Codified Laws

34-22-12Mandatory communicable disease reports from physicians, laboratories, and institutions--State tuberculosis register--Surveillance and control--Adoption of rules.

The State Department of Health shall provide for the collection and processing of mandatory reports of identifiable and suspected cases of communicable disease, communicable disease carriers, and laboratory tests for communicable disease carriers, from all physicians, hospitals, laboratories, and institutions. The State Department of Health shall maintain a complete case register of tuberculosis suspects, active and presumably active cases, tuberculosis contacts, and arrested or presumably arrested cases. The State Department of Health shall provide information necessary for disease surveillance and control. To implement this section, the State Department of Health may adopt, pursuant to chapter 1-26, rules specifying the methods by which disease reports shall be made, the contents and timeliness of such reports, and diseases which shall be considered in such reports.

Source: SL 1963, ch 380, § 5 (6); SL 1978, ch 251, §§ 1, 2.