2025 Fiscal Notes
BillFiscal NoteTitle
HB 1009 HB 1009 (A)provide for the creation and use of South Dakota educational empowerment accounts, and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1020 HB 1020 (A)establish education savings accounts.
HB 1029 HB 1029 (Per JR 6C‑4)update provisions of the South Dakota Retirement System.
HB 1030 HB 1030 (Per JR 6C‑4)update the South Dakota Retirement System's member information protection provisions.
HB 1031 HB 1031 (Per JR 6C‑4)update the South Dakota Retirement System member identity verification procedures.
HB 1032 HB 1032 (Per JR 6C‑4)update a reference to the Internal Revenue Code in South Dakota Retirement System statutes.
HB 1046 HB 1046 (A)revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2025.
HB 1046 HB 1046 (B)revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2025.
HB 1198 HB 1198 (A)modify the tuition benefit for dependents and spouses of disabled and deceased veterans.
HB 1259 HB 1259 (A)prohibit unauthorized access to certain multi-occupancy rooms.
SB 51 SB 51 (A)require the display and curricular inclusion of the Ten Commandments and other documents.
SB 190 SB 190 (A)provide school choice through an education tax credit.