01. District Community Centers [Repealed]
02. County, Municipal And School District Recreation Systems
03. Fair Corporations [Repealed]
04. Public Dance Halls [Repealed]
05. Endurance Contests [Repealed]
06. Boxing And Wrestling [Repealed]
07. Horse And Dog Racing
07A. State Lottery
07B. Limited Card Games, Slot Machines, Craps, Roulette, And Keno
08. Watercraft
09. Amusements On Holidays [Repealed]
10. Amusement Rides
11. Equine Activities
12. Boxing, Kickboxing, Mixed Martial Arts, And Sparring
Operation of system authorized--Acquisition and maintenance of land and facilities.
System operated independently, cooperatively, or by recreation board.
Land used for conduct of recreation activities.
Acceptance of gifts--Employment of personnel.
School district tax levy for recreational purposes--Approval by rural and urban
voters--County appropriation.
County appropriation to support activities of the elderly.
Expenditure of county fund for benefit of the elderly.
Municipal appropriations to support activities of the elderly.
Municipal expenditures for benefit of the elderly--Payments to nonprofit
Cooperation by counties and municipalities in development and maintenance of parks
and recreation areas.
County and municipal appropriations for cooperative parks and recreation areas--Maximum amount.
42-4-1, 42-4-2. Repealed.
42-4-4 to 42-4-10. Repealed.
42-4-14 to 42-4-16. Repealed.
42-7-1 42-7-1 to 42-7-46. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 3, § 2 (4)
42-7-47 State policy in exercise of police powers.
42-7-48 Definition of terms.
42-7-49 42-7-49 to 42-7-55. Repealed by SL 1991, ch 349, §§ 2 to 8
42-7-56 Powers and responsibilities of commission on gaming.
42-7-57 License required to hold race meeting or handle money under certificate system--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-7-58 Authority for racing under certificate system--Issuance of license.
42-7-58.1 Satellite facilities of horse or dog track licensees.
42-7-58.2 Wagering on televised races--Request and reciprocal agreement.
42-7-58.3 Approved simulcast races conducted on day assigned by commission.
42-7-58.4 Distribution of contributions.
42-7-58.5 Simulcast wagering in compliance with federal laws.
42-7-58.6 Eligibility for license to operate satellite races absent conducting live meet.
42-7-58.7 Consideration of applications for licenses for satellite facilities and multi-jurisdictional totalizator hubs--Restrictions.
42-7-59 Filing of application for racing license or provision of simulcast signal--Contents.
42-7-60 Bond required of applicant for license--Waiver--Revocation or suspension of license on nonpayment of fees or taxes.
42-7-61 Application for new site submitted to county commissioners--Notice to county auditors--Provision for vote.
42-7-62 Certification of votes on new racing site--Application forwarded to commission if approved by voters.
42-7-63 Fee for collecting and disbursing money--Disposition.
42-7-64 Contents of license for racing under certificate system--Days and hours of racing specified--License issued on basis of calendar year.
42-7-65 Transfer of license or stock ownership subject to approval--Standards applied.
42-7-66 Investigation of stock ownership--Failure to disclose.
42-7-67 Licensing of participants and track personnel--Maximum fee--Duration and privileges conferred--Fine, suspension or revocation.
42-7-68 Allotment of racing days to applicants--Preference to past users--Annual scheduling--Procedure for simulcast or satellite facilities.
42-7-69 42-7-69, 42-7-70. Repealed by SL 2000, ch 212, §§ 6, 7
42-7-71 South Dakota-bred racing fund--Use of fund.
42-7-72 42-7-72. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 301, § 2
42-7-73 Bonus paid to breeder of winner of South Dakota-bred race--Registration of qualifying horses.
42-7-74 42-7-74, 42-7-75. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 301, § 3
42-7-76 Contributions by win bettors--Minors prohibited from participating--Interest acquired--Certificates issued.
42-7-76.1 Accepting of large bets by persons other than licensee as felony.
42-7-76.2 Accepting of medium bets as misdemeanor.
42-7-76.3 Accepting of small bets as misdemeanor.
42-7-77 Place and show betting--Combinations of races for betting.
42-7-78 Deduction from pari-mutuel pool on horse race--Payments to winners.
42-7-78.1 Additional deduction from pools on horse races--Distribution.
42-7-79 Deduction from pari-mutuel pool on dog race--Weekly remittances--Payments to winners.
42-7-79.1 Additional deduction from some pools on dog races--Distribution.
42-7-80 42-7-80. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 63, § 2.
42-7-81 Deduction of breakage from pari-mutuel payments--Licensee to retain breakage.
42-7-82 Time for claiming payments from pari-mutuel pool.
42-7-83 42-7-83. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 367, § 6
42-7-84 Additional withholding by horse licensees.
42-7-84.1 42-7-84.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 367, § 8
42-7-85 Portion of horse-racing pari-mutuel pool paid to state.
42-7-86 42-7-86, 42-7-87. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 367, §§ 9, 10
42-7-88 42-7-88. Repealed by SL 1992, ch 303, § 3
42-7-89 Payments to state in lieu of other taxes.
42-7-90 Audit of licensee by auditor-general--Reimbursement of expense.
42-7-91 Grounds for refusal, suspension, or withdrawal of license.
42-7-92 Legal representation of commission--Prosecution of violations.
42-7-93 Fine, revocation, or suspension of license after notice and hearing--Waiting period for new license after revocation.
42-7-94 Decisions and orders in writing--Service on person affected.
42-7-95 Judicial review of commission actions--Cost bond.
42-7-96 Suspensions and fines by racing judges or stewards--Notice and hearing--Appeals--Reference to commission.
42-7-97.1 Suspensions or revocations exceeding racing season.
42-7-98 Receipts retained in special racing fund.
42-7-98.1 Transfer of revenue in special racing fund--Procedure.
42-7-99 42-7-99, 42-7-100. Repealed by SL 1991, ch 349, §§ 34, 35
42-7-101 Devices or expedients to increase horse's speed prohibited.
42-7-102 Interstate combined wagering pool--Take-out of host jurisdiction or facility--Percentage to state.
42-7-103 Combining pari-mutuel pools to establish interstate combined wagering pool.
42-7-104 Physical location as place of business.
42-7-105 Tax of wagers in interstate combined wagering pool.
42-7-106 Breakage calculation for interstate combined wagering pool.
42-7A-1 Definitions.
42-7A-2 South Dakota Lottery established--Administration by executive director--Overall control and operation of games.
42-7A-3 Executive director--Salary--Employment of personnel.
42-7A-4 Functions of executive director.
42-7A-5 Competitive bidding required before entering into contracts.
42-7A-6 Investigation of vendors.
42-7A-7 Subpoenas--Order to comply--Punishment by contempt.
42-7A-8 Additional functions of executive director.
42-7A-9 Lottery expenses and prizes to be paid from lottery funds--General funds not to be used or obligated--Exception.
42-7A-10 Selection of lottery retailers.
42-7A-11 Lottery retailers application fee--Annual renewal of contracts--Contracts not transferable or assignable.
42-7A-12 Issuance of lottery retailer certificate--Display--Sales only at location on certificate.
42-7A-13 Qualifications of lottery retailer.
42-7A-14 Persons ineligible to be licensed by the lottery--Criminal background investigation of applicants, licensees, vendors, and employees.
42-7A-15 Partnership as lottery retailer or video lottery machine operator.
42-7A-16 Association or corporation as lottery retailer or video lottery machine operator.
42-7A-17 Lottery Commission created--Appointment of members--Term of office--Qualifications--Chair.
42-7A-18 Meetings--Quorum.
42-7A-19 Commission to establish lottery operation policy--Approval of major procurements.
42-7A-19.1 Sale of lottery products within exterior boundaries of Indian reservations.
42-7A-20 Mileage and per diem paid commission members--Exception.
42-7A-21 Rules and regulations.
42-7A-22 Lottery operating fund--Continuous appropriation--Informational budget--Disbursements.
42-7A-23 Amount from sale of tickets allocated for payment of prizes--Means of payment for prizes.
42-7A-24 Transfer of net proceeds to state funds.
42-7A-24.1 Acceptance and expenditure of funds obtained from federal sources, gifts, contributions and other sources.
42-7A-24.2 Payment of expenditures.
42-7A-25 Employment and direction of investigative personnel.
42-7A-26 Appointment of assistant attorney general to assist in enforcement.
42-7A-27 Commission members or lottery employees not to have interest in lottery contracts or to accept gifts or loans from persons or businesses contracting with lottery--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-7A-28 Persons contracting to supply materials, tickets or consulting services not to give gifts or loans to commission members or lottery employees--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-7A-29 Removal from office for violation of conflict of interest provisions--Application of other conflict of interest statutes.
42-7A-30 Counterfeiting lottery tickets Class 6 felony.
42-7A-31 Sale of tickets at price greater than that fixed by rules prohibited--Sale by authorized retailer only--Violation.
42-7A-32 Sale of ticket to person under eighteen prohibited--Violation--Gift of ticket to person under eighteen permitted--Prize paid to parent or guardian.
42-7A-33 Purchase of ticket or payment of prize to certain persons prohibited--Exceptions.
42-7A-34 Prize paid to holder of winning ticket--Deceased winner's prize paid to representative--Right to prize nonassignable--Prizes subject to taxation--Disposition of unclaimed prize--Liability of lottery after payment of prize.
42-7A-35 42-7A-35. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 371, § 2
42-7A-36 Certain mechanical or electronic devices prohibited--Violation as felony--Devices as nuisances.
42-7A-37 Requirements for licensed video lottery machines.
42-7A-37.1 Restrictions on licensed establishment.
42-7A-38 Limit on amount played and awards given.
42-7A-39 Display of license for video lottery machine--Confiscation--Violation as felony.
42-7A-40 Examination of video lottery machines--Costs paid by manufacturer--Contract for examination.
42-7A-41 Video lottery machine manufacturer, distributor, operator, and establishment licenses required--Fees.
42-7A-41.1 Video lottery operating fund established.
42-7A-41.2 Posting video lottery odds required.
42-7A-42 Multiple types of licenses prohibited.
42-7A-43 Background investigation of video lottery licensees--Eligibility requirements.
42-7A-44 Rules for placement of video lottery machines--Number limited--Placement in bar or lounge with on-sale license.
42-7A-44.1 Denial or revocation of license for noncompliance.
42-7A-44.2 On-sale license--Municipal event center or recreation facility--Placement of video lottery machines prohibited.
42-7A-45 Video lottery machine income--Remittance to state--False report as felony--Records--Penalty.
42-7A-46 Tampering with video lottery machine as misdemeanor.
42-7A-47 Manipulating outcome, payoff, or operation of video lottery machine as felony.
42-7A-48 Age limit and legal hours of operation for video lottery machines.
42-7A-49 Lottery products on Indian reservations authorized.
42-7A-50 Confidentiality of lottery records.
42-7A-50.1 Prize winner personal information--Consent to make public.
42-7A-51 Lottery setoff program established--Computerized file of persons owing state.
42-7A-52 Debt setoff from prize due--Notice of right to appeal--Time limitation--Transfer of setoff amount to agency.
42-7A-53 Commission, employees, and lottery discharged from liability.
42-7A-54 Apportionment of prize among agencies--Priority of child support payments.
42-7A-55 Collection of remainder of debt.
42-7A-56 Public policy declared.
42-7A-57 Approval or disapproval of license applications.
42-7A-58 Reapplication for license after denial or revocation.
42-7A-59 False statements in license applications--Perjury.
42-7A-60 Executive or closed meetings permitted.
42-7A-61 42-7A-61. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 219, § 10.
42-7A-62 Collection of fee--Deposit in general fund.
42-7A-63 State's percentage of net machine income--Deposit into general fund and video lottery operating fund.
42-7A-64 Additional criteria for on-sale alcoholic beverage licensees in video lottery licensed establishments.
42-7B-1 Limited gaming authorized within city of Deadwood.
42-7B-2 Authority conditioned--Repeal.
42-7B-2.1 Public policy.
42-7B-3 Regulation by commission.
42-7B-4 Definition of terms.
42-7B-5 Disposition of proceeds.
42-7B-6 South Dakota Commission on Gaming created.
42-7B-7 Promulgation of rules--Enforcement of chapter.
42-7B-7.1 Commission may suspend gaming at its discretion.
42-7B-8 Regular and special meetings--Quorum--Cost of special meeting requested by person other than chair, two members, or Governor.
42-7B-8.1 Purposes for executive or closed meetings.
42-7B-9 Appointment and removal of executive secretary--Duties--Salary.
42-7B-9.1 Executive secretary's access to files and records.
42-7B-10 Compensation for commission members--Expenses paid.
42-7B-11 Powers of commission.
42-7B-12 Appeal of final action of commission--Denial of license not appealable.
42-7B-13 Powers of attorney general pursuant to chapter.
42-7B-14 Maximum amount of bets.
42-7B-15 Approval of rules for certain games.
42-7B-16 Maximum number of gaming devices per license.
42-7B-16.1 42-7B-16.1. Repealed by special referendum election held September 14, 1993
42-7B-16.2 42-7B-16.2 to 42-7B-16.4. Not implemented
42-7B-17 Responsibilities of operator.
42-7B-18 Identification of retail floor plan--Approval--License granted only to retailer--Location of devices.
42-7B-19 Approval or disapproval of license.
42-7B-19.1 Denial of application--Reapplication.
42-7B-19.2 Investigation of license applicant--Failure to allow.
42-7B-20 Holding license by certain persons prohibited.
42-7B-21 Application fee and form.
42-7B-22 Licenses--Fees--Renewal--Violation as felony.
42-7B-22.1 Licensing of key employee may be required--Grounds--Time limit for response from employee--Written request to review status as key employee.
42-7B-23 Annual license stamp fee--Transfer of license stamp.
42-7B-24 License revocable--Not transferable.
42-7B-25 Qualifications for license as operator, gaming property owner, retailer, or provider.
42-7B-25.1 Internal control procedure for particular licensee may be established.
42-7B-26 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 207, § 1.
42-7B-27 Employee support license--Qualifications.
42-7B-28 Gaming tax.
42-7B-28.1 Additional tax on gaming proceeds.
42-7B-28.2 Calculation of adjusted gross proceeds.
42-7B-29 Return and remittance--Forms furnished by secretary.
42-7B-30 Violations of taxation provisions punishable as felony or misdemeanor.
42-7B-31 Failure to file--Penalties.
42-7B-32 Suspension or revocation of license--Grounds--Reprimand or monetary penalty.
42-7B-33 Person involved as manufacturer, distributor, operator, retailer, gaming property owner, provider, key employee, or support licensee--Qualifications.
42-7B-34 42-7B-34. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 321, § 8
42-7B-35 Age of participants--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-7B-36 Minimum payback value of credit.
42-7B-37 Exemption from federal law.
42-7B-38 Shipments of devices and machines deemed legal.
42-7B-39 Shipping records required to be maintained--Report by recipient--Transport out of state--Violation as felony.
42-7B-39.1 Shipping records delivered to commission.
42-7B-39.2 Destruction of seized slot machine.
42-7B-40 Licensed employee twenty-one years or older required on premises.
42-7B-41 False statement or records--Failure to keep books and records--Violations as felony.
42-7B-42 Unlawful acts by participants--Felony.
42-7B-42.1 42-7B-42.1. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 245, § 15
42-7B-43 Slot machines and wagering equipment--Security and audit specifications.
42-7B-44 Expenditure of public funds for purchase of certain machines--Proceeds--Placement.
42-7B-45 Extension of credit prohibited--Violation as felony.
42-7B-46 Historic restoration and preservation fund created.
42-7B-47 Gaming exempt from certain statutes.
42-7B-48 South Dakota Gaming Commission fund established--Disbursements.
42-7B-48.1 Distribution of funds following payment to City of Deadwood.
42-7B-48.2 General state aid to school districts reduced by payments from Gaming Commission fund.
42-7B-48.3 Gaming addiction treatment and counseling program grants from Gaming Commission fund.
42-7B-49 Acceptance and expenditure of funds by commission.
42-7B-50 Payment of expenditures.
42-7B-51 42-7B-51. Repealed by SL 1990, ch 343, § 28
42-7B-52 Taxes and fees to support identified entities.
42-7B-53 Statement of public policy--Equipment not subject to certain exclusive agreements.
42-7B-54 Anticipatory revenue bonds.
42-7B-55 Certain gambling statutes not applicable.
42-7B-56 Appointment of commission employee as law enforcement officer.
42-7B-57 Commission use of unmarked vehicles.
42-7B-58 Records--Confidentiality--Exception for official purposes and tax purposes.
42-7B-59 Certain communications between commission and secretary privileged and confidential.
42-7B-60 Exclusion or ejection of certain persons from gaming establishments necessary.
42-7B-61 List of persons to be excluded--Entrance in violation as misdemeanor--Penalty for failure to exclude or eject persons on list.
42-7B-62 Notice to excluded person.
42-7B-63 42-7B-63. Repealed by special referendum election held September 14, 1993
42-7B-64 "Gaming contract" defined.
42-7B-65 Copy of any process or pleading to the commission.
42-7B-66 Copies of all proposed gaming contracts to the executive secretary.
42-7B-67 Notification by licensee of involvement in gaming operations out of state or on any Indian reservation.
42-7B-68 Fees for publication and reports.
42-7B-69 Manufacture of gaming devices or equipment for exportation.
42-7B-70 Provision applicable to manufacture of gaming devices and equipment for exportation.
42-7B-71 Provision of interlink communications service to slot machines--Not applicable in Deadwood.
42-7B-72 Lien for tax, penalty or interest due--Notice of tax lien filed with register of deeds--Priority.
42-7B-73 Distress warrant--Seizure and sale of personal property.
42-7B-74 Personal liability of corporate officers, member-managers or managers of limited liability companies, or partners--Bond or certificate of deposit.
42-7B-75 Cancellation or revocation of voluntarily surrendered license.
42-7B-76 Sports wagering receipts maintained separately.
42-7B-77 Advance deposit sports wagering--Account requirements.
42-7B-78 Advance deposit sports wagering--Establishing account--Duty to retain application--Application considered record.
42-7B-79 Advance deposit sports wagering restrictions--Required equipment.
42-7B-80 Investigation conducted by sport's governing body.
42-7B-81 Licensee's duty to report criminal or disciplinary proceeding--Commission may share information.
42-7B-82 Betting prohibited on certain events.
42-7B-83 Certain persons prohibited from betting.
42-8-1 Safety and uniformity as policy of state.
42-8-1.1 42-8-1.1. Transferred to § 32-3A-1
42-8-1.2 Governor authorized to prohibit or restrict use of certain waterways.
42-8-1.3 Notice of restriction or prohibition.
42-8-1.4 Violation of prohibition or restriction as misdemeanor.
42-8-2 Definition of terms.
42-8-2.1 "Underway" defined.
42-8-3 42-8-3. Transferred to § 32-3A-3
42-8-4 42-8-4. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 273, § 14; SL 1984, ch 279, § 3
42-8-5 42-8-5 to 42-8-7. Transferred to §§ 32-3A-4 to 32-3A-6
42-8-8 42-8-8. Repealed by SL 1991, ch 357, § 1
42-8-8.1 42-8-8.1 to 42-8-8.4. Transferred to §§ 32-3A-7 to 32-3A-10
42-8-9 42-8-9. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 273, § 15
42-8-10 42-8-10. Transferred to § 32-3A-11
42-8-11 42-8-11. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 279, § 8
42-8-12 42-8-12. Repealed by SL 1998, ch 74, § 10
42-8-13 42-8-13, 42-8-14. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 322, §§ 10, 11
42-8-15 42-8-15, 42-8-16. Transferred to §§ 32-3A-12, 32-3A-13
42-8-17 42-8-17. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 279, § 14
42-8-18 42-8-18 to 42-8-19. Transferred to §§ 32-3A-14 to 32-3A-16
42-8-20 42-8-20. Repealed by SL 1979, ch 280, § 5
42-8-21 42-8-21. Transferred to § 32-3A-17
42-8-22 42-8-22. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 273, § 18; SL 1984, ch 279, § 16
42-8-23 42-8-23. Transferred to § 32-3A-18
42-8-24 42-8-24 to 42-8-30.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 375, §§ 2 to 9
42-8-31 42-8-31. Repealed by SL 1972, ch 231, § 5
42-8-32 42-8-32 to 42-8-38. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 273, §§ 19 to 25
42-8-39 Waste treatment requirements for kitchen and toilet facilities--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-8-40 42-8-40. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 273, § 26
42-8-41 Boats--Required equipment--Penalty.
42-8-42 Muffler required--Use of cutouts prohibited--Racing boats excepted.
42-8-43 42-8-43. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 273, § 29
42-8-44 42-8-44. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 273, § 30; SL 1984, ch 279, § 19
42-8-44.1 Allowable area of operation of diver in underwater activity--Display and design of diver-down flag--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-8-44.2 Operation of boat or other surface activity in diver's allowable area prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-8-44.3 42-8-44.3. Repealed by SL 1991, ch 186, § 46
42-8-45 Operation of boat under influence of alcohol or drugs as misdemeanor.
42-8-45.1 Arrest without a warrant--Probable cause.
42-8-45.2 Submission to breath test upon accident or violation--Chemical test.
42-8-45.3 Lawful use of drug no defense.
42-8-45.4 Amount of alcohol in blood--Presumptions.
42-8-45.5 Competent evidence not limited.
42-8-45.6 Operation of boat on public waters as consent to be tested.
42-8-45.7 Persons authorized to take breath or other bodily substance specimen--Liability.
42-8-45.8 Testing to be done under supervision of arresting officer--Breath test by person possessing permit.
42-8-45.9 Choice of additional testing.
42-8-45.10 Availability of test results.
42-8-45.11 Costs of testing and witness expenses as costs in the action.
42-8-46 Reckless operation of boat as misdemeanor.
42-8-47 42-8-47. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 190, § 630
42-8-48 Waterskiing and surfboarding prohibited during hours of darkness--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-8-49 Two persons required in boat towing skis or aquaplane--Exception for wide angle mirror--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-8-50 Skiing requirements waived for exhibitions and regattas.
42-8-51 Operation to cause collision by skier or surfboarder prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-8-52 Tampering with or unlawful operation of boat as misdemeanor.
42-8-53 42-8-53. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 273, § 31
42-8-54 Application for permission for regatta, race or exhibition--Conducting unauthorized event as misdemeanor.
42-8-55 42-8-55. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 273, § 32
42-8-56 Operator of boat involved in accident to render assistance to other persons--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-8-57 Operator of boat involved in accident to reveal identification--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-8-58 Notice of accident to be filed with department--Investigation of accidents--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-8-59 42-8-59. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 303, § 7
42-8-60 Records maintained by owners of boats for hire--Preservation and inspection of records--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-8-61 42-8-61. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 210, § 5.
42-8-62 42-8-62. Transferred to § 32-3A-19
42-8-63 Application by political subdivision for special rules applicable therein.
42-8-64 42-8-64, 42-8-65. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 273, §§ 34, 35
42-8-66 Enforcement of chapter by law enforcement officers--Stopping and boarding of boats.
42-8-67 Boundary waters--Concurrent jurisdiction with adjoining states.
42-8-68 Sailboards exempt.
42-8-69 Age requirement for driving certain motorboats--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-8-70 42-8-70. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 322, § 19
42-8-71 42-8-71 to 42-8-74. Transferred to §§ 32-3A-20 to 32-3A-23
42-8-75 42-8-75. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 322, § 36
42-8-76 42-8-76 to 42-8-101. Transferred to §§ 32-3A-24 to 32-3A-49
42-8-102 Personal watercraft--Rules of operation--Age requirement--Violation as misdemeanor.
42-8-103 Summons issued for violation punishable as Class 2 misdemeanor--Release upon promise to appear in court or bond--Violation as misdemeanor.
Amusement ride defined.
Liability insurance requirement.
Proof of liability insurance required.
Local government inspection.
Annual inspection.
Inspection affidavit.
Daily inspection--Standards--Record.
Inspection following modification.
Certified amusement ride inspector defined.
Rider obedience of rules, warnings, and oral or prerecorded instructions--Contributory negligence.
Definition of terms.
Persons exempt from liability.
Conduct not exempt from liability.
Warranty or trespass unaffected.
Warning signs--Placement--Size.
42-12-1 to 42-12-7. Repealed.
South Dakota Athletic Commission created.
Per diem--Expenses.
Immunity from personal liability.
Liability coverage.
Direction of boxing, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts competitions and sparring
Powers and duties of commission.
Promulgation of rules.
Boxing commission fund.
Competitions and exhibitions to conform to local ordinances.
Certain educational institutions and amateur associations exempt.
Certificate of registration required for boxers, kickboxers, and mixed martial artists--Application--Violation as misdemeanor.
License required to facilitate a competition or exhibition--Application--Violation as
Certificate of registration required for competition or exhibition--Violation as
Records pertaining to competition or exhibition.
Inspection of competition or sparring exhibition.
Proceeds subject to forfeiture.
Sanctions for violation of chapter.
Summary suspension of registration or license--Hearing--Appeal.
Proceedings for revocation or suspension.
Appeals from discipline.
Penalties for violation of chapter.
Cease and desist order--Service--Hearing.
Failure to appear--Criminal prosecution.
Fees to reimburse commission for proceedings.
Prosecution of criminal action.
Prosecution of civil action.