Codified Laws

15-24-9Conduct and Attire.

(a) Media representatives are expected to present a neat appearance in keeping with the dignity of the proceedings and be sufficiently familiar with court proceedings to conduct themselves so as not to interfere with the dignity of the proceedings, or to distract counsel or the court. All media personnel shall be properly attired. Clothing and equipment shall not display insignia of the media organization.

(b) All photographing and recording equipment and media representatives must be in place fifteen minutes before the scheduled commencement of the proceeding to be recorded. When court is in session, media representatives will not be permitted to move from the location they have been assigned by the court, change film, lenses or tape, make repairs or otherwise disrupt the proceedings. Equipment shall be installed or removed before proceedings, after proceedings, or during a recess of adequate length to assure that the courtroom will not be disrupted. Media representatives may be removed from the courtroom for failure to comply with this provision of the rules.

Source: Supreme Court Rule 01-08.
