Senator  John Koskan - 2001
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1001HB1001revise certain sales and use tax provisions.
HB 1084HB1084place a moratorium on new video lottery establishments and machines.
HB 1161HB1161revise the distribution of certain gaming tax revenues.
HB 1173HB1173establish South Dakota Statehood Day as a working holiday.
HB 1253HB1253revise certain provisions regarding dealer franchises and to include outdoor power equipment.
HB 1255HB1255appropriate money for the restoration of the Hamill Dam.
HB 1289HB1289prohibit the Department of Transportation from constructing areas for the placement of motor vehicle scales in certain locations.
HB 1290HB1290revise certain provisions related to the loss of hunting, fishing, or trapping privileges for trespass violations.
HC 1018HC1018Honoring Emily Schirmer of Colome for being named one of South Dakota's top student volunteers.
SB 99SB99revise certain penalties concerning inspections, repairs, and maintenance to certain vehicles.
SB 131SB131make an appropriation to provide for an electronic voting machine in the Senate chamber.
SB 132SB132make an appropriation to provide for an electronic message display board in the senate chamber.
SB 165SB165provide for incentives for development of certain commercial small power production facilities.
SB 166SB166provide for a Streamlined Sales Tax Project Task Force, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SC 6SC6Commending and Honoring Dr. Tony Berg of Winner, South Dakota, for being selected the 2000 Family Doctor of the Year.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1127HB1127modify the procedure for the remittance of the 911 surcharge.
HB 1203HB1203appropriate money for the Northern Crops Institute and to declare an emergency.
HB 1221HB1221revise the financial disclosure requirements for lobbyists and employers of lobbyists.
HB 1237HB1237authorize certain students in alternative instruction to participate in public school interscholastic contests and competition.
HB 1239HB1239authorize certain persons to carry handguns who are authorized to carry handguns in other states.
HB 1297HB1297transfer funds from the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission gross receipts tax fund for home heating assistance funding, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HCR 1005HCR1005Recognizing February sixth as Kids Voting Day in South Dakota.
HCR 1008HCR1008Supporting mandatory country of origin labeling for agricultural products.
HCR 1012HCR1012Urging action to stop mergers and acquisitions by large-scale agribusiness corporations.
HCR 1019HCR1019Requesting the federal government to honor certain state meat inspections in interstate commerce.
HCR 1020HCR1020Urging the Administration and Congress to prohibit packers from feeding and owning livestock.
HCR 1025HCR1025Requesting that the Governor of the State of South Dakota, along with the Legislature, continue to take appropriate fire prevention measures to address the catastrophic fire risk that exists on the federally-held national forests and state lands of South Dakota.
SB 139SB139clarify provisions relating to the eligibility of certain cooperative members to qualify as a director.
SB 140SB140clarify certain provisions relating to the payment of taxes to municipalities from the revenues of electric cooperatives providing service within a municipality.
SB 177SB177impose an excise tax on the gross receipts of wireless, cellular, and personal communications system telephone companies.
SB 186SB186provide for the preservation of certain public broadcasting records of the legislative session.
SB 194SB194prohibit hunting on certain railroad rights-of-way.
SB 198SB198establish a girls' basketball season.
SB 203SB203clarify the responsibilities of foster parents in regard to foster children.
SB 214SB214establish a telecommunications gross receipts tax, to provide for its distribution, and to repeal certain property taxes and certain gross receipts taxes paid by certain telecommunications companies.
SB 237SB237permit municipalities and counties to prohibit the use or placement of video lottery machines.
SC 3SC3Commending and honoring South Dakotans who served in the Civilian Conservation Corps.
SC 8SC8Honoring the memory of Captain Donald Smith, United States Army Air Corps.
SC 9SC9Honoring the memory of Thomas Anthony Francis Iversen and his forty-six years of life.
SCR 3SCR3Supporting the conversion of the underground mine and portions of the surface mining facilities at Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota, to a National Underground Science Laboratory operated by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology for the National Science Foundation.
SCR 8SCR8Supporting programs that bring communities together to examine their demographic pasts and futures and that encourage them to look beyond traditional barriers to find practical solutions to the problems they face.
SCR 9SCR9Expressing support for the electoral college.
SCR 11SCR11Expressing the Legislature's condolences upon the death of Laska Schoenfelder.