Senator  Rebekah Cradduck - 2002
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1106HB1106revise certain provisions regarding the confidential nature of peer review activities of physicians.
HB 1288HB1288allow certain persons to administer epinephrine in certain circumstances.
HB 1289HB1289establish certain requirements that must be met before the Department of Social Services may require prior authorization for prescription drugs provided to certain individuals.
HC 1011HC1011Honoring the Sioux Falls Roosevelt Rough Riders girls' basketball team and their coaches.
SB 136SB136allow state chartered banks to expand their investment options to include certain annuities.
SC 5SC5Honoring Jeffrey Lukens of Sioux Falls as South Dakota's 2002 Teacher of the Year.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1068HB1068require the recalculation of the allocation for the disability levels in the state aid to special education formula.
HB 1105HB1105revise the index factor in the state aid to education formula.
HB 1116HB1116prohibit a person from being on the general election ballot for President or vice-president and another office.
HB 1129HB1129revise certain provisions regarding concealed pistol permits.
HB 1132HB1132establish a Children's Mental Health Task Force.
HB 1149HB1149revise certain provisions related to the awarding of high school diplomas to certain veterans.
HB 1164HB1164abrogate the loss of chance doctrine as set forth in Jorgenson v. Vener.
HB 1224HB1224prohibit interference with the use of communication devices to summon aid to an emergency.
HB 1239HB1239provide a period for the sale and use of fireworks around New Year’s Day.
HB 1255HB1255provide that the provisions limiting the number of retail alcohol licenses that may be issued to one person do not apply to certain additional convention facility on-sale licenses.
HB 1258HB1258establish a tuition reimbursement program for nurses.
HB 1262HB1262revise the elements of the crime of passing a check against insufficient funds.
HB 1265HB1265allow for the issuance of metal plates with a special designation to auction agencies.
HB 1272HB1272authorize certain wine shipments, to levy an excise tax, and to establish certain penalties.
HB 1295HB1295provide for the voters' consideration of a proposed constitutional amendment to Article XVII in June 2002, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HC 1004HC1004Honoring and commending the members of the South Dakota National Guard.
HC 1015HC1015Commending and honoring Julie Dangel of Scotland, South Dakota, for being selected as the 2001 "Nurse of the Year" by the South Dakota Healthcare Association Nursing Council.
HC 1018HC1018Honoring the Morgan family athletes past and present who attended Dakota Wesleyan University as one of the most outstanding basketball families in South Dakota history.
HC 1024HC1024Recognizing the contributions of the Sioux Falls John Morrell Plant to South Dakota's economic development efforts and the agriculture community.
HCR 1001HCR1001Requesting the United States Congress not to attempt to repeal or rescind any of the tax relief legislation passed by the United States Congress in May 2001.
HCR 1008HCR1008Supporting the Kids Voting Program.
HCR 1013HCR1013Recognizing Ellsworth Air Force Base personnel as an outstanding component of our nation's defenses.
HCR 1020HCR1020Requesting a discussion of the problems existing between the State of South Dakota and the federal government on issues of state and federal powers and responsibilities.
HCR 1022HCR1022Supporting the National Motto of the United States.
HJR 1008HJR1008Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to Article XXI of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to hunting, fishing, and trapping.
HJR 1009HJR1009Proposing and submitting to the electors at the June 2002 primary election amendments to Article XVII of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to restrictions on corporate farming.
SB 58SB58establish a nursing workforce center under the direction of the Board of Nursing and to provide funding through a fee assessed upon nursing license renewal.
SB 79SB79increase the maximum property tax levy for the pension fund of a school district.
SB 90SB90appropriate money for the Northern Crops Institute.
SB 94SB94permit the posting or display of the United States flag, giving the pledge of allegiance, and singing the national anthem.
SB 99SB99allow certain contracts between cigarette retailers and suppliers.
SB 120SB120authorize additional off-sale retail liquor licenses in certain first class municipalities.
SB 121SB121revise certain provisions regarding the family exclusion for auto insurance coverage.
SB 130SB130provide for the implementation of certain prairie dog management plans or activities with legislative approval.
SB 132SB132revise the provisions for moving a structure under or across a utility line and to provide a penalty therefor.
SB 149SB149allow a school district to impose additional taxes.
SB 156SB156provide for the revision of the South Dakota Family Farm Act of 1974 to conform with a proposed amendment to the South Dakota Constitution regulating corporate farming in South Dakota.
SB 161SB161revise the definition of certain entities exempt from sales tax.
SC 1SC1Honoring Coleen C. Keffeler of Sturgis on her selection as National Teacher of the Year for Career and Technical Education.
SC 4SC4Honoring 4-H clubs and 4-H members on the centennial celebration of the founding of 4-H.
SC 8SC8Commemorating the retirement of Fred Tully and recognizing him for his dedication and steadfast leadership to the Black Hills Children's Home and Children's Home Society of South Dakota for over two decades.
SC 10SC10Honoring Coleen C. Keffeler of Sturgis on her selection as National Teacher of the Year for Career and Technical Education.
SC 12SC12Honoring the outstanding achievements of Patty Pearson, Executive Director of Kids Voting South Dakota.
SC 13SC13Honoring Dawn Morris of Pierre on her selection as National Mother of the Year.
SC 15SC15Honoring South Dakota native Adam Vinatieri for kicking the winning field goal in Super Bowl XXXVI.
SC 16SC16Honoring and commending Carrie Gonsor on her selection as one of the torchbearers for the 2002 Olympics.
SC 20SC20Honoring and supporting those individuals in Ukraine who support the Fulbright program for the international exchange of scholars.
SC 22SC22Commending and honoring Rebecca Umenthum of the Belle Fourche School District, Barbara Huber of the Douglas School District, Katrina Rudebusch of the Rapid City School District, Roxie Ahlbrecht and Cynthia Nelson of the Sioux Falls School District, Reva Sigle of the Spearfish School District, Mary Kate Axlund of the Sturgis School District, and Shannon Amiotte of the Wall School District, for gaining national teacher certification.
SC 23SC23Honoring South Dakota's Lieutenant Governor Carole Hillard for her career in public service.
SC 24SC24Honoring the memory of Senator Harold W. Halverson and lamenting his untimely passing.
SCR 2SCR2Urging the United States Congress to adopt legislation providing greater equity in Medicare reimbursement between large urban health care providers and rural health care providers.
SCR 3SCR3Requesting the forest service to address the forest health and wildfire risk crisis facing the Black Hills.
SCR 15SCR15Honoring Governor William J. Janklow for his service to the State of South Dakota.
SJR 5SJR5Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election amendments to Article III of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to legislative appointments and conflicts of interest.