Senator  Randy Deibert - 2025
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1019HB1019eliminate certain property taxes levied on owner-occupied single-family dwellings, and to increase certain gross receipts tax rates and use tax rates.
HB 1081HB1081revise the disposition of revenues from the precious metals severance tax.
HB 1194HB1194authorize the cooperation of counties for purposes of operating an office of county director of equalization.
SB 13SB13clarify the enactment and effective date of a measure initiated or referred within a political subdivision.
SB 90SB90clarify provisions regarding tax deeds.
SB 121SB121reduce maximum values for certain property taxes levied on owner-occupied single-family dwellings, and to increase the rates for certain gross receipts taxes and use taxes.
SB 195SB195make an appropriation for grants to support public transit.
SB 215SB215remove the prohibition against a landowner having an easement on the landowner's property.
SC 801SC801Recognizing and expressing gratitude to South Dakota Wildland Fire and Black Hills volunteer fire departments for their quick response and cooperation on Black Hills wildfires.
SCR 605SCR605Promoting a resilient and healthy Black Hills forest through active forest management and retention of the current forest products industry.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1010HB1010require cost model reports for certain programs and institutions.
HB 1053HB1053require age verification by websites containing material that is harmful to minors, and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1059HB1059clarify the meaning of teleconference for purposes of open meeting requirements.
HB 1068HB1068allow a student to wear certain military decorations at a school graduation ceremony and to declare an emergency.
HB 1080HB1080void covenants that prohibit or restrict the possession or use of firearms and ammunition.
HB 1094HB1094modify laws regarding school bus safety and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1096HB1096prohibit eligibility for a suspended imposition of sentence for certain rape offenses.
HB 1123HB1123repeal medical purpose as a defense in prosecutions involving cannabis.
HB 1126HB1126modify provisions pertaining to the compensation of a recount board.
HB 1129HB1129provide for the transfer of motor vehicles and boats upon death.
HB 1159HB1159revise percentages regarding certain municipal proceeds of gaming revenues.
HB 1164HB1164revise the process for nominating candidates for lieutenant governor.
HB 1184HB1184amend the deadline for filing a petition to initiate a measure or constitutional amendment.
HC 8001HC8001Honoring Donna Leslie of the South Dakota Retailers Association for outstanding service to the business community.
HC 8003HC8003Recognizing Jacqueline Sly as the recipient of the AARP South Dakota Andrus Award.
HC 8004HC8004Recognizing the Howard Tigers as the 2024 Class B boys basketball state champions.
HC 8005HC8005Recognizing the Howard Tigers as the 2024 Class 9A football state champions.
HC 8006HC8006Celebrating the Chester Lady Flyers as the 2024 Class B State Volleyball Champions.
HC 8007HC8007Honoring Jordan Jensen of Brookings as Miss Rodeo South Dakota 2025.
HC 8015HC8015Honoring the 2025 South Dakota Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s Youth of the Year finalists.
HCR 6002HCR6002Urging the United States Congress and the President of the United States to remove the requirement of a project labor agreement for federal construction projects.
HJR 5001HJR5001Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, conditioning the requirement of expanded Medicaid on the level of federal medical assistance.
SB 5SB5permit a sheriff to charge a fee for service of process, whether service is completed or not.
SB 6SB6authorize a loan from the South Dakota housing infrastructure fund to a school district adjoining a federal military installation for the construction or expansion of a school building.
SB 7SB7prohibit the adoption or implementation of certain policies related to immigration enforcement.
SB 12SB12limit the amount of money that may be loaned to a candidate or political committee.
SB 19SB19repeal the expiration date for the 911 emergency surcharge increase.
SB 69SB69revise provisions related to trusts.
SB 72SB72revise the payor of autopsy costs in certain circumstances.
SB 75SB75require an indication of United States citizenship status on a motor vehicle operator's license or permit, and on a nondriver identification card.
SB 78SB78authorize a change in bullet diameter for use in taking certain animals.
SB 84SB84extend the timeframe for filling a vacancy in a board of county commissioners.
SB 94SB94amend provisions pertaining to the duties of presidential electors.
SB 95SB95make an appropriation to the Department of Revenue for distribution to county rural access infrastructure funds and to declare an emergency.
SB 99SB99make an appropriation for purchasing, storing, and distributing sexual assault kits.
SB 106SB106require an individual be registered as a voter of this state before being eligible to be a petition sponsor for a ballot measure.
SB 120SB120update the membership of the Animal Industry Board to include a poultry producer.
SB 131SB131establish an electronic system for vehicle titles.
SB 132SB132make an appropriation for grants to support airport terminal improvement and expansion.
SB 135SB135exempt a motor vehicle insurer from a certain title fee.
SB 143SB143modify the composition and staffing requirements of the South Dakota-Ireland Trade Commission.
SB 169SB169require a public hearing prior to a vote to impose an excess tax levy.
SB 173SB173revise the process by which a recount may be requested.
SB 176SB176clarify the discovery procedures and powers and to modify the administration of the Government Operations and Audit Committee.
SC 802SC802Honoring Callie Mueller of Florence, South Dakota, on being named Miss Rodeo America 2025.
SC 804SC804Honoring the 2023-2024 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Todd Foster, Brookings Middle School Principal; Dr. Julie Hatling, Belle Fourche Elementary School Principal; Camille Kaul, Aberdeen Curriculum Leader; Jason Kolousek, Wessington Springs Secondary School Principal; Kristi Lewis, Chester School Business Official; Mark Naugle, Custer School Superintendent; Amanda Olinger, Harrisburg Assistant Middle School Principal; and Laura Welch, Lennox Director of Special Education.
SC 805SC805Celebrating and honoring Tabor's Czech Days annual festivities on the occasion of its seventy-sixth anniversary.
SC 806SC806Honoring Jonni Arpan, of Eagle Butte, a member of the Eagle Butte School District Board of Education, on her selection as the Associated School Boards of South Dakota 2024 Outstanding School Board Member.
SC 807SC807Recognizing and expressing gratitude to Mike Pedersen for his decades-long commitment to celebrating the joy of Christmas through music.
SC 808SC808Honoring Joelle Simpson of Rapid City as Miss South Dakota.
SC 810SC810Honoring Hannah Heiman of Clark, South Dakota Girls State Governor, and David Yusten Jr. of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Boys State Governor, and the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs.
SC 812SC812Honoring Terry Ree, for his service to the state of South Dakota as an entertainer through the comedy-musical duo Williams and Ree.
SCR 601SCR601Supporting the designation of a portion of U.S. Highway 12 to honor the late Helen Miller.
SCR 602SCR602Celebrating the sister-state relationship with Taiwan.
SCR 603SCR603Supporting the establishment of a standardized system to recognize and award academic credit or certification for military service.
SCR 607SCR607Encouraging the Legislature to continue using person-first language that acknowledges the person before any disability.