20:60:01 to 20:60:04 Void.
20:60:05 Application procedure.
20:60:06 Eligibility.
20:60:07 Standards of behavior.
20:60:08 Internships.
20:60:09 Special assessment.
20:60:10 Continuing education.
Code Commission Note: Chs 20:60:01 to 20:60:04, inclusive, were voided when the authority of the board of examiners of psychologists to promulgate rules was repealed by SL 1978, ch 4, § 2(3). See SDCL 1-26-8.1.
CHAPTER 20:60:05
20:60:05:01 Repealed.
20:60:05:02 Examinations required -- Application fee.
20:60:05:03 Reexamination fee for oral examination.
20:60:05:03.01 Fee for initial licensure.
20:60:05:04 Renewal fee.
20:60:05:05 Application forms.
20:60:05:06 Written examination.
20:60:05:07 Oral examination.
20:60:05:08 Passing score for oral examination.
20:60:05:09 Fee for copies of records.
20:60:05:01. Fee for initial licensure under SDCL 36-27A-13.Repealed.
Source: 8 SDR 92, effective February 3, 1982; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; repealed, 18 SDR 74, effective October 30, 1991.
20:60:05:02. Examinations required -- Application fee. Candidates for licensure under SDCL 36-27A-12 must pass a written examination and an oral examination as specified in §§ 20:60:05:06 and 20:60:05:07. The application fee is $300 and is not refundable.
Source: 8 SDR 92, effective February 3, 1982; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; 20 SDR 14, effective August 11, 1993.
General Authority:SDCL 36-27A-19.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-27A-19.
20:60:05:03. Reexamination fee for oral examination. The fee for retaking the oral examination is $200.
Source: 8 SDR 92, effective February 3, 1982; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; 14 SDR 165, effective June 15, 1988; 20 SDR 14, effective August 11, 1993.
General Authority:SDCL 36-27A-20.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-27A-20.
20:60:05:03.01. Fee for initial licensure. The fee for initial licensure is $200.
Source: 20 SDR 14, effective August 11, 1993.
General Authority:SDCL 36-27A-22.1.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-27A-22.1.
20:60:05:04. Renewal fee. The annual renewal fee for a license is $300.
Source: 8 SDR 92, effective February 3, 1982; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; 14 SDR 165, effective June 15, 1988; 20 SDR 14, effective August 11, 1993; 40 SDR 109, effective December 11, 2013.
General Authority: SDCL 36-27A-24.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-27A-24.
20:60:05:05. Application forms. To qualify for licensure under SDCL chapter 36-27A, the applicant shall complete and submit to the board an application form supplied by the board. The form shall contain the following information:
(1) Name, address, and telephone number;
(2) Date and place of birth;
(3) A description of licenses held in other states;
(4) A request for endorsement, if applicable;
(5) Date and circumstances of previous national standardized examination;
(6) A statement of any psychology licensure denied;
(7) A statement of any professional sanctions as a psychologist;
(8) A statement of any criminal record;
(9) A statement of education and training;
(10) Official transcripts of education;
(11) A description of internship;
(12) A description of professional experience;
(13) Compliance with SDCL 36-27A-12 unless exempted; and
(14) Notarized signature of applicant.
Source: 8 SDR 92, effective February 3, 1982; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; 18 SDR 74, effective October 30, 1991; 20 SDR 14, effective August 11, 1993.
General Authority:SDCL 36-27A-21.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-27A-21.
20:60:05:06. Written examination. The written examination
required is a national standardized examination, Examination for Professional
Practice in Psychology (EPPP). Complete applications must be received by the
board ten weeks before the actual testing date.
8 SDR 92, effective February 3, 1982; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1,
1986; 20 SDR 14, effective August 11, 1993; 35 SDR 166, effective December 24,
Authority: SDCL 36-27A-21.
Implemented: SDCL 36-27A-21, 36-27A-22.
20:60:05:07. Oral examination. The oral examination shall focus on ethical and professional issues as they relate to the clinical practice of psychology. The oral examination may also evaluate an applicant's knowledge base for the clinical practice of psychology. A majority of the board members must hear and score the oral examination. The applicant must achieve a passing score in accordance with § 20:60:05:08.
Source: 8 SDR 92, effective February 3, 1982; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; 18 SDR 74, effective October 30, 1991; 23 SDR 132, effective February 25, 1997.
General Authority:SDCL 36-27A-22.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-27A-22.
Cross-Reference: Passing scores for examinations, § 20:60:05:08.
20:60:05:08. Passing score for oral examination. An applicant for licensure must achieve a minimum of 75 percent on the oral examination to qualify for licensure.
Source: 8 SDR 92, effective February 3, 1982; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; 28 SDR 36, effective September 7, 2001.
General Authority:SDCL 36-27A-22.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-27A-19, 36-27A-20, 36-27A-22.
20:60:05:09. Fee for copies of records. Upon written request, the department of commerce will provide copies of certified records. A fee of $.50 per page is payable in advance.
Source: 8 SDR 92, effective February 3, 1982; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986.
General Authority:SDCL 36-27A-35.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-27A-35.
20:60:06:01. Supervisory relationship. Supervision must be provided by one or more psychologists actively licensed at the doctoral level. Supervisors need not be actual employees of the organization or institution. The supervising psychologist is responsible for ensuring that the supervisee's knowledge base of psychology and clinical skills and abilities are appropriate for the work performed or the clinical services provided. The supervisee must meet one of the following requirements:
(1) If the supervisee is exempt from licensure pursuant to SDCL subdivision 36-27A-2(2), the supervisee must have a master's or doctoral degree in psychology. The type and frequency of supervision is to be determined by the supervising psychologist; or
(2) If the supervisee is pursuing licensure pursuant to SDCL subdivision 36-27A-12(4), the supervisee may engage in the practice of psychology but the supervisee's title shall clearly identify the supervisee's training status, such as psychology resident, psychology associate, psychologist assistant, or psychologist trainee. Any other title designation that uses the term psychology, psychological, psychometrist, or any other variations on these terms, must be approved by the board. Supervision must consist of a minimum of two hours a month of regularly scheduled, formal, face-to-face supervision.
Source: 8 SDR 92, effective February 3, 1982; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; 23 SDR 132, effective February 25, 1997; 35 SDR 166, effective December 24, 2008; 40 SDR 109, effective December 11, 2013.
General Authority: SDCL 36-27A-2(2), 36-27A-12(4).
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-27A-2(2), 36-27A-12(4).
20:60:07:01. Code of ethics. The code of ethics for psychologists licensed in this state is the "ASPPB Code of Conduct," 2018.
Source: 8 SDR 92, effective February 3, 1982; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; 18 SDR 74, effective October 30, 1991; 35 SDR 166, effective December 24, 2008; 47 SDR 42, effective October 14, 2020.
General Authority: SDCL 36-27A-25.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-27A-25.
Reference: "ASPPB Code of Conduct," 2018, Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. Copies may be obtained free of charge from the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards website at
Declaratory Ruling: SDCL 36-27A-1 does not restrict a psychologist licensed pursuant to SDCL chapter 36-27A from performing a medical examination, to the extent that such examination comports with the definition of the "practice of psychology" according to SDCL 36-27A-1(5). (May 24, 2024)
20:60:08:01. Supervised internship. In addition to the
requirements in SDCL 36-27A-12(3), a supervised psychology internship must meet the following requirements:
(1) The internship must be
an organized training program that is distinct from and unrelated to current or
previous employment and is designed to provide the intern with a planned
programmed sequence of training experiences, emphasizing breadth and quality of
training. Internship training must provide for the integration of scientific,
professional, and ethical knowledge, attitudes, and skills basic to the
professional practice of psychology;
(2) The internship agency
must have a staff psychologist actively licensed at the doctoral level by the
state in which the psychologist practices and provides supervision who is responsible for the integrity and quality of the
psychology training program;
(3) Internship supervision
must be provided by a staff member of the internship agency or by an affiliate
of that agency who is responsible for the cases being supervised. At least
two-thirds of the internship supervision must be provided by one or more
psychologists licensed at the doctoral level by the state in which they
practice and provide supervision;
(4) The internship must
provide training in a variety of methods of assessment and diagnosis and of
interventions and treatment across a variety of problems through activities
conducted directly with clients;
(5) At least 25 percent of
the intern's time must be in direct client contact for the purpose of
delivering clinical services;
(6) The internship must
include a minimum of two hours a week of regularly scheduled, formal,
face-to-face individual supervision with the specific intent of dealing with
services rendered directly by the intern. Supervision may include ethical and
professional issues and considerations that have or could arise in the delivery
of clinical services and may include the professional development and future of
the intern. There must be at least one additional hour a week of supervised
learning activities, such as co-facilitating group therapy with a staff person,
joint supervisor-intern clinical interview or therapy session with clients,
case conferences, treatment team case reviews, group supervision, and additional
individual supervision;
(7) Training must be at
postclerkship, postpracticum, and postexternship levels, and must follow all
didactic course work relevant to the applied or specialty area of the academic
curriculum required for the degree;
(8) The student must have a
title such as intern, resident, or trainee or another title that clearly
identifies the student or training status; and
(9) The internship agency
must have a written statement or brochure which describes the goals and content
of the internship, which state clear expectations for the quantity and quality
of the trainee's work, and which is available to
prospective interns.
14 SDR 165, effective June 15, 1988; 23 SDR 132, effective February 25, 1997;
35 SDR 166, effective December 24, 2008.
Authority: SDCL 36-27A-12(3).
Implemented: SDCL 36-27A-12(3).
20:60:09:01. Special assessment fee. The special fee assessed pursuant to SDCL 36-27A-29.1 is $72.
Source: 20 SDR 14, effective August 11, 1993.
General Authority:SDCL 36-27A-29.1.
Law Implemented:SDCL 36-27A-29.1.
CHAPTER 20:60:10
20:60:10:01 Definitions.
20:60:10:02 Activities eligible for credit.
20:60:10:03 Amount of continuing education units required.
20:60:10:04 Request for exemption.
20:60:10:01. Definitions. Terms used in the chapter mean:
(1) "Annual licensure period," a 12 consecutive month period beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30;
(2) "Board," Board of Examiners of Psychologists established under SDCL chapter 36-27A;
(3) "Contact hour," one hour of participation in an activity that is eligible for credit under § 20:60:10:02;
(4) "Continuing education unit," ten contact hours;
(5) "Licensee," a person licensed pursuant to SDCL chapter 36-27A.
Source: 47 SDR 42, effective October 14, 2020.
General Authority: SDCL 36-27A-26.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-27A-26.
20:60:10:02. Activities eligible for credit. An activity is eligible for credit if it relates to the practice of psychology and either:
(1) Improves or maintains the licensee's professional skills; or
(2) Broadens or refreshes the licensee's knowledge of governing laws, rules or ethical standards.
Source: 47 SDR 42, effective October 14, 2020.
General Authority: SDCL 36-27A-26.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-27A-26.
20:60:10:03. Amount of continuing education units required. A licensee, other than a licensee initially licensed after the first day of the annual licensure period, shall complete 1.5 education units during the annual licensure period and make a written report thereof to the board when renewing the license. No more than five contact hours may be earned and reported from independent professional reading per annual licensure period.
The report required under this section must contain the date of each activity, a title or description of each activity, and the number of contact hours that were earned from each activity. For each activity reported, other than independent professional reading, the licensee shall attach a copy of the certificate or other record of credit issued by the provider of the activity that certifies the licensee's participation in the activity on the date reported and the amount of contact hours earned from the activity. The licensee shall retain the original certificate or other record of credit for a period of five years.
Except as provided in § 20:60:10:04, the board may not renew the license of a licensee who fails to comply with the requirements of this section.
Source: 47 SDR 42, effective October 14, 2020.
General Authority: SDCL 36-27A-26.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-27A-26.
Note: The American Psychological Association's list of books can be located at
20:60:10:04. Request for exemption. A licensee may request a waiver of the continuing education unit requirement of § 20:60:10:03 by applying in writing to the board. The application must contain the reasons for the request and supporting documentation. The board may waive any part of the continuing education unit requirement for the following reasons:
(1) The licensee served active duty in the armed forces of the United States during any part of the annual licensure period;
(2) The licensee has an incapacitating illness or disability documented by a licensed physician; or
(3) Other facts and circumstances presented by a licensee that the board, in its discretion, concludes prevented the licensee from completing the continuing education unit requirement.
All requests under this section will be considered by the board and evaluated on an individual basis.
Source: 47 SDR 42, effective October 14, 2020.
General Authority: SDCL 36-27A-26.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-27A-26.