Senator Jason E. Frerichs - 2016
Prime Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1228 | HB | 1228 | accommodate legislation relating to a mandatory state of origin meat labeling program. |
HC 1023 | HC | 1023 | Commending the South Dakota National Guard's Battery A, 1/147 Field Artillery Battalion of Aberdeen, South Dakota on being awarded the National Guard Association of the United States' Certificate of Victory. |
SB 58 | SB | 58 | revise certain restrictions for the use of night-vision equipment for hunting under certain conditions. |
SB 144 | SB | 144 | revise the legal maximum weight limits based on the number of axles for gross vehicle weight. |
SB 145 | SB | 145 | require certain provisions to be met before allowing public utilities or carriers to exercise eminent domain procedures. |
SB 146 | SB | 146 | impose a fee on certain pipelines carrying crude oil and to create a crude oil pipeline compensation fund that may be used in the event of a crude oil spill. |
Co Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1054 | HB | 1054 | authorize the production and sale of industrial hemp. |
HB 1056 | HB | 1056 | revise certain provisions relating to the veterans' preference in employment. |
HB 1066 | HB | 1066 | revise certain provisions regarding the public notice for a meeting of a public body. |
HB 1072 | HB | 1072 | revise the process by which the administrator to the retirement system may receive an additional salary adjustment. |
HB 1075 | HB | 1075 | revise the area for certain open units where nonresident waterfowl licenses are issued. |
HB 1078 | HB | 1078 | grant limited immunity from arrest and prosecution for certain alcohol related offenses to persons who assist a person in need of emergency assistance or who are themselves in need of emergency assistance. |
HB 1091 | HB | 1091 | establish certain requirements regarding insurance for vehicles used to provide rides for a transportation network company and to exempt vehicles used to provide these rides from certain commercial licensing requirements. |
HB 1094 | HB | 1094 | increase the commercial fertilizer inspection fee for purposes of fertilizer-related research and education and to create the Nutrient Research and Education Council to promote such research and education. |
HB 1113 | HB | 1113 | exempt from the excise tax on motor vehicles the transfer of motor vehicles to a nonprofit organization under certain conditions. |
HB 1150 | HB | 1150 | revise certain provisions concerning the property tax exemption provided to local industrial development corporations. |
HB 1163 | HB | 1163 | revise the periods of time during which veterans may use tuition benefits at institutions under the control of the Board of Regents. |
HB 1164 | HB | 1164 | provide for a special interest motor vehicle license plate for certain vehicles under certain conditions. |
HB 1187 | HB | 1187 | allow the Office of the Secretary of State to refuse to file certain documents. |
HB 1190 | HB | 1190 | enhance customer convenience in firearms transactions, improve public safety, and provide for the issuance of an additional concealed pistol permit. |
HB 1206 | HB | 1206 | authorize the use of handguns in the hunting of game birds. |
HB 1211 | HB | 1211 | require statewide livestock ownership inspection. |
HB 1219 | HB | 1219 | revise certain provisions concerning adverse possession of certain real property. |
HB 1221 | HB | 1221 | accommodate legislation relating to education funding. |
HB 1222 | HB | 1222 | accommodate legislation relating to shared services in schools. |
HB 1227 | HB | 1227 | establish the South Dakota Government Accountability Committee. |
HB 1231 | HB | 1231 | authorize motor carrier inspectors to carry firearms. |
HB 1238 | HB | 1238 | revise the powers and duties of the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council. |
HC 1012 | HC | 1012 | Recognizing and honoring the bravery of South Dakota Highway Patrol Trooper Zachary Bader. |
HC 1020 | HC | 1020 | Commending the South Dakota Air National Guard's 114th Fighter Wing of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, for being awarded the Distinguished Flying Unit Plaque. |
HC 1024 | HC | 1024 | Commending the South Dakota National Guard's Company C, l-189th Aviation Regiment of Rapid City, South Dakota on being awarded the General John J. Pershing Trophy. |
HC 1025 | HC | 1025 | Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard's 211th Engineer Company of Madison and DeSmet, South Dakota, on being awarded the Eisenhower Trophy. |
HC 1027 | HC | 1027 | Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard's 153rd Engineer Battalion of Huron, South Dakota on being awarded the Major General Milton A. Reckord Trophy. |
HCR 1002 | HCR | 1002 | Supporting the selection of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter beddown at Joe Foss Field, 114th Fighter Wing, South Dakota Air National Guard. |
HCR 1003 | HCR | 1003 | Encouraging recognition of the current gender wage gap and calling for the enforcement of equal pay for equal work laws. |
HCR 1005 | HCR | 1005 | Urging the federal government to refrain from enacting regulations that threaten the reliability and affordability of electric power in the northern great plains. |
HCR 1006 | HCR | 1006 | Commending and recognizing the numerous contributions made by South Dakota's social workers and recognizing March 2016 as Social Work Month. |
HCR 1007 | HCR | 1007 | Requiring the use of sound science in evaluating crop protection chemistries and nutrients. |
HCR 1013 | HCR | 1013 | Recognizing the positive economic impact sportsmen and sportswomen have in South Dakota. |
HCR 1015 | HCR | 1015 | Commending Taiwan's presidential election; supporting Taiwan's efforts to secure entry to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the signing of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the Bilateral Investment Agreement (BIA) with the United States; and reaffirming support for increasing Taiwan's international profile and for strengthening and expanding sister-state ties between South Dakota and Taiwan. |
SB 61 | SB | 61 | prohibit the cancellation or nonrenewal of homeowner insurance policies for certain claims arising from natural causes. |
SB 62 | SB | 62 | require manufacturers of farm machinery and equipment to replace the machinery or equipment or to refund its purchase price if it fails to conform to the manufacturer's warranty, to specify the manufacturer's obligations to remedy any nonconforming conditions, and to provide cause of action against the manufacturer for failure to comply. |
SB 63 | SB | 63 | require the development of school safety plans and to require the conduct of school safety drills in accredited schools. |
SB 70 | SB | 70 | require certain private cemeteries to file an annual financial report. |
SB 78 | SB | 78 | deposit money in the permanent school fund based on certain acres of school and public lands open to public hunting. |
SB 79 | SB | 79 | expand the list of professionals authorized to perform certain examinations required for a plea of guilty but mentally ill. |
SB 81 | SB | 81 | create the paraprofessional tuition assistance scholarship program. |
SB 82 | SB | 82 | establish the Native American achievement schools grant program. |
SB 93 | SB | 93 | revise certain provisions regarding the homestead exemption. |
SB 94 | SB | 94 | repeal the death penalty. |
SB 96 | SB | 96 | revise the expense reimbursement for members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles. |
SB 97 | SB | 97 | provide for the automatic removal of all petty offenses, municipal ordinance violations, and Class 2 misdemeanor charges or convictions from background check records after ten years under certain conditions. |
SB 113 | SB | 113 | revise provisions related to the operation of a bicycle on a roadway. |
SB 135 | SB | 135 | allow overwidth farm equipment to be operated on primary highways after sunset under certain conditions. |
SB 136 | SB | 136 | permit certain cropland along lakes, rivers, and streams to be assessed as noncropland. |
SB 138 | SB | 138 | authorize the construction of a nursing home facility in Rosebud, South Dakota. |
SB 139 | SB | 139 | revise certain provisions regarding the use tax. |
SB 140 | SB | 140 | eliminate life sentences for defendants under the age of eighteen at the time of the crime. |
SB 149 | SB | 149 | provide for certain reduced state park entrance fees for veterans. |
SB 150 | SB | 150 | revise provisions related to the legislative intern program. |
SB 156 | SB | 156 | establish certain requirements and protections regarding transportation network companies. |
SC 7 | SC | 7 | Commending and honoring the 2015 Habitat for Humanity--South Dakota Habitat Supporters of the Year. |
SC 8 | SC | 8 | Commending and honoring the 2015 Madison High School Bulldogs Football Team and the students and staff involved in the football program. |
SC 9 | SC | 9 | Honoring the South Dakota Health Care Association on the occasion of its sixty-fifth anniversary. |
SC 10 | SC | 10 | Recognizing and honoring the South Dakota Arts Council on its fiftieth anniversary of serving South Dakotans and our communities through the arts. |
SC 11 | SC | 11 | Recognizing and honoring the courage of South Dakota Highway Patrol Sergeant John Koenig. |
SC 17 | SC | 17 | Honoring Laurie Visser as South Dakota's 2016 Mother of the Year. |
SCR 1 | SCR | 1 | To show support for family caregivers. |