2025 Withdrawn Report
The following bills have been withdrawn by the prime sponsor in accordance with Joint Rule 6B-1.1.
Bill Type: HB
HB 1113require a mental health assessment for certain individuals being considered for employment by the Division of Highway Patrol.
HB 1136repeal the alternate realty improvement contractor's excise tax.
HB 1147require that public entities submit to forensic accounting in cases of financial misconduct.
HB 1151require that manufacturers of agricultural equipment allow an independent repair provider or an owner to make certain repairs to agricultural equipment.
HB 1153authorize a law enforcement officer to temporarily detain an individual who is reasonably suspected of committing a crime and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1158prohibit the use of public funds for campaigning or other partisan activity, and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1175establish the crime of aggravated careless driving and provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1178revise a provision related to notice by registered or certified mail of a small claims action.
HB 1190require an ownership disclosure for any non-individual entity that exercises eminent domain.
HB 1209repeal authorization for the use of medical cannabis by a probationer or parolee.
HB 1212revise the authority to establish and maintain a training program for county coroners.
HB 1224defund the Huron School District.
HB 1233provide hearing aids to children and make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1240require an affidavit of succession for purposes of succeeding to the ownership of an abandoned mineral interest.
HB 1247modify massage therapist licensure requirements and to create a penalty therefor.
HB 1248clarify informed consent requirements for the provision of prenatal and postnatal care to a minor.
HB 1257revise provisions related to the identification of minors in certain public records.
HB 1269authorize display of certain flags on public property.
Bill Type: SB
SB 87address preauthorization requirements for certain health care services and utilization review requirements for certain health benefit plans.
SB 96revise eligibility requirements for the crime victims' compensation program.
SB 160revise exceptions to the imposition of a Class 2 misdemeanor when no other penalty is provided by statute.
SB 162establish a biomonitoring pilot program for firefighters and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 168prohibit non-disclosure agreements in settlement cases involving the Associated School Boards of South Dakota Protective Trust Workers Compensation Pool.
SB 182require every permanent or emergency administrative rule proposal to receive the approval of an elected official before submission to the Legislative Research Council.
SB 183establish requirements that state agencies must follow when applying for federal grants.
SB 184repeal existing aircraft registration fees and establish a new schedule of aircraft registration fees.
SB 187prohibit political subdivisions from interfering with immigration enforcement.
SB 197enhance education in South Dakota.
SB 209modify aircraft registration fees and to provide a penalty therefor.
SB 210clarify the Interim Rules Review Committee's oversight of emergency rulemaking.