Senator  William Shorma - 2016
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1070HB1070establish venue for certain actions arising out of real property lease agreements.
HB 1084HB1084define when concurrent employment may be used to calculate earnings in workers' compensation cases.
HB 1135HB1135establish venue for certain actions arising out of real property lease agreements.
HB 1231HB1231authorize motor carrier inspectors to carry firearms.
HC 1001HC1001Recognizing Tony Metzgar for his act of saving a life.
HC 1002HC1002Recognizing Isabel Trobaugh for her service to the community of Elk Point.
HC 1003HC1003Recognizing Helen Sweeter of Worthing for the honors and recognition she has received for an exemplary life of service to her family, church, and community.
HC 1004HC1004Recognizing the achievements of Victoria "Tori" Johnson of Elk Point.
HC 1007HC1007Recognizing Sabrina Swee for her excellence and achievements in the area of culinary arts.
HC 1030HC1030Honoring the Canton High School wrestling program.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1054HB1054authorize the production and sale of industrial hemp.
HB 1056HB1056revise certain provisions relating to the veterans' preference in employment.
HB 1067HB1067promote quality, competition, and freedom of choice in the health insurance market place.
HB 1075HB1075revise the area for certain open units where nonresident waterfowl licenses are issued.
HB 1076HB1076provide for drug testing for certain assistance applicants.
HB 1088HB1088revise and consolidate certain civil forfeiture provisions.
HB 1093HB1093revise certain provisions that prohibit a defendant from contacting a victim before a court appearance.
HB 1101HB1101authorize municipalities to create programs to encourage housing development.
HB 1104HB1104revise certain provisions regarding the practice of dental hygiene.
HB 1107HB1107ensure government nondiscrimination in matters of religious beliefs and moral convictions.
HB 1122HB1122establish procedures for payment of insurance claims by credit card or electronic funds transfer to health care professionals.
HB 1123HB1123require the Department of Health to include certain information regarding the inspection of an abortion facility on the department's website.
HB 1150HB1150revise certain provisions concerning the property tax exemption provided to local industrial development corporations.
HB 1161HB1161provide for and regulate consumer lines of credit and to provide a penalty for certain violations.
HB 1162HB1162provide for the practice and regulation of midwives.
HB 1163HB1163revise the periods of time during which veterans may use tuition benefits at institutions under the control of the Board of Regents.
HB 1164HB1164provide for a special interest motor vehicle license plate for certain vehicles under certain conditions.
HB 1187HB1187allow the Office of the Secretary of State to refuse to file certain documents.
HB 1204HB1204provide a sales and use tax exemption for certain nonprofit corporations created for the purpose of fire protection.
HB 1225HB1225provide for the forfeiture and disposition of certain property utilized in acts of terrorism.
HC 1012HC1012Recognizing and honoring the bravery of South Dakota Highway Patrol Trooper Zachary Bader.
HCR 1002HCR1002Supporting the selection of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter beddown at Joe Foss Field, 114th Fighter Wing, South Dakota Air National Guard.
HCR 1005HCR1005Urging the federal government to refrain from enacting regulations that threaten the reliability and affordability of electric power in the northern great plains.
HCR 1007HCR1007Requiring the use of sound science in evaluating crop protection chemistries and nutrients.
HCR 1011HCR1011Opposing the recent actions of the EPA and the President with regards to the Waters of the United States federal rule and applauding the South Dakota congressional delegates who opposed such actions.
HCR 1013HCR1013Recognizing the positive economic impact sportsmen and sportswomen have in South Dakota.
HCR 1017HCR1017Commending the nation of Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and with the State of South Dakota.
SB 56SB56require legislative approval of all land acquisitions by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks.
SB 61SB61prohibit the cancellation or nonrenewal of homeowner insurance policies for certain claims arising from natural causes.
SB 66SB66permit the issuance of special license plates to parents of certain individuals.
SB 69SB69require accredited schools to accept transfer credits for courses taken by students from other accredited schools during the summer and to declare an emergency.
SB 71SB71revise the provisions regarding the issuance of small game licenses and fishing licenses to certain veterans at reduced fees and to revise certain provisions regarding special pheasant hunts for disabled veterans.
SB 72SB72prohibit the abortion of an unborn child who is capable of experiencing pain and to provide a penalty therefor.
SB 85SB85revise certain provisions regarding motorcycle license plates.
SB 96SB96revise the expense reimbursement for members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles.
SB 97SB97provide for the automatic removal of all petty offenses, municipal ordinance violations, and Class 2 misdemeanor charges or convictions from background check records after ten years under certain conditions.
SB 109SB109require counties to conduct random checkpoints for overweight vehicles as a condition of receiving funds from the bridge improvement grant fund.
SB 117SB117permit the practice of midwifery by certain persons.
SB 140SB140eliminate life sentences for defendants under the age of eighteen at the time of the crime.
SB 169SB169revise provisions related to child pornography and to revise the penalty therefor.
SC 1SC1Celebrating and honoring Tabor's annual Czech Days festivities on the occasion of its sixty-eighth anniversary on June 16, 17, and 18, 2016.
SC 2SC2Honoring those from the Harrisburg, South Dakota, community who acted heroically and persevered through the tragic events of September 30, 2015.
SC 6SC6Honoring Allyson Monson of Clark, South Dakota, Girls State Governor, and Andrew Flannery of Elk Point, South Dakota, Boys State Governor, and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs.
SC 7SC7Commending and honoring the 2015 Habitat for Humanity--South Dakota Habitat Supporters of the Year.
SC 8SC8Commending and honoring the 2015 Madison High School Bulldogs Football Team and the students and staff involved in the football program.
SC 9SC9Honoring the South Dakota Health Care Association on the occasion of its sixty-fifth anniversary.
SC 10SC10Recognizing and honoring the South Dakota Arts Council on its fiftieth anniversary of serving South Dakotans and our communities through the arts.
SC 11SC11Recognizing and honoring the courage of South Dakota Highway Patrol Sergeant John Koenig.
SC 17SC17Honoring Laurie Visser as South Dakota's 2016 Mother of the Year.