2025 Hoghouse Report
The following bills have been amended extensively (Joint Rule 6E-2) and may no longer be consistent with the original intention of the sponsor.
Bill Type: HB
HB 1039amend the programs reimbursing a teacher or school counselor for earning national board certification.
HB 1046revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2025.
HB 1083modify the requirements for obtaining an agricultural processor's lien.
HB 1135provide opportunities for treatment courts for South Dakotans, create a workgroup to study rehabilitation programs, and declare an emergency.
HB 1143require that the director of equalization adjust certain agricultural land values.
HB 1165provide a means by which an agricultural producer may request an automatic refund of an assessment on crops.
HB 1230revise a provision related to unauthorized distribution of fentanyl and provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1239revise certain provisions related to the restriction of access to obscene materials in a public library or public school library.
HB 1245exempt from the state sales and use tax gross receipts for certain services to a partnership.
Bill Type: SB
SB 6authorize a loan from the South Dakota housing infrastructure fund to a school district adjoining a federal military installation for the construction or expansion of a school building.
SB 61modify the authority of the Board of Internal Control.
SB 62establish mandatory reporting requirements related to improper governmental conduct and crime, and to provide a penalty therefor.
SB 63establish protections for state employees who report improper governmental conduct and crime.
SB 88increase the amount of exempt proceeds when a homestead is sold or divided by court order.
SB 127authorize the expenditure of moneys and make an appropriation for grants supporting airport terminal improvements and expansion.
SB 129modify renewal fee requirements for an on-sale liquor licensee whose business premises have been annexed into a municipality of the first class.
SB 169require a public hearing prior to a vote to impose an excess tax levy.
SB 198establish conditions a prospective condemnor must satisfy before commencing condemnation proceedings.