CHAPTER 20:46:01
20:46:01:01 and 20:46:01:02 Repealed.
20:46:01:03 Record keeping.
20:46:01:04 Physicians consultation required.
20:46:01:01. Definitions.Repealed.
Source: SL 1975, ch 16, § 1; 2 SDR 58, effective March 8, 1976; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; repealed, 24 SDR 33, effective September 22, 1997.
20:46:01:02. Required tests by hearing aid dispensers.Repealed.
Source: SL 1975, ch 16, § 1; 2 SDR 58, effective March 8, 1976; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; repealed, 24 SDR 33, effective September 22, 1997.
20:46:01:03. Record keeping. A permanent record of tests shall be kept on file in the dispenser's office.
Source: SL 1975, ch 16, § 1; 2 SDR 58, effective March 8, 1976; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986.
General Authority:SDCL 36-24-12(8).
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-24-12(12) and (13).
20:46:01:04. Physician's consultation required. All hearing aid dispenser licensees in the state shall advise the customer or prospective customer, in writing, that the customer's best interests would be served by consulting a physician prior to the determination for fitting a hearing aid if the dispenser finds any of the following conditions to exist during an examination or consultation:
(1) Visible congenital or traumatic deformity of the ear;
(2) History of active discharge from the ear within the previous 90 days or history of intermittent discharge;
(3) History of recent sudden or rapidly progressive hearing loss within the previous 90 days;
(4) Acute or chronic dizziness;
(5) An air/bone gap of 15 to 20 decibels, or more, in the audiogram;
(6) The customer is 16 years of age or younger; or
(7) Visible evidence of cerumen accumulation or a foreign body in the ear canal.
Source: SL 1975, ch 16, § 1; 2 SDR 58, effective March 8, 1976; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986.
General Authority:SDCL 36-24-12(8).
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-24-12(12) and (13).
CHAPTER 20:46:02
20:46:02:01 Applicability.
20:46:02:02 Required continuing education.
20:46:02:03 Waiver of continuing education requirement.
20:46:02:04 Repealed.
20:46:02:01. Applicability. The continuing education requirements apply to all hearing aid dispensers holding a license issued by the board.
Source: 2 SDR 58, effective March 8, 1976; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; 24 SDR 33, effective September 22, 1997.
General Authority:SDCL 36-24-46.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-24-12.1(15).
20:46:02:02. Required continuing education. Hearing aid dispensing licensees in this state shall attend a minimum of at least 12 hours of continuing education each calendar year and submit evidence of such attendance to the board as a prerequisite to the approval of the annual renewal of their license.
Source: 2 SDR 58, effective March 8, 1976; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; 24 SDR 33, effective September 22, 1997.
General Authority:SDCL 36-24-46.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-24-12.1(15).
20:46:02:03. Waiver of continuing education requirement. The continuing education requirement of § 20:46:02:02 may be waived by the board only upon receipt of evidence submitted by the licensee verifying the licensee's inability to acquire any continuing education because of illness of the licensee or a member of the licensee's immediate family, substantiated by the attending physician, or because of any other circumstances beyond the licensee's normal control, substantiated by evidence satisfactory to the board.
Source: 2 SDR 58, effective March 8, 1976; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; 24 SDR 33, effective September 22, 1997.
General Authority:SDCL 36-24-46.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-24-12.1(15).
20:46:02:04. Board approved training school defined.Repealed.
Source: 2 SDR 58, effective March 8, 1976; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; repealed, 24 SDR 33, effective September 22, 1997.
CHAPTER 20:46:03
20:46:03:01 Supervision of provisional hearing aid licensee.
20:46:03:01. Supervision of provisional hearing aid licensee. A provisional hearing aid dispensing licensee shall receive 40 hours of direct, face-to-face supervision, as referred to in SDCL 36-24-24.2, during the first week of provisional hearing aid dispensing licensure. The provisional licensee shall receive 8 hours of direct, face-to-face supervision each week thereafter for the duration of provisional licensure. The supervisor shall verify supervision on a form provided by the board. A supervisor may provide supervision to no more than three provisional licensees at one time.
Source: 18 SDR 142, effective March 11, 1992; 24 SDR 33, effective September 22, 1997.
General Authority:SDCL 36-24-46.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-24-24.2.
CHAPTER 20:46:04
20:46:04:01 Information required.
20:46:04:02 Remittance of fees.
20:46:04:03 Fee for applications.
20:46:04:04 Fee for licensure by endorsement without examination.
20:46:04:05 Annual license renewal -- Renewal fees -- Thirty-day grace period for renewal -- Late fee.
20:46:04:01. Information required. Evidence of qualification for licensure must be based on information given on the application form; the examination, if required; fees as required in this chapter; and on any additional information the board considers necessary for clarification of submitted material.
All persons seeking hearing aid dispensing licensure must include with the application the following information:
(1) Type of annual license;
(2) Name, address, phone number, and date of birth of the applicant;
(3) Name of employer, address, and phone number;
(4) Name of supervisor; and
(5) Employment record for the previous five years.
Source: 24 SDR 33, effective September 22, 1997.
General Authority:SDCL 36-24-46.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-24-17.1.
20:46:04:02. Remittance of fees. Application fees for an annual license must be remitted to the board in the form of a cashier's check, personal check, certified check, or money order made payable to the South Dakota Board of Hearing Aid Dispensers and Audiologists. The board may take no action on any application for license until the fee is received.
Source: 24 SDR 33, effective September 22, 1997.
General Authority:SDCL 36-24-46.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-24-17.1.
20:46:04:03. Fee for applications. The fee for application for initial license is as follows:
(1) Hearing aid dispenser, $200;
(2) Provisional hearing aid dispenser, $100.
Source: 24 SDR 33, effective September 22, 1997.
General Authority:SDCL 36-24-46.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-24-17.1.
20:46:04:04. Fee for licensure by endorsement without examination. The fee for application for a hearing aid dispensing license by endorsement without examination is $200.
Source: 24 SDR 33, effective September 22, 1997.
General Authority:SDCL 36-24-46.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-24-25.1.
20:46:04:05. Annual license renewal -- Renewal fees -- Thirty-day grace period for renewal -- Late fee. Each person who holds a hearing aid dispensing license shall renew by July first of each year by the payment to the board of a fee of $200. A 30-day grace period is allowed after July first during which the renewal fee may be paid. An applicant seeking to renew a license after the 30-day grace period ending August 1 of the renewal year must pay a late fee. The late fee is an additional $50.
Source: 24 SDR 33, effective September 22, 1997.
General Authority:SDCL 36-24-28.1, 36-24-46.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-24-28.1.