Representative Spencer Gosch - 2025
Prime Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1165 | HB | 1165 | provide a means by which an agricultural producer may request an automatic refund of an assessment on crops. |
HB 1183 | HB | 1183 | amend the other revenue base amount available to certain school districts. |
HB 1242 | HB | 1242 | limit the amount of money that a political action committee may accept from an authorized committee of a candidate for federal office. |
HJR 5007 | HJR | 5007 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election a law transfer the state accounting system from the Bureau of Finance and Management to the state auditor and amend provisions pertaining to the Bureau of Finance and Management. |
SB 78 | SB | 78 | authorize a change in bullet diameter for use in taking certain animals. |
SB 100 | SB | 100 | limit the imposition of restrictions on the carrying of a concealed pistol and other items of self-defense while on the campus of a public institution of higher education. |
SB 201 | SB | 201 | prohibit contributions and loans from an authorized committee of a candidate for federal office. |
Co Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1052 | HB | 1052 | prohibit the exercise of eminent domain for a pipeline that carries carbon oxide. |
HB 1087 | HB | 1087 | authorize the recall of county commissioners. |
HB 1093 | HB | 1093 | modify the permissible dates for a school district bond election. |
HB 1120 | HB | 1120 | transfer certain moneys and to make an appropriation for the operations of the state library. |
HB 1124 | HB | 1124 | repeal a requirement regarding possession of a registry card. |
HB 1152 | HB | 1152 | prohibit the enforcement and implementation of directives from intergovernmental organizations, and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1186 | HB | 1186 | provide for the revision and eventual repeal of the employer's investment in South Dakota's future fee. |
HB 1200 | HB | 1200 | permit merit pay as a component of teacher compensation. |
HB 1266 | HB | 1266 | attach the South Dakota State Brand Board to the Office of School and Public Lands. |
HB 1267 | HB | 1267 | prohibit the use of paid petition circulators, and provide a penalty therefor. |
HJR 5001 | HJR | 5001 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, conditioning the requirement of expanded Medicaid on the level of federal medical assistance. |
HJR 5003 | HJR | 5003 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring that a constitutional amendment receive an affirmative vote of sixty percent of the votes cast before the measure is enacted. |
SB 91 | SB | 91 | revise the requirements for a petition to initiate a measure or constitutional amendment or to refer a law. |
SB 92 | SB | 92 | require that the director of the Legislative Research Council and the secretary of state review an initiated measure and determine if the measure embraces more than one subject. |
SB 155 | SB | 155 | reduce the amount of net receipts of unclaimed property deposited into the general fund. |
SB 169 | SB | 169 | require a public hearing prior to a vote to impose an excess tax levy. |
SJR 505 | SJR | 505 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, establishing the trust for unclaimed property fund. |