Representative Caleb Finck - 2020
Prime Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1084 | HB | 1084 | increase the maximum allowable height of certain vehicles carrying baled feed and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1200 | HB | 1200 | establish dates for the mowing of ditches on the state trunk highway system. |
HB 1202 | HB | 1202 | revise provisions regarding certain sales and use tax rates. |
HB 1257 | HB | 1257 | revise certain provisions regarding hunting, fishing, or trapping on private property without permission. |
HB 1284 | HB | 1284 | create a road improvement priority fund and to provide for the distribution of the fund. |
HC 8031 | HC | 8031 | Celebrating and commending Rushmore National Music Camp for fifty years of outstanding commitment to giving students across the state the ability to stay true to its motto: Making Music . . . Making Friends! |
SB 111 | SB | 111 | exclude certain wind energy tax revenue from the state aid to education formula. |
SB 149 | SB | 149 | revise provisions regarding emblem specialty plates. |
SB 161 | SB | 161 | exempt certain real property from the special maintenance fee levy. |
SB 181 | SB | 181 | revise provisions regarding health benefit plans. |
Co Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1057 | HB | 1057 | prohibit certain acts against children and provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1059 | HB | 1059 | revise certain provisions regarding hunting with drones. |
HB 1062 | HB | 1062 | increase the financial empowerment of state residents. |
HB 1065 | HB | 1065 | revise drone surveillance protections. |
HB 1066 | HB | 1066 | revise and repeal provisions regarding aviation. |
HB 1067 | HB | 1067 | modify certain provisions regarding notice, service, and execution of judgments in forceable entry and detainer actions. |
HB 1069 | HB | 1069 | authorize certain veterans to attend courses offered at postsecondary technical institutes without payment of tuition. |
HB 1076 | HB | 1076 | require a designation on a driver license for autism spectrum disorder under certain circumstances. |
HB 1077 | HB | 1077 | establish certain requirements regarding funeral processions. |
HB 1080 | HB | 1080 | revise certain provisions regarding grain buyers. |
HB 1081 | HB | 1081 | exempt from alcoholic beverage regulations certain uses of alcohol by postsecondary institutions. |
HB 1083 | HB | 1083 | rename the postsecondary technical institutes as technical colleges. |
HB 1085 | HB | 1085 | provide for permanent daylight savings time. |
HB 1091 | HB | 1091 | revise provisions regarding the compensation of merchandise dealers for diagnostic and warranty work. |
HB 1095 | HB | 1095 | revise requirements regarding hunting mentors. |
HB 1098 | HB | 1098 | authorize certain off-sale licenses for certain entities and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1100 | HB | 1100 | make an appropriation to begin the research and development of a new bioprocessing facility and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1101 | HB | 1101 | provide for the reinstatement of a driver license under certain conditions. |
HB 1105 | HB | 1105 | revise certain provisions regarding restrictions on State Investment Council members. |
HB 1106 | HB | 1106 | authorize the state investment officer to include an indemnity provision in certain investment-related documents. |
HB 1107 | HB | 1107 | define style and form and authorize the code commission to make certain style and form edits to legislative acts. |
HB 1113 | HB | 1113 | provide for remote participation in a shareholders' meeting. |
HB 1114 | HB | 1114 | authorize additional abbreviations in naming corporations, limited liability companies, and limited liability partnerships. |
HB 1116 | HB | 1116 | revise provisions regarding the use of perpetual care trust funds to maintain cemeteries. |
HB 1128 | HB | 1128 | modify the penalty for causing a child to be present during methamphetamine use, distribution, or manufacture. |
HB 1129 | HB | 1129 | authorize the provision of telecommunications device location information to law enforcement agencies. |
HB 1130 | HB | 1130 | revise the requirements for an enhanced permit to carry a concealed pistol. |
HB 1131 | HB | 1131 | prohibit the use of misleading identification for telephonic communications. |
HB 1133 | HB | 1133 | provide a rebuttable presumption in favor of joint physical custody of a minor child. |
HB 1138 | HB | 1138 | establish shooting course requirements for current or former law enforcement officers seeking an enhanced permit to carry a concealed pistol. |
HB 1139 | HB | 1139 | require the payment of attorney's fees in cases addressing noncompliance with visitation orders. |
HB 1140 | HB | 1140 | provide for a regular review of parenting guidelines. |
HB 1146 | HB | 1146 | exclude second job income from child support obligations. |
HB 1148 | HB | 1148 | provide for protection orders. |
HB 1149 | HB | 1149 | establish qualifications for child custody evaluators. |
HB 1152 | HB | 1152 | provide financial assistance for school sentinel training. |
HB 1153 | HB | 1153 | authorize the limited possession of a knife in the state capitol. |
HB 1161 | HB | 1161 | revise the provision regarding emblem license plates. |
HB 1170 | HB | 1170 | revise provisions regarding the use of certain lights by tow truck vehicles and Department of Transportation authorized vehicles. |
HB 1176 | HB | 1176 | authorize the consumption of alcohol in certain common areas. |
HB 1177 | HB | 1177 | require that school district elections occur in conjunction with the general election. |
HB 1179 | HB | 1179 | authorize series limited liability companies. |
HB 1181 | HB | 1181 | revise certain provisions regarding bounties for coyotes. |
HB 1182 | HB | 1182 | provide for the renewal of an enhanced permit to carry a concealed pistol. |
HB 1184 | HB | 1184 | provide limited deer and antelope licenses to landowners. |
HB 1195 | HB | 1195 | provide for the dismissal of charges against pregnant women for certain controlled substance offenses under certain circumstances. |
HB 1197 | HB | 1197 | require testing of moisture meters and protein-measuring devices. |
HB 1206 | HB | 1206 | revise certain provisions regarding the commitment of a delinquent child to the Department of Corrections. |
HB 1207 | HB | 1207 | extend the termination date for the Juvenile Justice Public Safety Oversight Council. |
HB 1219 | HB | 1219 | require certain health care professionals to recommend treatments alternative to opioids. |
HB 1231 | HB | 1231 | authorize premium cigars to be shipped and transported and modify tax provisions pertaining to premium cigars. |
HB 1238 | HB | 1238 | permit modification of the term of a perpetual conservation easement after the death of the grantor. |
HB 1241 | HB | 1241 | revise requirements for legal newspapers. |
HB 1242 | HB | 1242 | provide for the reissuance of certain enhanced permits to carry a concealed pistol and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1249 | HB | 1249 | revise certain provisions regarding the operation of the South Dakota Lottery. |
HB 1250 | HB | 1250 | increase the state's percentage of video lottery revenues, to provide for the deposit of certain excess revenues, and to repeal provisions regarding video lottery. |
HB 1261 | HB | 1261 | provide procedures to enforce the integrity of the United States Constitution. |
HB 1271 | HB | 1271 | establish certain provisions regarding the rural broadband fund. |
HB 1278 | HB | 1278 | create a dementia services coordinator position within the Department of Human Services. |
HB 1279 | HB | 1279 | require property owners to receive notification of property tax reduction programs. |
HB 1288 | HB | 1288 | review certain provisions regarding emergency management. |
HC 8002 | HC | 8002 | Commending and honoring the 2018-2019 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: JOEL JORGENSON, Madison Central, School Superintendent; DON LYON, Spearfish, Middle School Principal; PAUL LUNDBERG, Brandon Valley, School Business Official; MATT ALLEY, West Central, Elementary School Principal; JOE CHILDS, Mitchell, Secondary School Principal; DAVE PREHEIM, Tea, Assistant High School Principal; MICHAEL AMOLINS, Harrisburg, Curriculum Leader; WENDY OTHEIM, Brookings, Director of Special Education, for being named outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups. |
HC 8004 | HC | 8004 | Commending the nation of Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and with the State of South Dakota. |
HC 8007 | HC | 8007 | Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard's Ellwein family of Rapid City for being awarded the Association of the United States Army Volunteer Family of the Year Award for 2019. |
HC 8008 | HC | 8008 | Recognizing and honoring the Veterans Honor Park in Madison, South Dakota. |
HC 8011 | HC | 8011 | Commending and honoring Renee Ullom, a member of the Brandon Valley School District Board of Education, on her selection as the Associated School Boards of South Dakota Outstanding School Board Member of South Dakota for 2019. |
HC 8012 | HC | 8012 | Recognizing Peace Corps volunteers and returned volunteers for their service to our country and the world. |
HC 8013 | HC | 8013 | To commend and acknowledge the Ground Works and South Dakota Agriculture in the Classroom as a South Dakota educational nonprofit that incorporates interactive computer activities, youth summer camps, and teaching gardens to deliver hands-on lessons in STEAM education, agriculture literacy, health and wellness, and student leadership. |
HC 8015 | HC | 8015 | Honoring Girls State Governor Success Suehne of Sioux Falls and Boys State Governor Johnathan Smith of Sioux Falls and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs. |
HC 8016 | HC | 8016 | Commending the South Dakota Air National Guard's 114th Fighter Wing of Sioux Falls for being awarded the Meritorious Unit Award and Winston P. Wilson Trophy for 2019. |
HC 8017 | HC | 8017 | Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard's 139th Brigade Support Battalion of Brookings for being awarded the Major General Milton A. Reckard Trophy and General Walter T. Kerwin Jr. Award for 2019. |
HC 8018 | HC | 8018 | Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard's 153rd Forward Support Company of Huron on being awarded the National Guard Association of the United States' General John J. Pershing Trophy. |
HC 8019 | HC | 8019 | Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard's 730th Area Support Medical Company of Vermillion on being awarded the National Guard Association of the United States' Certificate of Victory. |
HC 8020 | HC | 8020 | To honor the Sioux Falls O'Gorman Knights as the 2019 Class 11 AAA State High School Football Champions. |
HC 8025 | HC | 8025 | Commending and honoring those who served in the Korean War on the seventieth anniversary of the war. |
HC 8028 | HC | 8028 | Honoring and commending the annual Tyler Wilcox Memorial Guns n' Hoses Blood Drive for being named the America's Blood Centers' Blood Drive of the Year for 2019. |
HC 8030 | HC | 8030 | Honoring and commending Bob and Jan Fuller for their dedicated services as foster parents in the Pierre community. |
HC 8033 | HC | 8033 | Commending and honoring Jason Hancock for his outstanding service to the South Dakota Legislature. |
HCR 6003 | HCR | 6003 | Supporting the Electoral College. |
HCR 6005 | HCR | 6005 | Commending the nation of Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and with the State of South Dakota. |
HCR 6007 | HCR | 6007 | Supporting students and other persons afflicted by epilepsy and raising awareness of epilepsy in South Dakota. |
HCR 6009 | HCR | 6009 | Strengthening the sister-state ties between the State of South Dakota and Taiwan; supporting the signing of a Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) between Taiwan and the United States; and reaffirming support for increasing Taiwan’s international participation. |
HCR 6011 | HCR | 6011 | Supporting the Recovering America's Wildlife Act. |
HCR 6013 | HCR | 6013 | Urging all South Dakotans to participate in the 2020 United States Census. |
HCR 6017 | HCR | 6017 | To encourage the creation of an interim legislative study to address infrastructure and funding support related to the expansion of Ellsworth Air Force Base. |
HCR 6018 | HCR | 6018 | To urge the adoption of a joint rule requiring the state Constitution to be read aloud on the floor of both houses each Legislative Session. |
HCR 6019 | HCR | 6019 | Urging greater awareness and understanding of post-traumatic stress injury. |
HCR 6020 | HCR | 6020 | Denouncing the National Education Association's recent policy to support "the fundamental right to abortion." |
HCR 6021 | HCR | 6021 | Supporting the continued operation of the D.C. Booth Historic National Fish Hatchery. |
HCR 6024 | HCR | 6024 | Commending automotive enthusiasts in South Dakota and the Specialty Equipment Market Association for their contributions in preserving classic automobiles and urging the Governor to declare a South Dakota Collector Car Appreciation Day this year. |
SB 50 | SB | 50 | revise certain provisions regarding the practice of a certified registered nurse anesthetist. |
SB 54 | SB | 54 | regulate the use of auxiliary containers. |
SB 60 | SB | 60 | adopt the Physical Therapist Licensure Compact. |
SB 69 | SB | 69 | revise the penalty for the misuse of emblem specialty plates on motor vehicles. |
SB 73 | SB | 73 | exempt certain persons from the requirement to publish name changes. |
SB 75 | SB | 75 | provide for a habitat stamp on hunting and fishing licenses. |
SB 78 | SB | 78 | increase funding for court appointed special advocates. |
SB 79 | SB | 79 | modify provisions regarding the building of fences across certain unimproved highways. |
SB 80 | SB | 80 | revise certain sheriff's fees and costs. |
SB 84 | SB | 84 | authorize service animals in-training to enter certain establishments. |
SB 90 | SB | 90 | revise the distribution of motor fuel tax revenue, create a small structure and large culvert fund, provide for the use and administration of the fund, and to make an appropriation thereof. |
SB 98 | SB | 98 | extend the notification period for possession of a concealed pistol in the state capitol. |
SB 150 | SB | 150 | revise nonresident waterfowl licensure. |
SB 155 | SB | 155 | provide for step therapy protocol regarding certain prescription drugs. |
SB 162 | SB | 162 | provide limitations on the use of lighting equipment while hunting. |
SB 166 | SB | 166 | provide a transfer of funds for the postsecondary scholarship grant fund and to declare an emergency. |
SB 168 | SB | 168 | limit the amount of other revenue that is counted as local effort in the state aid to education formula. |
SB 178 | SB | 178 | increase funding for counties and townships by increasing the excise tax rate on motor fuel. |
SC 801 | SC | 801 | Celebrating and honoring Tabor's Annual Czech Days festivities on the occasion of its seventy-second Anniversary. |
SC 803 | SC | 803 | Commending the Bare Bodkins Theatre Company for their hard work and dedication to producing professional and accessible Shakespeare productions in Sioux Falls. |
SC 805 | SC | 805 | Honoring the 2019 Canton C-Hawk High School football team as champions of the Class 11A football championship. |
SC 809 | SC | 809 | To honor and commend the late Senator Gene Abdallah for his dedicated service to his community and state. |
SC 823 | SC | 823 | Honoring Mr. E.O. Lawrence for his achievements and accomplishments throughout his life and career, and encouraging our schools to recognize his achievements, and encouraging other recognitions of his life and achievements as deemed appropriate by the state of South Dakota. |
SC 824 | SC | 824 | Honoring the 2019-2020 Canton C-Hawk High School wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments. |
SC 830 | SC | 830 | Celebrating the twentieth year of the South Dakota Tractor Museum. |
SC 832 | SC | 832 | Honoring and congratulating Nash Hutmacher for winning the 285-pound weight class at the 2020 State Class A Wrestling Tournament for the fourth consecutive year, as well as for his success in football. |
SCR 602 | SCR | 602 | To invite responsible gun owners from Virginia to relocate to South Dakota. |
SCR 604 | SCR | 604 | Recognizing June as Move Over Awareness Month and urging drivers to slow down and move over for stopped vehicles. |
SCR 605 | SCR | 605 | Calling for statewide recognition of South Dakota's military veteran entrepreneurs and Bunker Labs of Rapid City. |
SJR 502 | SJR | 502 | Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election, an amendment to Article XII of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to the creation and administration of the pooled local investment fund. |
SR 702 | SR | 702 | Calling for statewide recognition of South Dakota's military veteran entrepreneurs and Bunker Labs of Rapid City. |