Representative Donald D. Van Etten - 2002
Prime Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1106 | HB | 1106 | revise certain provisions regarding the confidential nature of peer review activities of physicians. |
HB 1108 | HB | 1108 | require that counties be reimbursed for housing persons sent to county jail in lieu of the penitentiary. |
HB 1109 | HB | 1109 | exempt local governments from certain competitive bid requirements. |
HB 1162 | HB | 1162 | prohibit the advertising of adoptions under certain circumstances. |
HB 1163 | HB | 1163 | require social workers to include background checks in home study reports and to prohibit adoptions by persons convicted of certain crimes. |
HB 1164 | HB | 1164 | abrogate the loss of chance doctrine as set forth in Jorgenson v. Vener. |
HB 1252 | HB | 1252 | increase the tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products and to dedicate the revenues. |
HB 1286 | HB | 1286 | provide distributions from certain funds. |
HB 1289 | HB | 1289 | establish certain requirements that must be met before the Department of Social Services may require prior authorization for prescription drugs provided to certain individuals. |
SB 170 | SB | 170 | repeal a provision that requires foster parents to care for a child for not less than two years before the foster parent is a primary consideration for adoption of the child. |
Co Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1056 | HB | 1056 | prohibit age discrimination in the workplace. |
HB 1057 | HB | 1057 | prohibit age discrimination in state government and all political subdivisions. |
HB 1077 | HB | 1077 | increase the tax on cigarettes and to dedicate the increased revenue to the ethanol fuel fund. |
HB 1082 | HB | 1082 | revise certain penalties relating to the sex offender registry. |
HB 1086 | HB | 1086 | provide for a refund of tuition and fees for certain nurses. |
HB 1091 | HB | 1091 | make compliance with federal selective service requirements a condition of obtaining certain driver licenses. |
HB 1092 | HB | 1092 | provide resident tuition rates for certain nonresident National Guard members and to revise certain tuition benefits for resident National Guard members. |
HB 1095 | HB | 1095 | require the transfer of certain funds. |
HB 1112 | HB | 1112 | allow school boards to initiate a vote relating to the imposition of an excess tax levy. |
HB 1113 | HB | 1113 | require the Department of Corrections to seek membership in the Performance-based Standards Project. |
HB 1116 | HB | 1116 | prohibit a person from being on the general election ballot for President or vice-president and another office. |
HB 1118 | HB | 1118 | require the use of an ignition interlock device in motor vehicles used by certain persons guilty of a second violation of driving under the influence and to provide for certain penalties with regard to ignition interlock devices. |
HB 1129 | HB | 1129 | revise certain provisions regarding concealed pistol permits. |
HB 1130 | HB | 1130 | revise the provisions related to the sale of surplus governmental property. |
HB 1132 | HB | 1132 | establish a Children's Mental Health Task Force. |
HB 1134 | HB | 1134 | revise the time at which bond is required of a surplus line broker. |
HB 1166 | HB | 1166 | provide for a master teacher program and to make an appropriation therefor. |
HB 1167 | HB | 1167 | clarify the extent to which the negotiation of teacher contracts may include the school calendar. |
HB 1206 | HB | 1206 | provide funds to school districts that reorganize and to revise the calculation of state aid to education. |
HB 1207 | HB | 1207 | provide for the recalculation of the per student allocation in the state aid to education formula. |
HB 1235 | HB | 1235 | establish a penalty for certain assaults against law enforcement officers. |
HB 1236 | HB | 1236 | declare a disaster in certain federal forest areas and to authorize state and local remedial action. |
HB 1241 | HB | 1241 | provide a time limit for filing an application for county welfare assistance for hospital expenses by or on behalf of a medically indigent person. |
HB 1242 | HB | 1242 | appropriate money for the State Fair. |
HB 1244 | HB | 1244 | allow the assets of the South Dakota Retirement System to be invested in venture capital. |
HB 1248 | HB | 1248 | increase the tax on cigarettes and to dedicate the proceeds. |
HB 1258 | HB | 1258 | establish a tuition reimbursement program for nurses. |
HB 1282 | HB | 1282 | place a moratorium on certain new outdoor advertising permits, to create a task force to review the state laws regulating outdoor advertising along state highways, and to declare an emergency. |
HC 1001 | HC | 1001 | Honoring Kendra Dwight, South Dakota Girls' State Governor, and John Rapinchuk, South Dakota Boys' State Governor, and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls' State and Boys' State programs. |
HC 1004 | HC | 1004 | Honoring and commending the members of the South Dakota National Guard. |
HC 1010 | HC | 1010 | Honoring United Nations Ambassador and former United States Senator George McGovern for service to South Dakota and the United States. |
HC 1015 | HC | 1015 | Commending and honoring Julie Dangel of Scotland, South Dakota, for being selected as the 2001 "Nurse of the Year" by the South Dakota Healthcare Association Nursing Council. |
HC 1018 | HC | 1018 | Honoring the Morgan family athletes past and present who attended Dakota Wesleyan University as one of the most outstanding basketball families in South Dakota history. |
HCR 1001 | HCR | 1001 | Requesting the United States Congress not to attempt to repeal or rescind any of the tax relief legislation passed by the United States Congress in May 2001. |
HCR 1008 | HCR | 1008 | Supporting the Kids Voting Program. |
HCR 1011 | HCR | 1011 | Expressing the support of the Legislature for the construction and operation of a federal Western Grasslands Invasive Weed Laboratory in Rapid City, South Dakota. |
HCR 1012 | HCR | 1012 | Urging a reconsideration of the Food and Drug Administration's approval of mifepristone (RU-486), an investigation into the process followed in approving this drug, and a reassessment of the drug's safety. |
HCR 1013 | HCR | 1013 | Recognizing Ellsworth Air Force Base personnel as an outstanding component of our nation's defenses. |
HCR 1020 | HCR | 1020 | Requesting a discussion of the problems existing between the State of South Dakota and the federal government on issues of state and federal powers and responsibilities. |
HCR 1022 | HCR | 1022 | Supporting the National Motto of the United States. |
HJR 1002 | HJR | 1002 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election the repeal of certain sections of Article XVII of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota relating to corporate or syndicate farming. |
HJR 1008 | HJR | 1008 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to Article XXI of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to hunting, fishing, and trapping. |
SB 58 | SB | 58 | establish a nursing workforce center under the direction of the Board of Nursing and to provide funding through a fee assessed upon nursing license renewal. |
SB 80 | SB | 80 | revise certain provisions related to the examination required for physician licensure. |
SB 90 | SB | 90 | appropriate money for the Northern Crops Institute. |
SB 93 | SB | 93 | establish certain requirements for genetic testing. |
SB 118 | SB | 118 | prohibit smoking in public places. |
SC 1 | SC | 1 | Honoring Coleen C. Keffeler of Sturgis on her selection as National Teacher of the Year for Career and Technical Education. |
SC 4 | SC | 4 | Honoring 4-H clubs and 4-H members on the centennial celebration of the founding of 4-H. |
SC 5 | SC | 5 | Honoring Jeffrey Lukens of Sioux Falls as South Dakota's 2002 Teacher of the Year. |
SC 8 | SC | 8 | Commemorating the retirement of Fred Tully and recognizing him for his dedication and steadfast leadership to the Black Hills Children's Home and Children's Home Society of South Dakota for over two decades. |
SC 10 | SC | 10 | Honoring Coleen C. Keffeler of Sturgis on her selection as National Teacher of the Year for Career and Technical Education. |
SC 12 | SC | 12 | Honoring the outstanding achievements of Patty Pearson, Executive Director of Kids Voting South Dakota. |
SC 13 | SC | 13 | Honoring Dawn Morris of Pierre on her selection as National Mother of the Year. |
SC 15 | SC | 15 | Honoring South Dakota native Adam Vinatieri for kicking the winning field goal in Super Bowl XXXVI. |
SC 16 | SC | 16 | Honoring and commending Carrie Gonsor on her selection as one of the torchbearers for the 2002 Olympics. |
SC 20 | SC | 20 | Honoring and supporting those individuals in Ukraine who support the Fulbright program for the international exchange of scholars. |
SC 21 | SC | 21 | Honoring and congratulating LaFola Korkow on her ninetieth birthday. |
SC 22 | SC | 22 | Commending and honoring Rebecca Umenthum of the Belle Fourche School District, Barbara Huber of the Douglas School District, Katrina Rudebusch of the Rapid City School District, Roxie Ahlbrecht and Cynthia Nelson of the Sioux Falls School District, Reva Sigle of the Spearfish School District, Mary Kate Axlund of the Sturgis School District, and Shannon Amiotte of the Wall School District, for gaining national teacher certification. |
SC 23 | SC | 23 | Honoring South Dakota's Lieutenant Governor Carole Hillard for her career in public service. |
SCR 1 | SCR | 1 | Commemorating the 20th anniversary this year of the death of Crazy Horse Memorial sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski and recognizing the sculptor's wife and family for their dedication and great progress at the Memorial during the two decades since Korczak's passing. |
SCR 13 | SCR | 13 | Urging the United States Congress to pass, and the President of the United States to sign, legislation that completely bans human cloning. |
SCR 15 | SCR | 15 | Honoring Governor William J. Janklow for his service to the State of South Dakota. |
SJR 5 | SJR | 5 | Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election amendments to Article III of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to legislative appointments and conflicts of interest. |