Codified Laws




01    State Administration Of Motor Vehicles

02    Division Of Highway Patrol

03    Title Registration, Liens And Transfers

03A    Title, Registration And Taxation Of Boats

04    Theft And Misappropriation Of Vehicles

05    Annual Registration And License Plates

05A    County Wheel Tax

05B    Excise Tax On Motor Vehicles

06    Dealers' And Manufacturers' Licenses And Permits [Repealed]

06A    Passenger Vehicle Dealer Franchises [Repealed]

06B    Regulation Of Vehicle Dealers

06C    Regulation Of Snowmobile Dealers

06D    Manufacturer's Warranty

06E    Regulation Of Snowmobile Franchising Agreements

07    Dealers And Manufacturers Of House Trailers And Coaches [Repealed]

07A    Dealers And Manufacturers Of Manufactured Homes And Mobile Homes

07B    Regulation Of Boat Dealers

08    Dealers And Manufacturers Of Trailers And Semitrailers [Repealed]

09    Commercial Motor Vehicle Certificates

10    Interstate Reciprocity And Proportional Registration Of Fleets

11    Motor Vehicle Funds

12    Driver Licenses And Permits

12A    Commercial Drivers Licenses And Permits

13    Highway Safety Program

14    Traffic Regulation Generally

15    Vehicle And Accessory Specifications

15A    Vehicle Equipment Regulation [Repealed]

16    Interstate Vehicle Equipment Safety Compact [Repealed]

17    Vehicle Lights And Flares

18    Brakes And Brake Fluid

19    Wheels, Tires, And Special Vehicles

20    Motorcycle Regulation

20A    Snowmobile Operation

20B    Bicycle Regulation

21    Motor Vehicle Inspection

22    Weight, Size And Load Restrictions

23    Driving Under The Influence

24    Reckless And Unsafe Driving

25    Speed Regulation

26    Rules Of The Road

27    Pedestrians' Rights And Duties

28    Traffic Control Devices

29    Required Stops

30    Stopping And Parking Restrictions

31    Emergency Vehicles

32    School Buses

33    Apprehension And Prosecution Of Violators

34    Accidents And Accident Reports

35    Financial Responsibility Of Vehicle Owners And Operators

36    Abandoned, Derelict And Junk Motor Vehicles And Scrap Metals

37    Child Passenger Restraint System

38    Safety Belt System Usage In Passenger Vehicles

39    Compensation Of Agricultural Equipment Dealers

40    Transportation Network Companies

41    Automated Motor Vehicles



32-1-1    32-1-1. Superseded.

32-1-1.1    32-1-1.1. Repealed by SL 2011, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 11-1), § 137, eff. Apr. 12, 2011.

32-1-2    32-1-2. Superseded.

32-1-3    Motor vehicle powers of Department of Revenue.

32-1-4    32-1-4. Omitted.

32-1-5    Bonded employees authorized to administer oaths--Fees prohibited.

32-1-6    County treasurer to remit collections to state.

32-1-7    Dealer information available to public.

32-1-8    Mailing fees--Review by Legislature.



32-2-1    Superintendent--Appointment--Supervision--Custody of records and property.

32-2-1.1    Division continued within Department of Public Safety--Functions performed by department--Head of division.

32-2-2    Bond of superintendent--Payment of premium.

32-2-3    Establishment of highway patrol--Employees and agents--Examinations and qualifications of employees.

32-2-4    Purchase of equipment for highway patrol.

32-2-5    32-2-5, 32-2-6. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 18, §§ 7, 8.

32-2-7    Enforcement of laws governing motor carriers.

32-2-8    Duties of agents--Arrest of violators.

32-2-8.1    Arrest powers of motor carrier inspectors--Law enforcement officer status.

32-2-9    Duties of agents--Law enforcement--Execution of warrants.

32-2-10    Compensation--Longevity pay.

32-2-11    Fund from which compensation is paid--Vouchers.

32-2-11.1    32-2-11.1. Repealed by SL 1987, ch 214, § 2.

32-2-12    General duties of division.



32-3-1    Definition of terms.

32-3-2    Applicability.

32-3-2.1    32-3-2.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 257, § 3.

32-3-2.2    32-3-2.2. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 225, § 1.

32-3-2.3    Mopeds exempt.

32-3-2.4    Farm vehicles exempt--Exceptions.

32-3-3    Selling new vehicle without delivering manufacturer's statement or certificate of origin--Purchasing new vehicle without obtaining certificate--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3-3.1    Initial registration and titling of mobile and manufactured homes--Time for registration--Penalty--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3-3.2    Surrender of title on mobile or manufactured home--Request and application--Record--Liens.

32-3-3.3    Titling of mobile or manufactured home whose title was surrendered--Affidavit--Report.

32-3-4    Eligibility for license--Mobile and manufactured homes exempt.

32-3-5    Sale without delivering certificate of title--Purchase without obtaining certificate of title--Temporary use--Time limit--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3-5.1    32-3-5.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 257, § 9.

32-3-6    Ownership passing by operation of law--Burden of proof.

32-3-7    Sale of secondhand vehicle--Time for delivery of certificate of title--Exception--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3-7.1    Extension of time to deliver certificate of title to secondhand vehicle--Temporary license permit.

32-3-8    32-3-8. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 236, § 4.

32-3-9    32-3-9. Superseded.

32-3-10    Statement or certificate of origin as passing title--Waiver and estoppel inapplicable.

32-3-11    Certificate as evidence of ownership--Possession before delivery of certificate--Risk of loss--Insurable interest.

32-3-12    Operation or possession of vehicle without certificate as misdemeanor.

32-3-13    Sale or transfer without certificate as misdemeanor.

32-3-14    False statement in application--Felony.

32-3-15    Alteration or forgery of certificate--Knowing use of altered or forged certificate--Felony.

32-3-16    Uniform method of numbering certificates--Retention of documents by department.

32-3-17    Validity of certificates previously issued--Issuance of new certificate.

32-3-18    Application for certificate--Contents--Fee--Assignment of previous certificate.

32-3-18.2    Administration fee--Out of state applicant.

32-3-18.1    Administration fee--Title applications processed by mail.

32-3-19    False swearing in connection with certificates--Perjury--Punishment.

32-3-20    Change of identification number on vehicle--New certificate--Contents of new certificate--Delivery to owner.

32-3-21    Unnumbered vehicles not subject to titling--Titling by number other than vehicle identification number.

32-3-22    Assignment and attachment of vehicle identification number--Registration under assigned number--Violation as felony--Fees.

32-3-22.1    Fee for assignment of vehicle identification number.

32-3-23    Application for original certificate--Contents--Supporting documents.

32-3-24    Burden of proving ownership--Issuance of certificate.

32-3-25    Application for title and registration by dealer on behalf of customer--Location of filing.

32-3-26    Time for filing application for certificate--Vehicles in dealer's stock.

32-3-26.1    32-3-26.1. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 155, § 1.

32-3-27    Late application for certificate--Additional fee--Application delay as misdemeanor.

32-3-28    Issuance of certificate in paper or electronic form--Notation of liens.

32-3-29    Lost certificates--Fee for duplicate.

32-3-30    Certificate to show chain of title--Exceptions.

32-3-30.1    Odometer information on certificate--Required on sale--Falsification as felony.

32-3-30.2    Abstract of title history or damage disclosure statements--Fee.

32-3-31    Dealer prohibited from taking certificate which does not show name of vendor and vendee--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3-32    Dealer's acceptance of out-of-state certificates.

32-3-33    Change of county of use of vehicle--Issuance of duplicate for filing by treasurer--Validity of liens.

32-3-34    Assistance by county treasurer.

32-3-35    Manufacturer's statement or certificate of origin pending issuance of certificate of title--Priority of liens.

32-3-36    All lien spaces filled--Issuance of new certificate.

32-3-37    Sale of encumbered vehicle with knowledge of lien holder--Effect against subsequent purchasers.

32-3-38    Holder of security interest entitled to have notation of lien made by treasurer--Notification to department--Notation on instrument and certificate of title.

32-3-38.1    Bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or dealer access to motor vehicle title and lien information on state's computer system.

32-3-38.2    Certain fleet leasing contracts do not create sale or security interest--Not applicable to personal leases.

32-3-38.3    Dealer required to utilize electronic title file system.

32-3-39    Deposit of security interest instrument not required.

32-3-40    Security interests created prior to enactment of statute.

32-3-41    Liens noted on certificate valid against creditors of debtor, subsequent purchasers, and other claimants--Perfection of liens noted on-line.

32-3-42    Vehicles held in stock--Security interests acquired previous to enactment of statute.

32-3-43    Notation of lien on certificate of title--Liability of holder of certificate of title for refusal to deliver.

32-3-44    Release on discharge of lien--Liability for failure to release--Delivery of certificate after entry of discharge.

32-3-45    Fees for notation.

32-3-46    Enforcement of liens--Filing for record not necessary--Notice of sale.

32-3-47    Consent of lien holder required for disposal or removal of encumbered vehicle--Violation as felony.

32-3-48    Power to revoke or refuse to issue certificate or registration--Notification to applicant.

32-3-49    Cancellation of certificate--Notification to county treasurer--Notification to certificate holder and lien holder--Surrender of certificate.

32-3-50    Cancellation of receipt of registration upon cancellation of certificate--Return of receipt and license plates--Confiscation.

32-3-51    Dismantled or destroyed vehicle--Return of plates and title to department--Cancellation of registration--Consent of lien holder--Notation on certificate--Destruction of certificates--Retention of record--Removal of identification numbers as felony.

32-3-51.1    32-3-51.1 to 32-3-51.3. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 238, §§ 11 to 13.

32-3-51.4    32-3-51.4. Repealed by SL 1990, ch 231, § 5.

32-3-51.5    Vehicle with out-of-state marked title--Damage disclosure information--Salvage title or junking certificate.

32-3-51.6    Rebuilt title.

32-3-51.7    32-3-51.7 to 32-3-51.10. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 157, §§ 2 to 5.

32-3-51.11    Retention of damage disclosure statement by department--Part of title history.

32-3-51.12    Junking certificate required for vehicle being dismantled--Removal of identification number prohibited--Violation as felony.

32-3-51.13    Rebuilt or salvage vehicle--Application for junking certificate--Inspection.

32-3-51.14    32-3-51.14, 32-3-51.15. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 157, §§ 6, 7.

32-3-51.16    Information required on first and subsequent South Dakota titles for vehicles coming into state.

32-3-51.17    Junking certificate for nonrebuildable vehicle.

32-3-51.18    Vehicle dealers required to display damage disclosure statement--Return of vehicle.

32-3-51.19    Salvage vehicle defined--Application.

32-3-51.20    Insurer or self insurer acquiring ownership of salvage vehicle without salvage vehicle title to surrender certificate of title--Salvage title issued--Rebuilt title.

32-3-51.21    Owner to obtain salvage title if insurer or self insurer declares vehicle total loss but does not acquire ownership--Notice--Sale without title as misdemeanor--Application.

32-3-51.22    Recovered stolen vehicles--Inspection--Title--Salvage vehicle.

32-3-52    Surrender of indicia of ownership by dealers, salvage yards, and others.

32-3-53    Restored or rebuilt vehicle--Submission to department--Inspection--Issuance of rebuilt title.

32-3-53.1    32-3-53.1. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 238, § 15.

32-3-53.2    Inspection of restored or rebuilt vehicles.

32-3-53.3    32-3-53.3. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 238, § 17.

32-3-53.4    Trailer defined.

32-3-54    32-3-54. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 30, § 35.

32-3-55    32-3-55. Transferred.

32-3-56    Special seal--Forms furnished by secretary.

32-3-57    Power of secretary to make rules and require uniformity in administration of statutes--Duty of local officials.

32-3-58    32-3-58. Repealed by SL 1990, ch 390, § 29.

32-3-59    Auction of older motor vehicles by nonprofit automobile club--When permitted--Penalty.

32-3-60    Auctioneer to have odometer reading and certificate of title--Exception--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3-61    Auction of vehicle covered by lien--Consent and release of lien holder--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3-62    List of vehicles sold at auction--Copy of title--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3-63    Sales of older vehicles at certain auctions exempt from vehicle dealer requirements.

32-3-64    Titling vehicles eleven years old or more with no existing record.

32-3-64.1    Titling vehicles older than 30 years with no existing record--Bond required--Promulgation of rules.

32-3-65    Converted motor home title--Unit requirements--Certain requirements to meet national standards--Title application requirements.

32-3-66    Certain motor home transport uses not deemed private business uses.

32-3-67    Department to provide name and address of record holder of title and lien holders to possessor of vehicle due to unpaid repair bill.

32-3-68    Application for title on motor vehicle unclaimed as result of unpaid repair bill--Notice to owner and insurer or lien holder--Publication.

32-3-69    Vesting of title to motor vehicle in person to whom repair bill is payable--Intent to reclaim--Sale of vehicle.

32-3-69.1    Electronic title system for motor vehicles.

32-3-70    Electronic lien filing system--Paper title--Liability for noting or canceling lien in error.

32-3-71    Low-speed vehicles.

32-3-72    Local law enforcement officers to provide certain information to motor vehicle repossession businesses.

32-3-73    Delivery of manufacturer's statement or certificate of origin upon sale and delivery--Default on sale--Notice--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3-74    Information to be provided to auction agency taking possession of vehicle at insurer's request.

32-3-75    Title issued to auction agency--Notice of right to reclaim.

32-3-76    Reclamation of vehicle by owner or lienholder--Notice of intent to reclaim--Vesting of title to abandoned vehicle in auction agency--Sale of vehicle--Distribution of proceeds.

32-3-77    Issuance of title to insurer unable to obtain title after payment of total loss.

32-3-78    Electric bicycle exempt from chapter.

32-3-79    Chapter exclusion--Multi-passenger quadricycle.



32-3A-1    Rules governing motorboats, watercraft and recreation on public waters--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3A-2    Definition of terms.

32-3A-3    Registration validation decal and numbering display requirements for boats--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3A-4    Registration of boats--Application--Violation as felony.

32-3A-5    Issuance of certificate and decals--Display of number and decals--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3A-5.1    Certain owners exempt from numbering and title requirements--Registration and license decals required on state waters--Proof of taxes paid.

32-3A-5.2    Mailing fees.

32-3A-6    Size and legibility of numbers--Size and availability of certificate for inspection--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3A-7    32-3A-7 to 32-3A-10. Repealed by SL 2001, ch 163, §§ 2 to 5.

32-3A-11    Exemptions from numbering requirement.

32-3A-12    Replacement of lost decal or registration--Fee.

32-3A-13    Expiration and renewal of registration and validation decals.

32-3A-14    Abstract of boat registration information--Fee.

32-3A-15    Administrative fee for each boat license.

32-3A-16    Display of other numbers on boat prohibited--Misdemeanor.

32-3A-17    Inspection by law enforcement officer.

32-3A-18    Classification of boats for equipment purposes.

32-3A-19    Territorial application of chapter--Identical local rules not prohibited.

32-3A-20    Application for title.

32-3A-21    Time for application for certificate of title--Form and content of application.

32-3A-21.1    Administration fee--Title applications processed by mail.

32-3A-22    Acquisition of used large boat by dealer--Application for title.

32-3A-23    Assignment of title for transfer by boat dealer or motor vehicle dealer--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3A-24    Transfer of title required for large boats--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3A-25    Fee for issue, transfer, or correction of certificate of title--Duplicate title.

32-3A-25.1    Administrative fee--Out of state applicant.

32-3A-26    Manufacturer's or importer's certificate of origin for new large boats--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3A-27    Hull identification number.

32-3A-28    Dealer record of large boats--Inspection by Department of Revenue.

32-3A-29    Transfer by operation of law--Transferee application for title.

32-3A-30    Security interest in large boat--Perfecting interest--Fee.

32-3A-31    Forms to implement large boat provisions.

32-3A-32    Certificate of title for large boats not yet subject to large boat provisions.

32-3A-33    Promulgation of rules for titling large boats.

32-3A-34    Registration requirements--Time to apply for large boat registration.

32-3A-35    No tax paid title for large boat.

32-3A-36    Application submitted to county treasurer--Nonnegotiable title--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3A-37    Validation of nonnegotiable interstate title application.

32-3A-38    Abstract of boat title history--Fee.

32-3A-38.1    32-3A-38.1, 32-3A-38.2. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 157, §§ 13, 14.

32-3A-38.3    Damage disclosure statement to be part of title history.

32-3A-38.4    32-3A-38.4, 32-3A-38.5. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 157, §§ 16, 17.

32-3A-38.6    Damage disclosure sticker, decal, or notice required on large boats sold or offered for sale.

32-3A-38.7    32-3A-38.7. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 157, § 19.

32-3A-38.8    Large boats previously titled in another state--Notation on title required.

32-3A-39    Temporary permit--Fee.

32-3A-40    Transferred ownership of large boat.

32-3A-41    Late application--Fee--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3A-42    False statement on application for certificate of title as felony.

32-3A-43    Alteration or forgery of title as a felony.

32-3A-44    Burden of proving ownership of large boat.

32-3A-45    Notification to deliver certificate of title upon treasurer's receipt of lien or title instrument--Notation of lien--Notice to lien holder--Liability for refusing to show lien.

32-3A-46    Release of discharged lien--Notation on title--Time requirement.

32-3A-47    Record of chain of title of large boat.

32-3A-48    Duties of county treasurer.

32-3A-49    Refusal or revocation of license--Notice.

32-3A-50    Excise tax on purchase of any large boat--In lieu of sales tax--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-3A-51    "Large boat" defined.

32-3A-52    Exemptions from excise tax.

32-3A-53    Purchase price defined.

32-3A-54    Used large boats--Valuation.

32-3A-55    Application for title and registration--Falsification as felony.

32-3A-56    Payment of tax to county treasurer.

32-3A-57    Boats previously subjected to tax.

32-3A-58    No issuance or transfer of title without tax payment.

32-3A-59    Seller's books and records--Availability--Retention.

32-3A-60    Deposit of revenues.

32-3A-61    Siblings defined.

32-3A-62    Revenues allocated for state aid to education.

32-3A-63    Expenditures on educational purposes--Vouchers.

32-3A-64    Rental company operating within dealership is separate business--Distinct name required.



32-4-1      Duty of law officers to report stolen or recovered vehicles--Holding vehicles.
32-4-2      Repealed.
32-4-3      Check of attorney general's files and examination of application before issuing certificate of title.
32-4-4      Unauthorized tampering with motor vehicle--Misdemeanor.
32-4-5      Receiving or transferring possession of vehicle known to have been stolen--Felony--Provision supplementary to other penalties.
32-4-6, 32-4-7. Repealed.
32-4-8      Certificate forms--Unauthorized possession prohibited--Violation as felony.
32-4-9      Alteration or removal of vehicle identification number prohibited--Violation as felony.
32-4-10      Possessing vehicle, trailer, or part with altered or removed identification number prohibited--Violation as felony.
32-4-10.1      Forfeiture of vehicle, trailer or component part--Return to lawful owner not precluded--Assignment of identification number.
32-4-10.2      Forfeiture proceeding--Time of hearing--Standard and burden of proof--Release to owner on condition of obtaining identification number.
32-4-11      Unauthorized possession of manufacturer's identification plate prohibited--Violation as felony.
32-4-12      Impounding vehicle or part believed stolen--Disposition.
32-4-13      Trafficking in stolen vehicles or parts--Felony.
32-4-14      Seizure of property on arrest for trafficking--Forfeiture.
32-4-15      Disposition of forfeited property.
32-4-16      Giving false information concerning vehicle registration or titling as felony.
32-4-17      Repealed.



32-5-1    Motor vehicle defined.

32-5-1.1    32-5-1.1. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 225, § 2.

32-5-1.2    Mopeds exempt from chapter.

32-5-1.3    Farm vehicles exempt--Exceptions.

32-5-1.4    All-terrain vehicles used in agriculture exempt.

32-5-2    Application for registration--Contents--Failure to provide information as misdemeanor--Acceptance of incomplete or erroneous form prohibited.

32-5-2.1    Staggered registration of noncommercial vehicles.

32-5-2.2    Determination of month to register vehicle.

32-5-2.3    32-5-2.3. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 173, §§ 1, 49, eff. July 1, 2008.

32-5-2.4    Renewal of registration during assigned month--Expiration of staggered license plates or validation stickers--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-2.5    Registration of acquired motor vehicle--Application.

32-5-2.6    Early renewal--Fee for late renewal.

32-5-2.7    Removal of number plates required upon transfer or assignment of vehicle ownership--Credit for unexpired months--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-2.8    32-5-2.8. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 173, §§ 5, 49, eff. July 1, 2008.

32-5-2.9    Seller's permit for sold or transferred vehicle--Time for registration--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-2.10    Seller's report of sale--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-2.11    Fee for reassignment of license plate.

32-5-3    Information respecting owner of vehicle.

32-5-4    32-5-4. Repealed by SL 1987, ch 215, § 7.

32-5-4.1    Nonresident registration application--Issuance of nonnegotiable interstate title--Purpose and duration--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-4.2    Forwarding of nonnegotiable interstate title to department with application.

32-5-4.3    32-5-4.3. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 236, § 13.

32-5-5    Vehicle license fee based on weight--Certification of correct weight.

32-5-6    Schedule of fees for noncommercial automobiles, pickup trucks, and vans.

32-5-6.1    Schedule of fees for noncommercial motor homes.

32-5-6.2    32-5-6.2. Repealed by SL 1991, ch 239, § 10.

32-5-6.3    Schedule of fees for noncommercial vehicles other than automobiles, pickup trucks, or vans--Misdemeanor.

32-5-6.4    Registration of certain noncommercial motor vehicles for less than twelve months--Fee.

32-5-7    32-5-7. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 249, § 57.

32-5-8    Schedule of fees for recreational vehicles and noncommercial trailers and semitrailers.

32-5-8.1    Identification plate required for certain trailers or semitrailers--Display--Fee--Transfer of title.

32-5-8.2    Trailers or semitrailers with identification plates may only be pulled by certain motor vehicles--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-8.3    Temporary permit for certain noncommercial motor vehicles to pull identified trailer or semitrailer.

32-5-8.4    Additional fee when weight exceeds license.

32-5-9    Schedule of fees for motorcycles.

32-5-9.1    Fees for snowmobiles--Period of license--Payment before operation.

32-5-9.2    Disposition of snowmobile fees and initial registration tax.

32-5-9.3    Initial registration tax on snowmobiles--Failure to pay as misdemeanor.

32-5-10    32-5-10. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 249, § 57.

32-5-10.1    Motorcycle safety education fee--Amount and payment.

32-5-10.2    Motorcycle safety education fee--Deposit in special revenue fund.

32-5-10.3    Motorcycle safety education fee--Collection and remittance.

32-5-10.4    32-5-10.4, 32-5-10.5. Repealed by SL 1992, ch 222, §§ 1, 2.

32-5-11    32-5-11 to 32-5-16. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 249, § 57.

32-5-16.1    Mobile home or manufactured home license fee--Establishment of purchase price by bill of sale or retail book value--Fee in lieu of certain taxes--Exemption for certain entities.

32-5-16.2    Division of receipts from mobile home or manufactured home license fees.

32-5-16.3    Permit required to move mobile home or manufactured home--Valid for single trip--Conditional on tax payment--Fee--Disposition of fees--Dealer--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-16.4    32-5-16.4, 32-5-16.5. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 71, §§ 6, 7.

32-5-16.6    Penalties for owner's or lender's failure to obtain tax affidavit--Notification to department.

32-5-16.7    Penalties for transporter's, manufacturer's, or dealer's failure to obtain tax affidavit--Notification to department.

32-5-16.8    Single party not to be assessed multiple penalties.

32-5-16.9    Assessment based upon mistake of fact or error of law--Hearing--Appeal.

32-5-17    32-5-17, 32-5-18. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 249, § 57.

32-5-18.1    Licensing and compensation requirements applicable to highway construction or reconstruction--Special permits not required while engaged in construction.

32-5-19    32-5-19, 32-5-20. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 249, § 57.

32-5-21    Motorbus defined--Noncommercial fee--Gross maximum weight.

32-5-22    Unregistered motor vehicles.

32-5-23    Destruction of licensed vehicle or failure of vehicle to pass inspection--Removal of plates--Credit--Replacement of plates.

32-5-24    Refund of overpayments and erroneous payments--Return of registration and stickers--Time for application.

32-5-25    Dealer's license fee.

32-5-26    32-5-26. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 257, § 61.

32-5-27    Used out-of-state motor vehicles--Sale or resale--Title, taxes, and license--Exemptions--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-27.1    32-5-27.1. Repealed by SL 1990, ch 234, § 2A.

32-5-28    32-5-28. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 236, § 14.

32-5-29    Sales of vehicles prima facie evidence that seller is used car dealer--Particular parties excepted--Violations--Misdemeanor.

32-5-30    Fee for noncommercial vehicles more than ten years old.

32-5-31    32-5-31. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 241, § 12.

32-5-31.1    32-5-31.1. Transferred to § 32-5B-13.

32-5-31.2    32-5-31.2, 32-5-32. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 241, §§ 14, 15.

32-5-32.1    32-5-32.1. Transferred to § 32-5B-12.

32-5-33    32-5-33. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 241, § 17.

32-5-34    32-5-34. Repealed by SL 1980, ch 213, § 5.

32-5-35    32-5-35. Transferred to § 32-5B-6.

32-5-36    32-5-36. Transferred to § 32-5B-8.

32-5-37    32-5-37 to 32-5-41.5. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 249, § 57.

32-5-42    Registration--Vehicles--Costs.

32-5-42.1    Nonprofit community support provider vehicles--Registration--Plates--Disposition of costs.

32-5-42.2    Registration of mass transit vehicles owned by state, municipality, or county--Costs--Vehicles purchased with federal funds.

32-5-43    Identifying markings of state-owned vehicles--Exceptions--License plates.

32-5-44    Plates without yearly designation--Distinctive color--Yearly renewal dispensed with.

32-5-45    Exemption of mobile homes purchased outside state.

32-5-46    Vehicles owned by nonresidents--Compliance with laws of foreign state--Display of foreign license plates.

32-5-47    Definition of nonresident.

32-5-47.1    Military personnel, domestic volunteers, and dependents as nonresidents.

32-5-48    Reciprocity required.

32-5-49    32-5-49. Repealed by SL 1992, ch 208, § 3.

32-5-49.1    Registration not required for nonresident harvest vehicles during harvest season--Compensation certificate required--Violation a misdemeanor.

32-5-50    Dealers participating in driver education program--Application to department--Fee--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-51    License plate design--Operation on highways.

32-5-52    Radius of use of vehicle--Size of first or second class municipality--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-53    32-5-53. Superseded.

32-5-54    32-5-54. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 249, § 57.

32-5-55    32-5-55 to 32-5-56.1. Repealed by SL 2014, ch 142, §§ 16 to 19.

32-5-57    32-5-57, 32-5-58. Repealed by SL 1992, ch 208, §§ 4, 5.

32-5-59    32-5-59. Repealed by SL 2014, ch 142, § 20.

32-5-60    32-5-60. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 242, § 41.

32-5-61    32-5-61 to 32-5-64. Repealed by SL 2014, ch 142, §§ 21 to 24.

32-5-65    Special plates for commercial radio or broadcasting companies--Fee--Surrender of plates--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-65.1    Special plates for amateur radio licensees--Fee--Surrender of plates--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-66    32-5-66. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 173, §§ 24, 49, eff. July 1, 2008.

32-5-67    License plate special revenue fund.

32-5-68    32-5-68 to 32-5-74. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 249, § 57.

32-5-75    32-5-75. Repealed by SL 2001, ch 164, § 1.

32-5-76    Special plates for person with substantial physical disability or parent or guardian of dependant with substantial physical disability--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-76.1    Portable certificates for persons with substantial disabilities--Application--Physician's certificate--Rules--Surrender of certificate--Violations as misdemeanors.

32-5-76.2    Portable certificates for nonprofit organizations, hospitals, local government entities, etc.--Application--Rules--Surrendering certificate--Violations as misdemeanors.

32-5-76.3    Special plates for nursing facilities transporting persons with disabilities--Parking--Surrender of plates--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-77    Historical license plates--Application and fee--Permanent plates--Use of vehicle restricted.

32-5-77.1    32-5-77.1. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 242, § 15.

32-5-77.2    Display of original number plates on historical vehicles.

32-5-77.3    32-5-77.3. Repealed by SL 2018, ch 180, § 3.

32-5-78    General license fees in lieu of other taxes against vehicle.

32-5-79    32-5-79. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 173, §§ 11, 49, eff. July 1, 2008.

32-5-80    Registration of motorcycles.

32-5-81    Application to county treasurer--Issuance of distinctive number plate--Fuel used by vehicle--Failure to identify fuel as misdemeanor.

32-5-82    Delivery or mailing of plates or stickers--Fees--Plates to be stocked at county treasurer office.

32-5-82.1    Number stickers--Evidence of current registration.

32-5-83    Design of number plates--Color contrast.

32-5-83.1    Color of number stickers--Contrast with plates.

32-5-84    Composition of number plates--Size of figures--Snowmobile tags.

32-5-84.1    Composition of stickers.

32-5-84.2    Snowmobile license must be attached.

32-5-85    Number of plates issued.

32-5-86    Reflectorized plates--Determination by department--Elimination of bids deemed not feasible.

32-5-87    32-5-87. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 249, § 57.

32-5-88    Mount Rushmore design--Costs and feasibility.

32-5-89    Determination of characteristics of plate--Dealers' plates.

32-5-89.1    32-5-89.1. Omitted.

32-5-89.2    Special personalized license plates as replacement for regular plates--Restrictions.

32-5-89.3    Application for personalized plates--Fees--Validation each year with stickers--Fee disposition.

32-5-89.4    Transfer of vehicle--Removal of personalized plate required until transfer approved by secretary--Violation as petty offense.

32-5-89.5    Replacement of lost, mutilated, or destroyed personalized plates--Affidavit--Fee--Disposition of fee.

32-5-89.6    32-5-89.6. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 173, §§ 30, 49, eff. July 1, 2008.

32-5-90    Registration--Contents--Registration number.

32-5-90.1    Abstract of registration information--Fee.

32-5-90.2    32-5-90.2. Repealed by SL 2001, ch 165, § 9.

32-5-91    Inspection of registration by peace officer--Possession of registration--Violation as petty offense.

32-5-92    Lost certificate of registration--Duplicate--Fee.

32-5-93    Forwarding applications to department.

32-5-94    Application and registration of vehicle--Manner to facilitate retrieval.

32-5-95    32-5-95. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 257, § 97.

32-5-96    32-5-96. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 241, § 21.

32-5-97    Separate numbering of different types of vehicles.

32-5-97.1    Farm vehicles--Decals.

32-5-97.2    32-5-97.2. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 173, §§ 16, 49, eff. July 1, 2008.

32-5-98    Operation of motor vehicle without visible license plates prohibited-- Removal of unauthorized plates--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-99    Loss of plates--Issuance of duplicates--Affidavit--Fee--Disposition of fee--Report of loss.

32-5-99.1    32-5-99.1. Repealed by SL 1992, ch 208, § 7.

32-5-99.2    32-5-99.2. Repealed by SL 1987, ch 217, § 2.

32-5-100    Plates as state property.

32-5-101    Operation of vehicle while registration is suspended--Misdemeanor.

32-5-102    Prosecution for assault or homicide not barred--Civil action.

32-5-103    Trafficking in license plates or decals--Counterfeiting--Unauthorized transfer to another vehicle--Misdemeanor.

32-5-103.1    Alteration or forgery of registration card--Felony.

32-5-104    32-5-104. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 255, § 12; SL 1989, ch 257, § 102.

32-5-105    32-5-105. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 255, § 17; SL 1989, ch 257, § 103.

32-5-106    32-5-106. Repealed by SL 2014, ch 144, § 10.

32-5-107    Temporary permit for person in possession of title or bill of sale--Inspection of title or bill of sale--Fee--Application--Exclusion.

32-5-108    32-5-108 to 32-5-109.7. Repealed by SL 2014, ch 142, §§ 25 to 33.

32-5-110    Commemorative or souvenir license plates--Use for general transportation purposes.

32-5-111    Promulgation of rules--Duty of local officials.

32-5-112    Duties of county treasurers.

32-5-113    Special firefighter or advanced life support personnel plates--Authorized--Design.

32-5-114    Special firefighter, retired firefighter, or advanced life support personnel plates--Fee.

32-5-115    Time for retention of firefighter's plates.

32-5-116    Application to Department of Revenue for special firefighter plates.

32-5-117    32-5-117. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 173, §§41, 49, eff. July 1, 2008 .

32-5-118    Special firefighter or advanced life support personnel plates--Application to county treasurer--Registration fee.

32-5-119    Failure to apply for firefighters or advanced life support personnel plates.

32-5-120    Special firefighter or advanced life support personnel plates--Surrender upon discharge, separation, or retirement--Exception.

32-5-121    Special firefighter or advanced life support personnel plates--Transfer.

32-5-122    Special firefighter or advanced life support personnel plates--Applicability of state motor vehicle laws.

32-5-123    Special plates identifying Indian tribes.

32-5-124    Fee for Indian tribe license plates.

32-5-125    Replacement of Indian tribe license plates.

32-5-126    Certain trailers licensed more than one year--Fee.

32-5-127    Additional charges for decals and plates mailed to owner.

32-5-128    Exemption from excise tax for motor vehicles leased to tax exempt entities.

32-5-129    32-5-129 to 32-5-135. Repealed by SL 2014, ch 144, §§ 3 to 9.

32-5-136    32-5-136 to 32-5-139.6. Repealed by SL 2014, ch 143, § 13 to 22.

32-5-140    Repealed by SL 2012, ch 164, § 1.

32-5-141    32-5-141. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 173, §§ 48, 49, eff. July 1, 2008.

32-5-142    Suspension of registration, title, or license if distress warrant issued--Credit for fee paid.

32-5-143    Definitions.

32-5-144    Disclosure of personal information contained in motor vehicle records prohibited--Exceptions.

32-5-145    Personal information to be disclosed for certain purposes.

32-5-146    Disclosure to one who has subject's consent.

32-5-147    Disclosure on proof of identity of requestor and representation of use for certain limited purposes.

32-5-148    Department may impose conditions on requesting person.

32-5-149    Retention of records by certain recipients.

32-5-150    Misrepresentation by requesting person as misdemeanor--Use of personal information to commit crime of violence as felony.

32-5-151    Person in possession of title or certificate authorized to renew registration--Misrepresentation as misdemeanor.

32-5-152    Low-speed vehicles.

32-5-153    Highway patrol fee.

32-5-154    Definitions regarding military specialty plates.

32-5-155    Military specialty plates listed.

32-5-156    General requirements for military specialty plates.

32-5-157    Specific additional requirements for military specialty plates.

32-5-157.1    Disabled veteran--Lower fees for plates, renewal decals, registration.

32-5-158    Application for military specialty plate--Falsification of application as misdemeanor--Determination of eligibility.

32-5-159    Fee for initial issuance of military specialty plates.

32-5-160    Certain military specialty plates not subject to annual registration fees--Maximum sets--Permissible vehicles.

32-5-161    Reflectorized military specialty plates--Annual decals--Permissible vehicles--Display.

32-5-162    Number and design of military specialty plates--Requirements.

32-5-163    Surrender of military specialty plates--Death of owner--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-164    Transfer of ownership of vehicle with military specialty plate--Credit--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-165    Destruction, salvage, or condemnation of vehicle with military specialty plate--Credit--Replacement--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-166    Duplicate military specialty plates upon loss, mutilation, or destruction.

32-5-167    Emblem specialty plates listed.

32-5-168    Eligibility for emblem specialty plates.

32-5-168.1    State seal--Emblem set.

32-5-168.2    State seal emblem fee--Motor vehicle fund.

32-5-168.3    State seal emblem design.

32-5-169    Reflectorized emblem specialty plates--Annual stickers--Permissible vehicles--Contents.

32-5-170    Fee for emblem specialty plates.

32-5-171    Transfer of ownership of vehicle with emblem specialty plate--Credit--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-172    Destruction, salvage, or condemnation of vehicle with emblem specialty plate--Credit-- Replacement--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-173    Duplicate emblem specialty plates upon loss, mutilation, or destruction.

32-5-174    Retention time for emblem specialty plates.

32-5-175    Application for emblem to be used on emblem specialty plate.

32-5-176    General requirements for emblem specialty plates.

32-5-177    Specific additional requirements for emblem specialty plates.

32-5-178    Emblem specialty plates--Administration--Fees--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-179    Special interest motor vehicle plates--Application.

32-5-180    Design of special interest motor vehicle plates--Decals--Rear plates.

32-5-181    Fees for special interest motor vehicle plates.

32-5-182    Contents of application for special interest motor vehicle plate--Renewal.

32-5-183    Misuse of special interest motor vehicle plate.

32-5-184    Dignity sculpture special plates.

32-5-185    Fee for <i>Dignity</i> sculpture plates.

32-5-186    Lost, stolen, or mutilated <i>Dignity</i> sculpture plate.

32-5-187    Electric bicycle exempt from chapter.

32-5-188    Electric motor vehicle--Annual fee--Definitions.

32-5-189    Nonresident off-road vehicles--Decal--Use of vehicle on public highways--Where affixed.

32-5-190    Nonresident off-road vehicles--Application--Fee.

32-5-191    Off-road vehicles--Distribution of fees collected.

32-5-192    Retired firefighter specialty plates--Requirements--Design.

32-5-193    Retired firefighter specialty plates--Application--Penalty for falsifying.

32-5-194    Habitat conservation specialty plates.

32-5-195    Habitat conservation specialty plates--Fee.

32-5-196    Habitat conservation specialty plates--Design.

32-5-197    Habitat conservation specialty plates--Administration--Emblem fee--Game, fish and parks fund.

32-5-198    Habitat conservation specialty plates--Emblem use--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5-199    Habitat conservation specialty plates--Transfer or replacement.

32-5-200    Chapter exclusion--Multi-passenger quadricycle.



32-5A-1      Wheel tax rate--Maximum vehicle tax.
32-5A-1.1      Publication of ordinance on imposition of tax--Content of announcement.
32-5A-2      Deposit, use, and distribution of proceeds.
32-5A-3      Payment by purchaser of vehicle--Dealers exempt.
32-5A-4      Notice of tax sent to owners--Cost reimbursement.
32-5A-5      Schedule of rates.
32-5A-6      Repealed.
32-5A-7      Prorated tax if licensed for less than twelve months.



32-5B-1    Imposition of tax--Rate--Failure to pay as misdemeanor.

32-5B-1.1    Licensing and payment of tax on leased vehicles--Assessment of tax upon purchase by lessee--Lessor to assign title and certify price, fees and title.

32-5B-1.2    Leasing or rental company separate from dealership--Distinct name--Daily rental operations--Exemption from excise tax.

32-5B-1.3    Licensing and titling of used vehicle by dealer--Payment of tax by subsequent purchaser.

32-5B-1.4    Licensing and payment of excise tax on new vehicle by dealer.

32-5B-1.5    Payment of excise tax by dealer required to take title--Subsequent purchaser not exempt.

32-5B-2    Exempt vehicles.

32-5B-2.1    32-5B-2.1. Repealed by SL 1990, ch 230, § 7.

32-5B-2.2    Exemption for self-propelled agricultural application unit.

32-5B-3    Dealer's inventory exempt--Filing required.

32-5B-4    Purchase price defined.

32-5B-4.1    Insurance check included in trade-in value.

32-5B-5    32-5B-5. Repealed by SL 2014, ch 144, § 1.

32-5B-6    Use of dealers' guide for used motor vehicles.

32-5B-7    32-5B-7. Repealed by SL 1987, ch 222, § 1.

32-5B-8    Fixing value, capacity, and weight of rebuilt or foreign vehicle.

32-5B-9    Information to be presented by new owner of vehicle--Falsification as felony.

32-5B-10    Payment of tax.

32-5B-11    Credit for taxes paid to this or another state.

32-5B-12    Proration of tax on proportionally registered vehicles.

32-5B-13    32-5B-13. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 157, § 3.

32-5B-14    Title issuance or transfer prohibited unless tax paid--Exception.

32-5B-15    Rules authorized.

32-5B-16    Records required of sellers--Inspection.

32-5B-17    Disposition of revenue.

32-5B-18    "Siblings" defined.

32-5B-19    Rental vehicle and leased vehicle defined.

32-5B-20    Gross receipts tax on vehicle rental--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-5B-21    Applicability of tax on leased vehicles--Leasing information required.

32-5B-22    No tax refund for early termination of lease.

32-5B-23    Tax on vehicles leased in another state--Credit for tax paid to another state.

32-5B-24    Tax credit for total loss of leased vehicle.

32-5B-25    Excise taxes on off-road vehicles deposited in general fund.



[Repealed by SL 1986, ch 27, § 12; SL 1986, ch 250, § 62]



[Repealed by SL 1986, ch 250, § 63]



32-6B-1    Definitions.

32-6B-1.1    Motor home defined.

32-6B-1.2    Recreational park trailer defined.

32-6B-1.3    Temporary special events lot defined.

32-6B-1.4    Temporary supplemental lot defined.

32-6B-2    Principal place of business defined.

32-6B-3    Sale on consignment--Contract required--Form.

32-6B-3.1    Sale on consignment prohibited for vehicle without statement of origin.

32-6B-3.2    Odometer reading required for consignment or auction--Violation a misdemeanor.

32-6B-3.3    Consignment or auction of vehicle with lien--Written consent and release by lien holder.

32-6B-3.4    Auction on consignment of older vehicle titled in another state.

32-6B-3.5    Auction on consignment of older motorcycle titled in another state.

32-6B-3.6    Sale of used motorcycles and off-road vehicles on consignment where dealer possesses state title or title from bordering state--Exception.

32-6B-4    License required--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-6B-4.1    Brokering prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-6B-5    Exemptions from licensing requirements.

32-6B-5.1    32-6B-5.1. Repealed by SL 2019, ch 130, § 20.

32-6B-5.2    Permit for dealer licensed in another state to sell motorcycles at event.

32-6B-5.3    Permit for dealer licensed in another state to sell trailers at event.

32-6B-5.4    Permit for dealer licensed in another state to sell older vehicles and motorcycles on consignment at public auction.

32-6B-5.5    Permit for manufacturer to display trailers at event.

32-6B-5.6    Permit for manufacturer to display or demonstrate customized motor vehicle at event.

32-6B-5.7    Permit for sponsor to display customized motorcycles at event.

32-6B-6    Application required--Contents.

32-6B-7    Bond required--Amount--Term--Continuation certificate--Notification of payment or cancellation--Additional bond.

32-6B-7.1    Pooling of assets to satisfy bond requirements--Right, title, and interest in state--Termination--Notice of payment of claim--Replenishment of pool.

32-6B-7.2    Increase in dealer bond amount--Implementation.

32-6B-8    Dealer in new vehicles to maintain repair shop.

32-6B-9    Dealer in new vehicles to give bond to cover warranty obligations--Amount--Exemption.

32-6B-10    Manufacturer's contract or franchise prerequisite to license for dealer in new vehicles.

32-6B-11    Verification of application by department--Refusal to issue license.

32-6B-12    Classification of licenses--Issuance of license certificate.

32-6B-12.1    Low-speed vehicle retail sales.

32-6B-13    Fees for dealer's licenses--Disposition of fees.

32-6B-14    Dealer license--Annual review--Renewal notice--Suspension or revocation--Promulgation of Rules.

32-6B-15    Renewal application--Fees.

32-6B-16    Modification of license certificate--Display of license.

32-6B-17    Separate licenses--Requirement.

32-6B-18    Permission to change principal place of business within county.

32-6B-19    Supplemental licenses for supplemental lots within county--Exemptions.

32-6B-20    Books, records, and files to be kept--Inspection.

32-6B-20.1    Certificate kept at another dealership or at lending institution--Requirements--Notice.

32-6B-20.2    Offer to sell, sale, or exchange of vehicle without certificate of title allowed under specified circumstances.

32-6B-20.3    Agreement that dealer will satisfy lien by paying lienholder--Trade of vehicle or consignment agreement--Theft.

32-6B-20.4    Time period to satisfy lien after receipt of funds--Offering vehicle for sale prior to tender to lienholder.

32-6B-21    Issuance of dealer plates--Numbering--Fees--Return of plates--Misdemeanor.

32-6B-21.1    Mailing fees.

32-6B-22    Use of dealer plates--Transfer of plates--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-6B-22.1    Commercial motor vehicles licensed to dealers--Dealer 88 license plates--Return of plates--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-6B-22.2    Use of dealer 88 license plates--Transfer of plates.

32-6B-23    Issuance of motorcycle dealer and trailer dealer plates--Numbering--Display and use--Fees.

32-6B-24    Repossession of dealer plates.

32-6B-25    Use of vehicles bearing dealer's demonstration or in-transit permits--Time limitation--Issuance of permits for unauthorized purposes prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-6B-26    Temporary license permit--Provision by dealer.

32-6B-27    Location of temporary license permit.

32-6B-28    Time for application for registration by owner--Inspection of documents by law enforcement officer.

32-6B-29    Restrictions on dealer use of temporary license permits--Renewal prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-6B-30    Design of dealers' demonstration, in-transit and temporary license permits--Information required--Source of permits.

32-6B-31    32-6B-31 to 32-6B-33. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 142, §§ 2 to 4.

32-6B-34    Dealer's car auction agency--Defined--Applicability of chapter--Additional provisions.

32-6B-35    Dealer's car auction agency--Bond requirements--Dealer's right of action--Liability of surety.

32-6B-35.1    Dealer's car auction agency--Announcement at sale when title denotes any brand or damage--Return of vehicle.

32-6B-36    Dealer's car auction agency--Vehicles acceptable for sale--Permitted purchasers--Unauthorized sale a misdemeanor.

32-6B-36.1    Dealer's car auction agency--Government-owned vehicles.

32-6B-36.2    32-6B-36.2. Repealed by SL 2002, ch 152, § 3.

32-6B-36.3    Issuance of auction agency plates--Numbering--Fees--Return of plates--Misdemeanor.

32-6B-36.4    Use of agency plates--Transfer of plates--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-6B-37    Dealer's car auction agency--Records required.

32-6B-37.1    Public auction to keep records--Inspection by dealer appointed inspectors.

32-6B-38    Appointment of inspectors--Entry authorized--Complaints.

32-6B-39    Investigation of dealers--Authorized.

32-6B-40    32-6B-40. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 162, § 8.

32-6B-41    Grounds for denial of license or application of provisions of §§ .1 to .6, inclusive.

32-6B-41.1    Cease and desist order for specified violations--Period of effectiveness.

32-6B-41.2    Cease and desist order--Request for hearing--Procedure.

32-6B-41.3    Finality of cease and desist order.

32-6B-41.4    Order to pay fine or suspend or revoke license upon failure to comply with cease and desist order--Deposit of monetary penalties.

32-6B-41.5    Contest of order--Procedure.

32-6B-41.6    Finality of order.

32-6B-41.7    Cease and desist order--Failure to comply--Penalty.

32-6B-42    Notification of surety of license denial, suspension or revocation.

32-6B-43    32-6B-43, 32-6B-44. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 162, §§ 9, 10.

32-6B-45    Good cause required for franchisor termination, cancellation, nonrenewal, or change in competitive circumstances.

32-6B-46    32-6B-46. Repealed by SL 2010, ch 156, § 6, eff. Mar. 9, 2010.

32-6B-47    When franchisor may establish additional vehicle dealership for same line-make--Hearing.

32-6B-48    Factors in determining cause for establishing additional franchise for same line-make.

32-6B-49    Factors which are not cause for termination or noncontinuance of franchise or for establishing additional franchise for same line-make.

32-6B-49.1    Terms or conditions not allowed in franchise agreement.

32-6B-50    Notice of intention to enter into additional franchise for same line-make.

32-6B-51    Copies of notice to be sent to franchisees and other interested persons.

32-6B-52    Objection to approval of notice--Time for filing written objection--Approval absent timely objection.

32-6B-53    Hearing on objection--Time and place--Notice--Continuance.

32-6B-54    Burden of proof at hearing.

32-6B-55    Hearing upon change of circumstances.

32-6B-56    Dealer's license not to be issued to franchisee absent compliance by franchisor.

32-6B-56.1    Trailer franchisees not subject to certain provisions.

32-6B-57    Sale by franchisor to franchisee at lower price than that charged to other franchisee prohibited--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor--Damages.

32-6B-58    Franchisor, component manufacturer or manufacturer--Warranty agreement fulfillment--Process--Right to audit.

32-6B-58.1    Franchisor, component manufacturer, or manufacturer--Separate warranty for an engine, transmission, or rear axle--Process--Right to audit.

32-6B-58.2    Manufacturer or component manufacturer--Charge back--Prohibited in certain circumstances.

32-6B-58.3    Manufacturer or component manufacturer--Charge back--Permitted in certain circumstances.

32-6B-59    Right of department to apply for injunction against violation of chapter.

32-6B-60    Adoption of rules.

32-6B-61    Schedule of compensation for warranty work.

32-6B-62    Trailer dealers exempt from certain liability insurance requirements.

32-6B-63    Regulation of advertising.

32-6B-64    Advertising defined.

32-6B-65    32-6B-65. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 153, § 3.

32-6B-66    In-transit permits for certain trailer manufacturer's trailers.

32-6B-67    Promulgation of rules for in-transit permits for trailer manufacturer's trailers.

32-6B-68    Repealed.

32-6B-69    Franchise agreement--Change of terms--Dealer rights.

32-6B-69.1    Audit by franchisor--Limitation--Exception.

32-6B-70    License required for certain activities--Violation as misdemeanor--Additional violations as felony.

32-6B-71    Vehicle dealership--Death of owner--Succession of interest.

32-6B-72    Succession--Refusal to honor.

32-6B-73    Notification of decision to transfer, assign, or sell franchise agreement or dealership--Notification as application for approval.

32-6B-74    Contents of notice.

32-6B-75    Manufacturer or franchisor to determine prospective transferee's qualification--Notice of decision--Statement of reasons for rejection.

32-6B-76    Approval may not be unreasonably withheld.

32-6B-77    Filing objection when application rejected.

32-6B-78    Transferee's qualification as sole issue in objection.

32-6B-79    Manufacturer defined.

32-6B-80    Manufacturer or franchisor may not own or operate dealership--Exceptions.

32-6B-81    Manufacturer or franchisor may own or operate for limited period--Conditions.

32-6B-82    Exceptions for the purpose of broadening diversity of dealer body.

32-6B-83    Extension of time period in 32-6B-81--Application--Limit.

32-6B-84    32-6B-84. Repealed by SL 2010, ch 156, § 17, eff. Mar. 9, 2010.

32-6B-85    Civil action for injunction and damages.

32-6B-86    Applicability of SL 2010, ch 156 amendments.

32-6B-87    Dealers permitted to lease space in common area of shopping mall for displaying new vehicles--Restrictions--Exception.

32-6B-88    Off-road vehicle dealers exempt from certain special event permit requirements, fees, and taxes.

32-6B-89    Licensed dealer permitted to take vehicle to adjoining county for demonstration.



32-6C-1    "Snowmobile dealer" defined.

32-6C-2    License required--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-6C-3    Application required--Contents.

32-6C-4    Bond required--Amount--Term--Continuation certificate--Notification of payment or cancellation--Additional bond.

32-6C-4.1    Increase in dealer bond amount--Implementation.

32-6C-5    Dealer license--Fee--Renewal--Disposition of fees.

32-6C-5.1    Sale on consignment--Contract required--Form.

32-6C-5.2    Sale on consignment prohibited for snowmobile without statement of origin.

32-6C-6    Books, records, and files to be kept--Inspection.

32-6C-6.1    Offer to sell, sale, or exchange of snowmobile without certificate of title allowed under specified circumstances.

32-6C-6.2    Agreement that dealer will satisfy lien by paying lienholder--Trade of snowmobile or consignment agreement--Theft.

32-6C-6.3    Time period to satisfy lien after receipt of funds--Offering snowmobile for sale prior to tender to lienholder.

32-6C-7    Issuance of dealer plates--Fees--Disposition of fees--Numbering of plates.

32-6C-7.1    Mailing fees.

32-6C-8    Use of dealer plates--Display--Transfer of plates--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-6C-9    Use of vehicles bearing dealer's demonstration permits--Time limitation--Issuance of permits for unauthorized purposes prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-6C-10    Temporary license permit--Restrictions on use--Renewal or alteration prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-6C-11    Dealer inspectors.

32-6C-12    Investigation of dealers.

32-6C-13    32-6C-13. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 162, § 18.

32-6C-14    Grounds for denial of license or application of provisions of §§ .1 to 32-6C-41.6, inclusive.

32-6C-14.1    Cease and desist order for specified violations--Period of effectiveness.

32-6C-14.2    Hearing on question of whether violations occurred--Procedures.

32-6C-14.3    Finality of cease and desist order.

32-6C-14.4    Order to pay fine or suspend or revoke license upon failure to comply with cease and desist order--Deposit of monetary penalties.

32-6C-14.5    Hearing to contest order to pay fine or suspend or revoke license--Procedures.

32-6C-14.6    Finality of order to pay fine or suspend or revoke license.

32-6C-15    32-6C-15, 32-6C-16. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 162, §§ 19, 20.

32-6C-17    Adoption of rules--Administration by local officials.



32-6D-1    Definitions.

32-6D-2    Notice of nonconforming condition--Timeliness--Obligation to repair.

32-6D-3    Replacement of irreparable vehicle--Refund.

32-6D-4    Allowance for use of vehicle offset against monetary recovery.

32-6D-5    Reasonable attempts to correct nonconforming condition.

32-6D-6    Civil action against manufacturer.

32-6D-7    Affirmative defenses to claim against manufacturer.

32-6D-8    Attorney fees.

32-6D-9    Resale of returned vehicle.

32-6D-10    Liability of dealer.

32-6D-11    Time limit for action.



32-6E-1      Definition of terms.
32-6E-2      Termination of franchise--Hearing.
32-6E-3      Determination of cause for termination of franchise.
32-6E-4      Additional franchises of same line/make--Public interest--Hearing.
32-6E-5      Determination of cause for additional franchises of same line/make.
32-6E-6      Nonconsiderations for termination of franchises or additional same line/make franchises.
32-6E-7      Impermissible conditions of franchise.
32-6E-8      Franchisor's notice of franchise termination or addition of same line/make franchises.
32-6E-9      Notice to franchisee--Interested parties.
32-6E-10      Objection to approval of notice.
32-6E-11      Hearing on timely objection to approval of notice.
32-6E-12      Hearing on objection to notice--Franchisor's burden of proof.
32-6E-13      Hearing to determine change in circumstances sufficient to support dealership.
32-6E-14      Violation of chapter.



[Repealed by SL 1984, ch 223, §§ 18 to 22; SL 1986, ch 250, § 64]



32-7A-1    Definitions.

32-7A-2    Established place of business.

32-7A-3    License required--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-7A-3.1    Supplemental license for auxiliary or supplemental lots--Exemption for temporary locations.

32-7A-3.2    Temporary locations for certain purposes--Time limit--Zoning and building requirements.

32-7A-4    32-7A-4. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 251, § 6.

32-7A-4.1    Application required--Contents.

32-7A-4.2    Grounds for denial of license or application of §§ 32-7A-4.3 to 32-7A-4.8.

32-7A-4.3    Cease and desist order for specified violations--Period of effectiveness.

32-7A-4.4    Hearing on question of whether violations occurred--Procedures.

32-7A-4.5    Finality of cease and desist order.

32-7A-4.6    Order to pay fine or suspend or revoke license upon failure to comply with cease and desist order--Deposit of monetary penalties.

32-7A-4.7    Hearing to contest order to pay fine or suspend or revoke license--Procedures.

32-7A-4.8    Finality of order to pay fine or suspend or revoke license.

32-7A-5    Bond required for license.

32-7A-5.1    Notice to surety company of denial, suspension, or revocation of license.

32-7A-6    Separate licenses for places of business in different counties.

32-7A-7    Fee for license--Renewal.

32-7A-8    Disposition of fees.

32-7A-8.1    Increase in dealer bond amount--Implementation.

32-7A-9    Time for grant or denial of license--Issuance of certificate--Form.

32-7A-10    Dealers' plates--Issuance--Use--Fees.

32-7A-10.1    Mailing fees.

32-7A-11    Transportation of manufactured and mobile homes owned by dealer.

32-7A-12    Books, records, and files kept by licensees.

32-7A-12.1    Offer to sell, sale, or exchange of mobile or manufactured home without certificate of title allowed under specified circumstances.

32-7A-12.2    Agreement that dealer will satisfy lien by paying lienholder--Trade of mobile or manufactured home or consignment agreement--Theft.

32-7A-12.3    Time period to satisfy lien after receipt of funds--Offering mobile or manufactured home for sale prior to tender to lienholder.

32-7A-13    Fraud in contracts for sale, trade or purchase prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-7A-14    32-7A-14. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 251, § 13.

32-7A-14.1    Power of secretary to make rules and require uniformity in administration of statute--Duty of local officials.

32-7A-15    Used mobile or manufactured homes--Activities authorized by dealer or real estate license--Responsibilities of real estate licensee.

32-7A-16    Sales on consignment--Title requirements.

32-7A-17    Affidavit of taxes paid and registration of mobile home required for transfer of title--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-7A-18    Appointment of dealer inspectors--Entry--Complaints.

32-7A-19    Investigation--Purpose--Inspection--Examination.

32-7A-20    32-7A-20 to 32-7A-22. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 162, §§ 28 to 30.

32-7A-23    Application for injunction--Issuance without bond.



32-7B-1    Boat dealer defined.

32-7B-2    License required--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-7B-3    Classification of licenses.

32-7B-4    Application required--Contents.

32-7B-5    Verification of application--Refusal of application.

32-7B-6    Bond required--Amount--Term--Continuation certificate--Notification of payment or cancellation--Additional bond.

32-7B-6.1    Increase in dealer bond amount--Implementation.

32-7B-7    Proof of contract or franchise.

32-7B-8    Dealer license--Fee--Renewal--Disposition of fees--Promulgation of Rules.

32-7B-9    Books, records, and files to be kept--Inspection.

32-7B-9.1    Offer to sell, sale, or exchange of boat without certificate of title allowed under specified circumstances.

32-7B-9.2    Agreement that dealer will satisfy lien by paying lienholder--Trade of boat or consignment agreement--Theft.

32-7B-9.3    Time period to satisfy lien after receipt of funds--Offering boat for sale prior to tender to lienholder.

32-7B-10    Issuance of dealer plates--Fees--Disposition of fees.

32-7B-10.1    Mailing fees.

32-7B-11    Use of dealer plates--Display--Transfer of plates--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-7B-12    Use of boat bearing dealer's demonstration permits--Issuance of permits for unauthorized purposes prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-7B-13    Temporary license--Display--Restrictions on use--Renewal or alteration prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-7B-14    Dealer inspectors.

32-7B-15    Investigation of dealers.

32-7B-16    32-7B-16. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 162, § 38.

32-7B-17    Grounds for denial of license or application of provisions of §§ .1 to .6, inclusive.

32-7B-17.1    Cease and desist order for specified violations--Period of effectiveness.

32-7B-17.2    Hearing on question of whether violations occurred--Procedures.

32-7B-17.3    Finality of cease and desist order.

32-7B-17.4    Order to pay fine or suspend or revoke license upon failure to comply with cease and desist order--Deposit of monetary penalties.

32-7B-17.5    Hearing to contest order to pay fine or suspend or revoke license--Procedures.

32-7B-17.6    Finality of order to pay fine or suspend or revoke license.

32-7B-18    32-7B-18, 32-7B-19. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 162, §§ 39, 40.

32-7B-20    Promulgation of rules--Administration by local officials.

32-7B-21    Principal place of business defined.

32-7B-22    Permission to change principal place of business.

32-7B-23    Supplemental license required for each additional place of business in same county--Local codes and ordinances to be met.

32-7B-24    Separate licenses for places of business in different counties.

32-7B-25    Temporary permits for special events--Time limitation--Fee.

32-7B-26    Consignment sales--Contract required--Form.

32-7B-27    Manufacturer's statement of origin required for sale on consignment.

32-7B-28    Title required for sale on consignment or at auction--Exception--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-7B-29    Auction of boat covered by lien--Consent and release of lien holder--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-7B-30    Temporary location--Time limit--Zoning and building requirements.



[Repealed by SL 1986, ch 250, § 65]



32-9-1    Definitions.

32-9-2    Motor carrier defined.

32-9-3    Exceptions from definitions of motor carrier and commercial vehicle.

32-9-3.1    Fee required of harvest vehicle--Permit--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-9-3.2    Mounted specialized equipment included in weight to determine license fee--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-9-3.3    Infrequently used vehicle and equipment owners to file for license from department--Application form--Fee.

32-9-3.4    32-9-3.4. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 27, § 6.

32-9-3.5    Fee for commercial use of motorbus--Gross maximum weight.

32-9-4    Motor carriage as affected with public interest--Unusual impairment of highway

32-9-5    Presumption that motor carrier makes unusual use of highways.

32-9-6    Application to county treasurer--Nonresidents--Contents of application--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-9-7    Issuance of receipt, commercial motor vehicle certificate, and plates--Conspicuous display--Mailing fees--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-9-8    32-9-8. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 249, § 57.

32-9-8.1    Fees applicable to power unit or tractor only--Interchangeable trailers--Identification plates required--Fee--New plate upon title transfer--Disposition of fees--Trailers within a municipality--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-9-9    Loss or destruction of commercial plates--Duplicate plates--Fee--Disposition of fee--Report of loss.

32-9-10    Duties of department.

32-9-11    32-9-11. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 249, § 57.

32-9-12    Forwarding applications to department.

32-9-13    Registration of maximum gross weight of vehicle.

32-9-14    Overweight operation prohibited--Violation a misdemeanor.

32-9-15    Schedule of commercial motor vehicle fees per gross pounds--Older vehicles.

32-9-16    Time for payment of commercial motor vehicle fee--Time for display of plate--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-9-16.1    Promulgation of rules for staggered registration system.

32-9-16.2    Fees paid pursuant to chapter--Calculation.

32-9-16.3    Staggered registration of intrastate commercial vehicles.

32-9-17    Duration of commercial plates and decals--Payment for unexpired portion of year--Proration of fee.

32-9-17.1    Denial of registration or title to certain commercial motor carriers--Suspension or revocation or registration or permit--Conditions for issuance or restoration.

32-9-17.2    Denial of registration or title to motor carrier for failure to disclose information, making false statement, affiliation with ineligible person, or safety reasons--Conditions for issuance.

32-9-18    32-9-18 to 32-9-20. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 224, §§ 11 to 13.

32-9-21    Discontinuing use of vehicle--Return of plates and certificates--Portion of fees refunded.

32-9-22    Temporary thirty-day permit to operate as commercial motor vehicle--Multiple permits allowed--Fee schedule--Proof of previous registration as noncommercial vehicle.

32-9-22.1    Temporary nonhire permits for commercial vehicles--Fee--Disposition of fees--Limit on issuance.

32-9-23    32-9-23. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 242, § 9.

32-9-23.1    Alternate commercial fee by intrastate carriers--Amount of fees--Proof of registration or temporary permit--Certificate required for commercial use of certain noncommercial vehicles.

32-9-23.2    Application to pay alternative fee.

32-9-23.3    Alternative permit to be secured before movement--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-9-23.4    32-9-23.4. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 251, § 8.

32-9-23.5    Receipt issued on payment--Display on demand--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-9-23.6    32-9-23.6. Repealed by SL 1980, ch 226, § 6.

32-9-24    32-9-24, 32-9-24.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 264, §§ 12, 13.

32-9-25    32-9-25 to 32-9-27. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 224, §§ 14 to 16.

32-9-28    32-9-28 to 32-9-40. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 249, § 57.

32-9-41    Persons and entities required to comply with chapter.

32-9-42    32-9-42. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 225, § 5.

32-9-43    32-9-43. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 264, § 14.

32-9-44    Revocation or cancellation of certificate upon violation.

32-9-44.1    Failure to surrender suspended, revoked or canceled plate or certificate as misdemeanor--Assistance by peace officers.

32-9-44.2    Revocation, cancellation or suspension of certificate upon repeated violations of § 32-5-16.7.

32-9-45    Overweight operation of vehicle--Payment of additional fee--Payment no defense.

32-9-46    Fee award as part of criminal conviction for overweight operation--Nonpayment punishable by contempt.

32-9-47    Determination that vehicle was overweight--Variation of five percent.

32-9-48    32-9-48 to 32-9-52. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 309, §§ 8 to 12.

32-9-53    Gross weight of tow trucks and wreckers.

32-9-54    Fee for certain vehicles transporting passengers--Seating capacity--Maximum weight.

32-9-55    32-9-55, 32-9-56. Repealed by SL 2011, ch 142, §§ 1, 2.

32-9-57    Transporter plates for hauling new trailers--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-9-57.1    Revocation or suspension of transporter plate--Failure to surrender plate as misdemeanor.

32-9-58    Registration and permit required to move certain vehicles between job sites--Fee.

32-9-59    Use of vehicles with dealer 88 license plates--Violation as misdemeanor.



32-10-1    Definitions.

32-10-2    Policy to encourage reciprocal or proportional registration agreements.

32-10-3    Authority of department to execute agreements, arrangements or declarations--Rules.

32-10-3.1    Repealed

32-10-3.2    Promulgation of rules for staggered registration system.

32-10-3.3    Fees paid pursuant to chapter--Calculation.

32-10-3.4    Staggered registration of interstate motor carriers.

32-10-4    Agreements with other states respecting taxes, fees, or charges against vehicles--Scope of agreement.

32-10-5    General terms of agreement--Reciprocity.

32-10-6    Fleet licensing--Apportionment of fees based on miles traveled.

32-10-7    Registration, license, or other fixed fees apportioned according to miles traveled.

32-10-8    Intrastate vehicles excepted--Intrastate vehicles operating under authority of public utilities commission.

32-10-9    32-10-9. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 18, § 21.

32-10-10    Administrator's authority to examine laws of foreign jurisdiction to determine local benefits.

32-10-11    Reciprocity--Local resident with vehicles registered out of state.

32-10-12    Eligibility for reciprocity--Annual statement--Contents.

32-10-13    Reciprocity--Leased vehicles operated by lessee.

32-10-14    Reciprocity--Extending privileges to out-of-state vehicles in absence of agreement.

32-10-15    Proportional registration of fleets of commercial vehicles in interstate commerce--Application to administrator--Contents of application.

32-10-16    Fee accompanying application--Computation of fee.

32-10-17    Issuance of plates or registration cards--Paper or electronic proof--Fees.

32-10-17.1    Alteration or forging of registration card prohibited--Violation as felony.

32-10-18    Computation of fees--Plate for power unit--Identification fee--Deposit of fees.

32-10-19    Refund of power unit fee no longer in use--Amount of refund.

32-10-20    Proportionally registered interstate fleet vehicles--Intrastate vehicles--Vehicles operating under authority of public utilities commission.

32-10-21    Proportional registration of vehicles subsequently added to proportionally registered fleet.

32-10-22    Withdrawal of vehicle from proportionally registered fleet--Surrender of proportional registration cards.

32-10-23    Application for proportional registration of interstate fleet--Contents of application--Computation of in-state miles.

32-10-24    Denial of proportional registration where foreign state denies similar registration.

32-10-25    Records kept for proportionally registered fleet--Inspection by administrator--Joint audits.

32-10-26    32-10-26. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 30, § 44; SL 1984, ch 207, § 78.

32-10-27    Statute as authority for proportional registration--Other statutes inapplicable.

32-10-28    Otherwise registered vehicles not required to be proportionally registered--Temporarily registered vehicles.

32-10-29    Suspension or cancellation of benefits to violating carrier.

32-10-29.1    Failure to surrender suspended, revoked or canceled plates or registration card as misdemeanor--Assistance by peace officers.

32-10-30    Form and filing of agreements made pursuant to statute--Access to instruments--Public distribution.

32-10-31    Agreements made prior to enactment of statute.

32-10-32    Construction of statute.

32-10-33    Severability and saving clause.

32-10-34    Possession of registration documents required--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-10-35    Disposition of fees collected.

32-10-36    Information required to title a vehicle.

32-10-37    Billing--Late penalty--Temporary operating authority--Failure to provide additional information--Penalty.

32-10-38    Unladen vehicle permits--Restrictions--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-10-39    Application for unladen vehicle permit.

32-10-40    Fuel tax returns and payment of fuel taxes.

32-10-41    Promulgation of rules regarding unladen vehicle permits.



32-11-1      Repealed.
32-11-2      Use of funds by board of county commissioners--Purchase of road-building equipment--Percentage limitation.
32-11-3, 32-11-4.      Repealed.
32-11-4.1      Distribution of county license fund collections.
32-11-4.2      County road and bridge fund established--Revenues.
32-11-5      Quarterly apportionment of amounts set aside to townships.
32-11-6      Apportionment of funds among townships according to number of miles of maintained roads--Distribution and payment.
32-11-7      Counties with unorganized territory--Use of funds.
32-11-8      Repealed.
32-11-9      Construction of new county roads--Use of township funds.
32-11-10      Repealed.
32-11-11 to 32-11-17.      Repealed.
32-11-18      County treasurer's procedure for remitting funds.
32-11-19      Forwarding to department.
32-11-20 to 32-11-24.      Repealed.
32-11-25      Necessary supplies for compliance.
32-11-26 to 32-11-28.      Repealed.
32-11-29      Amounts credited to state motor vehicle fund--Funds for motorcycle safety education.
32-11-30      Expenses of administration.
32-11-31      Repealed.
32-11-32      Transfer from motor vehicle fund to local government highway and bridge fund--Balance maintained in motor vehicle fund.
32-11-33      Balance maintained in license plate fund--Transfer of excess to local government highway and bridge fund.
32-11-34      Local government highway and bridge fund created--Appropriation.
32-11-35      Apportionment of local government highway and bridge fund.
32-11-36      Local government transportation technology transfer special revenue fund created--Purpose--Disposition of unused funds.
32-11-37      Local government transportation technology transfer special revenue fund--Apportionment.
32-11-38      Local bridge improvement grant fund created.
32-11-39      Promulgation of rules regarding local bridge improvement grant fund.



32-12-1    Definitions.

32-12-1.1    Lawful status defined.

32-12-2    Payment of fee--Limitation on attempts to pass examination--Form.

32-12-3    Contents of application--Certification.

32-12-3.1    Identification to be submitted with application--Copy of documentation to be retained by department--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-12-3.2    Promulgation of rules.

32-12-3.3    Evidence of lawful status in U.S. to be presented with application.

32-12-3.4    Evidence of social security number or nonwork authorized status to be presented with application.

32-12-3.5    Documents with applicant's name and residence address to be presented with application.

32-12-4    Examination of applicant--Place of examination--Time of examination.

32-12-4.1    Classes of vehicles--Qualifications and examination.

32-12-4.2    32-12-4.2 to 32-12-4.4. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 265, §§ 2 to 4.

32-12-4.5    Rules authorized for medical and vision standards of drivers.

32-12-4.6    32-12-4.6, 32-12-4.7. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 265, §§ 5, 6.

32-12-4.8    Low-speed vehicle operation.

32-12-5    32-12-5. Repealed by SL 1970, ch 172.

32-12-5.1    Denial of license or permit to person subject to convulsions or blackouts--Temporary permit on applicant's statement.

32-12-6    Minors under age of eighteen--Authorization by parental authority.

32-12-7    Cancellation on request of parental authority.

32-12-8    Cancellation upon death of parental authority--New application.

32-12-9    32-12-9. Superseded.

32-12-10    32-12-10. Transferred to § 32-12-3.1.

32-12-11    Application for license or permit--Persons at least fourteen and less than eighteen--Instruction permit--Restrictions.

32-12-11.1    Motorcycle instruction permit--Application requirements--Examination and fee--Restrictions.

32-12-12    Restricted minor's permit--Restrictions on operation.

32-12-12.1    Motorcycle restricted minor's permit--Application requirements--Examination and fee--Restrictions.

32-12-12.2    32-12-12.2. Repealed by SL 2010, ch 160, § 2.

32-12-12.3    Upgrading restricted minor's permit by mail or electronically.

32-12-12.4    Enforcement of prohibition of use of wireless communication device.

32-12-12.5    Restricted Minor's Permit--Passenger Limit.

32-12-13    Weight of vehicle operated under restricted minor's permit--Agricultural machinery.

32-12-14    Vehicles operable under restricted minor's permit.

32-12-14.1    Restrictions voided at age eighteen--Suspension or revocation for conviction committed before age eighteen.

32-12-15    Permits issued on a probationary basis--Suspension--Exception--Conviction prior to permit.

32-12-15.1    Suspension of permit upon conviction for violation of permit conditions.

32-12-16    Fee for original or renewal license--Fee for duplicate or changed license--Disposition of fee.

32-12-17    Issuance of license--Qualifications.

32-12-17.1    Issuance of motorcycle operator's license--Requirements.

32-12-17.2    Nondriver identification cards--Fee--Renewal and expiration.

32-12-17.3    Display or possession of canceled, fictitious or fraudulently altered nondriver identification card--Misdemeanor.

32-12-17.4    Unlawful use of nondriver identification card--Misdemeanor.

32-12-17.5    Displaying another's nondriver identification card--Misdemeanor.

32-12-17.6    Loaning nondriver identification card prohibited--Misdemeanor.

32-12-17.7    Bar code on license--Criminal information.

32-12-17.8    Bar code on license--Medical information.

32-12-17.9    Bar code on license--Information allowed.

32-12-17.10    Contents of license or permit--Barcode.

32-12-17.11    Maintenance of photographic files.

32-12-17.12    Registration with Selective Service as condition for obtaining certain licenses--Department to forward personal information to Selective Service--Application deemed consent to register with Selective Service.

32-12-17.13    Social security number on driver license or nondriver identification card prohibited.

32-12-17.14    Either driver license or nondriver identification card held by same person to be marked as not acceptable for federal purposes.

32-12-17.15    Veteran designation.

32-12-17.16    Nondriver identification cards--Fee waiver--Applicants who are homeless.

32-12-18    Surrender of previously issued license--Prohibition against more than one license--Temporary license issued when examination failed.

32-12-19    Temporary permit pending issuance of license.

32-12-20    Cancellation of license to which not entitled--Surrender of canceled license.

32-12-21    Privilege conferred by issuance of license--Authority of local governments.

32-12-22    Prohibition against driving without license--Misdemeanor.

32-12-22.1    License not required for operation of tractor or implement in farm operations--Operation within municipality prohibited after revocation or suspension of license.

32-12-23    Government employees exempt from licensing requirement.

32-12-24    Nonresident out-of-state licensee exempt from licensing requirement.

32-12-25    32-12-25. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 265, § 22.

32-12-26    Reciprocity respecting nonresident provisions.

32-12-26.1    Period of residency for purpose of licensing requirement.

32-12-27    Military personnel, domestic volunteers, and dependents with out-of-state license exempt.

32-12-28    Students in driver education class exempt from licensing requirement--Conditions attached to operation.

32-12-29    Unlicensable persons--Minors under sixteen--Exceptions.

32-12-30    Unlicensable persons--Suspended or revoked license or privilege to drive--Exceptions--Out-of-state suspension.

32-12-31    Unlicensable persons--Habitual alcohol or drug user.

32-12-32    Unlicensable persons--Physical or mental capability--Promulgation of rules.

32-12-33    Unlicensable persons--Failure to pass examination.

32-12-34    Unlicensable persons--Failure to deposit proof of financial responsibility.

32-12-35    Unlicensable persons--Driving inimical to public safety or welfare.

32-12-36    Issuance of restricted license.

32-12-36.1    32-12-36.1. Transferred to § 32-12-12.2.

32-12-37    Special restricted license--Restrictions stated upon ordinary license.

32-12-38    Violation of restriction--Suspension or revocation.

32-12-38.1    32-12-38.1. Transferred to § 32-12-15.1.

32-12-39    Requirement that license be in possession of driver--Display of license--Violation as petty offense.

32-12-40    Production of license in court--License expired for not more than thirty days--Postponement of sentencing pending renewal.

32-12-41    Lost or destroyed license--Issuance of duplicate--Fee--Affidavit.

32-12-42    Expiration of license or permit--Period for renewal--Application and fee--Waiver of tests.

32-12-42.1    Expiration of license, permit or identification card issued to individual under twenty-one years of age.

32-12-42.2    Expiration of license issued to person not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

32-12-43    Eyesight examination required for renewal--Exception.

32-12-43.1    Application by mail or electronically for replacement or renewal.

32-12-43.2    Promulgation of rules on renewal by mail or electronic renewal.

32-12-44    32-12-44, 32-12-44.1. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 253, §§ 3, 4.

32-12-45    Extended term of license or permit held by active duty member of armed forces, spouse, or dependent--Renewal.

32-12-45.1    32-12-45.1. Repealed by SL 2018, ch 191, § 2.

32-12-46    Cause for suspension or revocation of license--Notice and examination--Failure to submit to examination--Issuance of restricted license.

32-12-47    Duration for which license may be suspended--Exceptions.

32-12-47.1    Renewal or restoration after suspension, revocation or disqualification--Time--Application--Fee--Examination.

32-12-47.2    Revocation and suspension defined--Conditions for reinstatement after revocation or suspension.

32-12-47.3    Application for license when time for suspension or revocation has expired--Violation.

32-12-48    Commencement of period of revocation for driving under the influence--Reinstatement application and fee--Investigation--Restrictions imposed by court.

32-12-49    Suspension, revocation or cancellation after opportunity for hearing--Grounds--Old offenses not considered--Rules.

32-12-49.1    Point system for offenses--Number of points charged.

32-12-49.2    Point accumulation subjecting license or permit to suspension.

32-12-49.3    Suspension based on licensee's record.

32-12-49.4    Restricted license for employment or school purposes when driving privilege has been withdrawn--Rules.

32-12-50    32-12-50. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 204, § 2.

32-12-51    Suspension or revocation of nonresident driving privileges.

32-12-52    32-12-52. Repealed by SL 1992, ch 220, § 9.

32-12-52.1    Mandatory revocation of license--Conviction of driving under the influence.

32-12-52.2    32-12-52.2. Reserved.

32-12-52.3    Revocation for drug-related offenses.

32-12-52.4    Suspension for certain alcohol-related offenses by a minor.

32-12-52.5    Suspension or revocation of or restrictions on driving privileges of juveniles.

32-12-53    Conviction defined.

32-12-54    Record of conviction or noncompliance with citation forwarded by court to department.

32-12-55    Surrender of license to court upon conviction--Forwarding license to department.

32-12-56    Suspension or revocation for out-of-state conviction--Grounds.

32-12-56.1    Entry and implementation of nonresident violators and driver license compact.

32-12-56.2    Suspension, revocation, or disqualification for out-of-state conviction or final administrative decision.

32-12-57    Surrender of suspended or revoked license to department.

32-12-58    Operation of vehicle under license issued in other jurisdiction prohibited during suspension or revocation.

32-12-59    32-12-59. Repealed by SL 1997, ch 189, § 1.

32-12-59.1    32-12-59.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 265, § 25.

32-12-60    Records kept by department.

32-12-61    Individual records of accidents, convictions, disqualifications, and other licensing actions--Certain convictions and accidents recorded separately.

32-12-61.1    Problem driver point system abstract.

32-12-62    Record of out-of-state convictions upon application by new resident.

32-12-63    Forwarding record of nonresident's convictions to jurisdiction of residence.

32-12-64    Forwarding record without charge.

32-12-65    Driving while license is revoked, suspended, or canceled--Misdemeanors.

32-12-66    Extension of period of suspension for driving while license or privilege suspended--Delayed issuance of new license for driving while license revoked.

32-12-67    Possession of revoked or altered license--Misdemeanor.

32-12-68    Failure to surrender suspended, revoked or canceled operator's license--Fee and mileage due officer for securing possession--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-12-69    Permitting unlawful use of driver license--Misdemeanor.

32-12-70    Displaying another's license--Misdemeanor.

32-12-71    Permitting unauthorized use of license by another--Misdemeanor.

32-12-72    Allowing unauthorized person to use vehicle--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-12-73    Permitting unauthorized minor to use vehicle--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-12-74    Unauthorized use of vehicle under restricted license--Misdemeanor.

32-12-75    32-12-75. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 239, § 3.

32-12-75.1    False representation or nondisclosure to obtain license or nondriver identification card as misdemeanor--Suspension or disqualification of license.

32-12-75.2    Counterfeiting, forging, or altering any driver license or nondriver identification card--Misdemeanor.

32-12-75.3    Sale, offer for sale, or distribution of any counterfeited, forged, or altered driver license or nondriver identification card--Misdemeanor.

32-12-76    32-12-76. Repealed by SL 2001, ch 171, § 70.

32-12-77    32-12-77 to 32-12-90. Transferred to §§ 32-12A-1 to 32-12A-14.

32-12-91    32-12-91 to 32-12-99.1. Transferred to §§ 32-12A-16 to 32-12A-25.

32-12-100    32-12-100. Transferred to § 32-12A-28.

32-12-101    32-12-101 to 32-12-103. Transferred to §§ 32-12A-29 to 32-12A-31.

32-12-104    32-12-104 to 32-12-115. Transferred to §§ 32-12A-36 to 32-12A-50.

32-12-116    Restrictions on issuing license to person in arrears for child support--Notice of intent to revoke license--Request for hearing--Promulgation of rules.

32-12-117    32-12-117. Transferred to § 32-12A-51.

32-12-118    32-12-118. Transferred to § 32-12-61.1.

32-12-119    32-12-119 to 32-12-121. Transferred to §§ 32-12A-52 to 32-12A-54.

32-12-122    32-12-122 to 32-12-124. Transferred to §§ 32-12A-56 to 32-12A-58.

32-12-125    Fees only used for operating driver licensing program.

32-12-126    License applications and examination materials--Language.



32-12A-1    Definitions.

32-12A-2    Construction of this chapter with general driver licensing provisions.

32-12A-3    Drivers of commercial vehicles limited to one license.

32-12A-4    Holder of commercial learner's permit or driver license to notify department and employer of conviction for violation of motor vehicle traffic law--Prior employment history to be furnished employer.

32-12A-5    Information required by employer--Operation of commercial motor vehicle prohibited under certain conditions.

32-12A-5.1    Proceeding against employer by state's attorney.

32-12A-6    Possession of commercial driver license or learner's permit required for vehicle operation--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-12A-7    Qualifications of commercial motor vehicle drivers.

32-12A-7.1    Registration with Selective Service a condition for obtaining learner's permit or driver license.

32-12A-8    Operation of commercial vehicle while driver license suspended, revoked, etc., prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-12A-8.1    Driving while subject to out-of-service order prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-12A-8.2    Out-of-service order for motor carrier operation--Violation--Misdemeanor.

32-12A-9    Operators exempt from provisions of chapter.

32-12A-10    Adoption of rules regarding farm exemption of 32-12A-9.

32-12A-11    Knowledge and skills tests required--Waiver--Restrictions--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-12A-12    Issuance of commercial learner's permit--Renewal--Restrictions on vehicle operation.

32-12A-12.1    Passenger, school bus, and tanker endorsements on commercial learner's permits.

32-12A-13    Nondomiciled commercial learner's permit or commercial driver license.

32-12A-14    Requirements of application.

32-12A-14.1    Documents with applicant's name and residence address to be presented with application.

32-12A-14.2    Applicants permitted three attempts to pass license examination.

32-12A-15    Commercial driver license fee--Additional fees.

32-12A-16    Issuance of duplicate license.

32-12A-17    Restriction on operation under learner's permit or driver license issued by another jurisdiction.

32-12A-18    Disqualification of commercial driving privileges for use of false information.

32-12A-19    32-12A-19. Repealed by SL 1991, ch 252, § 8; transferred by SL 2001, ch 171, § 115.

32-12A-20    Form and contents of commercial driver license.

32-12A-20.1    Social security number on license prohibited.

32-12A-20.2    Veteran designation on license or permit.

32-12A-21    Privileges conferred by learner's permit or driver license--Classifications of permits and licenses.

32-12A-22    License endorsements.

32-12A-22.1    Exemption from hazardous materials endorsement for certain persons with Class A combination vehicle license.

32-12A-23    Driver license and learner's permit restrictions.

32-12A-23.1    Additional learner's permit restrictions.

32-12A-24    Qualifications of school bus drivers.

32-12A-24.1    Repealed.

32-12A-24.2    Repealed.

32-12A-24.3    Repealed.

32-12A-25    Prior convictions information required on school bus operator application.

32-12A-26    Notification of suspension or revocation of learner's permit or driver license bearing school bus endorsement.

32-12A-27    Names and social security numbers of school bus drivers to be reported to Department.

32-12A-28    Acquisition of driving record information before issuance of learner's permit or driver license.

32-12A-29    Notification to commercial driver license information system.

32-12A-30    Expiration of license.

32-12A-31    Application for renewal--Test for hazardous materials endorsement--Period when renewable.

32-12A-32    Grounds for suspension, revocation, or cancelation of commercial learner's permit or driver license--Hearing.

32-12A-33    Suspension or disqualification for false statement or representation--Misdemeanor.

32-12A-34    Reciprocal suspension, revocation, and disqualification.

32-12A-35    32-12A-35. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 167, § 18, eff. September 30, 2005.

32-12A-36    Persons disqualified from driving commercial motor vehicle for period of not less than one year or not less than three years.

32-12A-37    Disqualification for life for multiple violations of 32-12A-36--Reduction.

32-12A-38    Disqualification for life using commercial or noncommercial motor vehicle in commission of felony involving controlled substance.

32-12A-39    Reinstatement of driver disqualified for life after completion of rehabilitation program.

32-12A-40    Disqualification for conviction within three-year period of two serious traffic violations.

32-12A-41    Disqualification for conviction within three-year period of three serious traffic violations.

32-12A-42    Updating of records to reflect action regarding disqualification of nonresident--Notification of issuing licensing authority.

32-12A-43    Operation of commercial motor vehicle with any measurable or detectable amount of alcohol in system prohibited.

32-12A-44    Driving commercial vehicle prohibited at certain levels of blood alcohol--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-12A-45    Persons authorized to withdraw blood to determine alcohol content--Liability.

32-12A-46    Consent to test for alcohol or drugs--Consequences of refusal or submission to test.

32-12A-47    Notification of licensing authority in licensing state of conviction of nonresident.

32-12A-48    Promulgation of rules.

32-12A-49    Agreements, arrangements, or declarations permitted.

32-12A-50    Operation with valid out-of-state commercial learner's permit or driver license--Full faith and credit of out-of-state conviction.

32-12A-51    32-12A-51. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 167, § 29, eff. September 30, 2005.

32-12A-52    Disqualification for conviction of violation of out-of-service order--First violation.

32-12A-53    Disqualification for conviction of violation of out-of-service order--Second violation.

32-12A-54    Disqualification for conviction of violation of out-of-service order--Three or more violations.

32-12A-55    Restoration of revoked, suspended, or disqualified commercial learner's permit, commercial license, or driving privilege.

32-12A-56    Violation of out-of-service order--Civil penalty against driver.

32-12A-57    Violation of out-of-service order--Civil penalty against employer.

32-12A-58    Adoption of Title 49 C.F.R., chapter 3, subpart B, parts 383 and 384.

32-12A-59    Disqualification for conviction of first grade crossing violation.

32-12A-60    Disqualification for second grade crossing conviction.

32-12A-61    Disqualification for third or subsequent grade crossing conviction.

32-12A-62    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration driver disqualification and imminent hazard determination to be part of driver record.

32-12A-63    Certified abstract of operating record--Information on driver record of person issued commercial learner's permit or driver license.

32-12A-64    Convictions for traffic violations to appear on driver's record.

32-12A-65    Expiration of medical certification--Expiration, removal, or rescission of medical variance.

32-12A-66    Refresher course and examination for commercial driver license test examiner certification.

32-12A-67    Bond requirement for third-party testers--Exceptions.

32-12A-68    Disqualification of commercial driving privileges for human trafficking conviction.

32-12A-69    Downgrade of license upon violation.

32-12A-70    Downgrade of license--Termination of downgrade--Notification.

32-12A-71    Downgrade of license--Termination of downgrade--Reinstatement of permit or privilege--Notification.

32-12A-72    Downgrade of license--Erroneous downgrade--Reinstatement of permit or privilege--Notification.



32-13-1    Governor to administer program in accordance with Federal Highway Safety Act.

32-13-2    Participation by subordinate political subdivisions.



32-14-1    Definitions.

32-14-2    Applicability to drivers of publicly owned vehicles--Exceptions.

32-14-3    Power of local authorities--Speed limitations--Vehicle traffic and safety provisions--Exceptions.

32-14-4    Regulation of speed in public parks.

32-14-5    Traffic control devices--One-way traffic--Processions and assemblages.

32-14-6    Restrictions respecting weight of vehicle--Duration of period of restriction--Signs designating restricted area.

32-14-7    Prohibiting trucks or commercial vehicles from use of designated highways--Erection of signs.

32-14-8    Road construction vehicles excepted--Traveling to and from road work.

32-14-9    Conditions imposed by owner upon permissive use of private property.

32-14-9.1    Operation of vehicles on private land prohibited without consent of owner or lessee--Snowmobile use on public right-of-way excepted--Misdemeanor.

32-14-9.2    32-14-9.2. Superseded.

32-14-10    32-14-10. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 158, § 28.

32-14-11    Occupation of towed house trailer or recreational vehicle as petty offense--Exception.

32-14-12    Certain maintenance vehicles exempt from overwidth restrictions.

32-14-13    Golf cart defined.

32-14-14    Ordinance permitting golf carts on highway within platted boundaries--Requirements--Permit--Fee.

32-14-15    Golf cart--Limited operation crossing highway--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-14-15.1    Golf cart--Limited operation on highway.

32-14-16    Golf cart ordinances authorized in municipalities and improvement districts.

32-14-17    Multi-passenger quadricycle--Definition.

32-14-18    Multi-passenger quadricycle--Operation.

32-14-19    Multi-passenger quadricycle--Proof of financial responsibility.



32-15-1    Registration of vehicle without safety glass as petty offense--Suspension of registration.

32-15-2    Replacement with material other than safety glass as petty offense.

32-15-2.1    Laminated glass required for windshield--Position--Minimum height--Exemption.

32-15-2.2    Cracked or broken glass prohibited.

32-15-2.3    Glass impairing operator's vision prohibited.

32-15-2.4    One-way glass, adhesive film, or other glaze in windshield or front side windows prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-15-2.5    One-way glass, adhesive film, or other glaze in rear window prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-15-2.6    Definition of terms.

32-15-2.7    Manufacturer certification of compliance with light transmission specifications.

32-15-2.8    32-15-2.8. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 168, § 1.

32-15-2.9    Sunscreening devices on windshield prohibited--Extension of film limited.

32-15-2.10    Compliance with meter manufacturer's testing procedure--Serial number and certification date noted on citation for violation.

32-15-3    32-15-3. Repealed by SL 1974, ch 219, § 24.

32-15-4    Repealed by SL 2012, ch 168, § 1.

32-15-5    Nontransparent material on windows prohibited--Petty offense--Official certificates excepted.

32-15-6    Objects dangling between driver and windshield as petty offense.

32-15-7    Windshield wipers required--Violation as petty offense.

32-15-8    Rear-vision mirrors required--Visibility distance--Violation as petty offense.

32-15-9    Television receivers prohibited--Violation as petty offense.

32-15-10    Horn required--Audibility distance--Violation as petty offense.

32-15-11    Sirens, whistles, and unnecessary loud noises as misdemeanor.

32-15-12    Bell, siren, or whistle permitted on emergency vehicles.

32-15-13    Directional turn signals required--Misdemeanor--Motorcycles and agricultural vehicles excepted.

32-15-13.1    Silage and seasonal farm trucks exempt--Gross weight--Restrictions on use.

32-15-14    32-15-14 to 32-15-16. Repealed by SL 1974, ch 219, § 24.

32-15-17    Exhaust system and muffler required--Exhaust location--Muffler cut-out prohibited--Misdemeanor.

32-15-18    Improperly loaded vehicle unlawful--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-15-19    32-15-19. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 158, § 32.

32-15-20    Slow-moving vehicle emblem required--Place of mounting--Violation as petty offense.

32-15-21    Design of slow-moving vehicle emblem.

32-15-22    Misuse of slow-moving vehicle emblem prohibited--Violation as petty offense.

32-15-23    32-15-23. Superseded.

32-15-24    32-15-24 to 32-15-26. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 260, § 2.

32-15-27    Wheel weight, movement, and damping device requirements for vehicle suspension systems--Violation as petty offense.

32-15-28    Steering system requirements--Violation as petty offense.

32-15-29    Excess lash or free play in steering system--Test standards--Violation as petty offense.

32-15-30    32-15-30. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 255, § 30.

32-15-31    Floor pan required.

32-15-32    Door levers, handles, and devices of egress--Hood latches.

32-15-33    Disconnecting, resetting, or altering odometer as criminal offense--Repairs--Notice of mileage change--Criminal penalties.

32-15-34    Operating vehicle with disconnected odometer as misdemeanor.

32-15-35    Definitions--Aftermarket crash parts.

32-15-36    Identifying aftermarket crash parts supplied by nonoriginal manufacturer.

32-15-37    Counterfeit airbags--Definitions.

32-15-38    Counterfeit airbags--Prohibition--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-15-39    Counterfeit airbags--Applicability--Liability.



[Repealed by SL 1983, ch 14, §§ 1 to 19]



[Repealed by SL 1983, ch 14, § 23]



32-17-1    Headlamps required--Exceptions--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-2    32-17-2. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 228, § 2.

32-17-3    32-17-3. Repealed by SL 1998, ch 189, § 1.

32-17-4    Periods during which lamps must be lighted--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-17-4.1    Circumstances exempting law enforcement officers from use of motor vehicle lights.

32-17-5    Construction and adjustment of headlamps--Visibility distance--Four headlight system--High beam indicator--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-17-6    Requirements respecting adjustment of headlamps--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-17-7    Circumstances under which headlamps must be dimmed--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-17-8    Rear lamps required--Visibility--Combination of vehicles--Height of mounting--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-8.1    Stop lamps required--Mounting--Visibility--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-9    Red lights on front of vehicle prohibited--Excepted vehicles--Misdemeanor.

32-17-10    Tow truck or wrecker defined--Amber or blue flashers--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-17-11    Registration plate illumination--Requirements respecting on-off switch--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-12    Rear reflector required--Mounting and construction of rear reflector--Visibility--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-13    Mounting of reflectors--Visibility--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-14    Vehicles requiring clearance lamps--Location and visibility of clearance lamps--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-15    Vehicles requiring identification lamps--Mounting and spacing of identification lamps--Visibility--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-15.1    Silage or seasonal farm trucks exempt--Gross weight--Restrictions on use.

32-17-15.2    Fertilizer and agricultural chemical trailers exempt--Rear reflector required.

32-17-16    Vehicles transporting passengers for compensation as requiring clearance and identification lamps--Buses excepted--Times during which lamps must be lighted--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-17-17    Auxiliary driving lamps--Mounting--Lighting restricted.

32-17-18    Turn light requirements--Visibility--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-19    Spot lamps--Aiming and adjustment--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-17-20    Adjustment of other lamps--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-17-21    Fire vehicles exempt when equipped with other approved devices.

32-17-22    United States mail vehicles--Warning lights--Color--Mounting and location--Visibility--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-23    Special lights for vehicles operated by persons with disabilities--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-24    Headlamps on motorcycles--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-24.1    Headlamps on mopeds--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-25    Bicycle lamps--Visibility and color--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-26    Lights on other vehicles--Color and visibility--Violation as petty offense.

32-17-27    Lights on parked vehicles--Color and visibility--Vehicles parked within municipality--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-17-27.1    32-17-27.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 255, § 41.

32-17-28    Vehicles required to be equipped with portable flares, lights or reflectors--Visibility--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-17-29    Time during which flares must be displayed--Location and spacing of flares--Removal of vehicle--Violation as misdemeanor--Exceptions.

32-17-30    Subsequent violations of flare requirements--Revocation of license.

32-17-31    32-17-31 to 32-17-41. Repealed by SL 1974, ch 219, § 24.

32-17-42    Lights on emergency vehicles--Duty of driver--Authorization to use lights--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-17-43    Exemption of towed highway maintenance vehicles.

32-17-44    Command post vehicle to be equipped with green light.

32-17-45    Red and blue lights authorized for law enforcement officers.

32-17-46    Warning light on certain slow-moving vehicles during darkness--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-17-47    Flashing lights required on certain animal-drawn vehicles--Violation as misdemeanor.



32-18-1      Brakes required on particular vehicles--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-1.1      Certain farm vehicles exempt.
32-18-1.2      Fertilizer and agricultural chemical trailers exempt--Exception for new vehicles.
32-18-2      Wheels on which brakes must act--Particular vehicles.
32-18-3      Trailers, semitrailers, or pole trailers exempt from all-wheel requirement.
32-18-4      Towed vehicles exempt from all-wheel requirement.
32-18-5      Multiaxle trucks and truck tractors exempt from all-wheel requirement.
32-18-6      Motorcycles exempt from all-wheel requirement.
32-18-7      Service brakes required--Exceptions--Adequacy--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-8      Capabilities of service brakes--Braking force--Stopping distance--Classification of particular vehicles--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-9      Testing of brakes.
32-18-10      Single control device operating all service brakes--Violation as misdemeanor--Additional control devices.
32-18-11      Towing vehicles with air brakes--Application of trailer brakes--Automatic application--Manual application--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-12      Towing vehicles with vacuum brakes--Operation of towed vehicle brakes--Independent control system--Automatic application--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-13      Parking brakes--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-14      Capability of parking brake--Parking brake assisted by service brake.
32-18-15      Continuing application of parking brake.
32-18-16      Use of same braking mechanism for service and parking brakes.
32-18-17      Trailers with air or vacuum brakes--Automatic continuing operation--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-18      Brakes on towing vehicle in case towed vehicle breaks away--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-19      Buses and trucks with air brakes--Reservoir--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-20      Buses and trucks with air brakes--Warning signal for low air pressure--Pressure gauge--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-21      Multiaxle trucks equipped with vacuum assistor brakes--Vacuum reservoir--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-22      Low vacuum warning signal--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-23      Combined air and vacuum power warning signal devices--Gauge not considered adequate.
32-18-24      Check valve required on air or vacuum reservoirs--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-25      Safeguard against air backflow from reservoir through supply line--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-26      Maintenance and adjustment of brakes--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-18-26.1      Repealed.
32-18-27      Brake inspection of motor-driven cycle.
32-18-28      Denying registration to noncomplying cycles.
32-18-29      Definition of hydraulic brake fluid.
32-18-30      Distribution and service of hydraulic brake fluid.
32-18-31, 32-18-32.      Repealed.



32-19-1      Solid rubber tire vehicles--Tire requirements--Violation as petty offense.
32-19-2      Cleated or spiked rolling surfaces prohibited--Farm machinery excepted--Tire chains excepted--Violation as petty offense.
32-19-3      Pneumatic tires with metal studs permitted--Limitation--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-19-3.1      Vehicles restricted on state trunk highways during inclement weather--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-19-3.2      Pneumatic tires with retractable studs permitted--Limitation--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-19-4      Repealed.
32-19-5      Special permits authorizing operation of traction engines.
32-19-6      Number of vehicles in tow limited--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-19-7      Permitted connection between towing and towed vehicle--Maximum length--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-19-8      Number of towed farm vehicles limited--Violation as petty offense.
32-19-8.1      Repealed.
32-19-9      Chains or cables required in addition to coupling--Fifth wheel and kingpin coupling--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-19-10      Safety chain slack and coupling--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-19-11      Superseded.
32-19-12      Operation with unsafe wheel as misdemeanor.
32-19-13      Operation with cut or worn tire as misdemeanor--Minimum tread.



32-20-1    Definition of terms.

32-20-2    Driver license or permit required to operate motorcycle, moped, all-terrain vehicle, or three-wheel vehicle--Testing requirements--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20-3    32-20-3. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 169, § 1.

32-20-4    Protective helmet required for minor--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20-4.1    Eye protective device or windscreen required--Violation as petty offense.

32-20-4.2    Protective devices not required of riders in enclosed cab.

32-20-5    32-20-5. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 160, § 1.

32-20-6    32-20-6. Repealed by SL 1970, ch 176, § 4.

32-20-6.1    Operator and passengers restricted to permanent and regular seats--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20-6.2    Position of motorcyclist--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20-6.3    Carrying package on motorcycle--Restrictions--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20-6.4    Rider interfering with control or view of operator--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20-6.5    Attachment to other vehicles prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20-6.6    Repealed.

32-20-7    Renting motorcycle to unauthorized person--Violation as petty offense.

32-20-8    Permitting other person to operate rented motorcycle--Violation as petty offense.

32-20-9    Operation of motorcycle in park or recreation areas as petty offense.

32-20-9.1    Motorcycle entitled to full traffic lane--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20-9.2    Motorcycle prohibited from overtaking in same lane--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20-9.3    Motorcycle operation between lanes prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20-9.4    Policemen exempt from restrictions on use of lanes.

32-20-9.5    Restriction to two abreast--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20-10    Motorcycle use on special occasions.

32-20-11    32-20-11. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 255, § 91.

32-20-12    Off-road vehicles--Operation on certain lands as misdemeanor--Registration--Title certificate.

32-20-12.1    Ordinances prohibiting operation of off-road vehicles in ditches--Exceptions--Regulatory signs.

32-20-13    All-terrain or off-road vehicles--License requirements--Public highway use--Violation.

32-20-14    Motorcycle safety education--Standards and procedures--Funding.

32-20-15    Budget and appropriation of revenue available for motorcycle safety education.

32-20-16    Display of blue light as part of rear brake light authorized.

32-20-17    Definitions.

32-20-18    Off-road vehicle activity.

32-20-19    Assumption of risk of injury.

32-20-20    Faulty equipment or unsafe conditions--Liability.



32-20A-1    Definition of terms.

32-20A-1.1    Exception for raceway facility events--Approval required for certain cross-country races--Rules for safety standards and financial responsibility.

32-20A-2    Speeding and reckless driving prohibited--Muffler required--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20A-3    Age restrictions on drivers--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20A-4    Restriction of use on state highways--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20A-5    Restriction of use on interstate highways and railroads--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20A-6    Operation in ditch permitted--Crossing of roadways restricted--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20A-7    Conditions permitting operation on roadways--Unauthorized operation as misdemeanor.

32-20A-8    Permit to operate on closed or posted roadway.

32-20A-9    Restrictions on use within municipality.

32-20A-10    Lights required during darkness--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20A-11    Repealed.

32-20A-12    Hunting from snowmobile prohibited--Coyote hunting excepted--Penalty.

32-20A-13    32-20A-13. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 255, § 110.

32-20A-14    Operating under the influence.

32-20A-15    Application of excise tax registration and licensing laws--License required--Registration and titling of snowmobiles--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20A-15.1    Temporary permits.

32-20A-16    Enforcement by law enforcement officers--Prosecution by state's attorneys.

32-20A-17    32-20A-17. Repealed by SL 1991, ch 257, § 2.

32-20A-18    Identification of snowmobile and operator involved in accident--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20A-19    Notice of certain accidents to department--Investigation--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20A-20    Incapacitated persons exempted from notice requirements.

32-20A-21    Assumption of risk of injury.

32-20A-22    Liability of snowmobile equipment renters--Gross negligence.

32-20A-23    Safe conditions of rental snowmobiles.

32-20A-24    Operation on state snowmobile trail or area--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-20A-25    Permit to operate motorcycle as a snowmobile.



32-20B-1      Identifying number required on bicycle sold at retail--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-20B-2      Operation on sidewalk or crosswalk--Rights of bicyclist--Duty to stop.
32-20B-3      Operation on sidewalk or crosswalk--Duty to yield right-of-way to pedestrian--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-20B-4      Parking on sidewalk--Violation as petty offense.
32-20B-5      Operation on roadway--Riding close to right-hand curb required--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-20B-6      Turning, stopping, starting, slowing--Signals and lookout--Overtaking on the right--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-20B-7      Racing in approved event authorized--Approval of transportation commission or local authorities.
32-20B-8      Racing--Exemption from traffic laws.
32-20B-9      Electric bicycle defined--Classes.
32-20B-10      Label to be affixed to electric bicycle by manufacturer or distributor--Modification--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-20B-11      Electric bicycle equipment requirements.
32-20B-12      Designated areas of operation of electric bicycles.
32-20B-13      Age restrictions for Class III electric bicycle.
32-20B-14      Helmet requirement for Class III electric bicycle.
32-20B-15      Speedometer requirement for Class III electric bicycle.



32-21-1 to 32-21-3.      Repealed .
32-21-3.1      Annual inspection of large passenger vehicles used by nonprofit organizations--Certificate--Safety standards--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-21-3.2      Inspectors of large passenger vehicles operated by nonprofit organizations.
32-21-4 to 32-21-26.      Repealed.
32-21-27      Operation of improperly repaired or adjusted vehicle as misdemeanor.
32-21-28      Requiring driver to stop and submit to inspection of vehicle.
32-21-29      Issuance of warning ticket--Contents of tickets--Time within which correction must be made.
32-21-30      Compliance with directions of peace officer--Violation as misdemeanor--Venue of violations.
32-21-31, 32-21-32.      Repealed .
32-21-33      Repealed.
32-21-34      Inspectors required to be previously approved by division--Violation as misdemeanor.



32-22-1    32-22-1. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 230, § 1.

32-22-2    Movement of load or wide farm machinery during darkness as misdemeanor.

32-22-3    Maximum width of vehicle and load--Violation as misdemeanor--Farm machinery and recreation vehicle exceptions.

32-22-3.1    32-22-3.1. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 246, § 2.

32-22-3.2    Operation of farm implement exceeding width limitations--Restricted hours--Warning lights.

32-22-4    32-22-4. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 230, § 4.

32-22-5    Maximum length of vehicle--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-6    Flagging or lighting extended loads--Violations as misdemeanors.

32-22-7    32-22-7. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 230, § 7.

32-22-8    32-22-8. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 264, § 17.

32-22-8.1    Length limitations on trailers, semitrailers, and auto and boat transporters--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-8.2    Local regulation restricted--Access permits.

32-22-8.3    Issuance of trip permits unaffected.

32-22-8.4    Length limitations on stinger-steered automobile transports.

32-22-9    Combination of vehicles of more than two units--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-10    Requirements for combination vehicles.

32-22-10.1    32-22-10.1. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 243, § 3.

32-22-11    Saddlemount combinations--Compliance with federal requirements--Maximum dimensions--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-11.1    Saddlemount combinations with fullmount--Compliance with federal requirements--Maximum dimensions--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-12    32-22-12. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 230, § 15.

32-22-12.1    Certain combination exempt--Specifications--Violation as misdemeanor--Rules.

32-22-12.2    Exception for combination of towing motor vehicle or farm tractor and two anhydrous ammonia fertilizer tanks.

32-22-12.3    Exception for combination of towing motor vehicle and two implements of husbandry operated by/for farm implement dealer.

32-22-12.4    Combination of towing vehicle and trailers or semitrailers transporting light or medium duty trailers for commercial delivery.

32-22-13    32-22-13. Repealed by SL 1980, ch 227, § 1.

32-22-14    Maximum height of vehicles--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-14.1    Exemption of vehicles used to transport farm commodities or implements.

32-22-15    32-22-15. Repealed by SL 1980, ch 227, § 2.

32-22-16    Maximum weight of vehicle or combination of vehicles--Axles--Misdemeanor.

32-22-16.1    Formula for weight on group of consecutive axles.

32-22-16.2    Application of maximum axle or tire weight limits to vehicle hauling logs--Exception.

32-22-16.3    Limited exemption for certain vehicles hauling agricultural products or livestock from a farm--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-17    32-22-17, 32-22-17.1. Repealed by SL 1980, ch 226, §§ 4, 5.

32-22-18    32-22-18. Repealed by SL 1980, ch 226, § 8.

32-22-19    Combination vehicles deemed single for weight purposes.

32-22-20    32-22-20. Repealed by SL 1980, ch 226, § 10.

32-22-21    Maximum weight per tire and on any axle or combination of axles--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-21.1    Single trip permits to move to scale site.

32-22-21.2    Highways to which maximum weight limit applies.

32-22-22    Tire width defined.

32-22-23    32-22-23. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 230, § 20.

32-22-24    Reduced load maximums from February fifteenth to April thirtieth--Extension of period--Changing restrictions--Overweight permits--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-25    Reduced weight maximums on specific roads--Notice--Exceeding weight limit as misdemeanor.

32-22-26    32-22-26. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 230, § 23.

32-22-27    Solid or cushion rubber tires--Maximum weight per inch width of tire--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-28    Metal wheeled vehicles--Maximum weight--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-29    Track vehicles excepted.

32-22-30    32-22-30. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 230, § 26.

32-22-30.1    Construction vehicles and equipment--Operation on highway projects.

32-22-30.2    32-22-30.2 to 32-22-30.6. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 230, §§ 27 to 31.

32-22-31    32-22-31. Repealed by SL 1980, ch 227, § 3.

32-22-31.1    Highway construction vehicles--Inspection of scale tickets for compliance with weight limitations--Reporting offenders.

32-22-31.2    Highway construction vehicles on contract to county, township or municipality--Inspection of scale tickets for compliance with weight limitations--Reporting offenders.

32-22-31.3    Review of county overweight vehicle enforcement programs--Factors considered--Certification of unsatisfactory programs--Prior specification of deficiencies--Withholding funds.

32-22-32    Special fastenings for vehicles transporting objects over particular length--Exception--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-33    Designation of certain highways for increased maximum loads permitted under federal regulations.

32-22-34    32-22-34 to 32-22-37. Repealed by SL 2010, ch 145, §§ 181 to 184.

32-22-38    Single trip permit for moving building or other oversize load--Carrying and inspection of permit.

32-22-38.1    32-22-38.1. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 241, § 3.

32-22-39    Books of single trip permits--Payment of fee--Designation of routes.

32-22-40    Annual or single trip permits by local subdivisions.

32-22-41    Oversize permits--Duration--Rules.

32-22-42    Rules governing issuance of overweight and oversize permits--Fees.

32-22-42.1    32-22-42.1. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 247, § 1.

32-22-42.2    Extra weight allowance for vehicles hauling from harvesting combine to point of first unloading--Maximum distance--Fine--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-42.3    Livestock hauler exemption.

32-22-42.4    32-22-42.4. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 235, § 1.

32-22-42.5    32-22-42.5. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 264, § 20.

32-22-42.6    32-22-42.6. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 235, § 2.

32-22-42.7    32-22-42.7. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 264, § 21.

32-22-42.8    32-22-42.8. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 235, § 3.

32-22-42.9    Haystack movers--Enforcement actions for minor weight violation prohibited--Fine on excess only.

32-22-42.10    Solid waste hauling vehicle weight restrictions--Fine on excess only--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-42.11    Municipal sludge vehicles--Permit for oversize and overweight--Tires--Speed limit--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-42.12    Certain vehicles hauling from point of harvest--Exemption.

32-22-42.13    Single trip permit.

32-22-42.14    Rules authorizing operation of triple trailer combinations under single trip permit.

32-22-42.15    Last trailer marked long load.

32-22-42.16    Vehicles moving hay grinding equipment--Restrictions--Warning lights required--Permit fee.

32-22-43    Liability for damages not affected by issuance of permit.

32-22-44    32-22-44, 32-22-45. Repealed by SL 1987, ch 224, §§ 2, 3.

32-22-46    Emergency movement of national defense vehicles.

32-22-46.1    32-22-46.1. Repealed by SL 1981, ch 241, § 6.

32-22-47    Maximum vehicle weight on bridges--Required and permissible signs--Exception.

32-22-48    Damages for crossing bridge with overweight vehicle--Misdemeanor.

32-22-49    Person and vehicle defined.

32-22-50    Authority to weigh vehicle--Requiring vehicle to be driven to scales.

32-22-51    Removal of overweight portion of load--Risk of loss of unloaded cargo.

32-22-51.1    32-22-51.1. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 230, § 42.

32-22-51.2    Livestock not to be unloaded from overweight vehicle--Special permit--Other enforcement action.

32-22-52    Operation of oversize or overweight vehicle as misdemeanor.

32-22-53    32-22-53. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 158, § 48.

32-22-54    Cancellation of license plates on fourth overweight conviction--Period before reissuance.

32-22-55    Schedule of penalties for operation of overweight vehicle.

32-22-56    32-22-56. Repealed by SL 2002, ch 159, § 2.

32-22-57    Lift axle control requirements--Permits--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-57.1    Vehicle equipped with variable load axle to be equipped with pressure control device--Exception--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-57.2    Specification of size and load carrying capacity of variable load axles.

32-22-58    32-22-58. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 263, § 3.

32-22-59    Restrictions on size, weight or class.

32-22-60    Size and load restrictions--Notice--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-22-61    Authority to promulgate rules governing hitches used to transport farm implements from manufacturer.

32-22-62    Exemption of tow trucks or wreckers under certain conditions.

32-22-63    Electronic copy of permit.



32-23-1    Driving or control of vehicle prohibited with alcohol in blood or while under influence of alcohol, drug, or intoxicant.

32-23-1.1    Arrest without warrant on probable cause after accident.

32-23-1.2    Submission to breath test required by officer--Chemical test after positive breath test.

32-23-1.3    Arrested person to be charged--Requirements for reduction or dismissal.

32-23-2    Punishment for prohibited driving--First offense--Limited driving privilege.

32-23-2.1    Evaluation of certain persons convicted of first offense driving while intoxicated--Costs.

32-23-3    Punishment for second offense--Revocation of driving privilege--Jail sentence for driving while privilege revoked--Limited driving privilege.

32-23-4    Punishment for third offense--Revocation of driving privilege--Jail sentence for driving while privilege revoked--Limited driving privilege.

32-23-4.1    Calculation of number of offenses.

32-23-4.2    Separate allegation of former conviction.

32-23-4.3    Plea and election of method of trial on driving under influence--Advice as to former conviction charge.

32-23-4.4    Separate trial on charge of former conviction.

32-23-4.5    Convictions in other states considered.

32-23-4.6    Punishment for fourth offense--Revocation of driving privilege--Jail sentence for driving while privilege revoked--Limited driving privilege--Mandatory sentence--Suspension of sentence.

32-23-4.7    Punishment for fifth or subsequent offense--Revocation of driving privilege--Jail sentence for driving while privilege revoked--Limited driving privilege--Mandatory sentence.

32-23-4.8    Convictions under § 22-18-36 or 22-16-41 included in calculation of number of offenses.

32-23-4.9    Punishment for sixth or subsequent offense--Revocation of driving privilege--Jail sentence for driving while privilege revoked--Limited driving privilege--Mandatory sentence--Supervision.

32-23-4.10    Costs payable to county--Nonpayment punishable by contempt.

32-23-5    32-23-5. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 254, § 7.

32-23-6    Lawful use of drugs no defense.

32-23-7    Presumptions arising from chemical analysis of body fluids.

32-23-8    Other evidence on being under the influence of alcoholic beverage.

32-23-9    32-23-9. Repealed by SL 1974, ch 76, § 4.

32-23-10    Operation of vehicle as consent to withdrawal of bodily substances and chemical analysis--Submission to withdrawal or analysis following arrest.

32-23-10.1    Refusal to submit to chemical test or allow withdrawal of bodily substance admissible into evidence.

32-23-10.2    32-23-10.2. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 265, § 27.

32-23-10.3    Serious bodily injury defined.

32-23-11    Request for hearing on revocation of license for refusal to submit to chemical analysis--Eligibility to drive for purpose of employment--Rules for restricted licenses.

32-23-11.1    License of driver under age twenty-one who pleads guilty not subject to revocation.

32-23-12    32-23-12. Repealed by SL 1997, ch 189, § 2.

32-23-12.1    32-23-12.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 265, § 28.

32-23-13    Failure to invoke refusal procedure as permission to make chemical analysis.

32-23-14    Persons authorized to withdraw blood to determine alcohol content--Liability.

32-23-14.1    Requirements for validity of withdrawal or test--Director of laboratories to approve methods and issue permits.

32-23-15    Right to have technician of own choosing make separate test.

32-23-16    Results of analysis available to accused or attorney.

32-23-17    Withdrawal, chemical test, and witness fees and expenses taxed as costs.

32-23-18    Revocation of license of driver under age twenty-one for refusal to submit to chemical analysis.

32-23-19    Law enforcement officer to serve notice of intent to revoke--License confiscated--Notice as temporary license.

32-23-20    Revocation of nonresident driving privileges.

32-23-21    Driver under age of twenty-one operating vehicle after alcohol or drug consumption--Misdemeanor--Suspension of license--Restricted driving privilege.

32-23-22    Chapter not applicable to person riding animal or foot-pedal conveyance.

32-23-23    Driving permit issued to certain persons conditioned on abstinence from alcohol use and participation in 24/7 sobriety program--Revocation for violation of condition.

32-23-24    Multi-passenger quadricycle--Chapter application.



32-24-1      Definition of reckless driving--Misdemeanor.
32-24-2      Repealed.
32-24-3      Reckless driving--Second or subsequent offense as misdemeanor--Revocation of driving privilege--Restricted driving privilege.
32-24-4      Prosecution for reckless driving--Information in two parts to charge particular offense and former conviction or convictions.
32-24-5      Prosecution for reckless driving--Plea and trial method taken first on charge of principal offense--Notice to accused of charge of former conviction or convictions.
32-24-6      Prosecution for reckless driving--Trial on former conviction or convictions after guilty finding on principal offense charged.
32-24-7      Repealed.
32-24-8      Definition of careless driving--Misdemeanor.
32-24-9      Definition of exhibition driving--Misdemeanor.



32-25-1    32-25-1. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 207, § 6.

32-25-1.1    Maximum daytime speed--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-2    32-25-2. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 207, § 3.

32-25-3    Requirement that speed be reasonable and lawful under statutes--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-4    Maximum speed on interstate highways--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-5    Minimum speed on interstate highways--Violation--Exceptions.

32-25-5.1    Unreasonably slow speed prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-5.2    Posting of minimum speeds on particular highways--Violation of minimum speeds as misdemeanor.

32-25-6    Maximum speed for heavy vehicles--Computing gross weight--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-6.1    Maximum speed for manufactured homes or mobile homes--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-6.2    Maximum speed with solid rubber or cushion tires--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-7    Establishment of speed zones--Posting of zones--State or federal roads--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-7.1    Establishment of maximum speed limit on any divided four-lane highway in rural areas--Posting of signs--Misdemeanor.

32-25-7.2    32-25-7.2. Repealed by SL 2011, ch 148, § 2, eff. Mar. 3, 2011.

32-25-8    32-25-8. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 259, § 2.

32-25-9    32-25-9. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 207, § 5.

32-25-9.1    Establishment of speed zones by county commissioners--Posting of zones.

32-25-9.2    Township road speed limit--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-10    Changing speed or extent of established zone.

32-25-11    32-25-11 to 32-25-11.3. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 207, §§ 7 to 10.

32-25-12    Speed limit in unposted urban areas--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-13    Speed limit at obstructed railway crossings--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-14    Speed limit in school zones--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-14.1    Posted school zones--Uniform traffic control devices--Failure to obey as misdemeanor.

32-25-15    Speed limit at intersections with obstructed view--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-16    Exceeding of speed limits as misdemeanor--Power of local authorities to increase limits on through highways.

32-25-17    Posting stop signs at intersections with increased maximum--Illumination of stop signs.

32-25-18    Special speed limits for bridges--Posting signs--Violation of posted speed limit as misdemeanor--Established speed as conclusive maximum safe speed.

32-25-19    Speed limits on posted bridges or structures--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-19.1    Limited speed zones--Signs posted--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-20    32-25-20. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 255, § 119.

32-25-21    Contents of complaint and summons for violation.

32-25-22    Punishment upon fourth or subsequent conviction--Cancellation of compensation plates--Duration of cancellation.

32-25-23    Racing on highway prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-25-24    32-25-24. Repealed by SL 1991, ch 260, § 2.

32-25-25    "Racing" defined.

32-25-25.1    Nonprofit snowmobile racing exempt from speed provisions.

32-25-26    32-25-26. Superseded.

32-25-27    Low-speed vehicles.

32-25-28    Exceeding posted speed limit permitted under certain conditions.



32-26-1    Use of right half of highway required--Slow-moving vehicles--Overtaking and passing excepted--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-2    Intersections and grade crossings--Use of right half of highway--Obstructions--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-3    Passing oncoming vehicles to right--Yielding one-half of highway--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-4    Mountain highways--Curves--Keeping to right--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-5    Highways divided by markings.

32-26-6    Lane driving required--Changing lanes--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-7    Three-lane highways--Overtaking and passing--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-8    Designation of lane for slow-moving traffic--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-9    Highways divided by physical barrier--Use of right-hand roadway--Crossing barrier prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-10    Entering controlled-access highway--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-11    Prohibition of pedestrians and nonmotorized traffic or motorcycles on controlled-access highway--Maintenance of signs--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-12    Applicability of controlled-access provisions.

32-26-13    Right-of-way at intersections--Unlawful speed as forfeiting right-of-way--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-14    Entry of highway from alley, building or private road--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-15    Yielding right-of-way to emergency vehicles--Duty of driver of emergency vehicle not to exercise right-of-way arbitrarily--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-16    Highway equipment and personnel as having right-of-way--Use of left-hand side of highway--Display of light--Reasonable room for traffic--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-17    Right-turning vehicle required to keep right--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-18    Left-turning vehicle--Manner of making turn--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-18.1    Turning from wrong lane prohibited--Turn signal required--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-19    Left-turning vehicles--Right-of-way of oncoming vehicle--Signals--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-20    Authority to modify method of turning--Violation as misdemeanor--Posting signs--Approval of Department of Transportation.

32-26-21    Driving through safety zone prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-21.1    Driving on sidewalk prohibited--Municipal restrictions on bicycle, motorized foot scooter, or electric personal assistive device operation--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-21.2    "Electric personal assistive device" defined.

32-26-21.3    Electric personal assistive devices exempt from provisions of certain chapters.

32-26-21.4    Motorized foot scooter defined.

32-26-21.5    Motorized foot scooter--Exempt from certain vehicle requirements.

32-26-21.6    Motorized scooter ordinances authorized in municipalities.

32-26-22    Starting, stopping, or turning--Lookout--When signals required--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-22.1    Stopping or slowing signal required--Improper use of signals--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-23    Arm signals, mechanical signals, and electrical signals--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-24    Manner of making arm signal--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-25    U-turn prohibited in no-passing zone or where unsafe--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-26    Overtaking vehicles--Passing to left required--Cutting in front prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-26.1    Overtaking bicycle--Minimum separation--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-27    Overtaking and passing on right--Circumstances under which permitted--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-28    Passing on right--Driving off pavement prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-29    32-26-29. Repealed by omission from SL 1968, ch 172.

32-26-30    Overtaking and passing within business or residence district--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-31    Duty of driver of overtaken vehicle--Increasing speed prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-32    32-26-32, 32-26-33. Repealed by SL 1968, ch 173, § 1.

32-26-34    Passing by crossing highway center line when vision is obscured--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-35    Driving to left on grade or curve--Obstructed view--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-36    Driving to left on approach to intersection, grade crossing, bridge, or tunnel--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-36.1    Driving to left permitted on one-way roads or in turning.

32-26-37    Passing in no-passing zone--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-38    Designation of hazardous passing zones--Signs and markings--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-39    Designation of no-passing zones--Pavement striping marking no-passing zone--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-40    Following too closely--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-41    Minimum distance between trucks or towed vehicles--Exception for overtaking--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-42    Minimum space in caravans and motorcades--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-43    Maximum number of passengers in front--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-44    Passenger not to interfere with driver's view or control--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-45    32-26-45. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 255, § 140.

32-26-46    Definitions.

32-26-47    Repealed.

32-26-47.1    Use of mobile electronic device--Prohibitions--Violation as misdemeanor--Exceptions.

32-26-47.2    Social networking sites--Prohibition--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-48    Seizure of handheld electronic wireless communication device.

32-26-49    Distracted drivers public awareness campaign.

32-26-50    Promulgation of rules authorizing certain motor vehicles to travel at electronically coordinated speeds and distance intervals closer than otherwise allowed.

32-26-51    Funeral procession--Definitions.

32-26-52    Funeral procession--Law enforcement officer.

32-26-53    Funeral procession--Intersections.

32-26-54    Funeral procession--Motor vehicles in procession.

32-26-55    Funeral procession--Other vehicles--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-26-56    Funeral procession--Liability.



32-27-1      Yielding right-of-way to pedestrian making proper crossing--Regulated intersections--Violation as petty offense.
32-27-1.1      Pedestrian defined.
32-27-2      Yielding right-of-way to pedestrians at controlled intersections--Circumstances under which pedestrians must yield--Violation as petty offense.
32-27-3      Local ordinances regulating crossing at controlled intersections.
32-27-4      Jaywalking--Duty to yield right-of-way to vehicles--Violation as petty offense.
32-27-5      Highways without sidewalks--Duty to walk facing traffic--Violation as petty offense.
32-27-5.1      Repealed.
32-27-6      Blind persons--Use of cane by sighted persons as petty offense.
32-27-7      Duty of motorist to stop for pedestrian carrying cane or guided by dog--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-27-8      Rights of blind persons not carrying cane or guided by dog--Contributory negligence.
32-27-9      Superseded.
32-27-10      Failing to yield right-of-way to persons working on highway--Warning signals--Misdemeanor.



32-28-1    Traffic controlled by go, caution, or stop lights--Signal at place other than intersection.

32-28-2    Meaning of green or "go" signal--Vehicular traffic--Pedestrians.

32-28-3    Meaning of steady yellow light--Vehicular traffic--Pedestrians.

32-28-4    Meaning of steady red light or stop signal--Vehicular traffic--Right turn on red.

32-28-4.1    Left turn on red--Local option--Violation of restrictions as misdemeanor.

32-28-5    Meaning of steady red light with green arrow--Vehicular traffic--Pedestrians.

32-28-6    Flashing red or yellow signal--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-28-7    Meaning of flashing red signal--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-28-8    Meaning of flashing yellow signal--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-28-8.1    Lane direction control signals.

32-28-8.2    Procedure when traffic lights malfunctioning.

32-28-9    Signals at railway grade crossings.

32-28-9.1    Pedestrian control signals--Violation by driver as misdemeanor--Violation by pedestrian as petty offense.

32-28-10    Other traffic control devices--Directions by police officer--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-28-11    Requirement that official signal be in proper position and legible.

32-28-12    Control without signs where not required.

32-28-13    Traffic light control by law enforcement officers.

32-28-14    32-28-14. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 255, § 188.

32-28-15    Disruption or interference with traffic signal preemption system as misdemeanor.

32-28-16    Exceptions to application of the provisions of § 32-28-15.

32-28-17    Photo monitoring devices to detect red light violations prohibited.

32-28-18    Photo monitoring device defined.

32-28-19    General law of state.

32-28-20    Definitions regarding limitations on interstate compacts relating to red light and speed cameras.

32-28-21    Prohibition on interstate compacts to provide information to impose or collect civil fine for violation captured by red light or speed camera.

32-28-22    Restriction on providing information to impose or collect civil fine for violation captured by red light or speed camera pursuant to interstate compact.



32-29-1      Indication of right-of-way by stop or yield signs.
32-29-2      Stop and yield signs to designate through highways--Visibility at night.
32-29-2.1      Action required at stop sign--Place of stopping--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-29-2.2      Stop required before entering from alley, building or private road--Place of stopping--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-29-3      Duty when approaching yield sign--Pedestrians--Violation as misdemeanor--Collision prima facie evidence of failure to yield.
32-29-4      Stop required at railroad grade crossing signal when warning given--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-29-5      Vehicles required to stop at all grade crossings--Shifting gears while crossing--Misdemeanor.
32-29-6      Repealed.
32-29-7      Posting of dangerous grade crossings--Stop required of all vehicles--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-29-8      Construction and low-clearance vehicles required to take special precautions at grade crossings--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-29-9      Notice and precautions required of equipment operators making crossings--Warning signal--Flagman--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-29-10      Repealed.
32-29-11      Location of mandatory brake checks--Failure to stop as misdemeanor.
32-29-12      Requirements for commercial motor vehicles approaching railroad grade crossing--Violation as misdemeanor.



32-30-1      Stopping or parking on rural highway prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-30-2      Standing or parked vehicles--Remaining space required--Unobstructed view required--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-30-2.1      Position of parking on two-way road--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-30-2.2      Position of parking on one-way road--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-30-2.3      Angle parking by local ordinance--Commission concurrence required on state or federal highways.
32-30-2.4      Stopping, standing, parking, or standing outside vehicle prohibited or restricted where sign posted by department--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-30-2.5      Opening of doors on traffic side of stopped vehicle--Violation as petty offense.
32-30-3      Removal of vehicles improperly parked or standing.
32-30-3.1      Removal of unattended vehicle by removal agency--Reporting requirements--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-30-3.2      Removal agency failing to report removal not entitled to fees.
32-30-4      Disabled vehicles excepted--Emergency lamps, flares and flags--Removal of vehicle--Violation a misdemeanor.
32-30-5      Safeguarding of unattended vehicle--Violation as petty offense.
32-30-6      Places where standing and parking prohibited--Exception to discharge passengers--Violation as petty offense.
32-30-6.1      Places where stopping prohibited--Violation as petty offense.
32-30-6.2      Places where parking prohibited--Exception for loading and unloading--Violation as petty offense.
32-30-6.3      Unauthorized movement of another vehicle into prohibited area--Violation as petty offense.
32-30-7      Repealed.
32-30-8      Repealed.
32-30-9      Display of license required.
32-30-10      Confiscation of license plates upon conviction for violation of special privileges.
32-30-11      Unauthorized use of disabled veteran's license as misdemeanor--Fine.
32-30-11.1      Persons with physical disabilities entitled to park without time limitation--Reserved spaces--Exceptions for fire-lane and rush-hour ordinances.
32-30-11.2      Report of improper use of special plates or certificates--Revocation of privilege.
32-30-11.3      Use of privileges by persons not entitled to them as misdemeanor--Fines.
32-30-11.4      Unauthorized parking or stopping in designated space as misdemeanor--Fine.
32-30-11.5      Repealed.
32-30-11.6      Municipal designation of parking spaces for persons with disabilities.
32-30-11.7      Repealed.
32-30-11.8      Blocking access to reserved parking spaces or ramps as misdemeanor--Fine.
32-30-11.9      Signs to state penalties for illegal use of designated parking spaces--Certain penalties apply although not stated.
32-30-12      Abandoned vehicles--Vehicles unattended for more than twenty-four hours.
32-30-12.1      Modification by municipal ordinance of abandoned vehicle provisions.
32-30-12.2      Abandonment of motor vehicle on public highway or right-of-way a misdemeanor--Reasonable towing and storage fees--Suspension of fine.
32-30-13      Removal of abandoned vehicles.
32-30-14      Vehicles blocking traffic--Wrecked vehicles.
32-30-15      Notification to owner of removal of abandoned or wrecked vehicle--Recovery by owner--Disposal.
32-30-16 to 32-30-17.      Repealed.
32-30-18      Lien for costs of removal and storage of vehicle--Limit--Exception.
32-30-18.1      Owners of certain abandoned vehicles civilly liable for towing and storage expenses.
32-30-19      Police to move vehicle to place of safety--When required.
32-30-20      Unsafe backing prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-30-21      Backing prohibited on controlled-access highway--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-30-22      Repealed.
32-30-23      Removal of parking from municipal street--Approval of municipality and transportation commission.



32-31-1    Emergency vehicle--Traffic regulations.

32-31-2    Particular regulations which may be disregarded.

32-31-3    Use of emergency signals required.

32-31-4    Speed limits inapplicable under specified conditions.

32-31-5    Duty of operator to use care--Liability for recklessness.

32-31-6    Duty of other motorists upon approach of emergency vehicle--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-31-6.1    Stopped emergency vehicle--Requirements for approaching vehicles--Violation as misdemeanor--Fine.

32-31-6.2    Causing an accident--Stopped emergency vehicle--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-31-7    Following fire apparatus as misdemeanor--Minimum following or parking distance.

32-31-8    Driving over fire hose prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

32-31-9    32-31-9. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 255, § 213.



32-32-1      "School bus" defined.
32-32-2      Marking of school bus--When markings to be concealed--Violation as petty offense.
32-32-3      Color of school bus--Exception--Violation as petty offense.
32-32-4      Use of color for other vehicles prohibited--Repainting of buses formerly used--Violation as petty offense.
32-32-5      Flashing red and amber lights required--Exception--Removal from buses formerly used.
32-32-5.1      Buses covered by lighting requirements--Deadline for meeting requirements.
32-32-5.2      Use of red and amber lights by school bus operator--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-32-6      Duty of motorists to slow or stop in obedience to amber or red signal--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-32-7      Highways with separate roadways--Buses stopped in loading zones.
32-32-8      Repealed.
32-32-9      Civil penalty against vehicle failing to stop for school bus.
32-32-10      Civil proceeding for penalty--Lien of penalty.
32-32-11      Lien not applicable to vehicle leased or used without owner's consent--Subordination to security interests.
32-32-12      Stop arm signal required.
32-32-13      Transportation of persons attending conventions by school buses.
32-32-14      Head Start buses to be painted school bus yellow.
32-32-15      Repealed.
32-32-16      Deadline for equipping bus with stop arm signal.



32-33-1    Power of local authorities to enforce laws--Arrest of violators without warrant--Impounding offending vehicles.

32-33-1.1    Arrest or summons on probable cause at accident scene.

32-33-2    Procedure on arrest of violator--Issuance of summons--Notice of hearing--Release from custody upon promise to appear--Violation of promise to appear--Misdemeanor--Bond of nonresident.

32-33-2.1    Weight violations excepted.

32-33-2.2    Bench warrant for defendant failing to appear after promise given--Costs assessed against defendant.

32-33-3    Right to speedy hearing.

32-33-4    Accidents resulting in death or injury--Reckless driving--Driving under influence--Felons.

32-33-5    Misfeasance by public officer--Removal from office.

32-33-6    32-33-6 to 32-33-8. Repealed by SL 1974, ch 55, § 50.

32-33-9    32-33-9. Omitted.

32-33-10    Establishment of temporary roadblocks.

32-33-11    Definition of temporary roadblock.

32-33-12    Requirements for establishing temporary roadblock--Warning signals.

32-33-13    Traveling through roadblock--Misdemeanor.

32-33-14    Existing law enforcement authority unaffected.

32-33-14.1    Agent or employee of Department of Transportation authorized to act in capacity of law enforcement officer to enforce speed limits in areas of highway construction.

32-33-15    Power of local authorities to enforce law pertaining to motor carriers.

32-33-16    Impounding of nonconforming vehicles--Penalties for failure to comply.

32-33-17    Failure to stop at state weighing station--Misdemeanor.

32-33-18    Failure to stop at the signal of law enforcement officer as misdemeanor.

32-33-18.1    Eluding law enforcement officer--Misdemeanor--License revocation.

32-33-18.2    Second degree eluding--Felony--License revocation.

32-33-18.3    First degree eluding--Felony--License revocation.

32-33-19    32-33-19. Repealed by SL 1997, ch 195, § 2.

32-33-19.1    32-33-19.1. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 254, § 9.

32-33-20    Unknown driver fleeing from police--Vehicle subject to civil penalty.

32-33-21    Enforcement of civil penalty--Lien.

32-33-22    Exemptions from lien--Superior security interests.

32-33-23    32-33-23. Transferred to § 32-23-2.1.



32-34-1, 32-34-2.      Repealed.
32-34-3      Duty of vehicle operator to stop in case of accident--Information given--Aid to injured persons.
32-34-3.1      Immediate report to police authority when persons entitled to receive information are disabled--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-34-4      Duty to stop after accident with unattended vehicle or property--Leaving information--Report to police--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-34-5      Hit and run accident resulting in death or injury as felony.
32-34-6      Information furnished by driver involved in property damage accident--Failure as misdemeanor.
32-34-7      Duty to give immediate notice of accident to law enforcement officer--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-34-7.1      Repealed.
32-34-8      Physical incapacity of driver.
32-34-9      Duty of occupant of vehicle to give notice where driver is physically incapable--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-34-9.1      Repealed.
32-34-10      Duty of law enforcement officer upon receipt of notice of accident--Report to department.
32-34-11      Supplemental reports to department.
32-34-12      Adoption of uniform report form.
32-34-13      Accident reports not privileged--Fees for locating and furnishing reports.
32-34-13.1      Fees of local law enforcement personnel for furnishing copies of accident reports.
32-34-14 to 32-34-22.      Repealed.
32-34-23      Repair of vehicle with reportable damage prohibited unless required notice affixed--Violation as misdemeanor.



32-35-1      Definition of terms.
32-35-2      Proof of financial responsibility for the future defined.
32-35-3 to 32-35-12.      Repealed.
32-35-13      Repealed.
32-35-14 to 32-35-24.      Repealed.
32-35-25      Repealed.
32-35-26 to 32-35-42.      Repealed.
32-35-42.1, 32-35-42.2.      Repealed.
32-35-43      Proof of financial responsibility for future--Person convicted of certain vehicle law offenses--Nonpayment of judgments.
32-35-43.1      Renewal of privileges only upon proof of financial responsibility for future.
32-35-44      Suspension or revocation of license--Suspension respecting all vehicles registered in offender's name.
32-35-45      Suspension not required--Furnishing proof of financial responsibility for future.
32-35-46      Suspension not required--Government vehicles.
32-35-47      Duration of suspension--Future proof of financial responsibility.
32-35-47.1      Fee for reinstatement of suspended license.
32-35-48      Conviction of unlicensed person--Future issuance of license prohibited in absence of proof of financial responsibility.
32-35-49      Conviction of nonresident--Suspension of operating privilege in absence of proof of financial responsibility.
32-35-50      Failure to pay judgment--Forwarding copy of judgment to department.
32-35-51      Nonresident judgment debtor--Copy forwarded to state of residence.
32-35-52      Suspension of license for failure to pay judgment.
32-35-53      Suspension not required for government vehicles.
32-35-54      Consent of judgment creditor to nonsuspension--Default in payment of judgment.
32-35-55      Suspension not required when insurer is liable--Failure of insurer to pay.
32-35-56      Judicial determination that insurer is not liable.
32-35-57      Duration of suspension--Satisfaction of judgment--Proof of future financial responsibility.
32-35-58      Repealed.
32-35-59      Amount sufficient to satisfy judgment--Judgment deemed satisfied.
32-35-60      Payment of judgment in installments--Order permitting installments.
32-35-61      Installment payments and proof of financial responsibility as obviating suspension.
32-35-62      Failure to pay installments--Suspension of licenses.
32-35-63      Vehicles unregisterable absent proof of financial responsibility.
32-35-64      Methods for furnishing proof of financial responsibility.
32-35-65      Certificate by insurance carrier as proof--Contents of certificate.
32-35-66      Certificate of insurance of nonresident--Carrier authorized to do business locally--Conditions.
32-35-67      Default by nonresident insurer.
32-35-68      Motor vehicle liability policy defined.
32-35-69      Conditions of owner's policy--Description of vehicles.

32-35-70      Conditions of owner's policy--Coverage and amount--Filing and form requirements--Date of compliance.
32-35-71      Conditions of operator's policy--Nonowned vehicles--Limits of liability.
32-35-72      Contents of policies.
32-35-73      Workers' compensation coverage unnecessary.
32-35-74      Policies subject to particular provisions of law.
32-35-75      Excess or additional coverage not affected.
32-35-76      Permissive provisions in policy--Indemnification clause.
32-35-77      Permissive provisions--Other insurance prorated.
32-35-78      Permissive provisions--Concurrent insurance.
32-35-79      Binder as fulfilling requirements.
32-35-80      Notice to department of cancellation or termination of policy--Violation as misdemeanor--Termination by certification of replacement policy.
32-35-81      Other automobile policies unaffected.
32-35-82      Employers' policies unaffected.
32-35-83      Proof of financial responsibility by surety bond--Individual sureties--Amount of bond--Conditions.
32-35-84      Bond as lien on surety's property--Extent of lien--Recording of notice.
32-35-85      Recordation procedure--Fee for recordation--Disposition of fee.
32-35-86      Suit on bond of defaulting debtor--Foreclosure of lien--Procedure.
32-35-87      Money or securities as proof of financial responsibility--Amount--Judgments against depositor.
32-35-88      Disposition of money or securities deposited--Payment of judgments--Attachment or execution against deposit.
32-35-89      Proof by owner on behalf of certain drivers--Vehicles covered--Endorsement on license.
32-35-90      Proof of financial responsibility by self-insurer--Certificate of self-insurance.
32-35-91      Conditions to issuance of certificate of self-insurance--Coverage of self-insurance.
32-35-92      Cancellation of certificate of self-insurance--Grounds--Failure to pay judgment.
32-35-93      Substitution of forms of proof of financial responsibility.
32-35-94      Additional security when previous proof becomes inadequate--Suspension of license pending filing additional proof.
32-35-95      Periods during which proof must be maintained--Conditions for waiver of requirement of proof.
32-35-96      Conditions under which waiver or return of proof not permitted.
32-35-97      Reapplication for license after return of proof--Conditions.
32-35-98      Duty of departments to administer provisions of chapter--Rules.
32-35-99      Persons aggrieved by orders of departments--Consideration of information.
32-35-100      Forms necessary for purposes of chapter.
32-35-101      Abstract of driver's operating record furnished by department--Contents--Certain accidents recorded separately--Fee.
32-35-101.1      Department to provide driving records of policyholders to insurance companies.
32-35-102      Departments orders subject to contested case provisions.
32-35-103      Inadmissibility of reports--Admissibility of testimony of investigating officer.
32-35-104      Surrender of license or registration.
32-35-105      Insurance required by other statutes unaffected.
32-35-106      Repealed.
32-35-107      Other processes of law unaffected by chapter.
32-35-108      Construction of chapter.
32-35-109      Giving forged or unauthorized proof as misdemeanor.
32-35-110      Driving after suspension of license or registration as misdemeanor.
32-35-111      Transfer of vehicle after suspension of registration--Security interests unaffected--Suspension of unauthorized reregistration.
32-35-112      Repealed.
32-35-113      Maintenance of financial responsibility--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-35-114      Evidence of financial responsibility when detained for a suspected violation.
32-35-115      What constitutes evidence of financial responsibility.
32-35-116      Written evidence of financial responsibility when cited for violation or involved in accident--Electronic copy as written evidence--Citation for noncompliance.
32-35-117      Appearance before magistrate to provide written evidence of financial responsibility--Submission by mail in lieu of appearance--Dismissal of proceedings.
32-35-118      Applicability of financial responsibility program to owner when another person is driver--Notice to state's attorney--New and used motor vehicle dealers exempted.
32-35-119      Written evidence of insurance--Electronic copy as written evidence.
32-35-120      Giving of false evidence of financial responsibility as misdemeanor.
32-35-121      Suspension of license as penalty for violation of 32-35-113 or 32-35-120.
32-35-122      Restriction of driving privileges upon suspension under § 32-35-121--Establishment of financial responsibility as prerequisite.
32-35-123      Repealed.
32-35-124      Public entities exempted from requirement to show mandatory financial responsibility.
32-35-125      Low-speed vehicles.



32-36-1      Declaration of public interest in disposal.
32-36-2      Definition of terms.
32-36-3      Authority of removal agency generally.
32-36-4      Entry on land for purpose of removal.
32-36-4.1      Removal of abandoned vehicles from private property without written permission prohibited.
32-36-5      Title information to be furnished to removal agency.
32-36-6      Repealed.
32-36-7      Repealed.
32-36-8      Notice to owner and lien holders after removal--Contents--Form--Publication of notice--Violation as misdemeanor.
32-36-9      Vesting of title in removal agency after notice sent--Time allowed for holder of title or lienholder to reclaim--Notice of intent to reclaim--Failure to reclaim.
32-36-10      Repealed.
32-36-11      Application for certificate of title by removal agency.



32-37-1      Use of system required--Violation as petty offense.
32-37-1.1      Operator to assure that passengers between ages five and eighteen wear seat belts.
32-37-1.2      Certain operators required to wear seat belts.
32-37-1.3      Passengers between ages fourteen and eighteen required to wear seat belts.
32-37-2      Exemptions.
32-37-3      Repealed.
32-37-4      Violation not considered negligence or assumption of risk--Evidence inadmissible.



32-38-1    Use required--Public highways--Front seat passenger.

32-38-2    Passenger vehicle defined.

32-38-3    Exceptions to required use of safety belts.

32-38-4    Failure to comply--Evidence.

32-38-5    Enforcement--Violation as petty offense.



32-39-1      Agricultural equipment manufacturer--Warranty procedure.
32-39-2      Warranties--Schedule--Compensation.
32-39-3      Dealer defined.
32-39-4      Warranties--Dealers--Manufacturers.



32-40-1      Definitions.
32-40-2      Application requirements for transportation network company drivers.
32-40-3      Criminal background, sex offender registry, and driving record checks of transportation network company drivers.
32-40-4      Persons prohibited from acting as transportation network company drivers.
32-40-5      Zero tolerance policy for drug and alcohol use by transportation network company drivers.
32-40-6      Personal vehicles to comply with vehicle equipment laws.
32-40-7      Motor vehicle insurance required covering transportation of riders for compensation.
32-40-8      Motor vehicle insurance requirements for driver logged on to transportation network company's digital network and available for transportation requests.
32-40-9      Motor vehicle insurance requirements for driver engaged in prearranged ride.
32-40-10      Transportation network company to provide coverage where driver's insurance lapsed or insufficient--Duty to defend.
32-40-11      Prohibited terms of insurance policy maintained by transportation network company.
32-40-12      Eligible insurers.
32-40-13      Financial responsibility requirements.
32-40-14      Proof of coverage required in vehicle--Information to be provided after accident.
32-40-15      Required transportation network company disclosures to drivers.
32-40-16      Exclusions permitted in personal motor vehicle insurance policies.
32-40-17      Construction with financial responsibility law.
32-40-18      Specific policy language not required for exclusion.
32-40-19      Primary or excess coverage for transportation network company driver's vehicle permitted.
32-40-20      Insurer has no duty to defend or indemnify excluded claim.
32-40-21      Insurer's right of contribution.
32-40-22      Disclosures required in claims investigations.
32-40-23      Municipal or county regulation of transportation network companies.



32-41-1    Definitions.

32-41-2    Requirements for operation on public roads.

32-41-3    Automated driving system--Legal status.

32-41-4    Proof of financial responsibility required.

32-41-5    Accident involving fully autonomous vehicles--Owner duties.

32-41-6    On-demand autonomous vehicle network.

32-41-7    Title and registration.

32-41-8    Human driver--Motor vehicle with an automated driving system--Fully autonomous vehicle.

32-41-9    Operation of commercial vehicles.

32-41-10    Vehicle equipment standards--Applicability.

32-41-11    Controlling authority.

32-41-12    Local control of traffic if not in conflict.

32-41-13    Promulgation of rules.