Senate Bill 201
provide new statutory requirements for regulating linear transmission facilities, to allow counties to impose a surcharge on certain pipeline companies, and to establish a landowner bill of rights.
Senator Crabtree (prime) and Representatives Mortenson (prime) and Peterson (Drew)
01/31/2024First read in Senate and referred to Senate Commerce and Energy S.J. 218 N/A
02/15/2024Scheduled for hearing 31:12
02/15/2024 Senate Commerce and Energy Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 201D 31:12
02/15/2024 Senate Commerce and Energy Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 2. 31:12
02/21/2024 Senate Do Pass, Failed, YEAS 23, NAYS 11. S.J. 378 1:05:16
02/21/2024Immediate Reconsideration (Rule 5-13.1) S.J. 378 1:05:16
02/21/2024 Senate Motion to amend, Passed S.J. 378 Amendment 201I 1:05:16
02/21/2024 Senate Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 23, NAYS 11. S.J. 379 1:05:16
02/22/2024First read in House and referred to House Commerce and Energy H.J. 374 N/A
02/26/2024Scheduled for hearing 3:10
02/26/2024 House Commerce and Energy Motion to amend, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 6. Amendment 201J 3:10
02/26/2024 House Commerce and Energy Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 8, NAYS 5. 3:10
02/28/2024 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 40, NAYS 30. H.J. 427 23:55
02/29/2024 Senate Failed to concur, appoint Conference Committee, Passed, YEAS 24, NAYS 10. S.J. 458 N/A
03/04/2024 Senate Conference Committee appointments S.J. 464 N/A
03/04/2024 House of Representatives Conference Committee appointments H.J. 452 N/A
03/06/2024 Conference Committee 201 A Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 201MN/A
03/06/2024 Conference Committee 201 A Conference Committee Report adopted, Passed, YEAS 5, NAYS 1.N/A
03/06/2024 Senate Conference Committee Report adopted, Passed, YEAS 24, NAYS 10. S.J. 505 N/A
03/06/2024 House of Representatives Conference Committee Report adopted, Passed, YEAS 39, NAYS 31. H.J. 492 N/A
03/07/2024Signed by the President S.J. 512 N/A
03/07/2024Signed by the Speaker H.J. 510 N/A
03/07/2024 Delivered to the Governor on Thursday, March 07, 2024 S.J. 525 N/A
03/26/2024 Signed by the Governor on Thursday, March 07, 2024 S.J. 528 N/A

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Previous Amendments
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CrabtreeAdopted201M (PDF)  (HTML)201M(PDF)  (HTML)House Commerce and Energy Engrossed
MortensonAdopted201J (PDF)  (HTML)201J(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Engrossed
CrabtreeAdopted201I (PDF)  (HTML)201I(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Commerce and Energy Engrossed
CrabtreeAdopted201D (PDF)  (HTML)201D(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced
CrabtreeN/A201B (PDF)  (HTML)201B(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced
CrabtreeN/A201A (PDF)  (HTML)201A(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced