, 460990104031050, 460990104031051, 460990104031052, 460990104031053, 460990104031054, 460990104031055, 460990104031056, 460990104031057, 460990104031058, 460990104031059, 460990104031068, 460990104031069, 460990104031070, 460990104031071, 460990104031072, 460990104031084, 460990104031085, 460990104031086, 460990104031087, 460990104031088, 460990104031089, 460990104031090, 460990104031091, 460990104031092, 460990104031094, 460990104031095, 460990104031096, 460990104031097, 460990104031102, 460990104031122, 460990104031126, 460990104031127, 460990104031128, 460990104031129, 460990105021017, 460990105021018, 460990105021038, 460990105021039, 460990105022000, 460990105022001, 460990105022002, 460990105022046, 460990105022047, 460990105022048, 460990105022049, 460990105022050, 460990105022051, 460990105022052, 460990105022053, 460990105022054, 460990105022055; and
(i) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD VP 03, the blocks of: 460990104021052, 460990104021053, 460990104021054, 460990104021055, 460990104021058, 460990104021059, 460990104021060, 460990104021061, 460990104021062, 460990104021063, 460990104021066, 460990104021067, 460990104021068, 460990104021069, 460990104021070, 460990104021071, 460990104021072, 460990104021073, 460990104021074, 460990104021075, 460990104021076, 460990104021080, 460990104021081, 460990104021082, 460990104021083, 460990104021084, 460990104021086, 460990104021087, 460990104021091, 460990104021092, 460990104021093, 460990104021094, 460990104021095, 460990104021156, 460990104021157, 460990104031000, 460990104031001, 460990104031002, 460990104031003, 460990104031004, 460990104031006, 460990104031008, 460990104031011, 460990104031012, 460990104031013, 460990104031014, 460990104031015, 460990104031016, 460990104031017, 460990104031018, 460990104031019, 460990104031020, 460990104031021, 460990104031024, 460990104031025, 460990104031026, 460990104031027, 460990104031031, 460990104031032, 460990104031033, 460990104031038, 460990104031039, 460990104031040, 460990104031041, 460990104031073, 460990104031074, 460990104031075, 460990104031076, 460990104043015, 460990104043016, 460990104043017, 460990104043018, 460990104043019, 460990104043020, 460990105011000, 460990105011001, 460990105011002, 460990105011003, 460990105011004, 460990105011005, 460990105011007, 460990105011008, 460990105011021, 460990105013000, 460990105013007, 460990105021013, 460990105021014, 460990105021015, 460990105021016.
(3) District No. 3:
(a) The portion of Brown County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 1 Aberdeen, VTD-precinct 2 Aberdeen, VTD-precinct 3 Aberdeen, VTD-precinct 4 Aberdeen, VTD-precinct 5 Aberdeen, VTD-precinct 6 Aberdeen, VTD-precinct 7 Aberdeen, VTD-precinct 9 Aberdeen, VTD-precinct 10 Aberdeen, VTD-precinct 11 Aberdeen;
(b) The portion of Brown County in VTD-precinct 12 EAberdeen, the blocks of: 460139514004001, 460139514004002, 460139514004003, 460139514004004, 460139514004005, 460139514004006, 460139514004007, 460139514004008, 460139514004013, 460139514004014, 460139514004015, 460139514004016, 460139514004017, 460139514004018, 460139514004019, 460139514004020, 460139514004021, 460139514004023, 460139514004032, 460139514004034, 460139514004039, 460139514004040, 460139514004041, 460139514004043, 460139514004044, 460139514004046, 460139514004056, 460139514004057, 460139514004059, 460139514004060, 460139514005000, 460139514005001, 460139514005010, 460139514005012, 460139517002022, 460139517002066, 460139517002067, 460139517002070, 460139517002079, 460139517002086, 460139518001000, 460139518001002, 460139518001003, 460139518001008, 460139518001014, 460139518001017, 460139518001028, 460139518001029, 460139518001030, 460139518001055, 460139518001056, 460139518001057, 460139518001058, 460139518001059, 460139518001060, 460139518001061, 460139518001062, 460139518001066, 460139518001067, 460139518001068, 460139518001070, 460139518001071, 460139518001072;
(c) The portion of Brown County in VTD-precinct 8 Aberdeen, the blocks of: 460139515002020, 460139515002021, 460139515002022, 460139515002027, 460139516002004, 460139516002005, 460139516002012, 460139516002013, 460139516002022, 460139516002023, 460139516002029;
(d) The portion of Brown County in VTD-precinct 13 Shlby-Clmbia-Cmbria-OrdwyTwp-ClmbiaCity, the blocks of: 460139514004009, 460139514004010, 460139514004011; and
(e) The portion of Brown County in VTD-precinct 16 WAberdeenTwp, the blocks of: 460139513002020, 460139513002024, 460139513002046, 460139513002047, 460139513002049, 460139513002054, 460139513002066, 460139513002070, 460139513002072, 460139513002073, 460139513002074, 460139513002077, 460139513002078, 460139513002081, 460139513002085, 460139513002086, 460139517001008, 460139517002000, 460139517002001.
(4) District No. 4:
(a) Deuel, Grant, and Hamlin counties;
(b) The portion of Clark County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 2, VTD-precinct 5, VTD-Clark city ward 3 (part of precinct 3), VTD-Clark city ward 1(part of precinct 4), and VTD-Clark city ward 2 (part of precinct 4);
(c) The portion of Roberts County consisting of precinct VTD-precinct 2 Geneseo-Lockwod-GarfieldTwp-CoronaTown;
(d) The portion of Clark County in VTD-precinct 1, the blocks of: 460259558001006, 460259558001007, 460259558001008, 460259558001009, 460259558001010, 460259558001011, 460259558001012, 460259558001068, 460259558001069, 460259558001070, 460259558001072, 460259558001073, 460259558001074, 460259558001075, 460259558001076, 460259558001077, 460259558001078, 460259558001086, 460259558001092, 460259558001093, 460259558001094, 460259558001095, 460259558001096, 460259558001097, 460259558001098, 460259558001099, 460259558001100, 460259558001101, 460259558001102, 460259558001103, 460259558001104, 460259558001105, 460259558001106, 460259558001107, 460259558001108, 460259558001109, 460259558001110, 460259558001111, 460259558001112, 460259558001113, 460259558001114, 460259558001115, 460259558001116, 460259558001117, 460259558001118, 460259558001119, 460259558001120, 460259558001121, 460259558001122, 460259558001123, 460259558001124, 460259558001125, 460259558001134, 460259558001135, 460259558001136, 460259558001137, 460259558001138, 460259558001139, 460259558001140, 460259558001141, 460259558001142, 460259558001143, 460259558001152, 460259558001153, 460259558001154, 460259558001155, 460259558001156, 460259558001157, 460259558001158, 460259558001165, 460259558001166, 460259558001172, 460259558001173, 460259558001174, 460259558001175, 460259558001176, 460259558001177, 460259558001178, 460259558001179, 460259558001180, 460259558001181, 460259558001182, 460259558001183, 460259558001184, 460259558001185, 460259558001186, 460259558001187, 460259558001188, 460259558001189, 460259558001190, 460259558001191, 460259558001192, 460259558001193, 460259558001194, 460259558001207, 460259558001208, 460259558001209, 460259558001210, 460259558001211, 460259558001212, 460259558001213, 460259558001214, 460259558001215, 460259558001222, 460259558001223, 460259558001224, 460259558001225, 460259558001226, 460259558001227, 460259558001228, 460259558001229, 460259558001230, 460259558001231, 460259558001232, 460259558001233, 460259558001234, 460259558001235, 460259558001242, 460259558001243, 460259558001244, 460259558001245, 460259558001246, 460259558001247, 460259558001248, 460259558001249, 460259558001250, 460259558001251, 460259558001258, 460259558001262, 460259558001263, 460259558001264, 460259558001265, 460259558001266, 460259558001267, 460259558001268, 460259558002000, 460259558002001, 460259558002002, 460259558002003, 460259558002004, 460259558002005, 460259558002006, 460259558002007, 460259558002008, 460259558002009, 460259558002010, 460259558002011, 460259558002012, 460259558002013, 460259558002029, 460259558002139, 460259558003000, 460259558003001, 460259558003021, 460259558004000, 460259558004001, 460259558004002, 460259558005114, 460259558005115, 460259558005127, 460259558005128, 460259558005129, 460259558005205, 460259558005213, 460259558005214, 460259558005215, 460259558005216, 460259558005279, 460259558005280, 460259558005281, 460259558005282, 460259558005283, 460259558005284, 460259558005285, 460259558005286, 460259558005287;
(e) The portion of Clark County in VTD-precinct 3, the blocks of 460259558003040 and 460259558003041;
(f) The portion of Codington County in VTD-precinct 2, the blocks of: 460299545011031, 460299546001002, 460299546001003, 460299546001004, 460299546001005, 460299546001006, 460299546001007, 460299546001008, 460299546001009, 460299546001010, 460299546001011, 460299546001012, 460299546001013, 460299546001014, 460299546001015, 460299546001016, 460299546001017, 460299546001018, 460299546001019, 460299546001020, 460299546001021, 460299546001022, 460299546001023, 460299546001024, 460299546001025, 460299546001026, 460299546001027, 460299546001028, 460299546001029, 460299546001030, 460299546001031, 460299546001032, 460299546001034, 460299546001035, 460299546001036, 460299546001037, 460299546001038, 460299546001039, 460299546001040, 460299546001041, 460299546001042, 460299546001043, 460299546001044, 460299546001045, 460299546001046, 460299546001047, 460299546001048, 460299546001049, 460299546001050, 460299546001051, 460299546001052, 460299546001054, 460299546001055, 460299546001056, 460299546001057, 460299546001058, 460299546001059, 460299546001060, 460299546001061, 460299546001062, 460299546001063, 460299546001064, 460299546001065, 460299546001066, 460299546001067, 460299546001068, 460299546001069, 460299546001070, 460299546001071, 460299546001072, 460299546001073, 460299546001074, 460299546001075, 460299546001076, 460299546001077, 460299546001078, 460299546001079, 460299546001080, 460299546001081, 460299546001082, 460299546001083, 460299546001084, 460299546001085, 460299546001086, 460299546001087, 460299546001088, 460299546001089, 460299546001090, 460299546001091, 460299546001092, 460299546001093, 460299546001094, 460299546001095, 460299546001096, 460299546001097, 460299546001098, 460299546001099, 460299546001100, 460299546001101, 460299546001102, 460299546001103, 460299546001104, 460299546001105, 460299546001106, 460299546001107, 460299546001108, 460299546001109, 460299546001110, 460299546001111, 460299546001112, 460299546001113, 460299546001114, 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(g) The portion of Codington County in VTD Voting District 3, the blocks of: 460299541001005, 460299541001006, 460299541001007, 460299541001008, 460299541001009, 460299541001010, 460299541001011, 460299541001012, 460299541001013, 460299541001014, 460299541001015, 460299541001016, 460299541001017, 460299541001018, 460299541001019, 460299541001020, 460299541001021, 460299541001022, 460299541001023, 460299541001024, 460299541001025, 460299541001026, 460299541001027, 460299541001028, 460299541001029, 460299541001030, 460299541001031, 460299541001032, 460299541001033, 460299541001034, 460299541001035, 460299541001036, 460299541001037, 460299541001060, 460299541001061, 460299541001081, 460299541001082, 460299541001083, 460299541001084, 460299541001085, 460299541001086, 460299541001087, 460299541001088, 460299541001089, 460299541001096, 460299541001097, 460299541001110, 460299541001111, 460299541001112, 460299541001113, 460299541001114, 460299541001115, 460299541001116, 460299541001117, 460299541001118, 460299541001119, 460299541001120, 460299541001121, 460299541001122, 460299541001123, 460299541001124, 460299541001125, 460299541001126, 460299541001127, 460299541001128, 460299541001129, 460299541001130, 460299541001131, 460299541001132, 460299541001133, 460299541001134, 460299541001135, 460299541001136, 460299541001137, 460299541001138, 460299541001139, 460299541001140, 460299541001141, 460299541001142, 460299541001143, 460299541001144, 460299541001145, 460299541001146, 460299541001147, 460299541001148, 460299541001149, 460299541001150, 460299541001151, 460299541001152, 460299541001153, 460299541001154, 460299541001155, 460299541001156, 460299541001157, 460299541001158, 460299541001159, 460299541001160, 460299541001161, 460299541001162, 460299541001163, 460299541001189, 460299541001190, 460299541001192, 460299541001205, 460299546002000, 460299546002001, 460299546002002, 460299546002003, 460299546002004, 460299546002005, 460299546002006, 460299546002007, 460299546002008, 460299546002009, 460299546002010, 460299546002011, 460299546002012, 460299546002013, 460299546002014, 460299546002015, 460299546002016, 460299546002017, 460299546002018, 460299546002019, 460299546002032, 460299546002033, 460299546002034, 460299546002035, 460299546002036, 460299546002037, 460299546002038, 460299546002039, 460299546002040, 460299546002041, 460299546002042, 460299546002043, 460299546002044, 460299546002045, 460299546002046, 460299546002047, 460299546002048, 460299546002049, 460299546002050, 460299546002051, 460299546002052, 460299546002053, 460299546002054, 460299546002055, 460299546002056, 460299546002057, 460299546002058, 460299546002059, 460299546002060, 460299546002061, 460299546002062, 460299546002063, 460299546002064, 460299546002065, 460299546002066, 460299546002067, 460299546002068, 460299546002069, 460299546002070, 460299546002071, 460299546002111, 460299546002113, 460299546002114, 460299546002115, 460299546002116, 460299546002117, 460299546002118, 460299546002119, 460299546002120, 460299546002121, 460299546002122, 460299546002123, 460299546002124, 460299546002130, 460299546002131, 460299546002132, 460299546002135, 460299546002136, 460299546002137, 460299546002138, 460299546002139, 460299546002140, 460299546002141, 460299546002142, 460299546002143, 460299546002144, 460299546002145, 460299546002146, 460299546002147, 460299546002148, 460299546002149, 460299546002150, 460299546002151, 460299546002152, 460299546002153, 460299546002154, 460299546002155, 460299546002159, 460299546002160, 460299546002161, 460299546002162, 460299546002163, 460299546002164, 460299546002189, 460299546002302, 460299546002303, 460299546002304, 460299546002305, 460299546002306, 460299546002307, 460299546002308, 460299546002309, 460299546002310, 460299546002311, 460299546002312, 460299546002315, 460299546002349;
(h) The portion of Codington County in VTD Voting District 5, the blocks of: 460299541001000, 460299541001001, 460299541001002, 460299541001003, 460299541001004, 460299541001038, 460299541001039, 460299541001040, 460299541001041, 460299541001042, 460299541001043, 460299541001044, 460299541001045, 460299541001046, 460299541001047, 460299541001048, 460299541001049, 460299541001050, 460299541001051, 460299541001052, 460299541001053, 460299541001054, 460299541001055, 460299541001056, 460299541001057, 460299541001058, 460299541001059, 460299541001062, 460299541001063, 460299541001064, 460299541001065, 460299541001066, 460299541001067, 460299541001068, 460299541001069, 460299541001070, 460299541001071, 460299541001072, 460299541001073, 460299541001074, 460299541001075, 460299541001076, 460299541001077, 460299541001078, 460299541001079, 460299541001080, 460299541001090, 460299541001091, 460299541001092, 460299541001093, 460299541001094, 460299541001095, 460299541001098, 460299541001099, 460299541001100, 460299541001101, 460299541001102, 460299541001103, 460299541001104, 460299541001105, 460299541001106, 460299541001107, 460299541001108, 460299541001109, 460299541001164, 460299541001165, 460299541001166, 460299541001167, 460299541001168, 460299541001169, 460299541001170, 460299541001171, 460299541001172, 460299541001173, 460299541001174, 460299541001175, 460299541001176, 460299541001177, 460299541001178, 460299541001179, 460299541001180, 460299541001181, 460299541001182, 460299541001183, 460299541001184, 460299541001185, 460299541001186, 460299541001187, 460299541001188, 460299541001191, 460299541001206, 460299541002000, 460299541002001, 460299541002002, 460299541002003, 460299541002011, 460299541002012, 460299541002013, 460299541002014, 460299541002015, 460299541002045, 460299541002056, 460299541002057, 460299541002058, 460299541002059, 460299541002060, 460299541002061, 460299541002062, 460299541002063, 460299541002064, 460299541002065, 460299541002066, 460299541002067, 460299541002068, 460299541002069, 460299541002070, 460299541002071, 460299541002072, 460299541002073, 460299541002074, 460299541002075, 460299541002076, 460299541002077, 460299541002078, 460299541002079, 460299541002080, 460299541002081, 460299541002082, 460299541002083, 460299541002084, 460299541002085, 460299541002086, 460299541002087, 460299541002088, 460299541002089, 460299541002090, 460299541002091, 460299541002092, 460299541002093, 460299541002094, 460299541002095, 460299541002096, 460299541002097, 460299541002098, 460299541002099, 460299541002100, 460299541002101, 460299541002102, 460299541002103, 460299541002104, 460299541002105, 460299541002106, 460299541002107, 460299541002108, 460299541002109, 460299541002110, 460299541002111, 460299541002112, 460299541002113, 460299541002151, 460299541002152, 460299541002153, 460299541002154, 460299541002155, 460299541002156, 460299541002157, 460299541002158, 460299541002159, 460299541002160, 460299541002161, 460299541002162, 460299541002163, 460299541002164, 460299541002202, 460299541002203, 460299541002204, 460299541002205, 460299541002206, 460299541002207, 460299541002208, 460299541002209, 460299541002210, 460299541002211, 460299541002212, 460299541002213, 460299541002214, 460299541002215, 460299541002216, 460299541002217, 460299541002218, 460299541002219, 460299541002220, 460299541002221, 460299541002222, 460299541002223, 460299541002224, 460299541002225, 460299541002227, 460299541002228, 460299541002229, 460299541002230, 460299541002231, 460299541002232, 460299541002233, 460299541002234, 460299541002235, 460299541002236, 460299541002237, 460299541002238, 460299541002239, 460299541002240, 460299541002241;
(i) The portion of Roberts County in VTD-precinct 5 Agency-Lawrence-Becker-SpringGrove-EasterTwps-PeeverTown, the blocks of: 461099504001000, 461099504001001, 461099504001002, 461099504001003, 461099504001004, 461099504001005, 461099504001006, 461099504001007, 461099504001008, 461099504001009, 461099504001010, 461099504001011, 461099504001012, 461099504001013, 461099504001014, 461099504001015, 461099504001016, 461099504001017, 461099504001018, 461099504001019, 461099504001020, 461099504001021, 461099504001022, 461099504001023, 461099504001024, 461099504001025, 461099504001026, 461099504001027, 461099504001028, 461099504001029, 461099504001035, 461099504001036, 461099504001037, 461099504001038; and
(j) The portion of Roberts County in VTD-precinct 9 Lee-Lake-SpringdaleTwps-WilmotTown, in Roberts County, the blocks of: 461099408003180, 461099504001030, 461099504001031, 461099504001032, 461099504001033, 461099504001034, 461099504001039, 461099504001040, 461099504001041, 461099504001042, 461099504001043, 461099504001044, 461099504001045, 461099504001046, 461099504001047, 461099504001048, 461099504001049, 461099504001050, 461099504001051, 461099504001052, 461099504001053, 461099504001054, 461099504001055, 461099504001056, 461099504001057, 461099504001058, 461099504001059, 461099504001060, 461099504001061, 461099504001062, 461099504001063, 461099504001064, 461099504001065, 461099504001066, 461099504001067, 461099504001068, 461099504001069, 461099504001070, 461099504001071, 461099504001072, 461099504001073, 461099504001074, 461099504001075, 461099504001076, 461099504001077, 461099504001078, 461099504001079, 461099504001080, 461099504001081, 461099504001082, 461099504001083, 461099504001084, 461099504001085, 461099504001086, 461099504001087, 461099504001088, 461099504001089, 461099504001090, 461099504001091, 461099504001092, 461099504001093, 461099504001094, 461099504001095, 461099504001096, 461099504001097, 461099504001098, 461099504001099, 461099504001100, 461099504001120, 461099504001121, 461099504001122, 461099504001123, 461099504001124, 461099504001125, 461099504001126, 461099504001127, 461099504001129, 461099504001130, 461099504001131, 461099504001132, 461099504001133, 461099504001134, 461099504001135, 461099504001136, 461099504001137, 461099504001138, 461099504001139, 461099504001140, 461099504001141, 461099504001142, 461099504001143, 461099504001144, 461099504001145, 461099504001146, 461099504001147, 461099504001148, 461099504001149, 461099504001150, 461099504001151, 461099504001152, 461099504001153, 461099504001154, 461099504001155, 461099504001156, 461099504001160, 461099504001161, 461099504001162, 461099504001163, 461099504001164, 461099504001165, 461099504001166, 461099504001167, 461099504001168, 461099504001173, 461099504001174, 461099504001175, 461099504001176, 461099504001177, 461099504001178, 461099504001179, 461099504001180, 461099504001190, 461099504001191, 461099504001192.
(5) District No. 5:
(a) The portion of Codington County consisting of precincts VTD-Watertown ward A1 (part of Voting District 4), VTD-Watertown ward A2 (part of Voting District 4), VTD-Watertown ward A3 (part of Voting District 4), VTD-Watertown ward A4 (part of Voting District 4), VTD-Watertown ward B1 (part of Voting District 1), VTD-Watertown ward B2 (part of Voting District 1), VTD-Watertown ward B3 (part of Voting District 1), VTD-Watertown ward B4 (part of Voting District 1), VTD-Watertown ward C1 (part of Voting District 1), VTD-Watertown ward C2 (part of Voting District 5), VTD-Watertown ward C3 (part of Voting District 2), VTD-Watertown ward C4 (part of Voting District 2), VTD-Watertown ward D1 (part of Voting District 4), VTD-Watertown ward D2 (part of Voting District 5), VTD-Watertown ward D3 (part of Voting District 5), VTD-Watertown ward D4 (part of Voting District 5), VTD-Watertown ward E1 (part of Voting District 3), VTD-Watertown ward E2 (part of Voting District 3), VTD-Watertown ward E3 (part of Voting District 3), VTD-Watertown ward E4 (part of Voting District 3), and VTD-Watertown ward E5 (part of Voting District 1);
(b) The portion of Codington County in VTD Voting District 2, the blocks of: 460299545011025, 460299545011026, 460299545011027, 460299545011028, 460299545011029, 460299545011030, 460299545011036, 460299545011037, 460299545011038, 460299545011039, 460299545011040, 460299545011042, 460299545011043, 460299545012044, 460299545012063, 460299545012064, 460299545012065, 460299545012066, 460299545012067, 460299545012068, 460299545012069, 460299545012071, 460299546001053, 460299546001130, 460299546001131, 460299546001132, 460299546001133, 460299546001134, 460299546001135, 460299546001136, 460299546001137, 460299546001138, 460299546001139, 460299546001140, 460299546001141, 460299546001142, 460299546001143, 460299546001144, 460299546001145, 460299546001146, 460299546001147, 460299546001148, 460299546001149, 460299546001150, 460299546001151, 460299546001178, 460299546001179;
(c) The portion of Codington County in VTD Voting District 3, the blocks of: 460299541001193, 460299541001194, 460299541001195, 460299541001196, 460299541001197, 460299541001199, 460299541001203, 460299541002248, 460299541002249, 460299541002255, 460299541002256, 460299543021009, 460299545011014, 460299545011015, 460299545011016, 460299545011017, 460299545011018, 460299545011019, 460299545011021, 460299545023008, 460299545023013, 460299545023018, 460299545023024, 460299545023026, 460299545023027, 460299545023028, 460299545023029, 460299545023030, 460299545023031, 460299545023032, 460299545023049, 460299545023056, 460299545023061, 460299545023062, 460299545023063, 460299545023064, 460299545023065, 460299545024000, 460299545024001, 460299545024002, 460299545024003, 460299545024005, 460299545024008, 460299545024010, 460299545024012, 460299545024013, 460299545024014, 460299545024016, 460299545024022, 460299545024024, 460299545024027, 460299546001001, 460299546001033, 460299546002289, 460299546002294, 460299546002295, 460299546002296, 460299546002297, 460299546002298, 460299546002314, 460299546002316, 460299546002317, 460299546002319, 460299546002321, 460299546002322, 460299546002323, 460299546002324, 460299546002325; and
(d) The portion of Codington County in VTD Voting District 5, the blocks of: 460299541002004, 460299541002005, 460299541002006, 460299541002007, 460299541002008, 460299541002009, 460299541002010, 460299541002016, 460299541002017, 460299541002018, 460299541002019, 460299541002020, 460299541002021, 460299541002022, 460299541002023, 460299541002024, 460299541002025, 460299541002026, 460299541002027, 460299541002028, 460299541002029, 460299541002031, 460299541002035, 460299541002039, 460299541002040, 460299541002041, 460299541002042, 460299541002043, 460299541002044, 460299541002046, 460299541002048, 460299541002049, 460299541002050, 460299541002052, 460299541002054, 460299541002114, 460299541002115, 460299541002116, 460299541002124, 460299541002125, 460299541002126, 460299541002127, 460299541002129, 460299541002131, 460299541002132, 460299541002134, 460299541002135, 460299541002136, 460299541002139, 460299541002140, 460299541002141, 460299541002142, 460299541002143, 460299541002144, 460299541002145, 460299541002146, 460299541002147, 460299541002148, 460299541002149, 460299541002150, 460299541002165, 460299541002166, 460299541002167, 460299541002168, 460299541002169, 460299541002170, 460299541002171, 460299541002172, 460299541002173, 460299541002174, 460299541002175, 460299541002176, 460299541002177, 460299541002178, 460299541002179, 460299541002180, 460299541002181, 460299541002182, 460299541002183, 460299541002184, 460299541002185, 460299541002186, 460299541002187, 460299541002188, 460299541002189, 460299541002190, 460299541002191, 460299541002192, 460299541002193, 460299541002194, 460299541002195, 460299541002196, 460299541002197, 460299541002198, 460299541002199, 460299541002200, 460299541002201, 460299541002226, 460299541002242, 460299541002243, 460299541002244, 460299541002245, 460299541002246, 460299541002247, 460299541002250, 460299541002251, 460299541002252, 460299541002253, 460299541002254, 460299541002262, 460299541002263, 460299543011000, 460299543011001, 460299543011002, 460299543011003, 460299543011007, 460299543011045, 460299543011054, 460299543011058, 460299543021000, 460299543021003, 460299543021013, 460299543021014, 460299543021023, 460299543023000, 460299545012007, 460299545012010, 460299545012012, 460299545012013, 460299545012015, 460299545012028, 460299545012031, 460299545012035, 460299545012047, 460299545012051, 460299545012053, 460299545012054, 460299545012055, 460299545012056, 460299545012057, 460299545012058, 460299545012059, 460299545012070, 460299545012073, 460299545012074.
(6) District No. 6:
(a) The portion of Lincoln County consisting of precincts VTD-DelapreTwp, VTD-Harrisburg ward 1 (part of precinct 27), VTD-Tea ward 1 (part of precinct 24), VTD-Tea ward 2 (part of precinct 24), VTD-Tea ward 3 (part of precinct 24), VTD-Sioux Falls precinct 1-13, VTD-Sioux Falls precinct 1-14, and VTD-Sioux Falls precinct 1-16;
(b) The portion of Lincoln County in VTD-Harrisburg ward 2 (part of precinct 29), the blocks of: 460830101071002, 460830101071005, 460830101072001, 460830101072002, 460830101072003, 460830101072004, 460830101072005, 460830101072006, 460830101072007, 460830101072008, 460830101072009, 460830101072010, 460830101072015, 460830101072016, 460830101072017, 460830101072018, 460830101072019, 460830101072020, 460830101072022, 460830101072023, 460830101072024, 460830101072025, 460830101072026, 460830101072027, 460830101072028, 460830101072029, 460830101072030, 460830101072031, 460830101072032, 460830101072033, 460830101072034, 460830101072035, 460830101072036, 460830101072037, 460830101072038, 460830101072040, 460830101072041, 460830101072043, 460830101072044, 460830101072045, 460830101072046, 460830101072047, 460830101072048, 460830101072049, 460830101072050, 460830101073035, 460830101073036, 460830101073037, 460830101073038, 460830101073039, 460830101073040, 460830101073041, 460830101073042, 460830101073044, 460830101073045, 460830101073046, 460830101073047, 460830101073048, 460830101073069, 460830101073070, 460830101073072;
(c) The portion of Lincoln County in VTD-La ValleyTwp, the blocks of: 460830101071006, 460830101071007, 460830101071008, 460830101071009, 460830101071010, 460830101071011, 460830101071023, 460830101072000, 460830101072021, 460830101072039, 460830101072042, 460830101141042, 460830101141043, 460830101141044, 460830101141045, 460830101141046, 460830101141047, 460830101141048, 460830101141049, 460830101141058, 460830101141059, 460830101141067, 460830101141068, 460830101141077, 460830101141078, 460830101141079, 460830101141080, 460830101141081, 460830101141082, 460830101141083, 460830101141084, 460830101141085, 460830101141086, 460830101141087, 460830101141088, 460830101141089, 460830101141090, 460830101141091, 460830101141092, 460830101141093, 460830101141094, 460830101141097, 460830101141098, 460830101141099, 460830101141100, 460830101141101, 460830101141105, 460830101141106, 460830101141117, 460830101141118, 460830101141192;
(d) The portion of Lincoln County in VTD-PerryTwp, the blocks of: 460830103001000, 460830103001001, 460830103001002, 460830103001003, 460830103001004, 460830103001005, 460830103001006, 460830103001007, 460830103001008, 460830103001009, 460830103001010, 460830103001011, 460830103001012, 460830103001013, 460830103001014, 460830103001015, 460830103001016, 460830103001017, 460830103001018, 460830103001019, 460830103001020, 460830103001021, 460830103001022, 460830103001023, 460830103001024, 460830103001025, 460830103001026, 460830103001027, 460830103001028, 460830103001029, 460830103001030, 460830103001031, 460830103001032, 460830103001033, 460830103001034, 460830103001035, 460830103001038, 460830103001039, 460830103001040, 460830103001041, 460830103001120;
(e) The portion of Lincoln County in VTD-Sioux Falls precinct 1-12, the blocks of: 460830101102009, 460830101102010, 460830101102011, 460830101102012, 460830101102013, 460830101102014, 460830101102015, 460830101102016, 460830101102017, 460830101102018, 460830101102022, 460830101102023, 460830101102026, 460830101102032, 460830101102033, 460830101102034, 460830101102035, 460830101102036, 460830101102037; and
(f) The portion of Lincoln County in VTD-SpringdaleTwp, the blocks of: 460830101073000, 460830101073001, 460830101073002, 460830101073003, 460830101073004, 460830101073005, 460830101073006, 460830101073007, 460830101073008, 460830101073009, 460830101073010, 460830101073011, 460830101073012, 460830101073013, 460830101073015, 460830101073017, 460830101073019, 460830101073020, 460830101073029, 460830101073030, 460830101073031, 460830101073032, 460830101073033, 460830101073034, 460830101073043, 460830101073058, 460830101073059, 460830101073062, 460830101073064, 460830101073073, 460830101124007, 460830101132007, 460830101132010, 460830101132011, 460830101132012, 460830101132015, 460830101132016, 460830101132017, 460830101133000, 460830101133014, 460830101133015, 460830101133016, 460830101133019, 460830101133020, 460830101133021, 460830101133022, 460830101133023, 460830101133024, 460830101133025, 460830101133026, 460830101141000, 460830101141001, 460830101141002, 460830101141003, 460830101141004, 460830101141005, 460830101141006, 460830101141007, 460830101141008, 460830101141009, 460830101141010, 460830101141011, 460830101141012, 460830101141013, 460830101141017, 460830101141018, 460830101141019, 460830101141020, 460830101141021, 460830101141190, 460830101142000, 460830101142001, 460830101142002, 460830101142012, 460830101142018, 460830101142019, 460830101142020, 460830101142021, 460830101142022, 460830101142023, 460830101142024, 460830101142025, 460830101142026, 460830101142027, 460830101142028, 460830101142029, 460830101142030, 460830101142031, 460830101142032, 460830101142033, 460830101142034, 460830101142035, 460830101142036, 460830101142037, 460830101142038, 460830101142039, 460830101142040, 460830101142041, 460830101142042, 460830101142043, 460830101142044, 460830101142045, 460830101142046, 460830101142047, 460830101142048, 460830101142049, 460830101142050, 460830101142051, 460830101142052, 460830101142053, 460830101142054, 460830101142055, 460830101142056, 460830101142057, 460830101142058, 460830101142059, 460830101142060, 460830101142061, 460830101142062, 460830101142063, 460830101162032, 460830101162037, 460830101162039, 460830101162040.
(a) The portion of Brookings County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 1, VTD-precinct 2, VTD-precinct 3, VTD-precinct 4, VTD-precinct 5, VTD-precinct 6, VTD-precinct 8, and VTD-precinct 13; and
(b) The portion of Brookings County in VTD-precinct 11, the blocks of: 460119586002017, 460119586002018, 460119586002019, 460119586002021, 460119586002022, 460119586002023, 460119586002024, 460119586002025, 460119586002026, 460119586002027, 460119586002028, 460119586002029, 460119586002030, 460119586002045, 460119586002046, 460119586002081, 460119586002082, 460119586002088, 460119586002089, 460119586002090, 460119586002091, 460119586002092, 460119586002093, 460119586002095, 460119586002096, 460119586002097, 460119586002099, 460119586002104, 460119586002106, 460119586002107, 460119586002108, 460119586002117, 460119586002119, 460119586002121, 460119586002122, 460119586002123, 460119586002124, 460119586002125, 460119586002128, 460119586002129, 460119586002130, 460119586002131, 460119586002132, 460119586002133, 460119586003005, 460119586003006, 460119586003007, 460119586003008, 460119586003009, 460119586003010, 460119586003011, 460119586003012, 460119586003013, 460119586003014, 460119586003015, 460119586003016, 460119586003017, 460119586003018, 460119586003019, 460119586003020, 460119586003021, 460119586003022, 460119586003023, 460119586003024, 460119586003025, 460119586003026, 460119586003027, 460119586003028, 460119586003029, 460119586003030, 460119586003031, 460119586003032, 460119586003033, 460119586003034, 460119586003035, 460119586003036, 460119586003040, 460119586003131, 460119586003132, 460119586003133, 460119587002139, 460119587002140, 460119587002141, 460119587002142, 460119589005004, 460119589005005.
(8) District No. 8:
(a) Kingsbury and Lake counties;
(b) The portion of Brookings County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 9, VTD-precinct 10, VTD-precinct 12, VTD-precinct 14, and VTD-precinct 15, VTD-precinct 16;
(c) The portion of Miner County consisting of precincts VTD-Howard precinct 1, VTD-Howard precinct 2, VTD-Howard precinct 3, VTD-precinct 4, VTD-precinct 6, VTD-precinct 7, and VTD-precinct 8; and
(d) The portion of Brookings County in VTD-precinct 11, the blocks of: 460119586002020, 460119586002031, 460119586002032, 460119586002033, 460119586002035, 460119586002036, 460119586002037, 460119586002038, 460119586002039, 460119586002040, 460119586002041, 460119586002042, 460119586002043, 460119586002044, 460119586002047, 460119586002048, 460119586002049, 460119586002050, 460119586002051, 460119586002052, 460119586002062, 460119586002063, 460119586002064, 460119586002065, 460119586002066, 460119586002067, 460119586002068, 460119586002069, 460119586002070, 460119586002071, 460119586002072, 460119586002073, 460119586002074, 460119586002075, 460119586002076, 460119586002077, 460119586002078, 460119586002079, 460119586002080, 460119586002083, 460119586002084, 460119586002085, 460119586002087, 460119586003000, 460119586003001, 460119586003002, 460119586003003, 460119586003004, 460119586003037, 460119586003038, 460119586003039, 460119586003041, 460119586003042, 460119586003043, 460119586003044, 460119586003045, 460119586003058, 460119586003059, 460119586003060, 460119586003061, 460119586003062, 460119586003063, 460119586003064, 460119586003065, 460119586003066, 460119586003067, 460119586003068, 460119586003069, 460119586003070, 460119586003071, 460119586003072, 460119586003073, 460119586003074, 460119586003075, 460119586003076, 460119586003077, 460119586003078, 460119586003079, 460119586003080, 460119586003081, 460119586003082, 460119586003083, 460119586003084, 460119586003085, 460119586003086, 460119586003087, 460119586003105, 460119586003106, 460119586003107, 460119586003108, 460119586003109, 460119586003110, 460119586003111, 460119586003112, 460119586003113, 460119586003114, 460119586003115, 460119586003116, 460119586003117, 460119586004004, 460119586004005, 460119586004006, 460119586004007, 460119586004019, 460119587004055, 460119587004056, 460119587004057, 460119587004060, 460119587004061, 460119587004062, 460119587004063, 460119587004064, 460119587004065, 460119590003041, 460119590003042, 460119590003045, 460119590003046.
(9) District No. 9:
(a) The portion of Minnehaha County consisting of precincts VTD 3-12, VTD 3-16, and VTD VP 17;
(b) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 3-14, the blocks of: 460990104051000, 460990104051001, 460990104051002, 460990104051003, 460990104051004, 460990104051005, 460990104051006, 460990104051007, 460990104051008, 460990104051009, 460990104051010, 460990104051011, 460990104051012, 460990104051013, 460990104051014, 460990104051015, 460990104051016, 460990104051017, 460990104051018, 460990104051019, 460990104051020, 460990104051021, 460990104051022, 460990104051023, 460990104051024, 460990104053026, 460990104053027, 460990104053028, 460990104053029, 460990104053032, 460990104053033, 460990104053034, 460990104053035, 460990104053036, 460990104053037, 460990104053038, 460990104053042, 460990104053043, 460990104053044, 460990104053045, 460990104053048, 460990104053049, 460990104053050, 460990104054009, 460990104054010, 460990104054011, 460990104054012, 460990104054013, 460990104054015, 460990104054016, 460990104054017, 460990104054018, 460990104054019, 460990104054020, 460990104054021, 460990104054022, 460990104054023, 460990104054024, 460990104054025, 460990104054026, 460990104054027, 460990104054028, 460990104054029, 460990104054030, 460990104054031, 460990104054032, 460990104054034, 460990104054035, 460990104054036, 460990104054037, 460990104054039, 460990104054040;
(c) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 3-17, the blocks of: 460990011121001, 460990011121002, 460990011121003, 460990011121004, 460990011121005, 460990011121006, 460990011121007, 460990011121008, 460990011121009, 460990011121018, 460990011121019, 460990011121020, 460990011121021, 460990011121022, 460990011121023, 460990011121024, 460990011121025, 460990011121026, 460990011121027, 460990011121028, 460990011122008, 460990011122009, 460990011122010, 460990011122015, 460990011122016, 460990011122017, 460990011122018, 460990011122019, 460990011122020, 460990011122021, 460990011122022, 460990011122023, 460990011122024, 460990011122025, 460990011122026, 460990011122027, 460990011122028, 460990011122031, 460990011122032, 460990104062000, 460990104062001, 460990104062002, 460990104062003, 460990104062004, 460990104062005, 460990104062006, 460990104062007, 460990104062008, 460990104062009, 460990104062010, 460990104062011, 460990104062012, 460990104062013, 460990104062014, 460990104062015, 460990104062016, 460990104062017, 460990104062018, 460990104062019, 460990104062020, 460990104063007, 460990104063037, 460990104063038, 460990104063039, 460990104063040, 460990104063043, 460990104063044, 460990104063045, 460990104063046, 460990104063048, 460990104063049;
(d) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD VP 06, the blocks of: 460990010012011, 460990010013000, 460990010013001, 460990010013002, 460990010013003, 460990010013004, 460990010013005, 460990010013006, 460990010013008, 460990010013011, 460990010013032, 460990011113004, 460990011113006, 460990011113007, 460990104054000, 460990104054001, 460990104054002, 460990104054003, 460990104054004, 460990104054005, 460990104054006, 460990104054007, 460990104054008, 460990104054014, 460990104054033, 460990104054038, 460990104061028, 460990104061029, 460990104061030, 460990104061031, 460990104061032, 460990104061033, 460990104061034, 460990104061035, 460990104061036, 460990104061037, 460990104061038, 460990104061039, 460990104061040, 460990104061041, 460990104061042, 460990104061043, 460990104061044, 460990104061045, 460990104061046, 460990104061047, 460990104061048, 460990104061049, 460990104061050, 460990104061051, 460990104061052, 460990104061053, 460990104061054, 460990104061055, 460990104061057, 460990104061058, 460990104061059, 460990104061060, 460990104061061, 460990104061062, 460990104061063, 460990104061064, 460990104061065, 460990104061066, 460990104061069, 460990104061070, 460990104061071, 460990104061072, 460990104061073, 460990104061074, 460990104061075, 460990104061076, 460990104061077, 460990104061078, 460990104061079, 460990104061080, 460990104061081, 460990104061082, 460990104061083, 460990104061084, 460990104061085, 460990104061086, 460990104061087, 460990104061088, 460990104061089, 460990104061090, 460990104061091, 460990104061092, 460990104061093, 460990104061094, 460990104061095, 460990104061096, 460990104061097, 460990104061098, 460990104061099, 460990104061100, 460990104061101, 460990104061105, 460990104061106, 460990104061107, 460990104061108, 460990104061113, 460990104061114, 460990104061115, 460990104061116, 460990104061117, 460990104061118, 460990104063000, 460990104063001, 460990104063002, 460990104063003, 460990104063004, 460990104063005, 460990104063006, 460990104063008, 460990104063009, 460990104063010, 460990104063011, 460990104063023, 460990104063024, 460990104063025, 460990104063028, 460990104063029, 460990104063041, 460990104063042, 460990104063047; and
(e) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD VP 07, the blocks of: 460990103001029, 460990103001032, 460990103001033, 460990103001034, 460990103001037, 460990103001038, 460990103001039, 460990103001040, 460990103001041, 460990103001042, 460990103001043, 460990103001044, 460990103001045, 460990103001046, 460990103001049, 460990103001050, 460990103001051, 460990103001052, 460990103001053, 460990103001054, 460990103003000, 460990103003001, 460990103003002, 460990103003003, 460990103003004, 460990103003005, 460990103003006, 460990103003007, 460990103003008, 460990103003009, 460990103003010, 460990103003011, 460990103003012, 460990103003013, 460990103003014, 460990103003015, 460990103003016, 460990103003017, 460990103003018, 460990103003019, 460990103003020, 460990103003021, 460990103003022, 460990103003023, 460990103003024, 460990103003025, 460990103003026, 460990103003027, 460990103003028, 460990103003029, 460990103003030, 460990103003031, 460990103003032, 460990103003033, 460990103003034, 460990103003035, 460990103003036, 460990103003037, 460990103003038, 460990103003039, 460990103003040, 460990103003041, 460990103004000, 460990103004001, 460990103004002, 460990103004003, 460990103004004, 460990103004005, 460990103004006, 460990103004007, 460990103004008, 460990103004009, 460990103004010, 460990103004011, 460990103004012, 460990103004013, 460990103004014, 460990103004015, 460990103004016, 460990103004017, 460990103004018, 460990103004019, 460990103004020, 460990103004021, 460990103004022, 460990103004023, 460990103004024, 460990103004025, 460990103004026, 460990103004027, 460990103004028, 460990103004029, 460990103004030, 460990103004031, 460990103004032, 460990103004033, 460990103004034, 460990103004035, 460990103004036, 460990103004037, 460990103004038, 460990103004039, 460990103004040, 460990103004041, 460990103004042, 460990103004043, 460990103004044, 460990103004045, 460990103004046, 460990103004047, 460990103004048, 460990103004049, 460990103004050, 460990103004051, 460990103004052, 460990103004053, 460990103004054, 460990103004055, 460990103004056, 460990103004057, 460990103004058, 460990103004059, 460990103004060, 460990103004061, 460990103004062, 460990103004063, 460990103004064.
(10) District No. 10:
(a) The portion of Minnehaha County consisting of precincts VTD 4-2, VTD 4-3, VTD 4-4, VTD 4-6, VTD 4-8, VTD 4-9, VTD 5-4, VTD 5-6, VTD 5-7, and VTD 5-8;
(b) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 4-7, the blocks of: 460990004081001, 460990004081005, 460990004081006, 460990004081007, 460990004081008, 460990004081009, 460990004081010, 460990004081011, 460990004081012, 460990004081013, 460990004081014, 460990004081015, 460990004081016, 460990004081017, 460990004081018, 460990004081019, 460990004081020, 460990004081027, 460990004081028, 460990004081029, 460990004081030, 460990004081031, 460990004081035, 460990004081036, 460990004081037, 460990004081038, 460990004081039, 460990004081040, 460990004081041, 460990004082000, 460990004082001, 460990004082002, 460990004082003, 460990004082004, 460990004082005, 460990004083000, 460990004083001, 460990004083002, 460990004083003, 460990004083004, 460990004083005, 460990004083006, 460990004083007, 460990004083008, 460990004083009, 460990004083010, 460990004083011, 460990004083012, 460990004083013, 460990004083014, 460990004083015, 460990004083016, 460990004083017, 460990004083018, 460990004083019, 460990104031077, 460990104031082, 460990104031093, 460990104043063, 460990104043064, 460990104043065, 460990104043066, 460990104043070, 460990104043071;
(c) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 4-10, the blocks of: 460990004061000, 460990004061001, 460990004061008, 460990004061009, 460990004061010, 460990004061011, 460990004061018, 460990004061019, 460990004061020, 460990004061021, 460990004071000, 460990004071001, 460990004071002, 460990004071003, 460990004071004, 460990004071005, 460990004071006, 460990004071007;
(d) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 5-2, the blocks of: 460990006001003, 460990006001004, 460990006001005, 460990006001006, 460990006001007, 460990006001021, 460990006002000, 460990006002001, 460990006002002, 460990006002003; and
(e) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD VP 02, the blocks of: 460990004081002, 460990004081003, 460990004081004, 460990004081021, 460990004081022, 460990004081023, 460990004081024, 460990004081025, 460990004081026, 460990004081032, 460990004081033, 460990004081034, 460990104031079, 460990104031080, 460990104031081, 460990104031098, 460990104031099.
(11) District No. 11:
(a) The portion of Minnehaha County consisting of precincts VTD 1-6, VTD 1-9, VTD 3-9, VTD 1-10, VTD 1-17, VTD 3-10, VTD 3-11, VTD 3-13, and VTD 3-15;
(b) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 3-17, the blocks of 460990011053003 and 460990011053004; and
(c) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD VP 06, the blocks of: 460990011053000, 460990011053001, 460990011053002, 460990011053005, 460990011053024, 460990011053025, 460990011053027.
(12) District No. 12:
(a) The portion of Lincoln County consisting of precincts VTD-Sioux Falls precinct 1-11, VTD-Sioux Falls precinct 1-15, and VTD-Sioux Falls precinct 1-18;
(b) The portion of Minnehaha County consisting of precincts VTD 1-3, VTD 1-4, VTD 1-5, VTD 5-9, VTD 5-10, VTD 5-17, VTD 5-19, and VTD 5-21;
(c) The portion of Lincoln County in VTD-Sioux Falls precinct 1-12, the blocks of: 460830101101000, 460830101101001, 460830101101002, 460830101101003, 460830101101004, 460830101101005, 460830101101006, 460830101101007, 460830101101008, 460830101101009, 460830101101010, 460830101101011, 460830101101012, 460830101101013, 460830101101014, 460830101102000, 460830101102001, 460830101102002, 460830101102003, 460830101102007, 460830101103002, 460830101103003, 460830101103004, 460830101103005, 460830101103006, 460830101104000, 460830101104001, 460830101104002, 460830101104003, 460830101104004, 460830101104008, 460830101104009, 460830101104010, 460830101104011, 460830101104012, 460830101104013, 460830101104019, 460830101104020;
(d) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 5-3, the blocks of: 460990006002014, 460990015021019, 460990015021020, 460990015021021, 460990015021022, 460990015021023, 460990015021024, 460990015022001, 460990015022002, 460990015022003, 460990015022004, 460990015022005, 460990015022006, 460990015022007, 460990015022008, 460990015022010, 460990015022012, 460990015022013, 460990015022014, 460990015022015, 460990015022016, 460990015022017, 460990015022018, 460990015022019, 460990015022020, 460990015022021, 460990015022022, 460990015023001, 460990015023002, 460990015023003, 460990015023004, 460990015023005, 460990015023010, 460990015023011, 460990015023012, 460990015023013, 460990015023015, 460990015023016, 460990015023017, 460990015023018, 460990015023019, 460990015023020, 460990015023021, 460990015023022, 460990015023023; and
(e) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 5-14, the blocks of: 460990015021018, 460990015022009, 460990015022023, 460990015023006, 460990015023007, 460990015023008, 460990015023009, 460990106002009, 460990106002010, 460990106002011, 460990106002015, 460990106003000, 460990106003001, 460990106003002, 460990106003003, 460990106003006, 460990106003007, 460990106003008, 460990106003009, 460990106003010, 460990106003011, 460990106003012, 460990106003013, 460990106003014, 460990106003015, 460990106003016, 460990106003017, 460990106003019, 460990106003020, 460990106003021.
(13) District No. 13:
(a) The portion of Lincoln County consisting of precincts VTD-Sioux Falls precinct 2-10, VTD-Sioux Falls precinct 2-11, VTD-Sioux Falls precinct 2-12, VTD-Sioux Falls precinct 2-13, and VTD-Sioux Falls precinct 2-15;
(b) The portion of Minnehaha County consisting of precincts VTD 2-1, VTD 5-11, VTD 5-12, and VTD 5-13; and
(c) The portion of Lincoln County in VTD-SpringdaleTwp, the blocks of: 460830101142007 and 460830101142008.
(14) District No. 14:
(a) The portion of Minnehaha County consisting of precincts VTD 2-2, VTD 2-3, VTD 2-6, VTD 2-8, VTD 2-9, and VTD 4-13;
(b) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 2-7, the blocks of: 460990018041000, 460990018041001, 460990018041002, 460990018041003, 460990018041004, 460990018041005, 460990018041006, 460990018041007, 460990018041008, 460990018041009, 460990018041010, 460990018041011, 460990018041012, 460990018041013, 460990018041014, 460990018041015, 460990018041016, 460990018041017, 460990018061000, 460990018061001, 460990018061002, 460990018061003, 460990018061004, 460990018061005, 460990018061006, 460990018061007, 460990018061008, 460990018061009, 460990018061010, 460990018061011, 460990018061012, 460990018061013, 460990018061014, 460990018061015, 460990018061016, 460990018061017, 460990018061018, 460990018061019, 460990018061020, 460990018061021, 460990018061022, 460990018061023, 460990018061024, 460990018061025, 460990018061026;
(c) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 2-14, the blocks of: 460990018052000, 460990018052001, 460990018052002, 460990018052003, 460990018052004, 460990018052005, 460990018052006, 460990018052007, 460990018052008, 460990018052009, 460990018052010, 460990018052011, 460990018052012, 460990018052013, 460990018052014, 460990018052015, 460990018052016, 460990018052017, 460990018052018, 460990018052037, 460990018062000, 460990018062001, 460990018062002, 460990018062003, 460990018062004, 460990018062005, 460990018062006, 460990018062007, 460990018062008, 460990018062009, 460990018062010, 460990018062011, 460990018062012, 460990018063000, 460990018063001, 460990018063002, 460990018063003, 460990018063004, 460990018063005, 460990018063006, 460990018063007, 460990018063008, 460990018063009, 460990018063010, 460990018063011, 460990018063012, 460990018063013, 460990018063014, 460990018063015, 460990018063016, 460990018063017, 460990018063018, 460990018063019, 460990018063020, 460990018063021, 460990018063022; and
(d) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 4-12, the blocks of: 460990004072005, 460990004072006, 460990004072007, 460990004072008, 460990004072009, 460990004073003, 460990004073004, 460990004073011, 460990004073012, 460990004073013, 460990004073019, 460990004073020, 460990004073021, 460990004073022, 460990004073023, 460990004073024, 460990004073025, 460990004073026, 460990004073027, 460990004073028, 460990004073029, 460990004073030, 460990004073031, 460990004073032, 460990004073033, 460990004073034, 460990018042000, 460990018042001, 460990018042002, 460990018042003, 460990018042004, 460990018042005, 460990018042006, 460990018042007, 460990018042008, 460990018042009, 460990018042010, 460990018042011, 460990018042012, 460990018042013, 460990018042014, 460990018042015, 460990018042016, 460990018042017, 460990018042018, 460990018042019, 460990018042020, 460990018042021.
(15) District No. 15:
(a) The portion of Minnehaha County consisting of precincts VTD 3-6, VTD 4-1, VTD 5-1, VTD 4-14, VTD 5-18, and VTD 5-20;
(b) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 3-5, the blocks of: 460990001001014, 460990001001018, 460990001001022, 460990001001045, 460990001001046, 460990001001047, 460990001001048, 460990001001049, 460990001001050, 460990001001051, 460990001001053, 460990001001065, 460990001001066, 460990001001067, 460990001001068, 460990001001069, 460990001001070, 460990001001071, 460990001001072, 460990001001073, 460990001001074, 460990001001075, 460990001001076, 460990001001077, 460990001001078, 460990001001079, 460990001001080, 460990001001081, 460990001001082, 460990001001083, 460990001001084, 460990001001085, 460990001001086, 460990001001087, 460990001001088, 460990001001090, 460990001001091, 460990001001111, 460990002012000, 460990002012001, 460990002012002, 460990002012003, 460990002012004, 460990002012005, 460990002012006, 460990002012007, 460990002012008, 460990002012009, 460990002012010, 460990002012011, 460990002012012, 460990002012013, 460990002012014, 460990002012015, 460990002012016, 460990002012017, 460990002012018, 460990002012019, 460990002012020, 460990002012021, 460990002021000, 460990002021001, 460990002021002, 460990002021003, 460990002021004, 460990002021005, 460990002021006, 460990002021007, 460990002021008, 460990002021009, 460990002021010, 460990002021011, 460990002021012, 460990002021013, 460990002021014, 460990002021015, 460990002021016, 460990002021017, 460990002021018, 460990002021019, 460990002021020, 460990002021021, 460990002021022, 460990002021023, 460990002021024, 460990002021025, 460990002021026, 460990002021027, 460990002021028, 460990002021029, 460990002021030, 460990002021031, 460990002021032, 460990002021033, 460990002021034, 460990002021035, 460990002021036, 460990002021037, 460990002021038, 460990002021039, 460990002021040, 460990002021041, 460990002021042, 460990002021043, 460990002021044, 460990002021045, 460990002021046, 460990002021047, 460990002021048, 460990002021049, 460990002021050, 460990002021051, 460990002021052, 460990002021058, 460990002021059, 460990002022000, 460990002022001, 460990002022002, 460990009001004, 460990104052014, 460990104052015, 460990104052016, 460990104052017, 460990104052018, 460990104052023, 460990104052024, 460990104052025, 460990104052026, 460990104052027, 460990104052028, 460990104052029, 460990104052030, 460990104052031, 460990104052032, 460990104052033, 460990104052034, 460990104052035, 460990104052036;
(c) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 4-5, the blocks of: 460990001001019, 460990001001020, 460990001001023, 460990001001024, 460990001001025, 460990001001026, 460990001001027, 460990001001028, 460990001001029, 460990001001030, 460990001001031, 460990001001042, 460990001001043, 460990001001044, 460990001001054, 460990001001055, 460990001001056, 460990001001057, 460990001001058, 460990001001059, 460990001001060, 460990001001061, 460990001001062, 460990001001089, 460990001001092, 460990001001093, 460990001001094, 460990001001095, 460990001001096, 460990001001097, 460990001001098, 460990001001099, 460990001001100, 460990001001101, 460990001001102, 460990001001103, 460990001001104, 460990001001105, 460990001001106, 460990001001107, 460990001001108, 460990001001109, 460990001001110, 460990001001112, 460990001001113, 460990001001114, 460990001001115, 460990001001116, 460990001001117, 460990001001118, 460990001001119, 460990001002000, 460990001002001, 460990001002002, 460990001002003, 460990001002004, 460990001002005, 460990001002006, 460990001002007, 460990001002008, 460990001002009, 460990001002010, 460990001002011, 460990001002012, 460990001002013, 460990001002014, 460990001002015, 460990001002016, 460990001002017, 460990001002018, 460990001002019, 460990001002020, 460990001002021, 460990001002022, 460990001002023, 460990001002027, 460990001002034, 460990001002035, 460990001002036, 460990001002037, 460990001002038, 460990001002039, 460990001003000;
(d) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 5-2, the blocks of: 460990005002024, 460990005002026, 460990005002027, 460990005002028, 460990005002031, 460990005002032, 460990007011008, 460990007011009, 460990007011010, 460990007011011, 460990007011012, 460990007011013, 460990007011014, 460990007011015, 460990007011016, 460990007011017, 460990007011018, 460990007011019, 460990007011021, 460990007011022, 460990007011023, 460990007011024, 460990007012000, 460990007012001, 460990007012002, 460990007012003, 460990007012004, 460990007012005, 460990007012008, 460990007012009, 460990007012010, 460990007012011, 460990007012012, 460990007012013, 460990007012014, 460990007012015, 460990007012016, 460990007012017, 460990007012018, 460990007012019, 460990007012020, 460990007012021, 460990007012022, 460990007012025;
(e) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 5-3, the blocks of: 460990006002015, 460990015021012, 460990015021013, 460990015021014, 460990015021015, 460990015021016; and
(f) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 5-14, the blocks of: 460990007023005, 460990007023006, 460990007023011, 460990007023012, 460990007023016, 460990007023017, 460990009002000, 460990009002001, 460990009002002, 460990009002007, 460990009002008, 460990009002009, 460990009002010, 460990009002011, 460990009002012, 460990009002013, 460990009002014, 460990009002015, 460990009002016, 460990009002017, 460990009002020, 460990015021005, 460990015021006, 460990015021017, 460990106002000, 460990106002001, 460990106002002, 460990106002003, 460990106002004, 460990106002005, 460990106002012, 460990106002013, 460990106002014.
(16) District No. 16:
(a) The portion of Lincoln County consisting of precincts VTD-Norway/ Fairview, VTD-Highland/CantonTwp, VTD-Lincoln/ Delaware, VTD-GrantTwp, VTD-DaytonTwp, VTD-Hudson/Eden, VTD-LynnTwp-WorthingTown, VTD-precinct 26 Brooklyn, PleasantTwp, BeresfordTown, VTD-Beresford ward 1 (part of precinct 26), VTD-Beresford ward 2 (part of precinct 26), VTD-Beresford ward 3 (part of precinct 26), VTD-Canton ward 1 (part of precinct 20), VTD-Canton ward 2 (part of precinct 20), VTD-Canton ward 3 (part of precinct 20), VTD-Canton ward 4 (part of precinct 30), VTD-Canton ward 5 (part of precinct 30), VTD-Lennox ward 1 (part of precinct 25), VTD-Lennox ward 2 (part of precinct 25), and VTD-Lennox ward 3 (part of precinct 25);
(b) The portion of Turner County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 1, VTD-precinct 2, VTD-precinct 3, VTD-precinct 5, VTD-precinct 6, VTD-precinct 7, and VTD-precinct 8;
(c) The portion of Union County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 1, VTD-precinct 3, VTD precinct 5, VTD-precinct 7, VTD-Alcester ward 1 (part of precinct 2), VTD-Alcester ward 2 (part of precinct 2), VTD-Alcester ward 3 (part of precinct 2), VTD-Beresford ward 1 (part of precinct 6), VTD-Beresford ward 2 (part of precinct 6), and VTD-Beresford ward 3 (part of precinct 6);
(d) The portion of Lincoln County in VTD-Harrisburg ward 2 (part of precinct 29), the block of 460830101071004;
(e) The portion of Lincoln County in VTD-La ValleyTwp, the blocks of: 460830101141095, 460830101141096, 460830101141102, 460830101141103, 460830101141104, 460830101141107, 460830101141108, 460830101141109, 460830101141110, 460830101141111, 460830101141112, 460830101141113, 460830101141114, 460830101141115, 460830101141116, 460830101141119, 460830101141120, 460830101141121, 460830101141122, 460830101141123, 460830101141124, 460830101141125, 460830101141126, 460830101141127, 460830101141128, 460830101141129, 460830101141130, 460830101141131, 460830101141132, 460830101141133, 460830101141134, 460830101141135, 460830101141136, 460830101141146, 460830101141147, 460830101141180, 460830101141181, 460830101141182, 460830101141185, 460830101141186, 460830101141189, 460830101141191; and
(f) The portion of Lincoln County in VTD-PerryTwp, the blocks of: 460830103001036, 460830103001037, 460830103001042, 460830103001043, 460830103001044, 460830103001045, 460830103001046, 460830103001047, 460830103001053, 460830103001054, 460830103001055, 460830103001056, 460830103001057, 460830103001058, 460830103001059, 460830103001061, 460830103001070, 460830103001117, 460830103001118, 460830103001119, 460830103001121, 460830103001122, 460830103001123, 460830103002000, 460830103002002, 460830103002005, 460830103003005, 460830103003006, 460830103003007, 460830103003008.
(17) District No. 17:
(a) The portion of Clay County consisting of precincts VTD-Vermillion precinct Central-C1, VTD-Vermillion precinct Central-C2, VTD-precinct W01, VTD-precinct W03, VTD-Vermillion precinct Northeast-NE1, VTD-Vermillion precinct Northeast-NE2, VTD-Vermillion precinct Northwest-NW1, VTD-Vermillion precinct Northwest-NW2, VTD-Vermillion precinct Southeast-SE-1, and VTD-Vermillion precinct Southeast-SE-2; and
(b) The portion of Union County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 4, VTD-precinct 8, VTD-precinct 9, VTD-precinct 10, VTD-precinct 11, VTD-precinct 12, and VTD–13.
(18) District No. 18:
(a) Yankton County; and
(b) The portion of Clay County consisting of precinct VTD-precinct W02.
(19) District No. 19:
(a) Bon Homme, Hanson, Hutchinson, and McCook counties; and
(b) The portion of Turner County consisting of precinct VTD-precinct 4.
(20) District No. 20:
(a) Davison, Jerauld, and Sanborn counties; and
(b) The portion of Miner County consisting of precinct VTD-precinct 5.
(21) District No. 21: Aurora, Charles Mix, Douglas, Gregory, and Tripp counties.
(22) District No. 22:
(a) Beadle and Spink counties;
(b) The portion of Clark County in VTD-precinct 1, the blocks of: 460259558001144, 460259558001145, 460259558001148, 460259558001149, 460259558001150, 460259558001151, 460259558001159, 460259558001160, 460259558001161, 460259558001162, 460259558001163, 460259558001164, 460259558001167, 460259558001168, 460259558001169, 460259558001170, 460259558001171, 460259558001195, 460259558001196, 460259558001197, 460259558001198, 460259558001199, 460259558001200, 460259558001201, 460259558001202, 460259558001203, 460259558001204, 460259558001205, 460259558001206, 460259558001259, 460259558001260, 460259558001261; and
(c) The portion of Clark County in VTD-precinct 3, the blocks of: 460259558001013, 460259558001014, 460259558001015, 460259558001016, 460259558001017, 460259558001018, 460259558001019, 460259558001020, 460259558001021, 460259558001022, 460259558001023, 460259558001024, 460259558001025, 460259558001026, 460259558001027, 460259558001028, 460259558001029, 460259558001030, 460259558001031, 460259558001032, 460259558001033, 460259558001034, 460259558001035, 460259558001036, 460259558001037, 460259558001038, 460259558001039, 460259558001040, 460259558001041, 460259558001042, 460259558001043, 460259558001044, 460259558001045, 460259558001046, 460259558001047, 460259558001048, 460259558001049, 460259558001050, 460259558001051, 460259558001052, 460259558001053, 460259558001054, 460259558001055, 460259558001056, 460259558001057, 460259558001058, 460259558001059, 460259558001060, 460259558001061, 460259558001062, 460259558001063, 460259558001064, 460259558001065, 460259558001066, 460259558001067, 460259558001071, 460259558001126, 460259558001127, 460259558001128, 460259558001129, 460259558001130, 460259558001131, 460259558001132, 460259558001133, 460259558001146, 460259558001147, 460259558001269, 460259558001270, 460259558003009, 460259558003011, 460259558004023, 460259558004024, 460259558004025, 460259558005225, 460259558005226, 460259558005227, 460259558005228, 460259558005229, 460259558005233, 460259558005234, 460259558005235, 460259558005236, 460259558005237, 460259558005238, 460259558005239, 460259558005240, 460259558005241, 460259558005242, 460259558005243, 460259558005244, 460259558005245, 460259558005246, 460259558005247, 460259558005248, 460259558005249, 460259558005250, 460259558005251, 460259558005252, 460259558005253, 460259558005254, 460259558005255, 460259558005256, 460259558005257, 460259558005258, 460259558005259, 460259558005260, 460259558005261, 460259558005262, 460259558005263, 460259558005264, 460259558005265, 460259558005266, 460259558005267, 460259558005268, 460259558005269, 460259558005270, 460259558005271, 460259558005272, 460259558005273, 460259558005274, 460259558005337.
(23) District No. 23:
(a) Campbell, Edmunds, Faulk, Hand, McPherson, Potter, and Walworth counties;
(b) The portion of Brown County in VTD-precinct 8 Aberdeen, the blocks of: 460139515002014, 460139515002015, 460139515002016, 460139515002017, 460139515002018, 460139515002019, 460139516002006, 460139516002007, 460139516002008, 460139516002009, 460139516002010, 460139516002011, 460139516002024, 460139516002025, 460139516002026, 460139516002027, 460139516002028, 460139517001027, 460139517001028, 460139517001029, 460139517001030, 460139517001031, 460139517001032, 460139517001033, 460139517001034, 460139517001035, 460139517001036, 460139517001037, 460139517001038, 460139517001039, 460139517001040, 460139517001041, 460139517001042, 460139517001043, 460139517001044, 460139517001045, 460139517002009, 460139517002012, 460139517002014, 460139517002018, 460139517002024, 460139517002025, 460139517002026, 460139517002027, 460139517002028, 460139517002029, 460139517002030, 460139517002031, 460139517002032, 460139517002033, 460139517002034, 460139517002035, 460139517002036, 460139517002037, 460139517002038, 460139517002039, 460139517003000, 460139517003001, 460139517003002, 460139517003003, 460139517003004, 460139517003005, 460139517003006, 460139517003008, 460139517003009, 460139517003010, 460139517003011, 460139517003012, 460139517003013, 460139517003014, 460139517003015, 460139517003017, 460139517003020, 460139517003032, 460139517003033, 460139517003036, 460139517003037, 460139517003038, 460139517003040;
(c) The portion of Brown County in VTD-precinct 15 Franklin-Carlisle-Ravinia-Mercier-LincolnTwp; the blocks of: 460139520002129, 460139520002130, 460139520002131, 460139520002132, 460139520002133, 460139520002135, 460139520002136, 460139520002137, 460139520002138, 460139520002139, 460139520002140, 460139520002141, 460139520002142, 460139520002143, 460139520002144, 460139520002145, 460139520002146, 460139520002147, 460139520002148, 460139520002149, 460139520002150, 460139520002151, 460139520002152, 460139520002153, 460139520002154, 460139520002159, 460139520002160, 460139520002161, 460139520002162, 460139520002163; and
(d) The portion of Brown County in VTD-precinct 16 WAberdeenTwp, the blocks of: 460139513002032, 460139513002033, 460139513002034, 460139513002035, 460139513002036, 460139513002037, 460139513002038, 460139513002039, 460139513002040, 460139513002079, 460139513002080, 460139513002082, 460139513002083, 460139513002084, 460139513002098, 460139517002006, 460139517002007, 460139517002008, 460139517002010, 460139517002011, 460139517002013, 460139517002015, 460139517002016, 460139517002017, 460139517002019, 460139517002020, 460139517002021, 460139517002023, 460139517002040, 460139517002041, 460139517002042, 460139517002043, 460139517002044, 460139517002045, 460139517002046, 460139517002047, 460139517002048, 460139517002049, 460139517002050, 460139517002051, 460139517002052, 460139517002053, 460139517002056, 460139517002057, 460139517002063, 460139517002064, 460139517002065, 460139517002081, 460139517002094, 460139517003007, 460139517003016, 460139517003034, 460139517003035.
(24) District No. 24:
(a) Haakon, Stanley, and Sully counties;
(b) The portion of Hughes County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 5, VTD-precinct 7, VTD-precinct 11, VTD-Pierre precinct 21, VTD-Pierre precinct 23, VTD-Pierre precinct 24, VTD-Pierre precinct 26, VTD-Pierre precinct 28, VTD-Pierre precinct 29, VTD-Pierre precinct 30, VTD-Pierre precinct 31, VTD-Pierre precinct 32, VTD-Pierre precinct 33, and VTD-Pierre precinct 34;
(c) The portion of Hyde County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 1, VTD-precinct 2, VTD-precinct 3, and VTD-precinct 4;
(d) The portion of Hughes County in VTD-precinct 9, the blocks of: 460659780002363, 460659780002364, 460659780002365, 460659780002366, 460659780002367, 460659780002368, 460659780002369, 460659780002370, 460659780002371, 460659780002372, 460659780002373, 460659780002374, 460659780002375, 460659780002376, 460659780002377, 460659780002378, 460659780002379, 460659780002381, 460659780002386, 460659780002394, 460659780002395, 460659780002396, 460659780002397, 460659780002399, 460659780002422, 460659780002423, 460659780002424, 460659780002425, 460659780002426, 460659780002427, 460659780002434; and
(e) The portion of Hyde County in VTD-precinct 5, the blocks of: 460699767001000, 460699767001008, 460699767001009, 460699767001079, 460699767001080, 460699767002126, 460699767002127, 460699767002128, 460699767002129, 460699767002130, 460699767002131, 460699767002133, 460699767002134, 460699767002135, 460699767002136, 460699767002137, 460699767002138, 460699767002139, 460699767002140, 460699767002141, 460699767002142, 460699767002146, 460699767002147, 460699767002148, 460699767002149, 460699767002150, 460699767002151, 460699767002152, 460699767002153, 460699767002156, 460699767002157, 460699767002158, 460699767002159, 460699767002160, 460699767002161, 460699767002162, 460699767002163, 460699767002164, 460699767002165, 460699767002166, 460699767002167, 460699767002168, 460699767002169, 460699767002170, 460699767002171, 460699767002172, 460699767002173, 460699767002174, 460699767002175, 460699767002176, 460699767002177, 460699767002178, 460699767002179, 460699767002180, 460699767002181, 460699767002182, 460699767002183, 460699767002184, 460699767002185, 460699767002186, 460699767002187, 460699767002188, 460699767002189, 460699767002190, 460699767002191, 460699767002192, 460699767002193, 460699767002203, 460699767002204, 460699767002205, 460699767002206, 460699767002207, 460699767002208, 460699767002211.
(25) District No. 25:
(a) Moody County;
(b) The portion of Minnehaha County consisting of precincts VTD VP 04, VTD VP 08, VTD VP 09, VTD VP 10, VTD VP 11, VTD VP 12, VTD VP 13, VTD VP 21, and VTD VP 16;
(c) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 3-5, the blocks of: 460990001001015, 460990001001016, 460990001001017, 460990001001021, 460990104052006, 460990104052007, 460990104052008, 460990104052009, 460990104052010, 460990104052019, 460990104052020, 460990104052021, 460990104052022;
(d) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 3-14, the blocks of: 460990104041060, 460990104041070, 460990104041071, 460990104042045, 460990104042046, 460990104042047, 460990104042049, 460990104042078, 460990104052002, 460990104052003, 460990104052004, 460990104052005, 460990104053000, 460990104053001, 460990104053002, 460990104053003, 460990104053004, 460990104053005, 460990104053009, 460990104053010, 460990104053011, 460990104053012, 460990104053013, 460990104053015, 460990104053016, 460990104053017, 460990104053018, 460990104053019, 460990104053022, 460990104053023, 460990104053024, 460990104053025, 460990104053030, 460990104053031, 460990104053039, 460990104053040, 460990104053041, 460990104053046, 460990104053047;
(e) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD 4-5, the blocks of: 460990001001001, 460990001001002, 460990001001003, 460990001001006, 460990001001007, 460990001001008, 460990001001009, 460990001001010, 460990001001032, 460990001001033, 460990001001034, 460990001001035, 460990001001036, 460990001001037, 460990001001038, 460990001001039, 460990001001040, 460990001001041, 460990104041085, 460990104041086, 460990104041087, 460990104041088, 460990104041089, 460990104041090, 460990104041091, 460990104041093, 460990104041094, 460990104041095, 460990104041096, 460990104041097, 460990104041098, 460990104041099, 460990104041101, 460990104041102, 460990104041103;
(f) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD VP 01, the blocks of: 460990104021000, 460990104021001, 460990104021002, 460990104021003, 460990104021004, 460990104021033, 460990104021034, 460990104021035, 460990104021036, 460990104021037, 460990104021044;
(g) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD VP 03, the blocks of: 460990104021005, 460990104021006, 460990104021007, 460990104021008, 460990104021009, 460990104021010, 460990104021011, 460990104021012, 460990104021013, 460990104021014, 460990104021015, 460990104021016, 460990104021017, 460990104021018, 460990104021019, 460990104021020, 460990104021021, 460990104021022, 460990104021023, 460990104021024, 460990104021025, 460990104021026, 460990104021027, 460990104021028, 460990104021029, 460990104021030, 460990104021031, 460990104021032, 460990104021056, 460990104021057, 460990104021064, 460990104021065, 460990104021167, 460990104021180, 460990104043000, 460990104043001, 460990104043002, 460990104043003, 460990104043007, 460990104043008, 460990104043009; and
(h) The portion of Minnehaha County in VTD VP 07, the blocks of: 460990102001134, 460990102001135, 460990102001136, 460990102001137, 460990102001151, 460990102001152, 460990102001153, 460990102002115, 460990102002116, 460990102002117, 460990102002118, 460990102002119, 460990102002120, 460990102002121, 460990102002122, 460990102002123, 460990102002124, 460990102002125, 460990102002126, 460990102002127, 460990102002128, 460990102002129, 460990102002130, 460990102002133, 460990103001000, 460990103001001, 460990103001002, 460990103001003, 460990103001004, 460990103001005, 460990103001006, 460990103001007, 460990103001008, 460990103001009, 460990103001012, 460990103001013, 460990103001014, 460990103001015, 460990103001016, 460990103001017, 460990103001018, 460990103001019, 460990103001020, 460990103001021, 460990103001022, 460990103001023, 460990103001024, 460990103001025, 460990103001026, 460990103001027, 460990103001028.
(26) District No. 26:
(a) Brule, Buffalo, Jones, Lyman, Mellette, and Todd counties;
(b) The portion of Hughes County in VTD-precinct 9, the blocks of: 460659780002380, 460659780002382, 460659780002383, 460659780002384, 460659780002385, 460659780002387, 460659780002388, 460659780002389, 460659780002390, 460659780002391, 460659780002392, 460659780002393, 460659780002398, 460659780002428, 460659780002429; and
(c) The portion of Hyde County in VTD-precinct 5, the blocks of: 460699767002194, 460699767002195, 460699767002196, 460699767002197, 460699767002198, 460699767002199, 460699767002200, 460699767002201, 460699767002202, 460699767002209, 460699767002210, 460699767002212, 460699767002213, 460699767002214, 460699767002215, 460699767002216, 460699767002217, 460699767002218, 460699767002219, 460699767002220, 460699767002221, 460699767002222, 460699767002223, 460699767002224, 460699767002225.
(27) District No. 27:
(a) Bennett, Jackson, and Oglala Lakota counties;
(b) The portion of Pennington County consisting of precincts VTD–CA, VTD-CR, VTD-NU, VTD-QU, VTD-SC, VTD-WL, and VTD-WS; and
(c) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 1-4, the blocks of: 461030116011034, 461030116011049, 461030116011082, 461030116011083, 461030116011084, 461030116011086, 461030116011088, 461030116011137.
(28) District No. 28: Butte, Corson, Dewey, Harding, Perkins, and Ziebach counties;
(29) District No. 29: The portion of Meade County consisting of precincts 00-Sturgis, 06-Tilford, 08-Harmony, 09-Bear Butte, 11-Piedmont, 12-East Piedmont, 13-SE Piedmont, 14-Black Hawk, 15-Rural Black Hawk, 17-Viewfield, 18-Elm Springs, 20-Hereford, 21-Elk Vale, 23-BASE, 24-West Elk Vale, 25-White Owl, 27-Chalk Butte, 29-Fairpoint, 30-Red Owl, 31-Faith, 33-Pine, 35-Sulphur, 40-Union, 41-Marcus, 6A-Alkali, Central Sturgis, East Sturgis, Northeast Sturgis, Northwest Sturgis, Rural Sturgis, Southeast Sturgis, South Sturgis, Southwest Sturgis, and West Sturgis.
(30) District No. 30:
(a) Custer and Fall River counties;
(b) The portion of Pennington County consisting of precincts VTD-HC, VTD–HR, VTD-KY, VTD-LS, and VTD-RK;
(c) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 1-4, the block of 461030109062019; and
(d) The portion of Pennington County in VTD–VF, the blocks of: 461030109052011, 461030109052042, 461030109062000, 461030109062001, 461030109062002, 461030109062003, 461030109062017, 461030109062018, 461030109062020, 461030109063008, 461030109063010, 461030109063011, 461030109063012, 461030109063013, 461030109063014, 461030109063015, 461030109063016, 461030109063017, 461030109063018, 461030109063019, 461030109063020, 461030109063021, 461030109063023, 461030109063024, 461030109063025, 461030109063026, 461030109063027, 461030109063028, 461030109063029, 461030109063030, 461030109063031, 461030109063032, 461030109063033, 461030109063034, 461030109063035, 461030109063036, 461030109063037, 461030109071034, 461030109071035, 461030109071036, 461030109071037, 461030109071038, 461030109071046, 461030109071047, 461030109071057, 461030109071058, 461030109071095, 461030109071096, 461030109071097, 461030109071098, 461030109071099, 461030109071100, 461030109083013, 461030109083014, 461030109083015, 461030109083016, 461030109083021, 461030109083022, 461030109083025, 461030109083026, 461030109083027, 461030109083028, 461030109083029, 461030109083030, 461030109083031, 461030109083032, 461030109083033, 461030109083034, 461030109083035, 461030109083036, 461030109083037, 461030116011125, 461030116011127, 461030116011128, 461030116011130, 461030116011131, 461030116011132, 461030116011133, 461030116011134, 461030116011187, 461030116011188, 461030116011192.
(31) District No. 31: Lawrence County.
(32) District No. 32:
(a) The portion of Pennington County consisting of precincts VTD-RC 2-1, VTD-RC 2-4, VTD-RC 2-5, VTD-RC 4-1, VTD-RC 4-2, and VTD-RC 4-4;
(b) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 1-2, the blocks of: 461030106001007, 461030106002000, 461030106002001, 461030106002002, 461030106002003, 461030106002004, 461030106002005, 461030106003000, 461030106003006, 461030106003012, 461030106003013, 461030106003014, 461030106003015, 461030106003016, 461030106003017, 461030106003018, 461030106003019, 461030107004015, 461030107004018, 461030107004019, 461030107004020, 461030107004021, 461030107004022, 461030107004023, 461030107004024, 461030107004026, 461030107004027, 461030107004028, 461030107004029, 461030109071066, 461030109071067;
(c) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 1-3, the blocks of: 461030107004016, 461030107004017, 461030107004025, 461030108004025, 461030108004026, 461030108004027, 461030108004028, 461030108004029, 461030109042002, 461030109042003, 461030109042004, 461030109042005, 461030109042006, 461030109042007, 461030109042008, 461030109042009, 461030109042010, 461030109042011, 461030109042012, 461030109042013, 461030109042014, 461030109042017, 461030109042018, 461030109042019, 461030109042020, 461030109042021, 461030109042026, 461030109052000, 461030109052001, 461030109052002, 461030109052003, 461030109052004;
(d) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 4-3, the blocks of: 461030114004003, 461030114004048, 461030114004050, 461030114004051, 461030114004052, 461030114004053, 461030114004054, 461030114004055, 461030114004056, 461030114004057, 461030114004058, 461030114004059, 461030114004060, 461030114004061; and
(e) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 5-4, the blocks of: 461030102021006, 461030102021032, 461030102021048, 461030102021049, 461030102021050, 461030102021051, 461030102021052, 461030102021053, 461030102021054, 461030102021055, 461030102021056, 461030102021057, 461030102021058, 461030102021059, 461030102021060, 461030102021061, 461030102021062, 461030102021065, 461030102021066, 461030102021067, 461030102021068, 461030102022008, 461030102022014, 461030102022015, 461030102022016, 461030102022017, 461030103003024, 461030108002000, 461030108002001, 461030108002002, 461030108002003, 461030108002004, 461030108002005, 461030108002006, 461030108002007, 461030108002008, 461030108002009, 461030108002010, 461030108002011, 461030108002012, 461030108002013, 461030108002014, 461030108002015, 461030108002016, 461030108002017, 461030108002018, 461030108002019, 461030108002020, 461030108002021, 461030108002022, 461030108002023, 461030108002024, 461030108002025, 461030108002026, 461030108002027, 461030108002028, 461030108002029, 461030108002030, 461030108002031, 461030108002032, 461030108002033, 461030108002034, 461030108002035, 461030108002036, 461030108002037, 461030108003000, 461030108003001, 461030108003002, 461030108003003, 461030108003004, 461030108003005, 461030108003006, 461030108003007, 461030108003008, 461030108003009, 461030108003010, 461030108003011, 461030108003012, 461030108003013, 461030108003014, 461030108003015, 461030108003016, 461030108003017, 461030108003018, 461030108003019, 461030108003020, 461030108003021, 461030108003022, 461030108003023, 461030108003024, 461030108003025, 461030108003026, 461030109052006.
(33) District No. 33:
(a) The portion of Meade County consisting of precincts 10-Summerset, 16-West Black Hawk, and 19-Central Black Hawk;
(b) The portion of Pennington County consisting of precincts VTD–JS, VTD-WP, VTD-RC 1-1; and
(c) The portion of Pennington County in VTD–DT, the blocks of: 461030113002000, 461030113002001, 461030113002004, 461030113002005, 461030113002006, 461030113002007, 461030113002008, 461030113002009, 461030113002010, 461030113002011, 461030113002012, 461030113002013, 461030113002014, 461030113002051, 461030113004000, 461030113004001, 461030113004002, 461030113004003, 461030113004008, 461030114003000, 461030114003001, 461030114003002, 461030114003003, 461030114003004, 461030114003005, 461030114003006, 461030114003007, 461030114003008, 461030114003009, 461030114003010, 461030114003011, 461030114003012, 461030114003013, 461030114003014, 461030114003015, 461030114003016, 461030114003019, 461030114003020, 461030114003021, 461030114003049, 461030114003050, 461030114003051, 461030114004000, 461030114004002, 461030114004004, 461030114004005, 461030114004006, 461030114004007, 461030114004049;
(d) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 1-2, the blocks of: 461030109041000, 461030109041001, 461030109041002, 461030109041003, 461030109041004, 461030109041005, 461030109041006, 461030109041007, 461030109041008, 461030109041009, 461030109041010, 461030109041011, 461030109041012, 461030109041013, 461030109041014, 461030109041015, 461030109041016, 461030109041017, 461030109041018, 461030109041019, 461030109041020, 461030109041021, 461030109041022, 461030109041023, 461030109041024, 461030109042000, 461030109042001, 461030109042015, 461030109042016;
(e) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 1-3, the blocks of: 461030109042022, 461030109042023, 461030109042024, 461030109042025, 461030109042027, 461030109042028, 461030109042029, 461030109042030, 461030109042031, 461030109042032, 461030109051014, 461030109051015, 461030109051016, 461030109051019, 461030109052005, 461030109052017, 461030109052018, 461030109052019, 461030109052020, 461030109052021, 461030109052022, 461030109052023, 461030109052024, 461030109052025, 461030109052026, 461030109052027, 461030109052041;
(f) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 3-2, the blocks of: 461030110041016, 461030110042004, 461030110042005, 461030110042006, 461030110042007, 461030110042008, 461030110042009, 461030110042010, 461030110042011, 461030110042012, 461030110042013, 461030110042014, 461030110042023;
(g) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 3-5, the blocks of: 461030110042017, 461030110042018, 461030110042019, 461030110042020, 461030110042022, 461030110042027, 461030110042028, 461030110043029, 461030110043030, 461030110043038;
(h) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 4-3, the blocks of: 461030114004001, 461030114004023, 461030114004024, 461030114004025, 461030114004026, 461030114004027, 461030114004028, 461030114004029, 461030114004030, 461030114004031, 461030114004032, 461030114004033, 461030114004034, 461030114004035, 461030114004036, 461030114004037, 461030114004038, 461030114004039, 461030114004040, 461030114004041, 461030114004042, 461030114004043, 461030114004044, 461030114004045, 461030114004046, 461030114004047; and
(i) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 4-5, the blocks of: 461030114004014, 461030114004015, 461030114004016, 461030114004017, 461030114004018, 461030114004019, 461030114004020, 461030114004021, 461030114004022.
(34) District No. 34:
(a) The portion of Pennington County consisting of precincts VTD-CL, VTD-RC 3-1, VTD-RC 3-3, VTD-RC 3-4, VTD-RC 5-1, VTD-RC 5-2, VTD-RC 5-3, and VTD-RC 5-5;
(b) The portion of Pennington County in VTD–DT, the blocks of: 461030113001002, 461030113001003, 461030113004004, 461030113004005;
(c) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 3-2, the blocks of: 461030110021005, 461030110021007, 461030110021008, 461030110021010, 461030110021011, 461030110021012, 461030110021013, 461030110022001, 461030110022002, 461030110022004, 461030110022005, 461030110022006, 461030110022007, 461030110022008, 461030110043014, 461030110043032, 461030110043033, 461030110043034, 461030110043035;
(d) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 3-5, the block of 461030110043013; and
(e) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 5-4, the blocks of: 461030102021007, 461030102021008, 461030102021009, 461030102021010, 461030102021011, 461030102021012, 461030102021013, 461030102021014, 461030102021015, 461030102021016, 461030102021017, 461030102021018, 461030102021031, 461030102021046, 461030102021047, 461030103003012, 461030110011000, 461030110011001, 461030112001000, 461030112001008, 461030114003039, 461030114003041, 461030114003046.
(35) District No. 35:
(a) The portion of Pennington County consisting of precincts VTD-AW, VTD-BE, VTD-EL, VTD-NH, VTD-RV, VTD–VV, VTD-RC 2-2, and VTD-RC 2-3; and
(b) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 1-4, the blocks of: 461030106003020, 461030109062012, 461030109062014, 461030109071010, 461030109071011, 461030109071012, 461030109071013, 461030109071014, 461030109071015, 461030109071016, 461030109071017, 461030109071018, 461030109071019, 461030109071020, 461030109071026, 461030109071027, 461030109071028, 461030109071029, 461030109071031, 461030109071032, 461030109071033, 461030109071039, 461030109071040, 461030109071041, 461030109071042, 461030109071044, 461030109071045, 461030109071048, 461030109071049, 461030109071050, 461030109071051, 461030109071052, 461030109071053, 461030109071054, 461030109071055, 461030109071056, 461030109071059, 461030109071060, 461030109071061, 461030109071063, 461030109071064, 461030109071065, 461030109071068, 461030109071069, 461030109071070, 461030109071071, 461030109071072, 461030109071073, 461030109071074, 461030109071077, 461030109071078, 461030109071079, 461030109071080, 461030109071081, 461030109071082, 461030109071083, 461030109071084, 461030109071085, 461030109071086, 461030109071087, 461030109071088, 461030109071089, 461030109071090, 461030109071092, 461030109071093, 461030109071094;
(c) The portion of Pennington County in VTD-RC 4-5, the blocks of: 461030114002004, 461030114002005, 461030114002007, 461030114002008, 461030114002009, 461030114002010, 461030114002011, 461030114002012, 461030114002013, 461030114002014, 461030114002015, 461030114002016, 461030114002017, 461030114002018, 461030114002019, 461030114002021, 461030114002023, 461030114002024, 461030114002032, 461030114002033, 461030114002035, 461030114002036, 461030114002037, 461030114002038, 461030114002039, 461030114002040, 461030114002055, 461030114002056, 461030114002057, 461030114002058, 461030114002059; and
(d) The portion of Pennington County in VTD–VF, the blocks of: 461030109061031, 461030109061032, 461030109062004, 461030109062005, 461030109062006, 461030109062013, 461030109062015, 461030109062016, 461030109071021, 461030109071022, 461030109071023, 461030109071024, 461030109071025, 461030109071030, 461030109071043, 461030109071062, 461030109071075, 461030109071076, 461030109071091.
Source: SL 2021 (1SS), ch 1, § 1, eff. Feb. 9, 2022.
2-2-44. Number of representatives and house districts.
The state shall be divided into thirty-five representative districts, which shall be the same as the senatorial districts provided in § 2-2-43.1, and the House of Representatives shall consist of seventy members.
Source: SL 2011 (SS), ch 1, § 4, eff. Jan. 23, 2012; SL 2021 (1SS), ch 1, § 5, eff. Feb. 9, 2022.
2-2-45. Number of senators from each district.
Each senatorial district as provided for in § 2-2-43.1 is entitled to one senator.
Source: SL 2011 (SS), ch 1, § 5, eff. Jan. 23, 2012; SL 2021 (1SS), ch 1, § 6, eff. Feb. 9, 2022.
2-2-46. Number of representatives from each district.
Each representative district as provided for in § 2-2-44 is entitled to two representatives. However, in order to protect minority voting rights, District No. 26 and District No. 28 shall each consist of two single-member house districts as provided in §§ 2-2-47.1 and 2-2-48.1.
Source: SL 2011 (SS), ch 1, § 6, eff. Jan. 23, 2012; SL 2021 (1SS), ch 1, § 7, eff. Feb. 9, 2022.
2-2-47. Repealed.
Source: SL 2011 (SS), ch 1, § 7, eff. Jan. 23, 2012; SL 2021 (1SS), ch 1, § 12, eff. Feb. 9, 2022.
2-2-47.1. Single-member house districts--District No. 26.
District No. 26 shall consist of two single-member house districts as follows:
(1) District No. 26A:
(a) Mellette and Todd counties;
(b) The portion of Jones County consisting of precinct VTD-precinct 1; and
(c) The portion of Jones County in VTD-5, the blocks of: 460750916001014,460750916001077, 460750916001078, 460750916001178, 460750916001179, 460750916001182, 460750916001183, 460750916001191, 460750916001192, 460750916001193, 460750916001194, 460750916001195, 460750916001196, 460750916001197, 460750916001198, 460750916001199, 460750916001200, 460750916001201, 460750916001202, 460750916001203, 460750916001204, 460750916001205, 460750916001206, 460750916001207, 460750916001208, 460750916001209, 460750916001210, 460750916001211, 460750916001212, 460750916001213, 460750916001214, 460750916001255, 460750916001257, 460750916001258.
(2) District No. 26B:
(a) Brule, Buffalo, and Lyman counties;
(b) The portion of Jones County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 3, VTD-Murdo ward 1 (part of precinct 1), VTD-Murdo ward 2 (part of precinct 3), VTD-Murdo ward 3 (part of precinct 3);
(c) The portion of Hughes County in VTD-precinct 9, the blocks of: 460659780002380, 460659780002382, 460659780002383, 460659780002384, 460659780002385, 460659780002388, 460659780002389, 460659780002390, 460659780002391, 460659780002392, 460659780002393, 460659780002398, 460659780002428, 460659780002429;
(d) The portion of Hyde County in VTD-precinct 5, the blocks of: 460699767002194, 460699767002195, 460699767002196, 460699767002197, 460699767002198, 460699767002199, 460699767002200, 460699767002201, 460699767002202, 460699767002209, 460699767002210, 460699767002212, 460699767002213, 460699767002214, 460699767002215, 460699767002216, 460699767002217, 460699767002218, 460699767002219, 460699767002220, 460699767002221, 460699767002222, 460699767002223, 460699767002224, 460699767002225; and
(e) The portion of Jones County in VTD-precinct 5, the blocks of: 460750916001000, 460750916001001, 460750916001002, 460750916001003, 460750916001004, 460750916001005, 460750916001006, 460750916001007, 460750916001008, 460750916001009, 460750916001010, 460750916001011, 460750916001012, 460750916001013, 460750916001079, 460750916001080, 460750916001081, 460750916001082, 460750916001083, 460750916001084, 460750916001085, 460750916001086, 460750916001087, 460750916001088, 460750916001089, 460750916001090, 460750916001091, 460750916001092, 460750916001093, 460750916001094, 460750916001095, 460750916001096, 460750916001097, 460750916001098, 460750916001099, 460750916001100, 460750916001101, 460750916001102, 460750916001103, 460750916001104, 460750916001105, 460750916001106, 460750916001107, 460750916001108, 460750916001109, 460750916001110, 460750916001111, 460750916001112, 460750916001113, 460750916001114, 460750916001115, 460750916001116, 460750916001117, 460750916001118, 460750916001119, 460750916001120, 460750916001121, 460750916001122, 460750916001123, 460750916001124, 460750916001125, 460750916001126, 460750916001127, 460750916001128, 460750916001129, 460750916001130, 460750916001131, 460750916001132, 460750916001133, 460750916001134, 460750916001135, 460750916001136, 460750916001137, 460750916001138, 460750916001139, 460750916001140, 460750916001141, 460750916001142, 460750916001143, 460750916001144, 460750916001148, 460750916001149, 460750916001150, 460750916001168, 460750916001169, 460750916001170, 460750916001171, 460750916001172, 460750916001173, 460750916001174, 460750916001175, 460750916001176, 460750916001177, 460750916001180, 460750916001181, 460750916001346, 460750916001347, 460750916001348, 460750916001349, 460750916001350, 460750916001351, 460750916001352, 460750916001353, 460750916001354, 460750916001355, 460750916001358, 460750916001359, 460750916001360, 460750916001361, 460750916001362, 460750916001363, 460750916001364, 460750916001365.
Source: SL 2021 (1SS), ch 1, § 2, eff. Feb. 9, 2022.
2-2-48. Repealed.
Source: SL 2011 (SS), ch 1, § 8, eff. Jan. 23, 2012; SL 2021 (1SS), ch 1, § 13, eff. Feb. 9, 2022.
2-2-48.1. Single-member house districts--District No. 28.
District No. 28 shall consist of two single-member house districts as follows:
(1) District No. 28A:
(a) Corson, Dewey, and Ziebach counties; and
(b) The portion of Perkins County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 6, VTD-precinct 7, VTD-precinct 8, VTD-precinct 9, VTD-precinct 12.
(2) District No. 28B:
(a) Butte and Harding counties; and
(b) The portion of Perkins County consisting of precincts VTD-precinct 2, VTD-precinct 3, VTD-precinct 4, VTD-precinct 5, VTD-Lemmon city (precinct 1), VTD-Lemmon city (part of precinct 3).
Source: SL 2021 (1SS), ch 1, § 3, eff. Feb. 9, 2022.
2-2-49. Ideal population of a senate and house district.
The Legislature finds that, for the purposes of §§ 2-2-41 to 2-2-51, inclusive, the ideal population of a senatorial district, based on the official 2020 federal census, is 25,333 people. For a house district, the ideal population, based on the official 2020 federal census, is 12,667 people.
Source: SL 2011 (SS), ch 1, § 9, eff. Jan. 23, 2012; SL 2021 (1SS), ch 1, § 8, eff. Feb. 9, 2022.
2-2-50. Voting district boundaries.
For the purposes of §§ 2-2-41 to 2-2-51, inclusive, voting district (VTD) boundaries are those boundaries in existence on April 1, 2020, and utilized by the 2020 federal census.
Source: SL 2011 (SS), ch 1, § 10, eff. Jan. 23, 2012; SL 2021 (1SS), ch 1, § 9, eff. Feb. 9, 2022.
2-2-51. Attachment of omitted areas.
If any area of this state is omitted from the provisions of § 2-2-43.1, the county auditor of the county containing the area shall attach the area to the district that surrounds it or, if the area is contiguous to two or more districts, the county auditor shall attach it to the contiguous district that has the least population according to the official 2020 federal census. Any attachment made pursuant to this section shall be certified in writing and filed with the secretary of state. No changes may be made in any such attachment until the next decennial redistricting.
Source: SL 2011 (SS), ch 1, § 11, eff. Jan. 23, 2012; SL 2021 (1SS), ch 1, § 10, eff. Feb. 9, 2022.
2-4-1 Time and place of regular sessions.
2-4-1.1 Leave of absence from employment for legislative service--Restrictions on employee's right to serve in Legislature void.
2-4-2 Salary and expense allowances of legislators.
2-4-2.1 Items constituting uncompensated expenses of legislators.
2-4-2.2 Compensation of legislators on committees, taking oath of office, or attending Governor's budget report.
2-4-2.3 Compensation of legislators prior to oath of office.
2-4-3 Superseded by § 3-8-2.1.
2-4-3.1 Per diem of lieutenant governor for duties as board member.
2-4-4 Time of payment of salaries and allowances.
2-4-5 Repealed by SL 1973, ch 19, § 1.
2-4-6 Preventing Legislature or members from meeting as felony.
2-4-7 Preventing legislator from attending or voting as misdemeanor.
2-4-8 Compelling adjournment of Legislature as felony.
2-4-9 Disturbance or disorderly conduct in Legislature as misdemeanor.
2-4-10 Compelling action or inaction by Legislature as felony.
2-4-11 Repealed by SL 1976, ch 158, § 12A-11.
2-4-13 Forfeiture of office by legislator convicted of violation--Disqualification from public office.
2-4-14 Contempt of Legislature--Punishment.
2-4-15 Contempt of Legislature as misdemeanor.
2-4-1. Time and place of regular sessions.
The Legislature shall meet at the seat of government on the second Tuesday of January at noon.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0502; SL 1981, ch 15; SL 1983, ch 13, § 2.
2-4-1.1. Leave of absence from employment for legislative service--Restrictions on employee's right to serve in Legislature void.
An employer shall grant a temporary leave of absence without loss of job status or seniority resulting therefrom, to any employee who is a member of the Legislature in order that such employee may perform any official duty as a member of the Legislature. Such temporary leave of absence may be with or without pay within the discretion of the employer. Any agreement between an employer and an employee which, as a condition precedent to employment, promotion or benefit enhancement, restricts the employee's right to serve in the Legislature is void as a matter of public policy.
Source: SL 1974, ch 29; SL 1989, ch 24.
2-4-2. Salary and expense allowances of legislators.
The salary of each member of the Legislature is equal to one-fifth of the South Dakota median household income reported by the United States Census Current Population Survey, as ascertained and adjusted each year by the State Board of Finance to take effect on the first day of January of each year for every regular legislative session. In addition, each legislator shall receive:
(1) Reimbursement to be paid after the legislative session for actual mileage or its equivalent traveled to and from home not more than once each weekend or between days of recess during the regular legislative session, at the rate set pursuant to § 3-9-1;
(2) Expenses of one hundred twenty-three dollars per day for each day of a regular or special legislative session as prepaid reimbursement for living expenses, including meals and lodging, laundry, cleaning and pressing of clothing, and all other uncompensated expenses as defined in § 2-4-2.1 incident to the performance of legislative services, or at the amount fixed for the per diem allowance that is authorized by the United States Internal Revenue Service to be excluded from the gross income without itemization as of October first each year, whichever of the two is greater; and
(3) Five cents once each session for every mile of necessary travel in going to and returning from the place of meeting of the Legislature by the most usual route.
For each day's attendance at special sessions, each member, in addition to mileage and expenses, shall receive a per diem calculated by the director of the Legislative Research Council equal to the normal daily compensation for the regular session immediately preceding the special session.
Source: SL 1947, ch 241, § 5; SL 1957, ch 279, § 1; SDC Supp 1960, § 55.0503-1; SL 1965, ch 230, § 1; SL 1969, ch 207, § 1; SL 1970, ch 14, § 1; SL 1974, ch 23, § 1; SL 1976, ch 23; SL 1978, ch 24, § 7; SL 1981, ch 3, § 10; SL 1983, ch 2, § 11; SL 1988, ch 8, § 5A; SL 1997, ch 18, § 1; SL 1998, ch 10, § 1; SL 2000, ch 20, § 1; SL 2013, ch 15, § 1; SL 2018, ch 25, § 1; SL 2024, ch 20, § 6.
2-4-2.1. Items constituting uncompensated expenses of legislators.
The term, "uncompensated expenses," as used in this chapter, includes, but is not limited to, postage, stationery, printing, office supplies, telephone, incidental costs in the maintenance of a legislative office at home, subscriptions to publications, conference dues, and travel for attendance at meetings with constituents, and such other unreimbursed costs associated with legislative service.
Source: SL 1979, ch 13.
2-4-2.2. Compensation of legislators on committees, taking oath of office, or attending Governor's budget report.
The salary or per diem compensation for members of the Legislature serving on legislative committees, boards, or commissions, taking the oath of office, or attending the Governor's budget report required by § 4-7-9 if the report is given in person by the Governor, is equal to the rate set by subdivision 2-4-2(2).
Source: SL 2002, ch 18, § 4; SL 2015, ch 16, § 1.
2-4-2.3. Compensation of legislators prior to oath of office.
The speaker of the House of Representatives and the president pro tempore of the Senate may authorize the payment of a salary or per diem compensation to a person who has been elected or appointed to the House of Representatives or Senate, respectively, but has not yet received the oath of office, if the person is required to attend legislative committees, boards, or commissions, or attends the taking of the oath of office, or the Governor's budget report required by § 4-7-9 if the report is given in person by the Governor. The payment shall be equal to the rate set by subdivision 2-4-2(2).
Source: SL 2014, ch 12, § 1; SL 2015, ch 16, § 2.
2-4-3.1. Per diem of lieutenant governor for duties as board member.
If the lieutenant governor is not assigned sufficient duties to require full-time attention, then when carrying out the lieutenant governor's duties as a member of a board, committee, or commission established by the Legislature, the lieutenant governor may receive a per diem not to exceed seventy-five dollars per day or such amount as may be otherwise provided by law in the legislation establishing the board, committee, or commission. The per diem as authorized by this section may be paid for a maximum of sixty days in any calendar year.
Source: SL 1975, ch 25; SL 1985, ch 17, § 1; SL 1987, ch 8, § 3; SL 2023, ch 3, § 14.
2-4-4. Time of payment of salaries and allowances.
The salary of the Legislature and the lieutenant governor shall be payable in the same manner as for other state employees under the provisions of § 3-8-6, provided, however, that final payment shall be made on or before the last day of a legislative session. Mileage of the members of the Legislature and the lieutenant governor, for attendance upon regular and special sessions, shall be paid at the end of such session.
Source: SL 1951, ch 341, §§ 1 to 3; SL 1953, ch 401; SL 1955, ch 333; SL 1957, ch 377; SL 1959, ch 361; SDC Supp 1960, § 55.0503-2; SL 1965, ch 230, § 3; SL 1969, ch 207, § 3; SL 1973, ch 18, § 1.
2-4-5. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 19, § 1.
2-4-6. Preventing Legislature or members from meeting as felony.
Every person who intentionally, by force or fraud, prevents the Legislature of this state or either of the branches composing it, or any of the members thereof, from meeting or organizing, is guilty of a Class 4 felony.
Source: SDC 1939, § 13.1001; SL 1980, ch 24, § 16; SL 2006, ch 130, § 2.
2-4-7. Preventing legislator from attending or voting as misdemeanor.
Every person who intentionally, by intimidation or otherwise, prevents any member of the Legislature of this state from attending any session of the branch of which he is a member, or of any committee thereof, or from giving his vote upon any question which may come before such branch, or from performing any other official act, is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.
Source: SDC 1939, § 13.1005; SL 1980, ch 24, § 17.
2-4-8. Compelling adjournment of Legislature as felony.
Every person who intentionally, by force or fraud, compels or attempts to compel the Legislature of this state, or either of the branches composing it, to adjourn or disperse, is guilty of a Class 4 felony.
Source: SDC 1939, § 13.1002; SL 1980, ch 24, § 18; SL 2006, ch 130, § 3.
2-4-9. Disturbance or disorderly conduct in Legislature as misdemeanor.
Every person who intentionally disturbs the Legislature of this state, or either of the branches composing it, while in session, or who commits any disorderly conduct in the immediate view and presence of either branch of the Legislature tending to interrupt its proceedings or impair the respect due to its authority, is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.
Source: SDC 1939, § 13.1003; SL 1980, ch 24, § 19.
2-4-10. Compelling action or inaction by Legislature as felony.
Every person who intentionally, by force or fraud, compels or attempts to compel either branch of the Legislature of this state to pass, amend, or reject any bill or resolution, or to grant or refuse any petition, or to perform or omit to perform any other official act, is guilty of a Class 4 felony.
Source: SDC 1939, § 13.1004; SL 1980, ch 24, § 20; SL 2006, ch 130, § 4.
2-4-11, 2-4-12. Repealed by SL 1976, ch 158, § 12A-11.
2-4-13. Forfeiture of office by legislator convicted of violation--Disqualification from public office.
The conviction of a member of the Legislature of any crime defined in §§ 2-4-6 to 2-4-10, inclusive, involves as a consequence, in addition to the punishment prescribed therein, a forfeiture of his office and disqualifies him from ever thereafter holding any public office under this state.
Source: SDC 1939, § 13.1012; SL 1980, ch 26, § 16.
2-4-14. Contempt of Legislature--Punishment.
The Senate or the House of Representatives may punish, as a contempt, by imprisonment, a breach of its privileges or the privileges of its members; but only for one or more of the following offenses:
(1) Knowingly arresting a member or officer of the Senate or the House of Representatives, or procuring such member or officer to be arrested in violation of his privilege from arrest;
(2) Disorderly conduct in the immediate view of the Senate or the House of Representatives, and directly tending to interrupt its proceedings;
(3) Refusing to be examined as a witness either before the Senate or the House of Representatives, or a committee thereof, or before any person authorized to take testimony in legislative proceedings;
(4) Giving or offering a bribe to a member, or attempting, by menace or other corrupt means or device, directly or indirectly, to control or influence a member in giving his vote, or to prevent his giving the same;
but the term of imprisonment which the Senate or House of Representatives may impose for any contempt specified in this section shall not extend beyond the session of the Legislature.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0608.
2-4-15. Contempt of Legislature as misdemeanor.
Every person who is guilty of contempt of the State Legislature or either branch thereof, as contempt is defined in § 2-4-14, is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.9902; SL 1980, ch 24, § 21.
Elective officers of Senate.
Elective officers of house.
Tie vote for organizing House of Representatives.
Appointment of legislative employees by presiding officers.
Determination of amount of compensation of legislative employees.
Certification and payment of compensation to officers and employees.
2-5-10, 2-5-11. Repealed.
2-5-1. Repealed by omission from SL 1968, ch 201, § 2.
2-5-2. Elective officers of Senate.
The elective officers of the Senate shall be a president pro tempore of the Senate, who shall be a member of that body, one secretary, and such other officers as shall be necessary to properly conduct the business of the Senate.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0505; SL 1947, ch 240; SL 1968, ch 201, § 6.
2-5-3. Elective officers of house.
The elective officers of the House of Representatives shall be a speaker and a speaker pro tempore, who shall be members of that body, one chief clerk and such other officers as shall be necessary to properly conduct the business of the House of Representatives.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0506; SL 1947, ch 240; SL 1968, ch 201, § 7.
2-5-3.1. Tie vote for organizing House of Representatives.
In the event that there is a tie vote for purposes of organizing the House of Representatives then, for the purposes of organization, the political party's candidate for speaker of the house, speaker pro tempore and clerk, then having a member of its party duly elected as the Governor of the State of South Dakota shall be deemed to be elected.
Source: SL 1972, ch 12; SL 1981, ch 16, § 3.
2-5-4. Repealed by SL 1968, ch 201, § 5.
2-5-5. Appointment of legislative employees by presiding officers.
The speaker of the House of Representatives shall appoint employees necessary to properly conduct the business of the house and the president pro tempore of the Senate shall appoint employees necessary to properly conduct the business of the Senate.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0508; SL 1947, ch 240; SL 1968, ch 201, § 8; SL 1981, ch 16, § 4; SL 1995, ch 13, § 1.
2-5-6. Repealed by omission from SL 1968, ch 201, § 8.
2-5-7. Repealed by omission from SL 1968, ch 201, § 2.
2-5-8. Determination of amount of compensation of legislative employees.
All elective and appointed officers and employees of the Senate and House of Representatives designated in §§ 2-5-2, 2-5-3, and 2-5-5 shall receive compensation determined and agreed upon by a joint select committee of both houses.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0508; SL 1947, ch 240; SL 1968, ch 201, § 8.
2-5-9. Certification and payment of compensation to officers and employees.
The compensation of the officers and employees of the Senate, except the lieutenant governor, and the compensation of the officers and employees of the House of Representatives shall be fixed by a joint select committee of both houses. The compensation shall be paid out of the state treasury, upon vouchers approved by the director of the Legislative Research Council.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0510; SL 1968, ch 201, § 2; SL 1985, ch 17, § 2.
2-5-10, 2-5-11. Repealed by SL 1968, ch 201, § 1.
2-5-12. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 13, § 3.
2-6-1 Administration of oaths by committee member.
2-6-2 Composition and appointment of Government Operations and Audit Committee--Duties and reports--Assistance.
2-6-3 Repealed by SL 1971, ch 23, § 2.
2-6-4 Investigative authority of Government Operations and Audit Committee--Subpoenas.
2-6-4.1 Report may be required where audit finding reoccurs--Contents of report.
2-6-4.2 Criteria for issuing subpoena.
2-6-5 Disobedience of legislative summons as misdemeanor.
2-6-6 Refusal to testify or produce evidence before Legislature as misdemeanor.
2-6-7 Forfeiture of office by legislator in violation--Disqualification from public office.
2-6-8 Retirement laws study committee created--Purpose.
2-6-9 Appointment and terms of Retirement Laws Committee members--Political affiliations.
2-6-10 Officers of Retirement Laws Committee--Staff assistance.
2-6-11 Study of retirement laws by committee--Emphasis.
2-6-12 Legislative drafts and recommendations by Retirement Laws Committee--Reports--Review of proposals.
2-6-13 Repealed by SL 1989, ch 27, § 1.
2-6-14 Joint Bonding Review Committee established--Agencies subject to review by joint committee.
2-6-15 Reports by bonding entities to joint committee--Contents--Other assistance.
2-6-16 Reports to joint committee on particular issues of bonds or notes--Contents.
2-6-17 Detailed accounting to committee on underlying security and investments.
2-6-18 Agency explanation to committee of programs and operations.
2-6-19 Water Development Oversight Committee created--Purpose.
2-6-20 State-Tribal Relations Committee created.
2-6-21 State-Tribal Relations Committee--Membership.
2-6-22 Committee heads--Staff assistance.
2-6-23 Responsibilities of State-Tribal Relations Committee.
2-6-24 2-6-24, 2-6-25. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 17, §§ 1, 2.
2-6-26 2-6-26 to 2-6-30. Repealed by SL 2017, ch 13, §§ 1 to 5.
2-6-31 2-6-31 to 2-6-34. Executed.
2-6-35 Government Operations and Audit Committee to implement performance management review process.
2-6-36 Performance management and state agency defined.
2-6-37 Performance management review--Schedule--Content--Uniform template.
2-6-38 Agency report highlighting performance measures showing progress toward desired outcomes.
2-6-39 Annual compiled report presented to legislators--Website.
2-6-40 2-6-40 to 2-6-43. Executed.
2-6-44 Repealed.
2-6-45 Repealed.
2-6-46 Repealed.
2-6-47 Repealed.
2-6-48 Repealed.
2-6-49 Repealed.
2-6-50 Repealed.
2-6-51 Repealed.
2-6-1. Administration of oaths by committee member.
Any member of the Senate or House of Representatives, while acting as a member of any committee thereof, shall have authority to administer oaths to such persons as shall be examined before such committee.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0609.
2-6-2. Composition and appointment of Government Operations and Audit Committee--Duties and reports--Assistance.
There shall be appointed at each regular session of the Legislature a Government Operations and Audit Committee of ten, consisting of five members of the Senate appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, one of whom shall be a member of the Judiciary Committee, and five members of the House of Representatives appointed by the speaker of the house, one of whom shall be a member of the Judiciary Committee, for the purpose of inquiry and review of any phase of the operations and the fiscal affairs of any department, institution, board, or agency of the state, to review any findings of abuse or neglect in a juvenile corrections facility, to make a continuing study of the operation of the state's correctional system, and to make a detailed report to the Senate and House of Representatives and submit a copy of its report to the appropriation committee of each house of the Legislature at the next succeeding session of the Legislature or any special session of the Legislature upon request of the body.
The Department of Legislative Audit shall provide assistance, including clerical help, to the committee upon request.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0610; SL 1953, ch 285; SL 1955, ch 234; SL 1957, ch 280; SL 1984, ch 14, § 1; SL 1995, ch 13, § 2; SL 2000, ch 128, § 11.
2-6-3. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 23, § 2.
2-6-4. Investigative authority of Government Operations and Audit Committee--Subpoenas.
The Government Operations and Audit Committee may examine all records and vouchers, summon witnesses by request or by issuing a subpoena, and thoroughly examine all expenditures and the general management of each department of state government. The Government Operations and Audit Committee may issue a subpoena for the person, documents, or both and use the procedure provided in chapter 21-34 to enforce its subpoena when the subject of the subpoena refuses to comply with the command to appear and testify before the committee. However, no subpoena may be issued until the decision to issue a subpoena by the Government Operations and Audit Committee has been ratified by the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0610; SL 1953, ch 285; SL 1955, ch 234; SL 1957, ch 280; SL 1984, ch 14, § 2; SL 2000, ch 128, § 12; SL 2018, ch 26, § 1.
2-6-4.1. Report may be required where audit finding reoccurs--Contents of report.
If an audit report of any department, institution, board, or agency of the state includes an audit finding that also occurred in an immediately preceding year, the Government Operations and Audit Committee may require the department, institution, board, or agency to present a report, as part of its budget hearing, during the succeeding legislative session. The report to the Appropriations Committees shall include the reasons for not implementing the audit recommendations and a corrective action plan.
Source: SL 2000, ch 21, § 1.
2-6-4.2. Criteria for issuing subpoena.
Before a subpoena may be issued by the Government Operations and Audit Committee, the committee shall determine that:
(1) A legislative purpose exists pursuant to §§ 2-6-2 and 2-6-4;
(2) The subpoenaed person or documents are relevant and material to accomplish the legislative purpose; and
(3) The information sought is not otherwise practically available.
It is not a legislative purpose to subpoena a person or documents to collect information that may be used for a criminal proceeding or to legislatively determine guilt or inflict punishment upon an identifiable person.
Source: SL 2018, ch 26, § 2.
2-6-5. Disobedience of legislative summons as misdemeanor.
Any person who is summoned to attend as a witness before either house of the Legislature or any committee thereof authorized to summon or subpoena witnesses, and who refuses or neglects without lawful excuse to attend pursuant to the summons or subpoena, is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.
Source: SDC 1939, § 13.1010; SL 1980, ch 24, § 22; SL 1985, ch 17, § 3.
2-6-6. Refusal to testify or produce evidence before Legislature as misdemeanor.
Any person who, being present before either house of the Legislature or any committee thereof authorized to summon witnesses, willfully refuses to be sworn or affirmed, or to answer any material and proper question, or to produce upon reasonable notice any material or proper books, papers, or documents in his possession or under his control, is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.
Source: SDC 1939, § 13.1011; SL 1980, ch 24, § 23; SL 1985, ch 17, § 4.
2-6-7. Forfeiture of office by legislator in violation--Disqualification from public office.
The conviction of a member of the Legislature of any crime defined in § 2-6-5 or 2-6-6 involves as a consequence, in addition to the punishment prescribed therein, a forfeiture of his office and disqualifies him from ever thereafter holding any public office under this state.
Source: SDC 1939, § 13.1012.
2-6-8. Retirement laws study committee created--Purpose.
There is hereby created the South Dakota Retirement Laws Committee to make a continuing study of the pension and annuity and benefit laws relating to employees and officers in public service.
Source: SL 1974, ch 36, § 1.
2-6-9. Appointment and terms of Retirement Laws Committee members--Political affiliations.
The Retirement Laws Committee shall consist of five members of the House of Representatives to be appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives and five members of the Senate to be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate. The members of the Retirement Laws Committee shall be appointed biennially for terms expiring on January first of each succeeding odd-numbered year and shall serve until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. The appointing authority shall appoint members to the committee proportional to a party's representation in the authority's legislative body. The minority party in each legislative body shall have at least one member.
Source: SL 1974, ch 36, § 2; SL 1985, ch 17, § 5; SL 1995, ch 13, § 3; SL 2021, ch 17, § 1.
2-6-10. Officers of Retirement Laws Committee--Staff assistance.
The Retirement Laws Committee shall select a chairman and vice-chairman and shall be provided with staff assistance from the Legislative Research Council staff.
Source: SL 1974, ch 36, § 3.
2-6-11. Study of retirement laws by committee--Emphasis.
The Retirement Laws Committee shall continue the study of the retirement and pension laws applicable to employees and officers in government service throughout the state and shall appraise and evaluate existing laws relating to retirement and pension. It shall give particular study and consideration to the financial affairs of the retirement funds and shall recommend revisions in financial provisions and methods of amortizing the accrued liabilities of such funds without impairment of any of the rights and equities of participants and beneficiaries but in conformity with sound and established principles of financing retirement fund obligations.
Source: SL 1974, ch 36, § 3.
2-6-12. Legislative drafts and recommendations by Retirement Laws Committee--Reports--Review of proposals.
The Retirement Laws Committee shall present legislative drafts to effect sound and equitable public employees retirement programs. The Retirement Laws Committee shall study and make recommendations concerning the extension of retirement coverage to public employees to whom retirement protection has not been accorded. The Retirement Laws Committee shall from time to time report to the Legislature which report shall include but not be limited to the financial soundness of the system. The Retirement Laws Committee shall review all proposed legislation that affects public employee retirement in the state and shall make its report to the Legislature. During the legislative session, however, the standing committees established to review retirement laws legislation shall review proposed legislation that affects public employee retirement.
Source: SL 1974, ch 36, § 4; SL 1992, ch 24.
2-6-13. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 27, § 1.
2-6-14. Joint Bonding Review Committee established--Agencies subject to review by joint committee.
An interim joint bonding committee, established pursuant to the rules of the Legislature, shall review the operations, programs, accomplishments, and financial status of the South Dakota Housing Development Authority, the South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority, the South Dakota Building Authority, the South Dakota Conservancy District, the South Dakota Railroad Authority, and any other agency, board, or commission authorized to conduct statewide programs in the State of South Dakota and to issue bond and note indebtedness.
Source: SL 1976, ch 26, § 1; SDCL Supp, § 2-9-20; SL 1978, ch 20, § 3; SL 1982, ch 24; SL 1984, ch 15, § 1; SL 1985, ch 7, § 17A; SL 1993, ch 12, § 3.
2-6-15. Reports by bonding entities to joint committee--Contents--Other assistance.
Each of the entities shall submit to the joint committee a complete and detailed report no later than December first of each year, setting forth:
(1) Its operations and accomplishments;
(2) Its receipts and expenditures during its fiscal year for its operating and capital outlay purposes;
(3) Its assets and liabilities at the end of its fiscal year;
(4) A schedule of its notes and bonds outstanding at the end of its fiscal year, together with a statement of the amounts redeemed and incurred during such fiscal year; and
(5) Information relating to the selection, evaluation and compensation of its professional service providers.
Each of the entities shall assist the joint committee in a continuous review of programs and projected plans for the entities.
Source: SL 1976, ch 26, § 2; SDCL Supp, § 2-9-21; SL 1978, ch 20, § 4; SL 1982, ch 25.
2-6-16. Reports to joint committee on particular issues of bonds or notes--Contents.
For each issuance of bonds or notes of any such entity, there shall be provided to the joint committee a report of the details of the issuance, including a citation to the resolution providing for the issuance of the bonds and notes, the use of the proceeds of such issuance, the maturity date or dates of the bonds or notes, the interest rate or rates of the bonds or notes, the anticipated source of revenue from which the bonds or notes are to be repaid, and the rating, if any, given by a standard rating service on the bonds or notes.
Source: SL 1976, ch 26, § 3; SDCL Supp, § 2-9-22; SL 1978, ch 20, § 5.
2-6-17. Detailed accounting to committee on underlying security and investments.
The joint committee may request at any time a detailed accounting of the security underlying outstanding bonds or notes, the ability to make timely repayment of bonds or notes, or the investments of such entity.
Source: SL 1976, ch 26, § 4; SDCL Supp, § 2-9-23; SL 1978, ch 20, § 6.
2-6-18. Agency explanation to committee of programs and operations.
The joint committee may at any time require the governing board, or its designee, of any such entity to appear before it to provide detailed explanations of the public purpose underlying any of its programs or detailed explanations of any of its operations or activities.
Source: SL 1976, ch 26, § 5; SDCL Supp, § 2-9-24; SL 1978, ch 20, § 7.
2-6-19. Water Development Oversight Committee created--Purpose.
There is hereby created the Legislative Water Development Oversight Committee. The committee shall consist of four legislators, one each appointed by the majority and minority leaders of the Senate and one each appointed by the majority and minority leaders of the House of Representatives. The committee shall monitor the meetings and actions of the Board of Water and Natural Resources and the Water Management Board. The secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall cooperate with the members of the committee and assist them in carrying out their responsibilities. The secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall inform the members of the committee of the time and place of all meetings of the Board of Water and Natural Resources and Water Management Board and shall forward to the members of the committee copies of all materials sent to the members of those boards.
The committee shall select a chairperson from among its members and shall from time to time report to the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council on its activities. Members of the committee shall receive compensation as would any member of an interim legislative committee authorized by the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council under chapter 2-9.
Source: SL 1982, ch 316, § 9A; SL 2004, ch 17, § 6; SL 2021, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 21-3), § 14, eff. Apr. 19, 2021.
2-6-20. State-Tribal Relations Committee created.
There is hereby created the South Dakota State-Tribal Relations Committee to make a continuing study of the relations between the state and its political subdivisions and the tribes and their tribal governments.
Source: SL 1993, ch 30, § 1; SDCL 2-16-20.
2-6-21. State-Tribal Relations Committee--Membership.
The State-Tribal Relations Committee shall consist of five members of the House of Representatives to be appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives and five members of the Senate to be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate. The members of the State-Tribal Relations Committee shall be appointed biennially for terms expiring on January first of each succeeding odd-numbered year and shall serve until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. The appointing authority shall appoint members to the committee proportional to a party's representation in the authority's legislative body. The minority party in each legislative body must have at least one member.
Source: SL 1993, ch 30, § 2; SDCL 2-16-21; SL 2023, ch 10, § 1.
2-6-22. Committee heads--Staff assistance.
The State-Tribal Relations Committee shall be co-chaired by one member of the House of Representatives, chosen by the speaker of the House, and one member of the Senate, chosen by the president pro tempore of the Senate, and shall be provided with staff assistance from the Legislative Research Council.
Source: SL 1993, ch 30, § 3; SDCL 2-16-22; SL 2021, ch 18, § 1.
2-6-23. Responsibilities of State-Tribal Relations Committee.
The State-Tribal Relations Committee shall continuously study the relationship between the state and its political subdivisions and the tribes and their tribal governments. The committee shall give particular study and consideration to matters concerning jurisdiction, taxation, gaming, economic development and community relations. The committee shall serve as a forum for the discussion of issues of mutual concern to the state and the tribes and shall attempt to foster state-tribal cooperation. The committee shall draw upon public input from all those who may be concerned and knowledgeable about state-tribal relations whether Indian or non-Indian, whether tribal members or nontribal members. The committee may present draft legislation and policy recommendations to the Legislative Research Council Executive Board to effectuate its mission.
Source: SL 1993, ch 30, § 4; SDCL 2-16-23.
2-6-31 to 2-6-34. Executed.
2-6-35. Government Operations and Audit Committee to implement performance management review process.
The Government Operations and Audit Committee shall develop and implement a performance management review process that provides the Legislature with a consistent system to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of state agencies and to provide additional government transparency and accountability to the public.
Source: SL 2016, ch 25, § 1; SL 2017, ch 13, § 6.
2-6-36. Performance management and state agency defined.
For the purposes of §§ 2-6-35 to 2-6-39, inclusive, performance management is an ongoing, systematic approach to improving outcomes with a focus on accountability for performance by utilizing data-based measurements. For the purposes of §§ 2-6-35 to 2-6-39, inclusive, a state agency is any department or other unit of government in the executive branch of state government, but does not include any unit of local government.
Source: SL 2016, ch 25, § 2.
2-6-37. Performance management review--Schedule--Content--Uniform template.
The Government Operations and Audit Committee shall establish a schedule whereby the committee reviews the performance management of each state agency at least once every three years. The performance management review shall include the following:
(1) The strategic goals of each agency with specific, quantifiable outcomes and measurements to track progress toward those goals;
(2) A description of how the resources allocated to the agency's programs and strategies will result in the agency's defined outcomes; and
(3) Identification of the performance measurements that will be used to determine if the agency is achieving desired outcomes.
For use in conducting the performance management reviews required in this section, the committee shall develop and provide to each state agency a standardized, uniform template that, beginning January 1, 2021, each agency shall use when presenting information to the committee.
Source: SL 2016, ch 25, § 3; SL 2017, ch 13, § 7; SL 2020, ch 10, § 1.
2-6-38. Agency report highlighting performance measures showing progress toward desired outcomes.
After the Government Operations and Audit Committee has completed a performance management review of a state agency, and the committee has approved the agency's desired outcomes and accompanying performance measures, the agency shall provide the committee with a report highlighting up to six of the performance measures that show the progress being made toward the desired outcomes. The report shall be updated by the agency annually and submitted to the committee no later than November fifteenth. Each agency report shall include the source of the information and references to where legislators can obtain further information.
Source: SL 2016, ch 25, § 4; SL 2017, ch 13, § 8.
2-6-39. Annual compiled report presented to legislators--Website.
The Legislative Research Council shall compile the reports provided pursuant to § 2-6-38, and distribute a compiled report to the chair and vice chair of the Government Operations and Audit Committee. During the first week of the legislative session each year, members of the Government Operations and Audit Committee shall present and review the compiled report with legislators in each legislative body. Individual reports may also be distributed to the chair of any standing committee of the Legislature as determined by the chair of the Government Operations and Audit Committee.
To ensure public accountability, the Legislative Research Council shall develop a website that contains the compiled report and the references where further information can be located.
Source: SL 2016, ch 25, § 5; SL 2017, ch 13, § 9.
2-6-40 to 2-6-43. Executed.
2-7-1 Compilation, printing, and distribution of legislative manual.
2-7-2 2-7-2. Repealed by SL 2010, ch 16, § 2.
2-7-3 Contents of legislative manual.
2-7-4 Prefiled bills--Persons authorized--Rules.
2-7-5 Prefiled bills--Numbering, printing, and disposition--Introduction.
2-7-6 Repealed.
2-7-6.1 Committee introduction of bills and resolutions.
2-7-7 Officers to keep legislative journals--Custody and disposition of bills and documents.
2-7-8 Repealed.
2-7-9 Repealed by omission from SL 1968, ch 201, § 3.
2-7-10 Permanent journals as official record of proceedings.
2-7-11 Index and distribution of journals.
2-7-12 Certified copies of journals as prima facie evidence of proceedings.
2-7-13 2-7-13. Repealed by SL 2011, ch 2, § 31.
2-7-14 Repealed.
2-7-15 Repealed by SL 1997, ch 19, § 3.
2-7-15.1 Repealed.
2-7-16 2-7-16. Transferred to § 22-12A-17 by SL 2005, ch 120, § 427, eff. July 1, 2006.
2-7-17 Certification and filing of printed bills and resolutions--Judicial notice.
2-7-18 Engrossment of bills and amendments.
2-7-19 Enrollment of bill after passage by both houses.
2-7-20 Presentation of bill to Governor--Filing with secretary of state--Photocopy to code counsel.
2-7-20.1 Certificate of conformity by Legislature in form and style.
2-7-20.2 Veto of bills passed before last four session days--Message to house of origin--Reconsideration--Filing with secretary of state.
2-7-20.3 Veto of bills too late for return to Legislature--Transmittal to secretary of state.
2-7-20.4 Bills becoming law without Governor's signature or objections.
2-7-21 2-7-21. Transferred to § 22-12A-18 by SL 2005, ch 120, § 427, eff. July 1, 2006.
2-7-22 Forfeiture of office on conviction of legislator--Disqualification from public office.
2-7-23 Repealed by SL 1996, ch 22, § 1.
2-7-24 Preservation of recordings of legislative session by South Dakota Public Broadcasting.
2-7-1. Compilation, printing, and distribution of legislative manual.
Each odd-numbered year, the secretary of state shall compile and print a legislative manual. The Bureau of Human Resources and Administration shall distribute the legislative manual free to state officials and agencies who request them and to the public at a price set by the commissioner of human resources and administration.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0901; SL 1964, ch 152; SL 1965, ch 231; SL 1977, ch 24, § 3; SL 1979, ch 14, § 1; SL 1981, ch 17, § 1; SL 2024, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 24-1), § 34, eff. Apr. 8, 2024.
2-7-3. Contents of legislative manual.
The legislative manual compiled and printed in each odd-numbered year shall contain the following data:
(1) A current official directory of state government;
(2) A current list of county officers;
(3) A compilation of appropriations for state departments made at regular and special sessions during the two years immediately preceding;
(4) A county by county list of election results for all statewide contests and ballot questions for the last general and last primary elections;
(5) A brief biographical statement and picture of all current constitutional officers, legislators, public utility commissioners, supreme court justices, circuit court judges, and United States senators and members of congress;
(6) A listing of all past statewide elected officials;
(7) A brief South Dakota chronology;
(8) A brief statement and pictures regarding the South Dakota institutions;
(9) A brief statement and picture of the state seal and state emblems;
(10) The Constitution of South Dakota;
(11) Population of each county and each municipality;
(12) Names of gubernatorial appointees to boards and commissions; and
(13) A table of contents.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0901 as added by SL 1964, ch 152; SL 1965, ch 231; SL 1977, ch 24, § 5; SL 1985, ch 5, § 8; SL 2010, ch 16, § 1.
2-7-4. Prefiled bills--Persons authorized--Rules.
Any person who has been duly elected or appointed to serve during a regular session of the Legislature may file bills and resolutions with the Legislative Research Council at any time within thirty days prior to the convening of such regular session. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 2-7-6.1, any interim committee of the Legislative Research Council may file bills and resolutions under the provisions of this section. The Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council shall prescribe rules for the handling and placing in proper form of such bills and resolutions, subject to the provisions of §§ 2-7-4 and 2-7-5.
Source: SL 1967, ch 273, § 1; SL 1969, ch 220, § 1; SL 1972, ch 13; SL 1984, ch 16, § 1; SL 2020, ch 11, § 8.
2-7-5. Prefiled bills--Numbering, printing, and disposition--Introduction.
The director of the Legislative Research Council shall, in accordance with rules adopted by the Legislature, receive the prefiled bills and resolutions, place them in proper form, and assign them numbers for introduction in the proper house. The director shall electronically deliver each bill and resolution to the secretary of the Senate or the chief clerk of the House of Representatives, as the case may be, on the day when the session convenes. However, the director may not deliver any prefiled bill or resolution until every sponsor of the bill or resolution has been duly sworn into office.
Upon prefiling, the bills and resolutions become the property of the Legislature and may not thereafter be withdrawn. Prefiled bills and resolutions shall be considered as introduced on the first legislative day.
Source: SL 1967, ch 273, § 1; SL 1984, ch 16, § 2; SL 1997, ch 19, § 1; SL 2020, ch 11, § 1.
2-7-6. Repealed.
Source: SL 1967, ch 273, § 2; SL 1968, ch 214; SL 1969, ch 220, § 2; SL 2020, ch 11, § 2.
2-7-6.1. Committee introduction of bills and resolutions.
No bill or joint resolution may be introduced in either house of the Legislature by any committee thereof, except:
(1) A bill or a joint resolution introduced by any standing committee of either house;
(2) A bill or joint resolution referred to the Legislature from an interim committee of the State Legislative Research Council;
(3) A bill or joint resolution introduced at the request of the interim Rules Review Committee, the interim Government Operations and Audit Committee, the interim Retirement Laws Committee, the interim Joint Bonding Review Committee, and the interim State-Tribal Relations Committee by one or more committee members upon majority vote of the interim committee; or
(4) A bill or joint resolution introduced at the request of the Governor, an executive agency or of the chief justice of the Supreme Court.
The committee shall obtain a written request for such introduction from either the council, the Governor, department head of an executive agency, a constitutional officer or board, or the chief justice and shall retain such request in its file. Committee bills introduced on behalf of a department head of an executive agency, a constitutional officer or board may be introduced by the chairman without a vote of the committee for purposes of prefiling. Nothing in this section prohibits one or more legislators from introduction of a bill or a joint resolution.
Source: SL 1969, ch 233; SL 1986, ch 24; SL 1989, ch 29; SL 2006, ch 13, § 1.
2-7-7. Officers to keep legislative journals--Custody and disposition of bills and documents.
It shall be the duty of the secretary of the Senate and chief clerk of the House of Representatives to keep correct journals of the proceedings of the senate and house, respectively; to have the custody of all records, accounts, and other papers committed to them and at the close of each session of the Legislature to deposit for safekeeping in the Office of the Secretary of State all books, bills, documents, resolutions, and papers in the possession of the Legislature, correctly labeled, folded, and classified, and generally to perform such duties as shall be assigned them by the senate or house, respectively; provided, such journals shall be deposited within forty days after the adjournment of the Legislature.
Source: SDC 1939, §§ 55.0601, 55.0602; SL 1968, ch 201, § 3.
2-7-8. Repealed.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0603; SL 1959, ch 286; SL 1976, ch 24, § 1; SL 1977, ch 24, § 6; SL 1985, ch 17, § 6; SL 2020, ch 11, § 3.
2-7-9. Repealed by omission from SL 1968, ch 201, § 3.
2-7-10. Permanent journals as official record of proceedings.
The corrected daily copies of the journal of the Senate and House of Representatives, together with the index thereof, shall constitute, and be the official permanent record of the legislative proceedings.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0602; SL 1968, ch 201, § 3.
2-7-11. Index and distribution of journals.
The Legislative Research Council shall prepare and include the journal indexes of the Legislature within ninety days after copy therefor has been furnished. The Legislative Research Council shall provide for the electronic distribution of the daily journals at least two hours before the convening of the Legislature on the next legislative day.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0902; SL 1977, ch 24, § 7; SL 1979, ch 14, § 2; SL 1985, ch 17, § 7; SL 2020, ch 11, § 4.
2-7-12. Certified copies of journals as prima facie evidence of proceedings.
Duly certified copies of such journals shall be received in all courts of the state as original evidence, and the volumes wherein the same are published by authority of the state, shall be prima facie evidence of such proceedings.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0602; SL 1968, ch 201, § 3.
2-7-14. Repealed.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0603; SL 1959, ch 286; SL 1985, ch 17, § 9; SL 2020, ch 11, § 5.
2-7-15. Repealed by SL 1997, ch 19, § 3.
2-7-17. Certification and filing of printed bills and resolutions--Judicial notice.
It shall be the duty of the secretary of the Senate and chief clerk of the House of Representatives to preserve one true copy of each printed bill, of each printed joint resolution, and of each printed concurrent resolution of each session of the Legislature; and to attach same together, to attach thereto, their signed certificate that they are true and complete copies of all the printed bills, joint resolutions, and concurrent resolutions of the certain session of the Legislature, and to file said copies so certified in the Office of the Secretary of State within ten days after adjournment of the session.
All copies so certified and filed shall be subject to judicial notice in all courts of record.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0604.
2-7-18. Engrossment of bills and amendments.
All bills, in either house of the Legislature, which have been favorably acted upon, preparatory to going upon the calendar shall be engrossed if amendments have been made thereto. Amendments to any bill made by either Senate or House of Representatives, after engrossment, shall likewise be engrossed.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0605; SL 1968, ch 201, § 4; SL 1985, ch 17, § 11.
2-7-19. Enrollment of bill after passage by both houses.
A bill which has passed both houses of the Legislature shall at once be enrolled by the house in which it originated.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0606; SL 1953, ch 284; SL 1968, ch 201, § 9; SL 1979, ch 15, § 1; SL 1985, ch 17, § 12.
2-7-20. Presentation of bill to Governor--Filing with secretary of state--Photocopy to code counsel.
The original copy of each enrolled bill shall be signed by the president of the Senate, secretary of the Senate, speaker of the House of Representatives, and chief clerk of the House of Representatives and presented to the Governor. If the Governor approves the bill, the Governor shall sign and transmit it to the secretary of state who shall deliver a photocopy of the signature page to the code counsel to be used in preparing copy for session laws. The secretary of state shall provide a permanent form of binder for the original enrolled bills and the bills vetoed with the veto message attached. The secretary of state shall also provide the code counsel with a photocopy of the signature page of each vetoed bill and the veto message.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0606; SL 1953, ch 284; SL 1968, ch 201, § 9; SL 1974, ch 24, § 1; SL 1979, ch 15, § 2; SL 1997, ch 19, § 2.
2-7-20.1. Certificate of conformity by Legislature in form and style.
Whenever the Governor certifies, pursuant to paragraph four of section 4 of article IV of the Constitution, that the Legislature has conformed a bill to the Governor's recommendations, that certificate must be typed and signed on the enrolled bill.
Source: SL 1974, ch 24, § 3; SL 1979, ch 15, § 3; SL 2023, ch 3, § 15.
2-7-20.2. Veto of bills passed before last four session days--Message to house of origin--Reconsideration--Filing with secretary of state.
Whenever the Governor vetoes any bill or any items of a bill presented to the Governor five or more calendar days before an adjournment or a recess of the Legislature, the Governor shall transmit the Governor's veto message with the original bill to the secretary of the Senate or chief clerk of the House of Representatives, whichever was the house of origin, on the date of the Governor's exercise of the power, but no later than noon on the last legislative day prior to adjournment or recess. The officer of the house receiving the veto message shall certify on the original copy of the bill whether reconsideration was had and the vote on any reconsideration and shall transmit the bill and veto message to the secretary of state for filing when the time for reconsideration has passed.
Source: SL 1974, ch 24, § 4; SL 1979, ch 15, § 4; SL 2023, ch 3, § 16.
2-7-20.3. Veto of bills too late for return to Legislature--Transmittal to secretary of state.
Whenever the Governor vetoes a bill or any items of a bill presented to the Governor during the final four days preceding an adjournment or a recess, and it cannot be transmitted to the house of origin in session, the Governor shall transmit the original bill and the Governor's veto message to the secretary of state within one day following the Governor's veto, but no later than the sixteenth day following adjournment or recess.
Source: SL 1974, ch 24, § 5; SL 1979, ch 15, § 5; SL 2023, ch 3, § 17.
2-7-20.4. Bills becoming law without Governor's signature or objections.
Whenever the Governor fails to veto any bill which shall become law without the Governor's signature or the certificate referred to in § 2-7-20.1, the Governor shall deliver it to the secretary of state, who shall note, beneath the signature line provided for the Governor, that it was delivered by the Governor without the Governor's signature and without objection. The secretary of state may not file or record any communication relating to the Governor's reasons for not signing the bill.
Source: SL 1974, ch 24, § 2; SL 1979, ch 15, § 6; SL 2023, ch 3, § 18.
2-7-22. Forfeiture of office on conviction of legislator--Disqualification from public office.
The conviction of a member of the Legislature of any crime defined in § 22-12A-17 or 22-12A-18 involves as a consequence, in addition to the punishment prescribed therein, a forfeiture of his office and disqualifies him from ever thereafter holding any public office under this state.
Source: SDC 1939, § 13.1012.
2-7-23. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 22, § 1.
2-7-24. Preservation of recordings of legislative session by South Dakota Public Broadcasting.
If any audio or visual recordings of the legislative session, floor debates, or committee hearings made by South Dakota Public Broadcasting are broadcast over the internet, radio, or television, such recordings shall be preserved by South Dakota Public Broadcasting for not less than three years.
Source: SL 2001, ch 19, § 1.
2-9-1 Council continued--Composition and functions.
2-9-1.1 Annual report of council on judicial opinions.
2-9-2 Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council--Members--Terms--Vacancies.
2-9-2.1 Party makeup of executive board members.
2-9-3 Executive board chair and vice chair--Vacancies.
2-9-3.1 Term of executive board.
2-9-4 Powers and duties of executive board.
2-9-5 Meetings and quorum of board--Rules--Annual report filed with Legislative Research Council.
2-9-6 Investigative powers of board.
2-9-7 Compensation and allowances of council and board members.
2-9-7.1 Charges for printing statutes from data base.
2-9-8 Director--Staff--Supplies and equipment.
2-9-9 Code counsel established--Qualifications and appointment.
2-9-10 Offices of code counsel.
2-9-11 Powers and duties of code counsel.
2-9-12 Repealed by SL 1985, ch 15, § 11.
2-9-13 Legislative student intern program created within council--Purpose.
2-9-13.1 Assignment of interns.
2-9-14 Administration of intern program--Supervision of interns.
2-9-15 Repealed by SL 1976, ch 27, § 1.
2-9-15.1 Repealed by SL 1980, ch 23, § 25.
2-9-16 Repealed by SL 1988, ch 25.
2-9-17 2-9-17 to 2-9-19. Repealed by SL 2016, ch 28, §§ 2 to 5.
2-9-20 2-9-20 to 2-9-24. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 20, § 1.
2-9-25 2-9-25 to 2-9-29. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 17, §§ 1 to 5.
2-9-30 Determination of fiscal impact and preparation of fiscal note for initiated measure or initiated constitutional amendment.
2-9-30.1 Initiated measure or initiated amendment to Constitution submitted before July 1, 2017.
2-9-31 2-9-31. Repealed by SL 2018, ch 80, § 7.
2-9-32 Fiscal note for referred law.
2-9-33 Repealed.
2-9-34 Repealed.
2-9-1. Council continued--Composition and functions.
The State Legislative Research Council shall continue and shall consist of all of the members of the South Dakota Legislature. It shall be the function of the Legislative Research Council to consider legislative policies between sessions of the Legislature and carry out the duties imposed by this chapter.
Source: SL 1951, ch 286, § 1; SDC Supp 1960, § 55.05A01.
2-9-1.1. Annual report of council on judicial opinions.
The Legislative Research Council shall prepare an annual report to be placed on file in the Legislative Research Council Office, regarding opinions of state and federal courts issued in the preceding year which have sought to interpret the legislative intent of various South Dakota statutes. The report may include recommendations for corrective action if it is determined that the opinion of the court may be adverse to what was intended by the Legislature or if the court's opinion has identified an appropriate area for legislative action.
Source: SL 1982, ch 26, § 2; SL 1990, ch 28, § 2.
2-9-2. Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council--Members--Terms--Vacancies.
The Legislative Research Council shall have an executive board, to be known as the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council, which shall consist of fifteen members, as follows: four members from the Senate and five members from the House of Representatives, to be elected by a majority vote by their respective legislative bodies in party caucus before each regular session of the Legislature held in odd-numbered years, and ex officio the president pro tempore, majority leader, and minority leader of the Senate and the speaker, majority leader, and minority leader of the House of Representatives elected in such regular session. The number of senate and house members on the executive board shall remain constant, and any vacancy occurring shall be filled by the respective legislative bodies in party caucus. If a vacancy occurs in the ex officio position on the board for the president pro tempore, the vacancy on the board shall be filled by the majority party caucus until the Senate elects a new president pro tempore. If a vacancy occurs in the ex officio position on the board for the speaker, the vacancy on the board shall be filled by the speaker pro tempore until the House of Representatives elects a new speaker. No board member, excepting ex officio, may serve more than three successive terms.
Source: SL 1951, ch 286, § 2; SL 1953, ch 283, § 1; SDC Supp 1960, § 55.05A02; SL 1963, ch 299; SL 1966, ch 158; SL 1967, ch 247, § 1; SL 2014, ch 14, § 3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015; SL 2015, ch 18, § 1; SL 2016, ch 26, § 1.
2-9-2.1. Party makeup of executive board members.
The party makeup of the executive board members of the House of Representatives, including the ex officio members, shall be proportional to the party makeup of the House of Representatives as a whole. The party makeup of the executive board members of the Senate, including the ex officio members, shall be proportional to the party makeup of the Senate as a whole.
Source: SL 2014, ch 14, § 5, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
2-9-3. Executive board chair and vice chair--Vacancies.
The speaker of the House of Representatives is the chair of the executive board and the president pro tempore of the Senate is the vice chair from the first day of the regular session of the Legislature in an odd-numbered year to the day prior to the first day of the regular session of the Legislature in an even-numbered year, inclusive. The president pro tempore of the Senate is the chair of the executive board and the speaker of the House of Representatives is the vice chair from the first day of the regular session of the Legislature in an even-numbered year to the day prior to the first day of the regular session of the Legislature in an odd-numbered year, inclusive. If a vacancy occurs in the position of speaker of the House of Representatives, the speaker pro tempore shall serve as chair or vice chair of the board, as provided by this section, until the House of Representatives elects a new speaker. If a vacancy occurs in the position of president pro tempore, the majority party caucus shall appoint a Senate member of the board to serve as chair or vice chair of the board, as provided by this section, until the Senate elects a new president pro tempore.
Source: SL 1951, ch 286, § 2; SL 1953, ch 283, § 1; SDC Supp 1960, § 55.05A02; SL 1963, ch 299; SL 1970, ch 16, § 1; SL 2014, ch 14, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 2015; SL 2016, ch 26, § 2.
2-9-3.1. Term of executive board.
The term of each executive board is from the first day of the regular session of the Legislature in the odd-numbered year until the first day of the regular session of the Legislature in the next succeeding odd-numbered year. During the entire period of each executive board's term, it is the governance body of the Legislative Research Council and shall direct and supervise its staff and activities.
Source: SL 2014, ch 14, § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 2015; SL 2015, ch 18, § 2.
2-9-4. Powers and duties of executive board.
The executive board shall:
(1) Instigate research and collect information concerning the government and general welfare of the state;
(2) Investigate and make recommendations concerning important issues of public policy and questions of statewide interest;
(3) Prepare a legislative program in the form of bills, or otherwise, as in its opinion the welfare of the state may require, to be presented to the Legislature;
(4) Cooperate with the administration in devising means of enforcing the law;
(5) Study, inquire, make recommendations and propose bills in any phase or branch of state government so deemed advisable and necessary;
(6) Appoint and name committees from the members of the State Legislative Research Council, and assign to such committee or committees appropriate subjects and projects of whatever character and nature the executive board deems advisable. Each member of the council is entitled to membership on one study committee of the member's choice insofar as practicable;
(7) Conduct legislative oversight and management analysis of the executive branch of government by means of a selective program of performance auditing and cooperate with the administration in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative methods;
(8) Review and make recommendations for further legislative action regarding the opinions of state and federal courts which have sought to interpret the intent of South Dakota legislative acts; and
(9) Allocate funds to the House of Representatives and the Senate to pay for out-of-state travel and salary or per diem costs incurred by members, and to pay for in-state travel and salary or per diem costs incurred by members, excluding costs associated with any legislative session. The Legislative Research Council shall make payments to representatives for costs and travel approved by the speaker of the House of Representatives, from the funds allocated to the House of Representatives, and shall make payments to senators for costs and travel approved by the president pro tempore of the Senate, from the funds allocated to the Senate. Any payment decision of the speaker of the House of Representatives may be appealed to the members of the executive board from the House of Representatives. Any payment decision of the president pro tempore of the Senate may be appealed to the members of the executive board from the Senate. No funds may be paid beyond the amounts allocated to each body.
Source: SL 1951, ch 286, § 3; SDC Supp 1960, § 55.05A03; SL 1963, ch 299; SL 1977, ch 20, §§ 1, 2; SL 1982, ch 26, § 1; SL 1993, ch 31; SL 2015, ch 16, § 3; SL 2016, ch 27, § 1.
2-9-5. Meetings and quorum of board--Rules--Annual report filed with Legislative Research Council.
The executive board shall meet as often as may be necessary to perform its duties. The board shall meet at least four times each year. A majority of the members constitutes a quorum, and a majority of the quorum may act on any matter falling within the scope of the executive board's duties, powers, and authority. The board shall make its own rules and regulations, keep complete minutes of its meetings, and prepare an annual report to be placed on file in the Legislative Research Council Office.
Source: SL 1951, ch 286, § 4; SL 1953, ch 283, § 2; SDC Supp 1960, § 55.05A04; SL 1963, ch 299; SL 1970, ch 16, § 2; SL 1990, ch 28, § 1; SL 2016, ch 26, § 3.
2-9-6. Investigative powers of board.
In the discharge of any duty herein imposed, the executive board or its duly appointed committees shall have authority to administer oaths, require reports, issue subpoenas, compel the attendance of witnesses, and the production of any papers, books, accounts, documents, and testimony, and to cause the depositions of witnesses, either residing within or without the state, to be taken in the manner prescribed by law for taking depositions in civil actions in the circuit court.
Source: SL 1951, ch 286, § 5; SDC Supp 1960, § 55.05A05.
2-9-7. Compensation and allowances of council and board members.
Claims of members of the State Legislative Research Council and members of the executive board for compensation and expenses shall be paid out of funds appropriated therefor, and on vouchers approved according to rules determined by the executive board.
Source: SL 1951, ch 286, § 6; SL 1953, ch 283, § 3; SDC Supp 1960, § 55.05A06; SL 1970, ch 16, § 3.
2-9-7.1. Charges for printing statutes from data base.
The Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council may establish charges based on actual costs for printing statutes from the computerized statutory data base. This authority does not include charging for copies of proposed rules. Receipts shall be deposited in the state general fund.
Source: SL 1982, ch 7, § 2; SL 2017, ch 15, § 2.
2-9-8. Director--Staff--Supplies and equipment.
The executive board shall appoint a director of the Legislative Research Council. The director shall employ the members of the Legislative Research Council staff and procure the supplies and equipment as may be necessary to assist the Legislature.
Source: SL 1951, ch 286, § 7; SL 1953, ch 283, § 4; SDC Supp 1960, § 55.05A07; SL 1970, ch 16, § 4; SL 2016, ch 26, § 4.
2-9-9. Code counsel established--Qualifications and appointment.
There is hereby established within the Office of the State Legislative Research Council the position of code counsel. The executive board of the council shall appoint a code counsel who is a graduate of an accredited law school and who is either admitted to the practice of law in the State of South Dakota at the time of such employment or is eligible to and becomes so admitted within one year after such employment.
Source: SL 1970, ch 15, § 1; SL 1985, ch 15, § 10.
2-9-10. Offices of code counsel.
The code counsel shall be provided with offices adjacent or as near as may be to the office of the State Legislative Research Council.
Source: SL 1970, ch 15, § 4.
2-9-11. Powers and duties of code counsel.
In addition to other powers and duties conferred by law or authorized by the executive board or by the Code Commission, the code counsel shall:
(1) Provide staff assistance to and attend all meetings of the Code Commission and make such recommendations to the commission as he deems essential for the general improvement of the laws of the State of South Dakota;
(2) Submit to each regular session of the Legislature the approved recommendations of the Code Commission as to the laws of the state, draft bills for proposed legislation to carry out such recommendations, and present them to the appropriate legislative committees;
(3) Advise and otherwise assist the members of the Legislature in legal research and in the preparation of bills;
(4) Prepare and index the session laws which shall include all rules of court adopted or amended subsequent to the publication of the last preceding volume of session laws;
(5) Protect the interest of the State of South Dakota in all material published under chapters 2-13 and 2-16, whether printed or on computer retrieval systems.
Source: SL 1970, ch 15, §§ 2, 7; SL 1988, ch 24, § 1.
2-9-12. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 15, § 11.
2-9-13. Legislative student intern program created within council--Purpose.
There is hereby created a college student intern program within the Legislative Research Council to provide legislative internships for college students to foster knowledge and understanding of the governmental process and to provide assistance to the legislative branch of state government.
Source: SL 1973, ch 15, § 11.
2-9-13.1. Assignment of interns.
The Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council shall assign college student interns to the legislative branch of government. The Executive Board shall set the number of interns and divide the total number of interns between the political parties in each chamber in proportion to the party membership in each chamber as nearly as is practicable. The minority party in each house shall have a minimum of three interns.
Source: SL 2016, ch 28, § 1.
2-9-14. Administration of intern program--Supervision of interns.
The Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council shall administer the program and supervise the college student interns who are assigned to the legislative branch of state government.
Source: SL 1973, ch 15, § 12.
2-9-15. Repealed by SL 1976, ch 27, § 1.
2-9-15.1. Repealed by SL 1980, ch 23, § 25.
2-9-16. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 25.
2-9-20 to 2-9-24. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 20, § 1.
2-9-30. Determination of fiscal impact and preparation of fiscal note for initiated measure or initiated constitutional amendment.
If the director of the Legislative Research Council determines in the review and comment under § 12-13-25 that an initiated measure or initiated amendment to the Constitution may have an impact on revenues, expenditures, or fiscal liability of the state or its agencies and subdivisions, the director shall notify the petition sponsor. If the director of the Legislative Research Council determines that an initiated measure or initiated amendment to the Constitution in final form under § 12-13-25.1 may have an impact on revenues, expenditures, or fiscal liability of the state or its agencies and subdivisions, the director shall prepare a fiscal note. The fiscal note must include an estimate of the impact on revenues, expenditures, or fiscal liability of the state or its agencies and subdivisions, by the provisions of the proposed initiated measure or initiated amendment to the Constitution. The fiscal note expenditure estimate must also include any impact to the prison or county jail population. Any state agency, board, commission, department, or institution of state government shall provide information requested by the director for the purpose of preparing the fiscal note. The fiscal note may not exceed fifty words. The director shall file the fiscal note with the secretary of state and shall provide a copy to the sponsors not more than sixty days following receipt of the initiated measure or initiated amendment in final form pursuant to § 12-13-25.1.
Source: SL 2017, ch 16, § 1; SL 2018, ch 80, § 2; SL 2022, ch 8, § 1.
2-9-30.1. Initiated measure or initiated amendment to Constitution submitted before July 1, 2017.
For any initiated measure or initiated amendment to the Constitution submitted to the director of the Legislative Research Council pursuant to § 12-13-25 prior to July 1, 2017, and certified by the secretary of state pursuant to § 2-1-17 for placement on the ballot during the general election of 2018, the secretary of state shall request a determination from the director under § 2-9-30. If the director of the Legislative Research Council makes a determination pursuant to § 2-9-30 that the initiated measure or initiated amendment to the Constitution has no impact, the director shall notify the sponsor and the secretary of state that the measure or amendment has no impact. If the director of the Legislative Research Council makes a determination pursuant to § 2-9-30 that the measure or amendment has an impact, the director shall prepare a fiscal note pursuant to § 2-9-31. The secretary of state shall include the fiscal note, if any, on the ballot pursuant to § 12-13-25.1.
Source: SL 2018, ch 27, § 1.
2-9-32. Fiscal note for referred law.
If any referred law had a fiscal note prepared by the director of the Legislative Research Council prior to passage of the law, the sponsor shall obtain the fiscal note from the Legislative Research Council website and attach the fiscal note to the petition filed pursuant to § 2-1-3.1. If the fiscal note exceeds fifty words, the sponsor shall request from the director of the Legislative Research Council a summary of the fiscal note that does not exceed fifty words and attach the fiscal note summary in lieu of the fiscal note to the petition filed pursuant to § 2-1-3.1. The director shall file the fiscal note summary with the sponsor within five days of receipt of the sponsor's request.
Source: SL 2017, ch 16, § 2.
2-9-33. Repealed.
Source: SL 2013, ch 101, § 71; SL 2015, ch 15, § 1; SDCL § 2-1-19; SL 2017, ch 17, §§ 1, 3; SL 2018, ch 80, § 3; SL 2020, ch 11, § 7; SL 2023, ch 11, § 1, eff. Feb. 9, 2023.
2-9-34. Repealed.
Source: SL 2013, ch 101, § 72; SL 2015, ch 15, § 2; SDCL § 2-1-20; SL 2017, ch 17, § 2; SL 2023, ch 11, § 2, eff. Feb. 9, 2023.
Composition of commission--Appointment and terms--Life members--Vacancies.
Meetings of commission--Chairman and secretary--Record of transactions.
Purpose of commission.
Subjects studied by commission--Recommendations for legislation.
Attendance at meetings of National Conference--Promotion of uniformity.
Commission reports to Legislature.
2-11-1. Composition of commission--Appointment and terms--Life members--Vacancies.
The appointed members of the Commission on Uniform Legislation consist of five suitable persons learned in the law, appointed by the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council for terms of three years each. The terms shall begin on the first of August of the year of appointment. The terms shall be staggered so that no more than two terms expire each year. The members shall hold office until their successors have been appointed. Any person, not otherwise a member of the commission, elected as a life member of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, shall also be a life member of the commission. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Board for the remainder of the term in which the vacancy occurred.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0801; SL 1984, ch 17, § 1; SL 1997, ch 20, § 1; SL 2007, ch 17, § 1.
2-11-1.1. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 17, § 2.
2-11-2. Meetings of commission--Chairman and secretary--Record of transactions.
The commissioners shall meet at the state capital at least once in two years. They shall organize by the election of one of their number as chairman and another as secretary, who shall hold their respective offices for a term of two years and until their successors are elected and qualified. Said board of commissioners shall keep a record of all its transactions.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0802.
2-11-3. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 17, § 3.
2-11-4. Purpose of commission.
The general purpose of the commission on uniform legislation shall be the promotion of uniform legislation in the United States.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0801.
2-11-5. Subjects studied by commission--Recommendations for legislation.
It shall be the duty of said commissioners to examine the subjects of marriage and divorce, insolvency, the form of notarial certificates, the descent and distribution of property, the acknowledgment of deeds, the execution and probate of wills, and other subjects upon which uniformity in state laws is desirable.
It shall also be the duty of said commission on uniform legislation to bring about as far as practicable the uniform judicial interpretation of all uniform laws, and generally to devise and recommend such additional legislation, or other or further course of action as shall tend to accomplish the purposes of this chapter.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0803.
2-11-6. Attendance at meetings of National Conference--Promotion of uniformity.
It shall be the duty of each of said commissioners to attend the meetings of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, or to arrange for the attendance of at least one of their number at such national conference, and both in and out of such national conference they shall do all in their power to promote uniformity in state laws, upon all subjects where uniformity may be deemed desirable and practicable.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0803.
2-11-7. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 22.
2-11-8. Commission reports to Legislature.
The commission on uniform legislation shall report to the Legislature from time to time as said commission may deem proper, an account of its transactions, and its advice and recommendations for legislation.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0803; SL 1963, ch 300.
Names of lobbyists to be registered with secretary of state--Termination of
Directory of lobbyists kept by secretary of state--Contents of entries--Open to
Annual registration fee.
Authorization to act as lobbyist for employer.
Specific legislation to be shown in directory entries--Employment of unregistered
lobbyists prohibited.
Contingent compensation employment prohibited.
Employees of executive branch, a constitutional office, or the judicial system
representatives required to register as public employee lobbyists--Budgetary
testimony before appropriations committees excepted.
Lobbyists not to go on floor except by invitation--Violation as petty offense.
Badges required of lobbyists within capitol complex--Fees--Composition--Petty
Officials and personnel prohibited from lobbying within two years after termination
of service--Violation as misdemeanor.
Improper influence of legislation or legislators as misdemeanor.
Restrictions on activities of state and federal agents and employees
Expense reports filed with secretary of state_Open to public inspection--Administrative penalty for untimely report.
Elected board members of local government or federally recognized Indian tribe and
church representatives exempt
Right of citizens to appear and speak in their own interests not infringed.
Definition of terms in §§ 2-12-15 to 2-12-19.
Limitation on gifts from or through lobbyists--Violation as misdemeanor.
Public official defined.
Gift defined.
Index factor defined.
2-12-1. Names of lobbyists to be registered with secretary of state--Termination of employment.
Any person who employs any other person to act as a lobbyist to seek the introduction of legislation or to promote, oppose, or influence in any manner the passage by the Legislature of any legislation affecting the special interests of any agency, individual, association, or business, as distinct from those of the whole people of the state, or to act in any manner as a lobbyist in connection with any such legislation, shall register the name of the person so employed or agreed to be employed, with the secretary of state, to be included in a directory of registered lobbyists as hereinafter provided. The lobbyist shall also register with the secretary of state. Upon the termination of such employment prior to the adjournment sine die of a legislative session, such fact shall be entered opposite the name of any person so employed, either by the employer or employee.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0701; SL 1977, ch 23, § 1; SL 1991, ch 23, § 1; SL 2017, ch 222 (Initiated Measure 22), § 64; SL 2017, ch 72, § 31, eff. Feb. 2, 2017.
2-12-2. Directory of lobbyists kept by secretary of state--Contents of entries--Open to inspection.
The secretary of state shall prepare and keep a directory of registered lobbyists, in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, in which shall be entered the names of all persons employed for any purpose in connection with any legislation included within the terms of this chapter. The directory shall contain the name and business address of the employer, the name, city and state of residence, email address, phone number, and occupation of the person employed, the date of the employment or agreement therefor, the length of time the employment is to continue, if such time can be determined, and the special subject or subjects of legislation, if any, to which the employment relates. The directory shall be a public record and open to the inspection of any citizen, upon demand, at any time during the regular business hours of the Office of the Secretary of State.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0702; SL 1977, ch 23, § 2; SL 1991, ch 23, § 2; SL 2018, ch 28, § 1.
2-12-3. Annual registration fee.
Each lobbyist who registers and is employed pursuant to this chapter shall pay to the secretary of state an annual registration fee for each employer represented by the lobbyist. The secretary of state shall promulgate rules pursuant to chapter 1-26 to set the fee for lobbyist registration. The annual registration fee for a lobbyist may not exceed sixty-five dollars. The annual registration fee shall be deposited in the general fund.
Source: SL 1957, ch 281, §§ 1, 2; SDC Supp 1960, § 55.0702-1; SL 1967, ch 248; SL 1977, ch 23, § 3; SL 1978, ch 21, § 2; SL 1981, ch 16, § 1; SL 1991, ch 23, §§ 3, 4; SL 2003, ch 8, § 3; SL 2009, ch 4, § 3; SL 2011, ch 16, § 1.
2-12-4. Authorization to act as lobbyist for employer.
Each lobbyist or employer shall file with the secretary of state, within ten days after the date of registration, a written or electronic authorization for a person to act as a lobbyist for an employer. The format for the authorization shall be prescribed by the secretary of state.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0704; SL 1977, ch 23, § 4; SL 1991, ch 23, § 5; SL 2012, ch 21, § 1.
2-12-5. Specific legislation to be shown in directory entries--Employment of unregistered lobbyists prohibited.
Any person employing any lobbyist shall, whenever further subjects of legislation are introduced or arise which such lobbyist is hired to promote or oppose, make or cause to be made additional entries opposite his name in the directory, stating such additional employment in such manner that such entries shall show all the subjects of legislation in relation to which any lobbyist is employed. No person, agency, business organization, or association may, directly or indirectly, employ any person as lobbyist in respect to any legislation coming within the terms of this chapter, unless the name of such person is duly entered on the lobbyist directory as provided by this chapter.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0703; SL 1977, ch 23, § 5; SL 1991, ch 23, § 6.
2-12-6. Contingent compensation employment prohibited.
No person may be employed as a lobbyist for a compensation dependent in any manner upon the passage or defeat of any proposed legislation or upon any other contingency connected with the action of the Legislature, or of either house thereof, or of any committee thereof.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0703; SL 1977, ch 23, § 6; SL 1985, ch 17, § 13.
2-12-7. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 23, § 17.
2-12-7.1. Employees of executive branch, a constitutional office, or the judicial system representatives required to register as public employee lobbyists--Budgetary testimony before appropriations committees excepted.
Any person employed in the executive branch of state government, a constitutional office, or the judicial system, who is not an elected official or who is not subject to confirmation by the senate, who is authorized to officially represent any department of the executive branch, constitutional office, Public Utilities Commission, or judicial system in any capacity before the Legislature or any of its several committees shall register as an executive or judicial agency representative for such department or office in the same manner and under the same provisions of this chapter as apply to all lobbyists, but need pay no fee. Every executive and judicial agency representative shall wear a badge which shall be visible at all times when engaged in representing the department. The badge shall be provided by the secretary of state and be of a color different from the color of lobbyist badges. The badge shall bear the identity of the agency the person has registered to represent and shall state the name of the person. The provisions of this chapter do not apply to employees of the executive branch testifying on budgetary matters before the appropriations committees of the Legislature.
Source: SL 1977, ch 23, § 14; SL 1986, ch 25, § 1; SL 1991, ch 23, § 7.
2-12-8. Lobbyists not to go on floor except by invitation--Violation as petty offense.
No person, employed for a pecuniary consideration to act as a lobbyist as defined by this chapter, may go upon the floor of either house of the Legislature reserved for the members thereof while in session, except upon the invitation of that house. A violation of this section is a petty offense.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0705; SL 1977, ch 23, § 7; SL 1980, ch 24, § 25; SL 1985, ch 17, § 14.
2-12-8.1. Badges required of lobbyists within capitol complex--Fees--Composition--Petty offense.
Every lobbyist shall wear a badge which shall be visible at all times when engaged in lobbying within the capitol complex. The badge shall be provided by the secretary of state upon payment of fees and shall bear the word "lobbyist" and the identity of the principal on behalf of whom the lobbyist has registered. The badges for each year shall be of colors designated by the secretary of state. The badge shall state the name of the lobbyist. A violation of this section by a lobbyist is a petty offense.
Source: SL 1977, ch 23, § 16; SL 1978, ch 21, § 1; SL 1980, ch 24, § 26; SL 1986, ch 25, § 2.
2-12-8.2. Officials and personnel prohibited from lobbying within two years after termination of service--Violation as misdemeanor.
No elected officer, department or agency head, or division director, or the highest paid employee reporting to such person may be compensated, act, or register as a lobbyist, other than a public employee lobbyist, during a period of two years after that person's termination of service in the state government. A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Source: SL 1977, ch 23, § 15; SL 1980, ch 24, § 27; SL 2011, ch 17, § 1; SL 2017, ch 222 (Initiated Measure 22), § 65, eff. Nov. 16, 2016; SL 2017, ch 72, § 32, eff. Feb. 2, 2017; SL 2017, ch 18, § 1.
2-12-9. Improper influence of legislation or legislators as misdemeanor.
Any person who threatens, harms, offers to make bribes of money or other inducements, offers or gives gifts or other types of consideration to any person for the purpose of obtaining sponsorship or introduction of legislation, influencing the form of legislation, attempting to influence any member of the Legislature to vote for or against any measure pending therein, or for or against any candidate for any office to be elected or appointed by the Legislature, attempting to influence any officer of either house of the Legislature in naming of members and officers of committees, or in the performance of any of his duties, or attempting to influence or control the action of any member in relation to any matter coming before the Legislature, or any of its committees is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0705; SL 1977, ch 23, § 8; SL 1980, ch 24, § 28; SL 2017, ch 222 (Initiated Measure 22), § 66, eff. Nov. 16, 2016; SL 2017, ch 72, § 33, eff. Feb. 2, 2017.
2-12-10. Restrictions on activities of state and federal agents and employees.
No person, officer, agent, appointee, or employee in the service of this state or of the United States shall attempt to influence any member of the Legislature to vote for or against any measure pending therein affecting the pecuniary interests of such person, except in the manner authorized herein in the case of lobbyists.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0705; SL 1977, ch 23, § 9.
2-12-11. Expense reports filed with secretary of state--Open to public inspection--Administrative penalty for untimely report.
On or before July first of each year, each registered lobbyist and each employer of a registered lobbyist whose name appears in the directory in that year shall submit to the secretary of state a complete and detailed report of all costs incurred for the purpose of influencing legislation. The report shall be submitted in writing or electronically in a format prescribed by the secretary of state. However, the personal expenses of the lobbyist spent upon the lobbyist's own meals, travel, lodging, phone calls or other necessary personal needs while in attendance at the legislative session need not be reported. The completed reports shall be open to public inspection. The terms, costs, and expenses, as used in this section do not mean the compensation paid by the employer to the lobbyist.
Any lobbyist expense report filed pursuant to this section is exempt from the ten dollar filing fee prescribed in subdivision 1-8-10(2).
Any person who is authorized to act as a lobbyist on behalf of an employer pursuant to § 2-12-4, but does not conduct any lobbying activities pursuant to § 2-12-1 nor act in any manner as a lobbyist in connection with representing that employer, is not required to file any report required under this chapter.
The secretary of state may impose an administrative penalty for the failure to timely file any report required by this section. The secretary of state may impose a penalty not to exceed one hundred dollars on a registered lobbyist or employer of a registered lobbyist for any report that is not timely filed in accordance with this section. Any administrative penalty collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the general fund.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0706; SL 1977, ch 23, § 10; SL 1991, ch 23, § 8; SL 1993, ch 32; SL 2009, ch 4, § 4; SL 2011, ch 16, § 2; SL 2012, ch 21, § 2; SL 2017, ch 222 (Initiated Measure 22), § 67; SL 2017, ch 72, § 34, eff. Feb. 2, 2017.
2-12-13. Elected board members of local government or federally recognized Indian tribe and church representatives exempt.
This chapter does not apply to any elected member of the governing board of any unit of local government or federally recognized Indian tribe. This chapter does not apply to any person representing a bona fide church solely for the purpose of protecting the public right to practice the religious doctrines of the church.
For the purposes of this section, the term, federally recognized Indian tribe, means the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, Crow Creek Sioux Tribe, Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe, Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, Oglala Sioux Tribe, Rosebud Sioux Tribe, Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and Yankton Sioux Tribe.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0707; SL 1977, ch 23, § 12; SL 1991, ch 23, § 10; SL 2017, ch 19, § 1.
2-12-14. Right of citizens to appear and speak in their own interests not infringed.
This chapter shall not be construed to infringe upon the right of any citizen to appear as a witness before any legislative committee or any board, commission, or committee of state government to speak in their own name, in their own or in the public interest.
Source: SL 1977, ch 23, § 13.
2-12-15. Definition of terms in §§ 2-12-15 to 2-12-19.
Terms used in §§ 2-12-15 to 2-12-19, inclusive, mean:
(1) "Immediate family," the spouse or any minor children living at home;
(2) "Lobbyist," any person who is registered pursuant to § 2-12-1; and
(3) "Principal," any person or organization as defined in § 12-27-1 that employs or otherwise compensates a lobbyist or authorizes a lobbyist to lobby on behalf of that person or organization. A person's membership in or employment by an organization that employs or compensates a lobbyist does not qualify such person as a principal.
Source: SL 2017, ch 20, § 1.
2-12-16. Limitation on gifts from or through lobbyists--Violation as misdemeanor.
No public official and no member of the immediate family of a public official may accept from any lobbyist or principal any gifts with a cumulative value greater than one hundred dollars during any calendar year. Beginning on January 1, 2019, and again on January first of each year thereafter, the cumulative value applicable in this section shall be adjusted by the index factor as provided in § 2-12-19, and the adjusted cumulative value for the year shall be published on the secretary of state's website. Any person who knowingly and intentionally violates any provision of this section is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Source: SL 2017, ch 20, § 2.
2-12-17. Public official defined.
For purposes of §§ 2-12-15 to 2-12-19, inclusive, the term, public official, means:
(1) Any person holding a statewide office as defined in § 12-27-1, including any person who has been elected or appointed but who has not yet assumed office;
(2) Any head of an agency in the executive branch, including any person who has been appointed but who has not yet assumed office; or
(3) Any member or member-elect of the Legislature.
Source: SL 2017, ch 20, § 3.
2-12-18. Gift defined.
For purposes of §§ 2-12-15 to 2-12-19, inclusive, the term, gift, means anything of value, including any object, money, property, or service, that is given without compensation or remuneration. The term does not include:
(1) Anything of value for which the recipient paid an equal or greater value;
(2) Any contribution to a political committee that is regulated by the Federal Elections Commission or under chapter 12-27;
(3) Any service or event to assist a public official in the performance of official duties, including any cost to educate or inform the public official on matters of public policy; any advice, information, consultation, or communication regarding actual or proposed legislation; any service to constituents or to promote the economic development of the state;
(4) Any food, entertainment, or beverage provided for immediate consumption;
(5) Anything of value exchanged between immediate family members;
(6) The cost of admission to any state-owned facility or state-sponsored industry or event, if provided by the sponsoring state agency, political subdivision, or publicly funded institution;
(7) Anything of value received due to membership in a group, the majority of whose membership is not comprised of public officials, if the object or other thing of value is also given to other members of that group or to other members who also serve as officers or directors of that group; or
(8) Any scholarship, prize, or financial support awarded or supported by a principal for a program related to education, and widely available and generally awarded to qualifying members of the public, the majority of whom are not comprised of public officials or the immediate family of public officials.
Source: SL 2017, ch 20, § 4.
2-12-19. Index factor defined.
For the purposes of §§ 2-12-15 to 2-12-19, inclusive, the index factor is the annual percentage change in the consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical workers as published by the United States Department of Labor for the year before the year immediately preceding the year of adjustment.
Source: SL 2017, ch 20, § 5.
2-13-1 Advance copies to judicial officers of acts with emergency clause.
2-13-2 Session law publication--Authorities indexed.
2-13-3 2-13-3 to 2-13-4.1. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-13-5 Labeling of session law bound volumes.
2-13-6 Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-13-7 Free distribution of session laws to state and federal agencies.
2-13-7.1 Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-13-8 Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-13-9 Repealed by SL 1988, ch 24, § 3.
2-13-10 Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-13-12 Exchange copies of session laws for Supreme Court, Legislative Research Council, and state library--Distribution to libraries.
2-13-13 2-13-13 to 2-13-15. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-13-16 Sale or disposal of session laws.
2-13-17 Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-13-1. Advance copies to judicial officers of acts with emergency clause.
When an act, other than an act appropriating money only, which provides that it shall take effect prior to the first day of July following the adjournment of the Legislature, has been filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, he shall, without charge, within three days after the filing of such act, send a certified copy thereof to the following officers: the chief justice of the Supreme Court, each judge of the circuit court, each clerk of courts, and the attorney general.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0607.
2-13-2. Session law publication--Authorities indexed.
The director of the Legislative Research Council shall arrange for publication of the session laws. The session laws must include the laws and joint resolutions passed by each session of the Legislature, the rules of court, the executive orders adopted pursuant to the constitution, voter-approved initiated constitutional amendments, and voter-approved initiated measures. The code counsel shall prepare a full and complete index of all such laws, which shall refer to the subject matter of each act, whether it is an original enactment or an amendment.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0904; SL 1977, ch 24, § 8; SL 1988, ch 24, § 2; SL 2022, ch 9, § 1.
2-13-3 to 2-13-4.1. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-13-5. Labeling of session law bound volumes.
All permanent bound volumes of the session laws shall be labeled and well glued.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0906; SL 1977, ch 24, § 14; SL 2009, ch 18, § 1.
2-13-6. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-13-7. Free distribution of session laws to state and federal agencies.
The Bureau of Human Resources and Administration shall distribute the printed session laws and shall deliver free copies of the session laws to such county, state, and federal officers and offices as are approved by the Code Commission.
Source: SDC 1939 § 55.0907; SL 1963, ch 302; SL 1977, ch 24, § 9; SL 2024, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 24-1), § 34, eff. Apr. 8, 2024.
2-13-7.1. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-13-8. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-13-9. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 24, § 3.
2-13-10, 2-13-11. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-13-12. Exchange copies of session laws for Supreme Court, Legislative Research Council, and state library--Distribution to libraries.
In addition to the distribution authorized by § 2-13-7, the Bureau of Human Resources and Administration shall deliver to the Supreme Court, the director of the Legislative Research Council, and the state library board, upon proper requisition from time to time, copies of the session laws which may be used in their discretion in exchange for the statutes, codes, or reports of other states, territories, or countries, or for textbooks or other works on law, for the purpose of completing and improving the Supreme Court and legislative reference libraries, for distribution to public and academic libraries in this state and for fulfilling the requirements of chapter 14-1A.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0911; SL 1977, ch 24, § 10; SL 2024, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 24-1), § 34, eff. Apr. 8, 2024.
2-13-13 to 2-13-15. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-13-16. Sale or disposal of session laws.
Session laws shall be sold at a price set to cover their printing and distribution costs plus ten percent. However, any session laws which have not been sold, within two years from the date of their delivery by the printer, may be sold at a price set by order of the commissioner of human resources and administration or they may be given away or otherwise disposed of by order of the commissioner of human resources and administration.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0909; SL 1977, ch 24, § 11; SL 1979, ch 14, § 3; SL 2024, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 24-1), §§ 13, 34, eff. Apr. 8, 2024.
2-13-17, 2-13-18. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 24, § 13.
2-14-1 Words used in ordinary sense.
2-14-2 Definition of terms used in code.
2-14-2.1 Definition of shall.
2-14-3 Printing not sufficient to seal note.
2-14-4 Application of statutory definitions.
2-14-5 Gender of words.
2-14-6 Singular and plural words.
2-14-7 Tense of verbs.
2-14-8 Punctuation not controlling.
2-14-9 Source notes, cross-references and titles not part of statute.
2-14-10 Source notes not a legislative expression.
2-14-11 Arrangement of laws in code.
2-14-12 Statutes in derogation of common law--Liberal construction.
2-14-13 Uniformity of interpretation of uniform laws.
2-14-14 Computation of time in statutes.
2-14-15 Majority exercising joint authority.
2-14-16 Effective date of legislative acts.
2-14-16.1 Two or more amendments of same section at same session--Reconciliation.
2-14-16.2 Two or more initiated measures or constitutional amendments approved at same election--Reconciliation.
2-14-17 Effect of repeal of act legalizing prior act.
2-14-18 Penalties and liabilities surviving repeal of act.
2-14-19 Revival not implied by repeal of repealer.
2-14-20 Omitted.
2-14-21 Code not retroactive.
2-14-22 Transferred to § 2-16-16.
2-14-23 Repeal of acts prior to code--Saving clauses.
2-14-24 Actions pending and rights accrued before code.
2-14-25 Limitation periods beginning before code.
2-14-26 Corporations organized before code.
2-14-27 Rights vested and obligations existing before code.
2-14-28 Public officers in office before code.
2-14-29 Subdivision boundaries existing before code.
2-14-30 Ordinances and regulations adopted before code.
2-14-31 Transfer of proceedings pending at time of code.
2-14-32 Chapter applied to Codified Laws and code.
2-14-1. Words used in ordinary sense.
Words used are to be understood in their ordinary sense except also that words defined or explained in § 2-14-2 are to be understood as thus defined or explained.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (7).
2-14-2. Definition of terms used in code.
Terms used throughout the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13, mean:
(1) "According to usage," that which is usual and customary;
(2) "Adult," any person who is not a minor as defined in chapter 26-1;
(3) "Children" includes children by birth and by adoption;
(4) "Compound interest," interest added to the principal as the interest becomes due, and thereafter made to bear interest;
(5) "Corporate surety," a corporation acting as surety for a principal obligor, and which corporation is duly authorized under the laws of this state to transact business which involves acting as such surety;
(6) "Creditor," except as defined and used in chapters 54-1 and 54-9, everyone to whom is owed the performance of an obligation;
(7) "Day," the period from midnight to midnight;
(8) "Debtor," except as defined and used in chapters 54-1 and 54-9, everyone who owes to another the performance of an obligation;
(9) "Decree," the same meaning as the word "judgment";
(10) "Depose," every mode of written statement under oath or affirmation;
(11) "Folio," one hundred words, counting every series of figures necessarily used, as a word; and any portion of a folio when in the whole draft or paper there shall not be a complete folio and when there shall be any excess of the last folio;
(12) "Full-time equivalent" or "FTE," a number that designates staffing level where one full-time equivalent position is equal to the number of days, Monday through Friday, in a fiscal year, multiplied by eight hours per day. The term excludes: paid overtime hours; hours paid to an employee assigned to a light duty position as approved by the commissioner of human resources and administration due to a temporary partial disability as defined in subdivision 62-1-1(8); hours paid for accumulated annual leave and sick leave upon employee termination; hours paid to patient employees of the institutions under the control of the Department of Human Services or the Department of Social Services and the Department of Veterans Affairs; hours paid to work-study students enrolled in postsecondary educational institutions or postsecondary students employed through internships in the legislative branch, judicial branch, or the executive branch; hours paid to students enrolled in and employed by postsecondary educational institutions; and hours paid to members of boards and commissions pursuant to § 4-7-10.4. For purposes of salary computation a nine month or more per year full-time teaching or research faculty person, or the equivalent thereof, at the institutions under the jurisdiction of the Board of Regents shall be considered one full-time equivalent;
(13) "Good faith," an honest intention to abstain from taking any unconscientious advantage of another, even through the forms or technicalities of law, together with an absence of all information or belief of facts which would render the transaction unconscientious;
(14) "Indian tribe," any government of any Indian tribe which is located either wholly or partially within the State of South Dakota and which has a constitution or a charter approved by the secretary of the Department of the Interior and which possesses the powers of self-government;
(15) "Month," a calendar month;
(16) "Municipality," any municipality organized as provided in Title 9;
(17) "Oath" includes affirmation;
(18) "Person" includes natural persons, partnerships, associations, cooperative corporations, limited liability companies, and corporations;
(19) "Personal property" includes money, goods, chattels, things in action, and evidences of debt;
(20) "Population," the number of inhabitants as determined by the last preceding federal census;
(21) "Property" includes property, real and personal;
(22) "Real property" is coextensive with lands, tenements, and hereditaments;
(23) "Seal" includes an impression of the seal upon the paper alone, as well as upon wax or a wafer affixed to the paper, and also the word "seal" written or printed on such paper;
(24) "Several," in relation to number, two or more;
(25) "Signature or subscription" includes mark, if the person cannot write, the person's name being written near such mark, and written by a person who writes the person's own name as a witness;
(26) "State," the State of South Dakota;
(27) "Testify," every mode of oral statement under oath or affirmation;
(28) "Third persons" includes all who are not parties to the obligation or transaction concerning which the phrase is used;
(29) "Township boards," the board of supervisors of any organized township;
(30) "Usual and customary," according to usage; usage is a reasonable and lawful public custom concerning transactions of the same nature as those which are to be affected thereby, existing at the place where the obligation is to be performed, and either known to the parties, or so well established, general, and uniform, that they must be presumed to have acted with reference thereto;
(31) "Valuable consideration," a thing of value parted with, or a new obligation assumed at the time of obtaining the thing, which is a substantial compensation for that which is obtained thereby. It is also called simply "value";
(32) "Verdict" includes not only the verdict of a jury, but also the finding upon the facts of a judge, or of a referee appointed to determine the issues in a cause;
(33) "Voter," a person duly registered to vote or one who is performing the act of voting;
(34) "Will" includes a codicil or codicils;
(35) "Writing" and "written" include typewriting and typewritten, printing and printed, except in the case of signatures, and where the words are used by way of contrast to typewriting and printing. Writing may be made in any manner, except that when a person entitled to require the execution of a writing demands that it be made with ink, it must be so made;
(36) "Year," a calendar year.
Source: Subd. (1): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (1). Subd. (2): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (2). Subd. (3): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (3). Subd. (4): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (4). Subd. (5): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (5). Subd. (6): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (6). Subd. (7): SDC 1939, § 65.0402. Subd. (8): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (7). Subd. (9): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (8). Subd. (10): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (9). Subd. (11): SL 1961, ch 461. Subd. (12): SL 1977, ch 40, § 1; SL 1978, ch 22; SL 1981, ch 18; SL 1989, ch 21, § 38; SL 1992, ch 133, § 1; SL 1994, ch 29; SL 1998, ch 11, § 1; SL 2004, ch 30, § 1, eff. June 21, 2004; SL 2010, ch 17, § 1; SL 2011, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 11-1), § 133, eff. Apr. 12, 2011; SL 2012, ch 23, § 91; SL 2018, ch 12, § 3; SL 2018, ch 29, § 1. Subd. (13): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (10). Subd. (14): SL 1974, ch 27. Subd. (15): SDC 1939, § 65.0402. Subd. (16): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (11); SL 1992, ch 60, § 2. Subd. (17): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (12). Subd. (18): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (13); SL 1994, ch 351, § 2; SL 1996, ch 269, § 1. Subd. (19): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (14). Subd. (20): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (15). Subd. (21): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (16). Subd. (22): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (17). Subd. (23): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (18). Subd. (24): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (19). Subd. (25): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (20); SL 1994, ch 351, § 2. Subd. (26): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (21). Subd. (27): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (22). Subd. (28): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (23). Subd. (29): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (24). Subd. (30): SDC 1939, §§ 65.0104, 65.0201 (25). Subd. (31): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (26). Subd. (32): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (27). Subd. (33): SL 1982, ch 28, § 49. Subd. (34): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (28). Subd. (35): SDC 1939, § 65.0201 (29). Subd. (36): SDC 1939, § 65.0402; SL 2024, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 24-1), §§ 13, 35, eff. Apr. 8, 2024.
2-14-2.1. Definition of shall.
As used in the South Dakota Codified Laws to direct any action, the term, shall, manifests a mandatory directive and does not confer any discretion in carrying out the action so directed.
Source: SL 1997, ch 21, § 1.
2-14-3. Printing not sufficient to seal note.
Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision 2-14-2(23) a promissory note shall in no case be deemed or considered a sealed instrument where the word "seal" is printed thereon.
Source: SL 1943, ch 316; SDC Supp 1960, § 65.0201-1.
2-14-4. Application of statutory definitions.
Whenever the meaning of a word or phrase is defined in any statute such definition is applicable to the same word or phrase wherever it occurs except where a contrary intention plainly appears.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (8).
2-14-5. Gender of words.
Words used in the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter. Words used in the feminine gender include the masculine and neuter.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (9); SL 1980, ch 23, § 20.
2-14-6. Singular and plural words.
Words used in the singular number include the plural, and the plural, the singular, except where a contrary intention plainly appears.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (10).
2-14-7. Tense of verbs.
Words used in the present tense include the future as well as the present.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (11).
2-14-8. Punctuation not controlling.
Punctuation shall not control or affect the construction of any provision when any construction based on such punctuation would not conform to the spirit and purpose of such provision.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (6).
2-14-9. Source notes, cross-references and titles not part of statute.
Source notes, cross-references, and titles whether designating entire titles, parts, chapters, sections, or subdivisions, constitute no part of any statute.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (3).
2-14-10. Source notes not a legislative expression.
Nothing contained in any source note shall be deemed as an expression by the Legislature as to the purpose, reason, scope, or effect of any section to which such source note relates.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (4).
2-14-11. Arrangement of laws in code.
Provisions contained in any title, part, or chapter of the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13 may be construed and considered in the light of such arrangement and such position in any case where such arrangement or such position tends to show the intended purpose and effect thereof.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (5).
2-14-12. Statutes in derogation of common law--Liberal construction.
The rule of the common law that statutes in derogation thereof are to be strictly construed has no application to the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13. Such code establishes the law of this state respecting the subjects to which it relates and its provisions and all proceedings under it are to be liberally construed with a view to effect its objects and to promote justice.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (1).
2-14-13. Uniformity of interpretation of uniform laws.
Whenever a statute appears in the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13 which, from its title, text, or source note, appears to be a uniform law, it shall be so interpreted and construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law of those states which enact it.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (2).
2-14-14. Computation of time in statutes.
The time in which any act provided by law is to be done is computed by excluding the first day and including the last, unless the last is a holiday and then it also is excluded.
Fractions of a day are to be disregarded in computations which include more than one day, and involve no questions of priority.
Source: SDC 1939, §§ 65.0402, 65.0403.
2-14-15. Majority exercising joint authority.
Words giving a joint authority to three or more public officers or other persons are construed as giving such authority to a majority of them unless it is otherwise expressed in the act giving the authority.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (12).
2-14-16. Effective date of legislative acts.
Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and statutes relating to vetoes and the referendum, an act of the Legislature which does not prescribe when it shall take effect, if passed at a regular session, takes effect on the first day of July after its passage and if passed at a special session on the ninety-first day after the final adjournment of such session.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.0607.
2-14-16.1. Two or more amendments of same section at same session--Reconciliation.
If two or more acts amending the same section of the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13 are passed during a legislative session, each amendment shall be given effect, even if both acts have differing effective dates unless the amendments conflict or a contrary intent plainly appears.
Source: SL 1976, ch 28; SL 1985, ch 15, § 12.
2-14-16.2. Two or more initiated measures or constitutional amendments approved at same election--Reconciliation.
If two or more initiated measures or amendments to the Constitution are approved by the voters at the same election, each initiated measure or amendment shall be given effect, unless the initiated measures or amendments conflict or a contrary intent plainly appears. For purposes of any conflict or the determination of intent under this section, the initiated measure or amendment receiving the greatest number of affirmative votes at the election shall be given effect.
Source: SL 2018, ch 30, § 1.
2-14-17. Effect of repeal of act legalizing prior act.
The repeal of any statute which legalized or made valid any act which was prior thereto shall not affect the legality or validity of such act which was legalized or validated by such statute.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (14).
2-14-18. Penalties and liabilities surviving repeal of act.
The repeal of any statute by the Legislature shall not have the effect to release or extinguish any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred under such statute unless the repealing act shall so expressly provide, and such statute shall be treated as still remaining in force for the purpose of sustaining any proper action or prosecution for the enforcement of such penalty, forfeiture, or liability.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (15).
2-14-19. Revival not implied by repeal of repealer.
Whenever any act of the Legislature is repealed, which repealed a former act, such former act shall not thereby be revived unless it shall be expressly so provided.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (13).
2-14-20. Omitted.
2-14-21. Code not retroactive.
No part of the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13 shall be construed as retroactive unless such intention plainly appears.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (22).
2-14-23. Repeal of acts prior to code--Saving clauses.
Except as otherwise expressly provided, all general statutes duly enacted prior to the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13 and not previously repealed are repealed and superseded by the provisions of the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13, but such repeal shall not in any case affect the validity of any transaction which shall have occurred prior to the taking effect of such code; nor shall such repeal operate to impair the curative or legalizing effect of any statute theretofore enacted; nor shall such repeal have the effect of releasing or extinguishing any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred prior to the taking effect of such code, and all offenses committed and all penalties or forfeitures incurred under any statute repealed prior to such repeal may be prosecuted and punished in the same manner and with the same effect as if the statute relating thereto had not been repealed.
Source: SDC 1939, §§ 65.0202 (25), 65.0321.
2-14-24. Actions pending and rights accrued before code.
No action or proceeding, civil or criminal, commenced before the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13 took effect and no right accrued are affected by its provisions, but the proceedings thereunder must conform to the requirements of such code as far as applicable.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (16).
2-14-25. Limitation periods beginning before code.
When a limitation or period of time prescribed in any existing statute for acquiring a right or barring a remedy or for any other purpose had begun to run before the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13 took effect and the same or any limitation was prescribed in such code, the time which had already run is deemed part of the time prescribed in such limitation by such code.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (17).
2-14-26. Corporations organized before code.
Nothing in the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13 shall be so construed as to affect the incorporation of any public or private corporation lawfully incorporated when the code took effect, but such corporation is subject to the provisions thereof applicable thereto.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (18).
2-14-27. Rights vested and obligations existing before code.
Nothing in the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13 shall be so construed as to impair any vested right or valid obligation existing when it took effect.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (19).
2-14-28. Public officers in office before code.
Except where a different intention plainly appears, the public officers in office when the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13 took effect continue in office until the expiration of the term for which they were elected or appointed unless sooner removed as provided by law.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (20).
2-14-29. Subdivision boundaries existing before code.
The boundaries of every county, municipality, school district, and other local subdivision continue as established when the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13 took effect until changed in the manner provided therein.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (21); SL 1992, ch 60, § 2.
2-14-30. Ordinances and regulations adopted before code.
Every ordinance, bylaw, rule, and regulation adopted by any municipality, civil township, court, board, commission, or public officer, not inconsistent with the provisions of the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13, in force when it took effect continues in force until repealed or amended in the manner provided by law.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (21); SL 1992, ch 60, § 2.
2-14-31. Transfer of proceedings pending at time of code.
If when the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13 took effect any action or proceeding, properly commenced, was pending before any court, tribunal, board, commission, or public officer, of which such court, tribunal, board, commission, or public officer does not have jurisdiction under the provisions of such code, such action or proceeding is forthwith transferred, together with all the papers relating thereto, to the court, tribunal, board, commission, or public officer having jurisdiction thereof, with the same force and effect as if originally commenced before such court, tribunal, board, commission, or public officer.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202 (24).
2-14-32. Chapter applied to Codified Laws and code.
Except as provided in §§ 2-16-14 to 2-16-16, the provisions of this chapter apply to the South Dakota Codified Laws and the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13.
Source: SL 1970, ch 17, § 2; SL 1972, ch 14, § 1; SL 1974, ch 28, § 1; SL 1975, ch 27, § 1.
Convention to be held when Congress proposes amendment to be ratified by
Apportionment of delegates to convention.
Election of delegates at next general election--Legislative election laws apply.
Nominating petitions for candidates--Number of signers required--Contents and
Certification of nominees to county auditors.
Printing of primary election ballots--Form.
Supply of primary ballots--Conduct of primary election.
Certification of successful candidates at primary--Printing of general election ballots--Form.
Conduct of general election--Canvass and certification of vote.
Slate voting at general election.
Time and place of holding convention.
Quorum of convention--Officers--Rules--Qualifications and election of members.
Compensation and mileage of convention delegates--Disbursements for convention
Certification of convention results--Transmittal to United States.
Congressional rules for convention to govern.
Delegate vote to consider or approve unauthorized amendment prohibited--Recall.
Oath of candidate for delegate or alternate.
Certifications by secretary of state.
Civil fine for violation of oath.
Participation in conventions in which each state possesses one vote.
2-15-1. Convention to be held when Congress proposes amendment to be ratified by convention.
Whenever the Congress of the United States of America shall propose an amendment to the Constitution of the United States and shall propose that the same be ratified by conventions in the respective states, a convention shall be held as provided for herein, for the purpose of ratifying such amendment.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1001.
2-15-2. Apportionment of delegates to convention.
The number of delegates to be chosen to such convention shall be equal to the number of legislative representatives in the State of South Dakota, and each representative district in the state shall constitute a delegate district and be represented in said convention by the same number of delegates as it is now or may hereafter be entitled to elect legislative representatives.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1002.
2-15-3. Election of delegates at next general election--Legislative election laws apply.
The delegates shall be elected at the next general election succeeding the proposal of any amendment to the Constitution of the United States by the Congress of the United States, and except as otherwise herein provided the nomination and election of such delegates shall in all respects be the same as is now by law provided for the nomination and election of representatives of the Legislature of South Dakota, except as herein otherwise provided.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1002.
2-15-4. Nominating petitions for candidates--Number of signers required--Contents and filing.
Nomination of candidates for the office of delegate shall be by petition signed by not less than two nor more than five percent of the duly qualified electors of the district respectively in which the candidate or candidates reside, as shown by the total vote cast for the successful candidate for the office of Governor at the last gubernatorial election within said legislative district. Such nomination shall be without party or political designation but shall indicate thereon whether the candidate named in said petition is "in favor of," or "opposed to," the ratification of the proposed amendment, and said petitions shall be filed at the time and in the manner provided for filing nominating petitions for legislative representatives for the primary election, as now provided for.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1003; SL 1980, ch 23, § 26.
2-15-5. Certification of nominees to county auditors.
It shall be the duty of the secretary of state, as soon as the time for filing nominating petitions in his office has expired, to immediately certify to the several county auditors of the state the names of the persons in whose behalf nominating petitions have been filed as a candidate for delegate.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1004.
2-15-6. Printing of primary election ballots--Form.
The county auditor shall, after certification by the secretary of state, immediately prepare and have printed official primary election ballots for all delegates, nominated upon a separate ballot, without party or political designation, in substance as follows:
Delegates to the Convention to Ratify the Proposed Amendment
The Congress has proposed an amendment to the Constitution of the United States which provides (insert here the substance of the proposed amendment).
The Congress has also proposed that the said amendment shall be ratified by conventions in the States.
The Following Candidates for Delegates to the State Convention are |
The Following Candidates for Delegates to the State Convention are |
In Favor of the ratification of the proposed amendment. To vote for any candidate whose name appears in the column below mark a cross (x) or check mark () in the square at the left of the name of the candidate. Do not vote for more candidates than are to be elected to said office. |
Opposed to the ratification of the proposed amendment. To vote for any candidate whose name appears in the column below mark a cross (x) or check mark () in the square at the left of the name of the candidate. Do not vote for more candidates than are to be elected to said office. |
Vote for (insert number of delegates to be nominated). |
Vote for (insert number of delegates to be nominated). |
G John Doe |
G Henry Coe |
G Richard Roe |
G Samuel Moe |
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1004.
2-15-7. Supply of primary ballots--Conduct of primary election.
Said official ballots and sample ballots shall be provided in the same manner as the official primary election ballots are supplied, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 12-6. Separate ballots shall be delivered to all electors of whatever party or designation at the biennial primary election to be held as now provided, and the manner of voting, conduct of election, canvass and certification of votes upon said ballots shall be conducted in the same manner as the primary election law now provides for the election of representatives of the Legislature.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1004.
2-15-8. Certification of successful candidates at primary--Printing of general election ballots--Form.
The secretary of state in the preparation of the ballots for the succeeding general election shall certify to the county auditors of said legislative districts respectively the names of the successful candidates, designating those who are in favor of the ratification of the amendment and those opposed to the ratification of the amendment, and the county auditor of each county in the state at the time of the preparation for the general election, shall prepare separate official ballots upon which shall be printed the substance of the proposed amendment, the names of the candidates for delegates to the convention as theretofore nominated as candidates in favor of and the candidates opposed to the ratification of the amendment, and proper instructions to the voters in substantially the following form, to wit:
Delegates to the Convention to Ratify the Proposed Amendment
The Congress has proposed an amendment to the Constitution of the United States which provides (insert here the substance of the proposed amendment).
The Congress has also proposed that the said amendment shall be ratified by Conventions in the States.
To vote for the Delegates In |
To vote for the Delegates |
Favor of |
Opposed to |
Ratification of the proposed amendment place a cross (x) or check mark () in the circle below. |
Ratification of the proposed amendment place a cross (x) or check mark () in the circle below. |
John Doe |
Henry Coe |
Richard Roe |
Samuel Moe |
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1005.
2-15-9. Conduct of general election--Canvass and certification of vote.
Said ballot shall be submitted to the electors of the State of South Dakota in the same manner and at the same time as the official ballots for the general election are now submitted; and the same shall be canvassed and certified by the judges of election and the state canvassing board in the same manner and at the same time as the official ballots for the general election are canvassed, and certificates of election issued accordingly. Except as otherwise provided herein such election shall be conducted and the results thereof ascertained and certified in the same manner as now provided by the laws of this state pertaining to the general election, except insofar as the same may be inconsistent herewith.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1006.
2-15-10. Slate voting at general election.
The electors may vote for all of the candidates either in favor of or those opposed to the ratification of said amendment, by putting a cross () or check mark () in the circle at the head of the names in the column under the designation "In Favor of" the ratification, or in the circle at the head of the names in the column under the designation "Opposed to" the ratification, and a ballot so marked in said circle shall be counted as a vote, by the judges and canvassers, for each of the delegates respectively, whose name or names appear in the column under the circle so marked.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1005.
2-15-11. Time and place of holding convention.
The delegates so elected shall meet at the capitol building in the city of Pierre, on the third Tuesday in the month of January following their election, at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, and shall constitute a convention to ratify or reject the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1007.
2-15-12. Quorum of convention--Officers--Rules--Qualifications and election of members.
A majority of the total number of delegates to the convention shall constitute a quorum. The convention shall have power to choose a president and secretary and all other necessary officers, and to make rules governing the procedure of the convention; such convention shall be the judge of the qualification and of the election of its own members.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1007.
2-15-13. Compensation and mileage of convention delegates--Disbursements for convention expenses.
Each delegate shall receive five dollars per day for the first five days he is in attendance at said convention, and ten cents per mile for each mile necessarily traveled in going to and returning from said convention. The secretary and other officers shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the convention. Disbursements for the foregoing purposes and for other necessary expenses of the convention, when approved by the convention and signed by the president and secretary, shall be made by the state treasurer out of any appropriation available therefor.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1007.
2-15-14. Certification of convention results--Transmittal to United States.
When the convention shall have agreed by a vote of a majority of the total number of delegates present and voting to the ratification or rejection of the proposed amendment, a certificate to that effect shall be executed by the president and secretary of the convention and filed in the Office of the Secretary of State of South Dakota, and the said secretary of state shall forthwith transmit to the proper officer of the United States of America, a certified copy thereof.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1007.
2-15-15. Congressional rules for convention to govern.
If at or about the time of submitting any such amendment, Congress shall either in a resolution submitting the same or by statute, prescribe the manner in which the conventions shall be constituted, and shall not except from the provisions of such statute or resolution such states as may theretofore have provided for constituting such conventions, the preceding provisions of this chapter shall be inoperative, the convention shall be constituted and shall operate as the said resolution or act of Congress shall direct, and all officers of the state who may by the said resolution or statute be authorized or directed to take any action to constitute such a convention for this state are authorized and directed to act thereunder and in obedience thereto with the same force and effect as if acting under a statute of this state.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1008.
2-15-16. Definitions.
Terms used in §§ 2-15-17 to 2-15-21, inclusive, mean:
(1) "Article V convention," convention for proposing amendments as expressly provided in Article V of the United States of America Constitution; and
(2) "Article V application," a joint resolution passed by the State Legislature of South Dakota on the same subject or containing the same proposed amendment text as thirty-three other sovereign states requiring Congress to call an Article V convention by setting the time and place; and
(3) "Delegate" or "alternate," any person selected by the State Legislature of South Dakota or any other method provided by law to represent the State of South Dakota at an Article V convention; and
(4) "Legislative instructions," instructions given by the State Legislature to delegates and alternates before and during an Article V convention; and
(5) "Unauthorized amendment," any proposed amendment that is outside the subject matter or permitted text.
Source: SL 2015, ch 2, § 1.
2-15-17. Delegate vote to consider or approve unauthorized amendment prohibited--Recall.
No delegate from South Dakota to an Article V convention has the authority to vote to allow consideration of or vote to approve an unauthorized amendment for ratification to the United States of America Constitution. Any delegate casting a vote to allow consideration or approval of an unauthorized amendment shall be immediately recalled by the secretary of state and replaced by an alternate chosen by the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council.
Source: SL 2015, ch 2, § 2.
2-15-18. Oath of candidate for delegate or alternate.
Every candidate for delegate or alternate from South Dakota to the Article V convention shall take the following oath:
"I do solemnly swear or affirm that to the best of my abilities, I will, as a delegate or alternate to an Article V convention, uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and the State of South Dakota. I will not vote to allow consideration of or to approve any unauthorized amendment proposed for ratification to the United States of America Constitution."
Source: SL 2015, ch 2, § 3.
2-15-19. Certifications by secretary of state.
The secretary of state shall certify in writing to the Article V convention the selection of delegates and alternates, the recall and replacement of any delegate or alternate, and the nullification of unauthorized votes cast by any delegate of South Dakota.
Source: SL 2015, ch 2, § 4.
2-15-20. Civil fine for violation of oath.
Any delegate who violates the oath contained in § 2-15-18 is subject to a civil fine of not more than five thousand dollars to be levied by the secretary of state and deposited in the state general fund.
Source: SL 2015, ch 2, § 5.
2-15-21. Participation in conventions in which each state possesses one vote.
Nothing in §§ 2-15-16 to 2-15-20, inclusive, authorizes the State of South Dakota to participate in any Article V convention in which each of the states does not possess one vote equal to the other states.
Source: SL 2015, ch 2, § 6.
2-16-1 2-16-1, 2-16-2. Omitted.
2-16-3 Code Commission established--Composition and appointment of members--Vacancies.
2-16-3.1 2-16-3.1 to 2-16-4.1. Executed.
2-16-4.2 Officers of commission--Meetings and hearings.
2-16-5 Compensation of commission members--Employment of personnel and incurring of expense.
2-16-5.1 Gifts and contributions to commission--Expenditure.
2-16-5.2 Assistance, space, and facilities for commission.
2-16-6 Supplements and reprinted volumes to be provided for--Contents.
2-16-7 Specifications, advertising and award of contract for publication.
2-16-7.1 Continuation of contract with publisher of code.
2-16-7.2 Advertising for bids for publications.
2-16-8 Copyrights of material--Contract for use of state's copyright.
2-16-8.1 Restriction on printing or distributing copyrighted material in code--Violation as misdemeanor.
2-16-9 Arrangement, correlation, and text changes in code.
2-16-9.1 Continuing authority of commission on assimilation of laws into code.
2-16-9.2 2-16-9.2. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 24, § 8.
2-16-10 2-16-10. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 24, § 9.
2-16-10.1 Additional powers of commission.
2-16-10.2 South Dakota Codified Laws provided to Legislature--Codified Laws and Administrative Rules provided to legislators.
2-16-10.3 Disposal of obsolete materials.
2-16-11 2-16-11. Repealed by SL 1970, ch 15, § 6.
2-16-12 Supplements and revised volumes official after publication--Prima facie evidence of law--Citation.
2-16-13 Publications constituting official code.
2-16-13.1 Editorial material and appendices excluded from official code.
2-16-14 Code as continuation of prior law.
2-16-15 Invalid laws not validated by codification.
2-16-16 Statutes enacted at latest legislative session prevail over code--Citation of codified laws.
2-16-17 Official copy of code of laws--Certification.
2-16-18 Citation of code.
2-16-19 Publication of code on computer media.
2-16-20 2-16-20 to 2-16-23. Transferred to §§ 2-6-20 to 2-6-23.
2-16-3. Code Commission established--Composition and appointment of members--Vacancies.
The South Dakota Code Commission shall consist of one member of the South Dakota Senate appointed by the president pro tempore, one member of the South Dakota House of Representatives appointed by the speaker of the house, and two members of the State Bar of South Dakota to be appointed by the state bar president and one member appointed by the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council. The legislators shall be appointed for two-year terms. The two members of the state bar shall be appointed for four-year terms. The member appointed by the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council shall serve a two-year term. Any appointed member of the commission may, upon the expiration of the member's term, be reappointed at the discretion of the appointing authority. If a vacancy occurs, the authority designated to make the original appointment shall fill any vacancy by appointment of a person qualified under the provisions of this section.
Source: SL 1966, ch 239, § 1; SL 1970, ch 18, § 1; SL 1985, ch 17, § 15; SL 1995, ch 13, § 4; SL 1995, ch 14, § 1.
2-16-4.2. Officers of commission--Meetings and hearings.
The Code Commission shall organize by electing a chairman, vice-chairman, and such other officers from its membership as it may deem necessary, and shall hold meetings and hearings at such times and places as it may designate to accomplish the purposes of this chapter.
Source: SL 1970, ch 18, § 3.
2-16-5. Compensation of commission members--Employment of personnel and incurring of expense.
The code counsel shall receive no compensation other than his salary provided by law. The Code Commission may employ such personnel and incur such expense as may be required to perform its duties and may lease or purchase equipment and services to provide for a supervised statutory retrieval system for all departments of government engaged in research and revision of the Constitution and laws of this state.
The expenses of the commission shall be paid on warrants drawn by the state auditor on vouchers approved by the chairman of the commission.
Source: SL 1966, ch 239, § 2; SL 1969, ch 219, § 3.
2-16-5.1. Gifts and contributions to commission--Expenditure.
In addition to state appropriated funds, the Code Commission is authorized to accept and expend any funds which it might obtain from any gift or contribution or any other source, public or private, for said purposes.
Source: SL 1970, ch 18, § 4.
2-16-5.2. Assistance, space, and facilities for commission.
The director of the State Legislative Research Council and the code counsel are hereby charged with the duty of assisting the Code Commission within such limitations as it may prescribe and to provide space for its supplies and to make available the facilities of the council for its meetings. The director shall also supervise the secretarial functions of the commission and otherwise assist it to the extent feasible.
Source: SL 1970, ch 18, § 6.
2-16-6. Supplements and reprinted volumes to be provided for--Contents.
The Code Commission shall:
(1) Provide for supplements to, and reprinted volumes of, the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13;
(2) Determine the contents of the code supplements and reprinted volumes which shall include but not be limited to:
(a) The United States Constitution;
(b) The South Dakota Constitution;
(c) The South Dakota statutes;
(d) Executive orders enacted pursuant to S.D. Const., Art. IV, § 8;
(e) Supreme Court rules adopted pursuant to S.D. Const., Art. V, § 12;
(f) Circuit court rules adopted pursuant to §§ 15-6-83 and 23A-45-12;
(g) Other executive orders with a continuing and statewide effect; and
(h) Such special and collateral references as the commission may determine necessary for a complete and useful code;
(3) Determine the physical arrangements and other matters pertaining to the publication of the code.
Source: SL 1966, ch 239, § 3; SL 1988, ch 24, § 4; SL 2021, ch 19, § 1.
2-16-7. Specifications, advertising and award of contract for publication.
Notwithstanding chapters 5-18A and 5-18D, the South Dakota Code Commission may draft specifications for material authorized for publication by § 2-16-6 and advertise for and accept bids from editorial, printing, and publishing companies for production of all material authorized by this chapter. The advertisement for bids shall be published twice in at least three newspapers of general circulation in different parts of the state, and in such additional manner as the commission may determine. The terms and conditions of the bids shall be prescribed by the commission. Each contract shall be awarded to the lowest bidder which, in the opinion of the commission, is the best bid consistent with the quality of editorial services, printing, paper, binding, expeditious service and the best interests of the state. If the contract for editorial services is separate from the contract for printing, the specifications shall be drawn in such a manner as not to exclude South Dakota printing firms.
Source: SL 1966, ch 239, § 4 (1); SL 1988, ch 24, § 5; SL 2011, ch 2, § 110.
2-16-7.1. Continuation of contract with publisher of code.
The Code Commission may continue the contract for the publication of the South Dakota Codified Laws with West, a Thomson Reuters Business and its successors in interest. The Code Commission may contract with that publisher or other publishers, editorial services and printers for continuing editorial work and printing to assure continuity in editorial preparation, printing and binding of supplements and replacement volumes to the code enacted by § 2-16-13 for a term not exceeding five years. The Code Commission may, on negotiation, extend the current contract for a term not exceeding two years so long as the commission deems it to the advantage and best interests of the state.
Source: SL 1969, ch 219, § 6; SL 1972, ch 15, § 1; SL 1988, ch 24, § 6; SL 2005, ch 10, § 42; SL 2014, ch 15, § 1.
2-16-7.2. Advertising for bids for publications.
The Code Commission may advertise for bids for the production of material authorized for publication by the Legislature including, but not limited to, bulk or other revisions, compilations and supplementations to the South Dakota code.
Source: SL 1970, ch 18, § 7.
2-16-8. Copyrights of material--Contract for use of state's copyright.
The South Dakota Code Commission shall provide that the material authorized for publication by § 2-16-6 will be copyrighted by the State of South Dakota, in the name of the State of South Dakota, to the extent permitted by federal copyright law. The commission may contract with printers, publishers, and computer retrieval companies for use of the state's copyright.
Source: SL 1966, ch 239, § 4 (2); SL 1988, ch 24, § 7; SL 2021, ch 19, § 2.
2-16-8.1. Restriction on printing or distributing copyrighted material in code--Violation as misdemeanor.
Except as authorized by federal copyright law, no person may print or distribute copyrighted material from the South Dakota Codified Laws without the express authorization of the Code Commission. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor.
Source: SL 1984, ch 10, § 2; SL 1992, ch 158, § 2; SL 1995, ch 14, § 2.
2-16-9. Arrangement, correlation, and text changes in code.
The South Dakota Code Commission is hereby authorized to make such changes as may be necessary to correct apparent errors, to correlate and integrate all the laws to harmonize, to assign new title and other designations, to eliminate or clarify obviously obsolete or ambiguous sections that exist, and to substitute terms or phraseology, and names of boards, commissions, and agencies, wherever the Legislature has expressly or by implication indicated an intention to do so, so as to provide consistency in the law.
Source: SL 1966, ch 239, § 4 (4); SL 1967, ch 265.
2-16-9.1. Continuing authority of commission on assimilation of laws into code.
The Code Commission shall have continuing authority to act as provided in § 2-16-9 to assimilate laws of a permanent nature enacted in 1968 and subsequent sessions into the arrangement adopted in the South Dakota Compiled Laws of 1967.
Source: SL 1969, ch 219, § 4.
2-16-10.1. Additional powers of commission.
In addition to those set forth in this chapter, the Code Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) To advise, assist, and consult with the code counsel regarding any function, power, or duty conferred by law upon said code counsel;
(2) To undertake such substantive or bulk revisions, compilations and supplements to the South Dakota code as may be directed by the Legislature or as may be incidental to the assistance of the code counsel as provided in subdivision (1) of this section;
(3) To make such recommendations to the Legislature as to the laws of this state as it shall determine to be necessary and desirable for the general improvement of this state's laws and to direct the code counsel to prepare such bills as are appropriate to implement such recommendations;
(4) To contract for replacement of volumes whenever such volumes, with the cumulative pocket parts, become too voluminous for practical use; and
(5) To do all things which are consistent with the purpose of this chapter and deemed necessary by it.
Source: SL 1970, ch 18, § 5.
2-16-10.2. South Dakota Codified Laws provided to Legislature--Codified Laws and Administrative Rules provided to legislators.
The Code Commission shall provide the Legislature with sets of the South Dakota Codified Laws. The Code Commission may provide each legislator with a copy of the South Dakota Codified Laws, the Administrative Rules of South Dakota and other information in a digital format.
Source: SL 1988, ch 24, § 10; SL 2009, ch 18, § 2; SL 2020, ch 11, § 9.
2-16-10.3. Disposal of obsolete materials.
State officers and employees may dispose of volumes of, and supplements to, the South Dakota Codified Laws which are obsolete due to reprinting.
Source: SL 1988, ch 24, § 11.
2-16-12. Supplements and revised volumes official after publication--Prima facie evidence of law--Citation.
Upon the publication under the supervision of the South Dakota Code Commission, of any revised volume of, or supplement to, the code enacted by § 2-16-13, such revision or supplement shall be in force as prima facie evidence of the laws contained therein, and may be cited as SDCL or as the code or South Dakota Codified Laws.
Source: SL 1966, ch 239, § 5; SL 1976, ch 31, § 1; SL 1978, ch 23, § 1.
2-16-13. Publications constituting official code.
The official code of laws of the State of South Dakota, which may be referred to as the code, consists of all the statutes of a general and permanent nature contained in:
(1) The 2018 revision of volume 1;
(2) The 2021 revision of volume 2;
(3) The 2021 revision of volume 2A;
(4) The 2021 revision of volume 3;
(5) The 2004 revision of volume 4;
(6) The 2004 revision of volume 5;
(7) The 2020 revision of volume 6;
(8) The 2020 revision of volume 7;
(9) The 2018 revision of volume 8;
(10) The 2018 revision of volume 9;
(11) The 2014 revision of volume 10;
(12) The 2014 revision of volume 10A;
(13) The 2014 revision of volume 11;
(14) The 2016 revision of volume 12;
(15) The 2004 revision of volume 13;
(16) The 2017 revision of volume 14;
(17) The 2016 revision of volume 15;
(18) The 2013 revision of volume 16;
(19) The 2016 revision of volume 17;
(20) The 2004 revision of volume 18;
(21) The 2011 revision of volume 19;
(22) The 2011 revision of volume 19A;
(23) The 2011 revision of volume 20;
(24) The 2013 revision of volume 21;
(25) The 2015 revision of volume 22;
(26) The 2015 revision of volume 22A;
(27) The 2022 revision of volume 23;
(28) The 2022 revision of volume 24;
(29) The 2004 revision of volume 25;
(30) The 2022 revision of volume 26;
(31) The 2007 revision of volume 27;
(32) The 2004 revision of volume 28;
(33) The 2017 revision of volume 29;
(34) The 2012 revision of volume 30;
(35) The 2012 revision of volume 31;
(36) The 2019 revision of volume 32;
(37) The 2019 revision of volume 33;
(38) The 2015 revision of volume 34;
(39) The 2004 revision of the Parallel Tables volume;
(40) The December 2023 Interim Update Service of the South Dakota Codified Laws beginning with Title 1, chapter 1-1 and ending with Title 62, chapter 62-9; and
(41) The 2023 cumulative annual pocket parts.
Source: SL 1970, ch 17, § 1; SL 1972, ch 14, § 2; SL 1974, ch 28, § 2; SL 1975, ch 27, § 2; SL 1976, ch 29, § 1; SL 1977, ch 25, § 1; SL 1978, ch 23, § 2; SL 1979, ch 17, § 1; SL 1980, ch 25, § 1; SL 1981, ch 19, § 1; SL 1982, ch 27, § 1; SL 1983, ch 11, § 1; SL 1984, ch 18, § 1; SL 1985, ch 18, § 1; SL 1986, ch 26, § 1; SL 1987, ch 28, § 1; SL 1988, ch 26, § 1; SL 1989, ch 31, § 1; SL 1990, ch 29, § 1; SL 1991, ch 25, § 1; SL 1992, ch 25, § 1; SL 1993, ch 33, § 1; SL 1994, ch 30, § 1; SL 1995, ch 15, § 1; SL 1996, ch 23, § 1; SL 1997, ch 22, § 1; SL 1998, ch 12, § 1; SL 1999, ch 10, § 1; SL 2000, ch 22, § 1; SL 2001, ch 20, § 1; SL 2002, ch 20, § 1; SL 2003, ch 22, § 1; SL 2004, ch 31, § 1; SL 2005, ch 23, § 1; SL 2006, ch 14, § 1; SL 2007, ch 18, § 1; SL 2008, ch 18, § 1; SL 2009, ch 19, § 1; SL 2010, ch 18, § 1; SL 2011, ch 18, § 1; SL 2012, ch 22, § 1; SL 2013, ch 18, § 1; SL 2014, ch 16, § 1; SL 2015, ch 19, § 1; SL 2016, ch 29, § 1; SL 2017, ch 21, § 1; SL 2018, ch 31, § 1; SL 2019, ch 16, § 1; SL 2020, ch 9, § 1; SL 2021, ch 20, § 1; SL 2022, ch 10, § 1; SL 2023, ch 12, § 1; SL 2024, ch 18, § 1.
2-16-13.1. Editorial material and appendices excluded from official code.
The code does not include:
(1) Material set off by overstrikes to show the effect of legislative deletions;
(2) Prefatory subject matter, analyses, catchlines, notes, annotations, appendices, references, tables, and indices;
(3) The list of forms appearing as an appendix to chapters 15-6 and 15-26A and to Title 23A;
(4) The rules of procedure of the judicial qualifications commission appearing as an appendix to chapter 16-1A;
(5) The code of judicial conduct appearing as an appendix to chapter 16-2;
(6) The Rules of Professional Conduct appearing as an appendix to chapter 16-18;
(7) The regulations of the board of bar examiners appearing as an appendix to chapter 16-16; and
(8) The standards of title appearing as an appendix to chapter 43-30.
Source: SL 1984, ch 18, § 2; SL 1989, ch 30, § 9.
2-16-14. Code as continuation of prior law.
The provisions of this code, so far as they are the same as those of existing laws, shall be construed as a continuation of those laws and not as new enactments.
Source: SL 1970, ch 17, § 3.
2-16-15. Invalid laws not validated by codification.
No provision of the code enacted by § 2-16-13, as to which any action or proceeding, civil or criminal, has been commenced prior to July 1, 2024, to determine whether or not such provision was constitutionally enacted, is validated by the enactment of this code.
The enactment of the code:
(1) Does not affect the validity of any transaction;
(2) Does not impair the curative or legalizing effect of any statute; and
(3) Does not release or extinguish any penalty, confiscation, forfeiture, or liability; which accrued, occurred, or took effect prior to the time the code took effect.
Source: SL 1970, ch 17, § 3; SL 1972, ch 14, § 3; SL 1974, ch 28, § 3; SL 1975, ch 27, § 3; SL 1976, ch 29, § 2; SL 1977, ch 25, § 2; SL 1978, ch 23, § 3; SL 1979, ch 17, § 2; SL 1980, ch 25, § 2; SL 1981, ch 19, § 2; SL 1982, ch 27, § 2; SL 1983, ch 11, § 2; SL 1984, ch 18, § 3; SL 1985, ch 18, § 2; SL 1986, ch 26, § 2; SL 1987, ch 28, § 2; SL 1988, ch 26, § 2; SL 1989, ch 31, § 2; SL 1990, ch 29, § 2; SL 1991, ch 25, § 2; SL 1992, ch 25, § 2; SL 1993, ch 33, § 2; SL 1994, ch 30, § 2; SL 1995, ch 15, § 2; SL 1997, ch 22, § 2; SL 1998, ch 12, § 2; SL 1999, ch 10, § 2; SL 2000, ch 22, § 2; SL 2001, ch 20, § 2; SL 2002, ch 20, § 2; SL 2003, ch 22, § 2; SL 2004, ch 31, § 2; SL 2005, ch 23, § 2; SL 2006, ch 14, § 2; SL 2007, ch 18, § 2; SL 2008, ch 18, § 2; SL 2009, ch 19, § 2; SL 2010, ch 18, § 2; SL 2011, ch 18, § 2; SL 2012, ch 22, § 2; SL 2013, ch 18, § 2; SL 2014, ch 16, § 2; SL 2015, ch 19, § 2; SL 2016, ch 29, § 2; SL 2017, ch 21, § 2; SL 2018, ch 31, § 2; SL 2019, ch 16, § 2; SL 2020, ch 9, § 2; SL 2021, ch 20, § 2; SL 2022, ch 10, § 2; SL 2023, ch 12, § 2; SL 2024, ch 18, § 2.
2-16-16. Statutes enacted at latest legislative session prevail over code--Citation of codified laws.
All statutes, other than this code, enacted at the 2024 session of the Legislature shall be deemed to have been enacted subsequently to the enactment of this code. If any statute repeals, amends, contravenes, or is inconsistent with the provisions of this code, the provisions of the statute shall prevail. Any enactment in the 2024 session of the Legislature that cites South Dakota Codified Laws for the purpose of amendment or repeal shall be construed as having reference to the code enacted by § 2-16-13.
Source: SDC 1939, § 65.0202(23); SDCL § 2-14022; SL 1970, ch 17, § 4; SL 1972, ch 14, § 4; SL 1974, ch 28, § 4; SL 1975, ch 27, § 4; SL 1976, ch 29, § 3; SL 1977, ch 25, § 3; SL 1978, ch 23, § 4; SL 1979, ch 17, § 3; SL 1980, ch 25, § 3; SL 1981, ch 19, § 3; SL 1982, ch 27, § 3; SL 1983, ch 11, § 3; SL 1984, ch 18, § 4; SL 1985, ch 18, § 3; SL 1986, ch 26, § 3; SL 1987, ch 28, § 3; SL 1988, ch 26, § 3; SL 1989, ch 31, § 3; SL 1990, ch 29, § 3; SL 1991, ch 25, § 3; SL 1992, ch 25, § 3; SL 1993, ch 33, § 3; SL 1994, ch 30, § 3; SL 1995, ch 15, § 3; SL 1996, ch 23, § 2; SL 1997, ch 22, § 3; SL 1998, ch 12, § 3; SL 1999, ch 10, § 3; SL 2000, ch 22, § 3; SL 2001, ch 20, § 3; SL 2002, ch 20, § 3; SL 2003, ch 22, § 3; SL 2004, ch 31, § 3; SL 2005, ch 23, § 3; SL 2006, ch 14, § 3; SL 2007, ch 18, § 3; SL 2008, ch 18, § 3; SL 2009, ch 19, § 3; SL 2010, ch 18, § 3; SL 2011, ch 18, § 3; SL 2012, ch 22, § 3; SL 2013, ch 18, § 3; SL 2014, ch 16, § 3; SL 2015, ch 19, § 3; SL 2016, ch 29, § 3; SL 2017, ch 21, § 3; SL 2018, ch 31, § 3; SL 2019, ch 16, § 3; SL 2020, ch 9, § 3; SL 2021, ch 20, § 3; SL 2022, ch 10, § 3; SL 2023, ch 12, § 3; SL 2024, ch 18, § 3.
2-16-17. Official copy of code of laws--Certification.
A copy of the code of laws enacted by § 2-16-13 shall be kept in the Office of the Secretary of State, to which copy that officer shall affix a certificate, under her hand and the seal of the state, that the laws therein contained are the statute laws of the State of South Dakota; and that certified copy shall be an authentic record of those laws.
Source: SL 1970, ch 17, § 5; SL 1972, ch 14, § 5; SL 1974, ch 28, § 5; SL 1975, ch 27, § 5.
2-16-18. Citation of code.
The code enacted into law by § 2-16-13, and as hereafter amended and supplemented and printed and published pursuant to law, shall be known as the South Dakota Codified Laws and may be cited as "SDCL" followed by the number of the title, chapter, or section, as appropriate.
Source: SL 1970, ch 17, § 6; SL 1976, ch 31, § 2.
2-16-19. Publication of code on computer media.
The Code Commission may publish and sell, or contract with the publisher of the printed code, or others, exclusively or not exclusively, for the publication and sale of, with or without compensation, the South Dakota Codified Laws on media which can be read by data processing equipment, including magnetic tapes and disks and CD-ROM discs.
Any publication made by the Code Commission authorized by this section shall be distributed by the Bureau of Human Resources and Administration at prices set by the Code Commission, which shall include mailing costs.
The commission may also authorize, and set the price for, private searches on the commission's statute and administrative rules data bases on the state's mainframe computer.
Source: SL 1991, ch 26; SL 2024, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 24-1), § 34, eff. Apr. 8, 2024.