Representative  Don Haggar - 2016
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1012HB1012provide for an additional position in the Governor's Office of Economic Development to coordinate economic development with the tribes and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1085HB1085provide for the forfeiture of any vehicle used by a person convicted of a third offense for driving under the influence.
HB 1086HB1086create a leased residential property classification.
HB 1088HB1088revise and consolidate certain civil forfeiture provisions.
HB 1097HB1097exempt certain taxes and fees from the gross receipts tax on telecommunications services.
HB 1156HB1156require municipalities to reimburse the counties for certain judicial and law enforcement expenditures.
HB 1234HB1234require the approval of the Legislature before the state adopts certain changes to the Medicaid program.
HCR 1008HCR1008Urging Congress to support and to ask the United States Secretary of State to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline project.
SB 165SB165authorize the manufacture of cider in certain amounts.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1001HB1001repeal the Midwestern Regional Higher Education Compact.
HB 1054HB1054authorize the production and sale of industrial hemp.
HB 1056HB1056revise certain provisions relating to the veterans' preference in employment.
HB 1070HB1070establish venue for certain actions arising out of real property lease agreements.
HB 1075HB1075revise the area for certain open units where nonresident waterfowl licenses are issued.
HB 1083HB1083change the taxation method used in the sale of certain off-road vehicles and require that the sale of these vehicles be by licensed vehicle dealers.
HB 1084HB1084define when concurrent employment may be used to calculate earnings in workers' compensation cases.
HB 1096HB1096provide for the exemption of certain schools from a tuition limitation applied to some bordering state school districts.
HB 1098HB1098revise certain provisions regarding the exemption of motor vehicles from the motor vehicle excise tax.
HB 1104HB1104revise certain provisions regarding the practice of dental hygiene.
HB 1111HB1111require the high school interscholastic activities association to promulgate major policy statements under the procedures of the administrative rules process.
HB 1112HB1112establish certain procedures regarding a transgender policy for the purposes of participation in high school activities and to declare void any present transgender policy of any association recognized under chapter 13-36.
HB 1114HB1114prohibit the state from using federal funds for state highway maps.
HB 1123HB1123require the Department of Health to include certain information regarding the inspection of an abortion facility on the department's website.
HB 1140HB1140revise certain provisions regarding county zoning.
HB 1142HB1142prohibit businesses and employers from establishing certain policies against the ability of an employee or invitee to store firearms and ammunition in a locked motor vehicle parked on the premises.
HB 1150HB1150revise certain provisions concerning the property tax exemption provided to local industrial development corporations.
HB 1157HB1157require that a doctor provide a woman additional information as a part of informed consent prior to performing an abortion.
HB 1162HB1162provide for the practice and regulation of midwives.
HB 1163HB1163revise the periods of time during which veterans may use tuition benefits at institutions under the control of the Board of Regents.
HB 1164HB1164provide for a special interest motor vehicle license plate for certain vehicles under certain conditions.
HB 1184HB1184create a transportation oversight committee.
HB 1187HB1187allow the Office of the Secretary of State to refuse to file certain documents.
HB 1188HB1188exempt certain operations of school buses from commercial motor vehicle fees.
HB 1201HB1201revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2016, make an appropriation for teen court programs in South Dakota, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1202HB1202provide access to abandoned cemeteries and private burying grounds
HB 1209HB1209require any public body of the state to accept as valid all information on a person's birth certificate.
HB 1219HB1219revise certain provisions concerning adverse possession of certain real property.
HB 1220HB1220direct the secretary of education to reinstate scholarship funding under the GEAR UP grant program.
HB 1238HB1238revise the powers and duties of the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council.
HB 1247HB1247require school districts and licensed child welfare agencies to implement a policy and provide training regarding sexual abuse and other maltreatment of children.
HC 1001HC1001Recognizing Tony Metzgar for his act of saving a life.
HC 1002HC1002Recognizing Isabel Trobaugh for her service to the community of Elk Point.
HC 1003HC1003Recognizing Helen Sweeter of Worthing for the honors and recognition she has received for an exemplary life of service to her family, church, and community.
HC 1004HC1004Recognizing the achievements of Victoria "Tori" Johnson of Elk Point.
HC 1006HC1006Commending and honoring the 2014-2015 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota, including Tim Graf, Milbank, School Superintendent; Chad Allison, Lennox, Middle School Principal; Merna Bye, Corsica, School Business Official; Brad Olinger, Flandreau, Elementary School Principal; Jim Aisenbrey, Baltic, Secondary School Principal; Mike Radke, Huron, Assistant Secondary School Principal; Dr. Sandra Henry, Sioux Falls, Curriculum Leader; and Rhonda Zinter, Milbank, Director of Special Education, for being named outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups.
HC 1007HC1007Recognizing Sabrina Swee for her excellence and achievements in the area of culinary arts.
HC 1012HC1012Recognizing and honoring the bravery of South Dakota Highway Patrol Trooper Zachary Bader.
HC 1025HC1025Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard's 211th Engineer Company of Madison and DeSmet, South Dakota, on being awarded the Eisenhower Trophy.
HC 1030HC1030Honoring the Canton High School wrestling program.
HCR 1002HCR1002Supporting the selection of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter beddown at Joe Foss Field, 114th Fighter Wing, South Dakota Air National Guard.
HCR 1005HCR1005Urging the federal government to refrain from enacting regulations that threaten the reliability and affordability of electric power in the northern great plains.
HCR 1009HCR1009Expressing the right of South Dakotans to own and use firearms.
HCR 1011HCR1011Opposing the recent actions of the EPA and the President with regards to the Waters of the United States federal rule and applauding the South Dakota congressional delegates who opposed such actions.
HCR 1013HCR1013Recognizing the positive economic impact sportsmen and sportswomen have in South Dakota.
HCR 1014HCR1014Calling for the United States to save Christians, Yazidis and people of other faiths from persecution and genocide.
HCR 1015HCR1015Commending Taiwan's presidential election; supporting Taiwan's efforts to secure entry to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the signing of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the Bilateral Investment Agreement (BIA) with the United States; and reaffirming support for increasing Taiwan's international profile and for strengthening and expanding sister-state ties between South Dakota and Taiwan.
HCR 1017HCR1017Commending the nation of Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and with the State of South Dakota.
SB 1SB1revise certain provisions regarding the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council.
SB 71SB71revise the provisions regarding the issuance of small game licenses and fishing licenses to certain veterans at reduced fees and to revise certain provisions regarding special pheasant hunts for disabled veterans.
SB 72SB72prohibit the abortion of an unborn child who is capable of experiencing pain and to provide a penalty therefor.
SB 81SB81create the paraprofessional tuition assistance scholarship program.
SB 82SB82establish the Native American achievement schools grant program.
SB 114SB114make an appropriation for certain costs related to the commissioning of the USS South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
SB 117SB117permit the practice of midwifery by certain persons.
SB 121SB121authorize certain duties for the sergeant at arms and assistant sergeant at arms.
SB 127SB127revise certain provisions regarding the requirements for placement of a utility facility across a railroad right-of-way.
SB 129SB129establish certain suicide awareness and prevention training requirements for certain school employees based on the Jason Flatt Act.
SB 138SB138authorize the construction of a nursing home facility in Rosebud, South Dakota.
SB 159SB159provide a tax credit to insurance companies that contribute to an organization providing educational scholarships to certain students.
SC 6SC6Honoring Allyson Monson of Clark, South Dakota, Girls State Governor, and Andrew Flannery of Elk Point, South Dakota, Boys State Governor, and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs.
SC 9SC9Honoring the South Dakota Health Care Association on the occasion of its sixty-fifth anniversary.
SJR 1SJR1Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide that the fundamental right of state citizens to bear arms cannot be infringed and is subject to strict scrutiny.