2019 Bills
Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1001
revise the timing of the recalculation of the allocations for the disability levels in the state aid to special education formula.
revise the timing of the recalculation of the allocations for the disability levels in the state aid to special education formula.
HB 1002
provide for criminal background checks for certain applicants and employees of the Department of Public Safety.
provide for criminal background checks for certain applicants and employees of the Department of Public Safety.
HB 1003
revise eligibility for a deferred imposition of sentence.
revise eligibility for a deferred imposition of sentence.
HB 1004
revise parole date calculation provisions.
revise parole date calculation provisions.
HB 1005
authorize a hearing panel of the Board of Pardons and Paroles to make clemency recommendations.
authorize a hearing panel of the Board of Pardons and Paroles to make clemency recommendations.
HB 1006
revise the time requirements for parole reports and plans.
revise the time requirements for parole reports and plans.
HB 1007
revise certain provisions regarding the exemptions from the twelve-month residency requirement for university students.
revise certain provisions regarding the exemptions from the twelve-month residency requirement for university students.
HB 1008
revise certain provisions regarding the required notice for biennial state political party conventions.
revise certain provisions regarding the required notice for biennial state political party conventions.
HB 1009
revise certain provisions regarding state employment.
revise certain provisions regarding state employment.
HB 1010
recodify, to make certain form and style changes, to clarify, and to repeal certain provisions related to the South Dakota Retirement System.
recodify, to make certain form and style changes, to clarify, and to repeal certain provisions related to the South Dakota Retirement System.
HB 1011
revise certain provisions relating to the South Dakota Retirement System.
revise certain provisions relating to the South Dakota Retirement System.
HB 1012
revise certain provisions regarding state laboratory services.
revise certain provisions regarding state laboratory services.
HB 1013
require criminal background investigations for certain vital records employees.
require criminal background investigations for certain vital records employees.
HB 1014
repeal certain provisions regarding payments of the tax imposed on financial institutions and banks.
repeal certain provisions regarding payments of the tax imposed on financial institutions and banks.
HB 1015
revise certain references to the Internal Revenue Code.
revise certain references to the Internal Revenue Code.
HB 1016
revise certain provisions of the alcoholic beverages code.
revise certain provisions of the alcoholic beverages code.
HB 1017
provide for the destruction of certain contraband cigarettes.
provide for the destruction of certain contraband cigarettes.
HB 1018
transfer the collection of various fees from the Department of Revenue to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
transfer the collection of various fees from the Department of Revenue to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
HB 1019
require that the state pursue recoverable costs of litigation.
require that the state pursue recoverable costs of litigation.
HB 1020
revise certain provisions regarding state building committees for capital improvement projects.
revise certain provisions regarding state building committees for capital improvement projects.
HB 1021
revise certain provisions regarding bid bonds for public improvement contracts.
revise certain provisions regarding bid bonds for public improvement contracts.
HB 1022
revise certain provisions regarding the limitations on indemnification by the state.
revise certain provisions regarding the limitations on indemnification by the state.
HB 1023
revise certain provisions regarding the sale and purchase of big game animal parts.
revise certain provisions regarding the sale and purchase of big game animal parts.
HB 1024
authorize certain species of game fish to be used as bait.
authorize certain species of game fish to be used as bait.
HB 1025
revise certain provisions regarding voter registration.
revise certain provisions regarding voter registration.
HB 1026
revise certain provisions regarding petitions, notices, and statements of convention nominees and certifications of party officials.
revise certain provisions regarding petitions, notices, and statements of convention nominees and certifications of party officials.
HB 1027
revise certain provisions regarding vote centers and precinct workers.
revise certain provisions regarding vote centers and precinct workers.
HB 1028
revise certain provisions regarding professional counselors and marriage and family therapists.
revise certain provisions regarding professional counselors and marriage and family therapists.
HB 1029
revise certain provisions regarding criminal background checks for adults working in child care institutions.
revise certain provisions regarding criminal background checks for adults working in child care institutions.
HB 1030
allow the Office of School and Public Lands to accept internet bidding for the leasing of state minerals.
allow the Office of School and Public Lands to accept internet bidding for the leasing of state minerals.
HB 1031
authorize certain wind and solar easements and leases by the commissioner of School and Public Lands.
authorize certain wind and solar easements and leases by the commissioner of School and Public Lands.
HB 1032
revise provisions regarding money transmission.
revise provisions regarding money transmission.
HB 1033
revise provisions regarding transaction of business by trust companies.
revise provisions regarding transaction of business by trust companies.
HB 1034
revise certain provisions regarding unemployment insurance contribution rates.
revise certain provisions regarding unemployment insurance contribution rates.
HB 1035
rename the unemployment insurance program to the reemployment assistance program.
rename the unemployment insurance program to the reemployment assistance program.
HB 1036
revise provisions related to the Board of Technical Professions.
revise provisions related to the Board of Technical Professions.
HB 1037
authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the construction of a regional sports complex at Northern State University and to make an appropriation therefor.
authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the construction of a regional sports complex at Northern State University and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1038
authorize the demolition of a South Dakota State University building and to make an appropriation therefor.
authorize the demolition of a South Dakota State University building and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1039
provide for the use of the Obligation Recovery Center by certain postsecondary technical institutes.
provide for the use of the Obligation Recovery Center by certain postsecondary technical institutes.
HB 1040
establish certain provisions regarding the opportunity scholarship program.
establish certain provisions regarding the opportunity scholarship program.
HB 1041
provide for the carrying of a concealed pistol without a permit.
provide for the carrying of a concealed pistol without a permit.
HB 1042
exempt law enforcement from the requirements to be licensed as commercial drivers.
exempt law enforcement from the requirements to be licensed as commercial drivers.
HB 1043
require the Department of Social Services to collect and report certain information regarding the military affiliation of a parent whose child is subject to a report of abuse or neglect.
require the Department of Social Services to collect and report certain information regarding the military affiliation of a parent whose child is subject to a report of abuse or neglect.
HB 1044
authorize certain children who are subject to a pending military relocation to apply for enrollment in a school district.
authorize certain children who are subject to a pending military relocation to apply for enrollment in a school district.
HB 1045
revise the definition of campus security officers for purposes of the South Dakota Retirement System.
revise the definition of campus security officers for purposes of the South Dakota Retirement System.
HB 1046
revise certain provisions regarding the attorney recruitment assistance program.
revise certain provisions regarding the attorney recruitment assistance program.
HB 1047
revise certain provisions regarding recommendations for treatment as a condition for probation.
revise certain provisions regarding recommendations for treatment as a condition for probation.
HB 1048
authorize a public body to conduct certain deliberations in an executive or closed meeting.
authorize a public body to conduct certain deliberations in an executive or closed meeting.
HB 1049
revise certain provisions regarding driving after consuming certain drugs or substances.
revise certain provisions regarding driving after consuming certain drugs or substances.
HB 1050
revise certain provisions regarding the use and possession of scanning devices and reencoders.
revise certain provisions regarding the use and possession of scanning devices and reencoders.
HB 1051
establish the South Dakota state seal of civics literacy program.
establish the South Dakota state seal of civics literacy program.
HB 1052
revise certain provisions regarding the notice given to county commissioners for special sessions.
revise certain provisions regarding the notice given to county commissioners for special sessions.
HB 1053
revise the value of gifts permitted for certain insurance advertising or promotional programs.
revise the value of gifts permitted for certain insurance advertising or promotional programs.
HB 1054
revise certain provisions regarding the possession of firearms on certain vehicles.
revise certain provisions regarding the possession of firearms on certain vehicles.
HB 1055
require parental notification and agreement before the institution of an order to withhold resuscitation from certain patients.
require parental notification and agreement before the institution of an order to withhold resuscitation from certain patients.
HB 1056
prohibit certain local ordinances regarding firearms.
prohibit certain local ordinances regarding firearms.
HB 1057
revise the definition of attest for the purposes of public accountancy.
revise the definition of attest for the purposes of public accountancy.
HB 1058
require the provision of certain services regarding special education to students receiving alternative instruction.
require the provision of certain services regarding special education to students receiving alternative instruction.
HB 1059
revise certain provisions regarding vehicle dealer licensing.
revise certain provisions regarding vehicle dealer licensing.
HB 1060
make an appropriation for increased reimbursement for care of residents of nursing facilities and assisted living facilities.
make an appropriation for increased reimbursement for care of residents of nursing facilities and assisted living facilities.
HB 1061
provide for a court order to test for HIV at the request of victims of certain crimes.
provide for a court order to test for HIV at the request of victims of certain crimes.
HB 1062
exempt from alcoholic beverage regulations certain uses of alcohol by postsecondary institutions.
exempt from alcoholic beverage regulations certain uses of alcohol by postsecondary institutions.
HB 1063
revise provisions regarding engaging in sexual activity for a fee or other compensation.
revise provisions regarding engaging in sexual activity for a fee or other compensation.
HB 1064
authorize temporary appointments to the State Government Accountability Board.
authorize temporary appointments to the State Government Accountability Board.
HB 1065
revise certain provisions regarding assessments for children receiving alternative instruction.
revise certain provisions regarding assessments for children receiving alternative instruction.
HB 1066
require students to take a civics test before graduating from high school.
require students to take a civics test before graduating from high school.
HB 1067
revise certain provisions regarding adult adoption.
revise certain provisions regarding adult adoption.
HB 1068
authorize the Transportation Commission to promulgate rules to allow certain motor vehicles to follow another motor vehicle on a state highway more closely than otherwise permitted by law.
authorize the Transportation Commission to promulgate rules to allow certain motor vehicles to follow another motor vehicle on a state highway more closely than otherwise permitted by law.
HB 1069
provide for the proper display and use of the state seal by state agencies.
provide for the proper display and use of the state seal by state agencies.
HB 1070
revise the procedure for judgment by confession.
revise the procedure for judgment by confession.
HB 1071
revise and repeal provisions regarding aviation.
revise and repeal provisions regarding aviation.
HB 1072
correct a definition in the Uniform Unsworn Domestic Declarations Act.
correct a definition in the Uniform Unsworn Domestic Declarations Act.
HB 1073
revise provisions regarding the locating and spotting of predators or varmints from a drone.
revise provisions regarding the locating and spotting of predators or varmints from a drone.
HB 1074
provide a privilege for journalists and newscasters regarding refusal to disclose information.
provide a privilege for journalists and newscasters regarding refusal to disclose information.
HB 1075
revise certain provisions regarding the authority of conservation district governing boards.
revise certain provisions regarding the authority of conservation district governing boards.
HB 1076
revise certain real estate licensee advertising restrictions and grant rule-making authority regarding real estate teams.
revise certain real estate licensee advertising restrictions and grant rule-making authority regarding real estate teams.
HB 1077
revise provisions regarding designation of a no maintenance highway.
revise provisions regarding designation of a no maintenance highway.
HB 1078
revise certain provisions regarding the repair of sidewalks within a municipality.
revise certain provisions regarding the repair of sidewalks within a municipality.
HB 1079
allow a person to perform plumbing work on the person's own property without a license and establish a fee.
allow a person to perform plumbing work on the person's own property without a license and establish a fee.
HB 1080
increase the property tax exemption allowed for certain veterans with a disability and the surviving spouses of certain veterans with a disability.
increase the property tax exemption allowed for certain veterans with a disability and the surviving spouses of certain veterans with a disability.
HB 1081
authorize certain paraplegic or amputee veterans or their surviving spouses to retain a property tax exemption without having to reapply each year.
authorize certain paraplegic or amputee veterans or their surviving spouses to retain a property tax exemption without having to reapply each year.
HB 1082
to revise certain provisions regarding scrap metal purchases.
to revise certain provisions regarding scrap metal purchases.
HB 1083
revise certain programs to support education in South Dakota.
revise certain programs to support education in South Dakota.
HB 1084
provide for specific classification of affordable housing structures for purposes of taxation.
provide for specific classification of affordable housing structures for purposes of taxation.
HB 1085
revise certain programs to advance health care in South Dakota.
revise certain programs to advance health care in South Dakota.
HB 1086
revise certain programs to expand economic development in South Dakota.
revise certain programs to expand economic development in South Dakota.
HB 1087
promote free speech and intellectual diversity at certain institutions of higher education.
promote free speech and intellectual diversity at certain institutions of higher education.
HB 1088
prohibit the use of certain electronic devices while driving.
prohibit the use of certain electronic devices while driving.
HB 1089
revise provisions regarding electronic livestock auctions.
revise provisions regarding electronic livestock auctions.
HB 1090
repeal certain provisions regarding the exercise of certain powers over certain property.
repeal certain provisions regarding the exercise of certain powers over certain property.
HB 1091
provide for the selection of a lieutenant governor by a candidate for governor.
provide for the selection of a lieutenant governor by a candidate for governor.
HB 1092
revise certain provisions regarding campaign finance disclosure reports.
revise certain provisions regarding campaign finance disclosure reports.
HB 1093
establish legal standards applicable to petition challenges.
establish legal standards applicable to petition challenges.
HB 1094
revise certain programs regarding transparency of the petition circulation process.
revise certain programs regarding transparency of the petition circulation process.
HB 1095
accommodate legislation regarding noxious weed seed.
accommodate legislation regarding noxious weed seed.
HB 1096
accommodate legislation regarding noxious weeds.
accommodate legislation regarding noxious weeds.
HB 1097
repeal provisions regarding certain disclosures on campaign communications.
repeal provisions regarding certain disclosures on campaign communications.
HB 1098
revise provisions regarding publication of official ballots in a legal newspaper.
revise provisions regarding publication of official ballots in a legal newspaper.
HB 1099
provide for the designation of a caregiver to receive information regarding residents of treatment facilities.
provide for the designation of a caregiver to receive information regarding residents of treatment facilities.
HB 1100
revise certain programs regarding landowner rights.
revise certain programs regarding landowner rights.
HB 1101
revise certain programs regarding the Department of Game, Fish and Parks.
revise certain programs regarding the Department of Game, Fish and Parks.
HB 1102
establish certain provisions regarding fairness in repairs of equipment sold or used in this state.
establish certain provisions regarding fairness in repairs of equipment sold or used in this state.
HB 1103
establish a lemon law for certain farm machinery.
establish a lemon law for certain farm machinery.
HB 1104
revise certain provisions regarding the consideration of joint physical custody of a minor.
revise certain provisions regarding the consideration of joint physical custody of a minor.
HB 1105
revise certain provisions regarding child support orders.
revise certain provisions regarding child support orders.
HB 1106
revise certain provisions regarding support obligations.
revise certain provisions regarding support obligations.
HB 1107
revise the definition of adultery.
revise the definition of adultery.
HB 1108
prohibit certain gender dysphoria instruction in public schools.
prohibit certain gender dysphoria instruction in public schools.
HB 1109
exclude certain funds from the calculation of local effort in the state aid to education formula.
exclude certain funds from the calculation of local effort in the state aid to education formula.
HB 1110
establish a penalty for certain persons who fail to file a birth certificate or who fail to provide the notice required for the filing of a death certificate.
establish a penalty for certain persons who fail to file a birth certificate or who fail to provide the notice required for the filing of a death certificate.
HB 1111
provide for professional or occupational licensure for certain active duty military personnel and spouses.
provide for professional or occupational licensure for certain active duty military personnel and spouses.
HB 1112
provide for certain persons to carry a concealed pistol or revolver without a permit.
provide for certain persons to carry a concealed pistol or revolver without a permit.
HB 1113
establish certain provisions regarding ethics and responsibility for public elementary and secondary school teachers.
establish certain provisions regarding ethics and responsibility for public elementary and secondary school teachers.
HB 1114
revise provisions regarding state-owned motor vehicles.
revise provisions regarding state-owned motor vehicles.
HB 1115
revise certain provisions regarding local referendums.
revise certain provisions regarding local referendums.
HB 1116
prohibit the conduct of certain physical examinations or screenings on students in a school district without parental consent.
prohibit the conduct of certain physical examinations or screenings on students in a school district without parental consent.
HB 1117
establish immunity from liability for injuries to or the death of a person engaged in off-road vehicle activity under certain circumstances.
establish immunity from liability for injuries to or the death of a person engaged in off-road vehicle activity under certain circumstances.
HB 1118
revise provisions regarding excise taxes on the purchase price of motor vehicles.
revise provisions regarding excise taxes on the purchase price of motor vehicles.
HB 1119
make an appropriation to the aeronautics commission.
make an appropriation to the aeronautics commission.
HB 1120
appropriate funds for forest health and resilience.
appropriate funds for forest health and resilience.
HB 1121
repeal certain provisions regarding health inspections of food service establishments.
repeal certain provisions regarding health inspections of food service establishments.
HB 1122
revise references to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.
revise references to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.
HB 1123
provide for the verification of hours worked on computers for certain government contracts.
provide for the verification of hours worked on computers for certain government contracts.
HB 1124
require health care facilities that perform mammography to inform mammography patients on breast density.
require health care facilities that perform mammography to inform mammography patients on breast density.
HB 1125
create a property tax relief fund and to provide for the transfer of certain unobligated cash balances.
create a property tax relief fund and to provide for the transfer of certain unobligated cash balances.
HB 1126
revise real estate licensure requirements for the sale of businesses.
revise real estate licensure requirements for the sale of businesses.
HB 1127
revise the calculation of fall enrollment for the purposes of education funding.
revise the calculation of fall enrollment for the purposes of education funding.
HB 1128
revise provisions regarding the maximum term of promissory notes issued to municipalities.
revise provisions regarding the maximum term of promissory notes issued to municipalities.
HB 1129
revise provisions regarding residency of registered voters.
revise provisions regarding residency of registered voters.
HB 1130
revise provisions regarding certain Class 2 misdemeanors.
revise provisions regarding certain Class 2 misdemeanors.
HB 1131
revise and enhance provisions regarding state education.
revise and enhance provisions regarding state education.
HB 1132
revise certain provisions regarding the treatment of alcohol and drug abuse.
revise certain provisions regarding the treatment of alcohol and drug abuse.
HB 1133
repeal certain provisions regarding the Legislature.
repeal certain provisions regarding the Legislature.
HB 1134
revise a provision regarding the commencement of office for the Governor.
revise a provision regarding the commencement of office for the Governor.
HB 1135
provide for the use of certain confidential information by the director of the Legislative Research Council.
provide for the use of certain confidential information by the director of the Legislative Research Council.
HB 1136
repeal provisions regarding legislative districts.
repeal provisions regarding legislative districts.
HB 1137
revise certain provisions regarding pharmacy benefit managers.
revise certain provisions regarding pharmacy benefit managers.
HB 1138
revise provisions regarding the mandatory retirement age of judges.
revise provisions regarding the mandatory retirement age of judges.
HB 1139
repeal provisions regarding maximum taxes levied by a school district for capital outlay.
repeal provisions regarding maximum taxes levied by a school district for capital outlay.
HB 1140
prohibit any high school interscholastic activities association from restricting or prohibiting broadcasting of high school activities.
prohibit any high school interscholastic activities association from restricting or prohibiting broadcasting of high school activities.
HB 1141
adjust certain maximum school district tax rates.
adjust certain maximum school district tax rates.
HB 1142
revise certain provisions regarding motor vehicle license plates.
revise certain provisions regarding motor vehicle license plates.
HB 1143
revise provisions regarding contribution limits to political action committees.
revise provisions regarding contribution limits to political action committees.
HB 1144
revise certain provisions regarding the transportation of students participating in open enrollment.
revise certain provisions regarding the transportation of students participating in open enrollment.
HB 1145
establish certain provisions regarding the mowing of rights-of-way adjacent to the state trunk highway system.
establish certain provisions regarding the mowing of rights-of-way adjacent to the state trunk highway system.
HB 1146
revise provisions related to unclaimed property.
revise provisions related to unclaimed property.
HB 1147
establish a tribal flag display on the capitol grounds.
establish a tribal flag display on the capitol grounds.
HB 1148
create a Commission on Indian Affairs.
create a Commission on Indian Affairs.
HB 1149
provide an appropriation for the Native American achievement schools grant program.
provide an appropriation for the Native American achievement schools grant program.
HB 1150
establish a nonbeneficiary student scholarship program for certain students attending tribally controlled colleges and to make an appropriation therefor.
establish a nonbeneficiary student scholarship program for certain students attending tribally controlled colleges and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1151
permit certain acts at a school honoring or graduation ceremony.
permit certain acts at a school honoring or graduation ceremony.
HB 1152
provide for the permitting of outfitters and guides.
provide for the permitting of outfitters and guides.
HB 1153
revise certain provisions on the protection of historic properties.
revise certain provisions on the protection of historic properties.
HB 1154
require certain products contain digital blocking capability, establish a deactivation fee, establish the human trafficking and child exploitation prevention fund, and provide a penalty therefor.
require certain products contain digital blocking capability, establish a deactivation fee, establish the human trafficking and child exploitation prevention fund, and provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1155
provide for certain privileged communications between social workers and students.
provide for certain privileged communications between social workers and students.
HB 1156
designate the accordion as the official state musical instrument.
designate the accordion as the official state musical instrument.
HB 1157
revise provisions regarding challenges to candidate nominating petitions.
revise provisions regarding challenges to candidate nominating petitions.
HB 1158
revise provisions regarding off-sale delivery licenses for the delivery of alcoholic beverages.
revise provisions regarding off-sale delivery licenses for the delivery of alcoholic beverages.
HB 1159
repeal a provision that prohibits hunting mourning doves on public roads and highways.
repeal a provision that prohibits hunting mourning doves on public roads and highways.
HB 1160
revise certain provisions regarding emergency management.
revise certain provisions regarding emergency management.
HB 1161
revise certain provisions regarding the issuance of temporary permits for the use of public water.
revise certain provisions regarding the issuance of temporary permits for the use of public water.
HB 1162
provide for the expiration of certain statutory authority regarding the promulgation of rules by the Game, Fish and Parks Commission.
provide for the expiration of certain statutory authority regarding the promulgation of rules by the Game, Fish and Parks Commission.
HB 1163
establish the Tax Revenue Study Task Force to study tax revenue in this state.
establish the Tax Revenue Study Task Force to study tax revenue in this state.
HB 1164
revise certain provisions regarding the operation of vehicles upon the approach of authorized emergency vehicles.
revise certain provisions regarding the operation of vehicles upon the approach of authorized emergency vehicles.
HB 1165
establish the South Dakota prepaid college program and to make an appropriation therefor.
establish the South Dakota prepaid college program and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1166
prohibit the obligation recovery center from imposing a cost recovery fee on any debts owed within the Board of Regents' system.
prohibit the obligation recovery center from imposing a cost recovery fee on any debts owed within the Board of Regents' system.
HB 1167
revise and promote greater efficiency with sales tax exemptions.
revise and promote greater efficiency with sales tax exemptions.
HB 1168
revise certain programs regarding the board of regents and promote efficiency in state government and to make an appropriation therefor.
revise certain programs regarding the board of regents and promote efficiency in state government and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1169
revise certain education programs and promote efficiency in state government and to make an appropriation therefor.
revise certain education programs and promote efficiency in state government and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1170
revise certain healthcare programs and make an appropriation therefor.
revise certain healthcare programs and make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1171
allow certain veterans to attend courses offered at postsecondary technical institutes without payment of tuition.
allow certain veterans to attend courses offered at postsecondary technical institutes without payment of tuition.
HB 1172
provide for cooperation with federal officials in matters of immigration.
provide for cooperation with federal officials in matters of immigration.
HB 1173
permit the possession of firearms by certain employees.
permit the possession of firearms by certain employees.
HB 1174
revise provisions regarding civil forfeitures.
revise provisions regarding civil forfeitures.
HB 1175
establish the Early Learning Advisory Council.
establish the Early Learning Advisory Council.
HB 1176
provide for the regulation of saline tattoo removal by municipalities.
provide for the regulation of saline tattoo removal by municipalities.
HB 1177
provide an opportunity to view a sonogram and hear the child's heartbeat prior to an abortion.
provide an opportunity to view a sonogram and hear the child's heartbeat prior to an abortion.
HB 1178
revise provisions regarding the beginning period for absentee voting.
revise provisions regarding the beginning period for absentee voting.
HB 1179
revise certain provisions regarding victims of sexual assault.
revise certain provisions regarding victims of sexual assault.
HB 1180
revise certain provisions regarding the collection and storage of sexual assault kit evidence.
revise certain provisions regarding the collection and storage of sexual assault kit evidence.
HB 1181
create a habitat conservation emblem specialty plate.
create a habitat conservation emblem specialty plate.
HB 1182
require a balanced and representative membership on the Game, Fish and Parks Commission.
require a balanced and representative membership on the Game, Fish and Parks Commission.
HB 1183
accommodate legislation regarding the alcohol excise tax.
accommodate legislation regarding the alcohol excise tax.
HB 1184
authorize the operation of business development banks.
authorize the operation of business development banks.
HB 1185
revise provisions regarding farm wineries.
revise provisions regarding farm wineries.
HB 1186
repeal the termination of the juvenile detention cost-sharing fund.
repeal the termination of the juvenile detention cost-sharing fund.
HB 1187
authorize the Bureau of Administration to conduct a study of the Flaming Fountain on Capitol Lake, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Bureau of Administration to conduct a study of the Flaming Fountain on Capitol Lake, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1188
revise provisions regarding fertilizer inspection fees.
revise provisions regarding fertilizer inspection fees.
HB 1189
provide for a period to cure certain campaign finance violations.
provide for a period to cure certain campaign finance violations.
HB 1190
provide for certain reporting requirements related to abortions.
provide for certain reporting requirements related to abortions.
HB 1191
legalize the growth, production, and processing of industrial hemp and derivative products in the state.
legalize the growth, production, and processing of industrial hemp and derivative products in the state.
HB 1192
authorize the consumption of alcohol in certain common areas.
authorize the consumption of alcohol in certain common areas.
HB 1193
provide a criminal penalty for causing an abortion against a pregnant mother's will.
provide a criminal penalty for causing an abortion against a pregnant mother's will.
HB 1194
revise provisions regarding reports of crime statistics.
revise provisions regarding reports of crime statistics.
HB 1195
revise provisions regarding juvenile justice.
revise provisions regarding juvenile justice.
HB 1196
provide a definition of blockchain technology for certain purposes.
provide a definition of blockchain technology for certain purposes.
HB 1197
prohibit intentionally damaging monuments, statues, or memorials and provide a penalty therefor.
prohibit intentionally damaging monuments, statues, or memorials and provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1198
define activities that constitute human trafficking.
define activities that constitute human trafficking.
HB 1199
revise certain provisions regarding medical assistance payments to nursing home facilities.
revise certain provisions regarding medical assistance payments to nursing home facilities.
HB 1200
require the posting of contact information for persons serving on a board of township supervisors.
require the posting of contact information for persons serving on a board of township supervisors.
HB 1201
revise provisions regarding group pheasant hunts for disabled veterans.
revise provisions regarding group pheasant hunts for disabled veterans.
HB 1202
revise the number of qualified directors of a corporation needed to take certain actions.
revise the number of qualified directors of a corporation needed to take certain actions.
HB 1203
authorize certain poker tournaments for restricted purposes.
authorize certain poker tournaments for restricted purposes.
HB 1204
exempt certain sales of goods and services by minors from the sales tax.
exempt certain sales of goods and services by minors from the sales tax.
HB 1205
provide parents with certain rights regarding health care treatment of a minor child.
provide parents with certain rights regarding health care treatment of a minor child.
HB 1206
provide for divestiture of certain state investment holdings.
provide for divestiture of certain state investment holdings.
HB 1207
revise provisions regarding banking.
revise provisions regarding banking.
HB 1208
establish certain provisions regarding inspections of food service and mobile food service establishments.
establish certain provisions regarding inspections of food service and mobile food service establishments.
HB 1209
revise certain provisions regarding vapor products.
revise certain provisions regarding vapor products.
HB 1210
authorize the direct shipment of wine by wine clubs.
authorize the direct shipment of wine by wine clubs.
HB 1211
revise provisions regarding lottery winner confidentiality.
revise provisions regarding lottery winner confidentiality.
HB 1212
make an appropriation to fund the industrial hemp licensure program and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to fund the industrial hemp licensure program and to declare an emergency.
HB 1213
require a feasibility study and actuarial analysis on long-term care services and supports.
require a feasibility study and actuarial analysis on long-term care services and supports.
HB 1214
prohibit certain licenses and registrations from being withheld from certain persons owing a debt within the Board of Regents' system.
prohibit certain licenses and registrations from being withheld from certain persons owing a debt within the Board of Regents' system.
HB 1215
revise provisions regarding the posting of county and municipality ordinances.
revise provisions regarding the posting of county and municipality ordinances.
HB 1216
increase certain civil penalties for fleeing from police.
increase certain civil penalties for fleeing from police.
HB 1217
prohibit the endangerment of any child by means of driving under the influence and to provide a penalty therefor.
prohibit the endangerment of any child by means of driving under the influence and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1218
enhance nursing home care in the state.
enhance nursing home care in the state.
HB 1219
revise certain provisions regarding surplus line insurance.
revise certain provisions regarding surplus line insurance.
HB 1220
accommodate legislation to enhance education.
accommodate legislation to enhance education.
HB 1221
revise administrative rule to add palmer amaranth as a prohibited noxious weed seed.
revise administrative rule to add palmer amaranth as a prohibited noxious weed seed.
HB 1222
revise and enhance certain provisions regarding certain tax rates.
revise and enhance certain provisions regarding certain tax rates.
HB 1223
modify the distribution of taxes on concentrated animal feeding operations.
modify the distribution of taxes on concentrated animal feeding operations.
HB 1224
revise certain provisions regarding violations of county and municipal ordinances.
revise certain provisions regarding violations of county and municipal ordinances.
HB 1225
establish a determinant in identifying a student's sexual identity for the purpose of participation in high school athletics.
establish a determinant in identifying a student's sexual identity for the purpose of participation in high school athletics.
HB 1226
revise the distance certain wind energy systems must be set back from surrounding property.
revise the distance certain wind energy systems must be set back from surrounding property.
HB 1227
provide nonpublic schools certain tax revenue collected from rural electric companies.
provide nonpublic schools certain tax revenue collected from rural electric companies.
HB 1228
provide for certain inmates to petition for concurrent sentences.
provide for certain inmates to petition for concurrent sentences.
HB 1229
require optional services through Medicaid to be authorized through special appropriation.
require optional services through Medicaid to be authorized through special appropriation.
HB 1230
add clergy to the list of mandatory reporters for suspected child abuse or neglect.
add clergy to the list of mandatory reporters for suspected child abuse or neglect.
HB 1231
revise certain provisions regarding emergency commitment.
revise certain provisions regarding emergency commitment.
HB 1232
lower the compulsory age for school attendance.
lower the compulsory age for school attendance.
HB 1233
reduce the percentage of a winery's annual production that may be bulk wine.
reduce the percentage of a winery's annual production that may be bulk wine.
HB 1234
provide funding to schools from the contractor's excise tax on concentrated animal feeding operations.
provide funding to schools from the contractor's excise tax on concentrated animal feeding operations.
HB 1235
establish requirements regarding parental consent for the collection of certain information by schools.
establish requirements regarding parental consent for the collection of certain information by schools.
HB 1236
revise certain provisions regarding health insurance coverage.
revise certain provisions regarding health insurance coverage.
HB 1237
establish the duty to collect data and share information on missing and murdered indigenous persons.
establish the duty to collect data and share information on missing and murdered indigenous persons.
HB 1238
revise provisions regarding training on missing and murdered indigenous persons.
revise provisions regarding training on missing and murdered indigenous persons.
HB 1239
revise certain provisions regarding temporary permits for the use of public water.
revise certain provisions regarding temporary permits for the use of public water.
HB 1240
revise certain provisions regarding water permits.
revise certain provisions regarding water permits.
HB 1241
establish certain provisions regarding training for human trafficking prevention.
establish certain provisions regarding training for human trafficking prevention.
HB 1242
include opossums within the definition of predator and to declare an emergency.
include opossums within the definition of predator and to declare an emergency.
HB 1243
revise provisions regarding hate crimes.
revise provisions regarding hate crimes.
HB 1244
provide for the disclosure of certain documents and records of public officials.
provide for the disclosure of certain documents and records of public officials.
HB 1245
revise certain provisions regarding the right of a mother to breastfeed her child.
revise certain provisions regarding the right of a mother to breastfeed her child.
HB 1246
provide for increase in participation of entrepreneurship and state economic development initiatives by the nine federally recognized tribes in South Dakota.
provide for increase in participation of entrepreneurship and state economic development initiatives by the nine federally recognized tribes in South Dakota.
HB 1247
establish minimum requirements for high school graduation.
establish minimum requirements for high school graduation.
HB 1248
regulate online sales of tobacco products.
regulate online sales of tobacco products.
HB 1249
revise certain provisions regarding sales tax.
revise certain provisions regarding sales tax.
HB 1250
revise certain provisions regarding professional counselors and marriage and family therapists.
revise certain provisions regarding professional counselors and marriage and family therapists.
HB 1251
license out-of-state multi-jurisdictional totalizator hubs and distribute source market fees to the special racing revolving fund and the South Dakota-bred racing fund.
license out-of-state multi-jurisdictional totalizator hubs and distribute source market fees to the special racing revolving fund and the South Dakota-bred racing fund.
HB 1252
increase the state's percentage of video lottery revenues and provide for the deposit of certain excess revenues.
increase the state's percentage of video lottery revenues and provide for the deposit of certain excess revenues.
HB 1253
provide funding for advertising that addresses the negative aspects of gambling.
provide funding for advertising that addresses the negative aspects of gambling.
HB 1254
make appropriations from the water and environment fund and its revolving fund subfunds for various water and environmental purposes and to declare an emergency.
make appropriations from the water and environment fund and its revolving fund subfunds for various water and environmental purposes and to declare an emergency.
HB 1255
make an appropriation from the coordinated natural resources conservation fund to the State Conservation Commission, and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation from the coordinated natural resources conservation fund to the State Conservation Commission, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1256
make an appropriation to fund tax refunds for elderly persons and persons with a disability, to revise the income eligibility requirements for property and sales tax refunds, and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to fund tax refunds for elderly persons and persons with a disability, to revise the income eligibility requirements for property and sales tax refunds, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1257
authorize the Department of the Military to construct two storage buildings, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Department of the Military to construct two storage buildings, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1258
create the clean air act settlement fund, to make an appropriation from the fund, and to declare an emergency.
create the clean air act settlement fund, to make an appropriation from the fund, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1259
make an appropriation for costs related to disasters in the state and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for costs related to disasters in the state and to declare an emergency.
HB 1260
make an appropriation to continue the veteran's bonus program and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to continue the veteran's bonus program and to declare an emergency.
HB 1261
make an appropriation for costs related to suppression of wildfires in the state and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for costs related to suppression of wildfires in the state and to declare an emergency.
HB 1262
make an appropriation to reimburse certain health care professionals who have complied with the requirements for certain health care recruitment assistance programs and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to reimburse certain health care professionals who have complied with the requirements for certain health care recruitment assistance programs and to declare an emergency.
HB 1263
revise the appropriation for the construction of a National Guard Readiness Center at the Rapid City Airport and to declare an emergency.
revise the appropriation for the construction of a National Guard Readiness Center at the Rapid City Airport and to declare an emergency.
HB 1264
authorize the payment of a self-insured retention on a cyber liability insurance policy from the extraordinary litigation fund, to make an appropriation for the payment of extraordinary litigation expenses, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the payment of a self-insured retention on a cyber liability insurance policy from the extraordinary litigation fund, to make an appropriation for the payment of extraordinary litigation expenses, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1265
revise provisions regarding certain tax rates.
revise provisions regarding certain tax rates.
HB 1266
provide opportunities for the private sector commercialization of interstate rest areas and welcome centers.
provide opportunities for the private sector commercialization of interstate rest areas and welcome centers.
HB 1267
prohibit county commissioners from holding municipal office.
prohibit county commissioners from holding municipal office.
HB 1268
authorize electronic monitoring of residents in assisted living centers and nursing facilities.
authorize electronic monitoring of residents in assisted living centers and nursing facilities.
HB 1269
temporarily revise the statute of limitations for bringing a civil action for certain cases of child sexual abuse.
temporarily revise the statute of limitations for bringing a civil action for certain cases of child sexual abuse.
HB 1270
protect the teaching of certain scientific information.
protect the teaching of certain scientific information.
HB 1271
remove exceptions to certain health insurance policies.
remove exceptions to certain health insurance policies.
HB 1272
provide for remote notarization.
provide for remote notarization.
Bill Type: House Commemoration
HC 1001
Honoring and commending the 2017-2018 Northern State University Wolves Men's Basketball Team for placing second in the NCAA Division II National Tournament.
Honoring and commending the 2017-2018 Northern State University Wolves Men's Basketball Team for placing second in the NCAA Division II National Tournament.
HC 1002
Honoring the life of Beverly Smith.
Honoring the life of Beverly Smith.
HC 1003
Commending and recognizing the numerous contributions made by South Dakota's social workers and recognizing March 2019 as National Social Work Month.
Commending and recognizing the numerous contributions made by South Dakota's social workers and recognizing March 2019 as National Social Work Month.
HC 1004
Honoring and commending Myron Floren, for his service to the state of South Dakota through his exemplary work as an accordionist.
Honoring and commending Myron Floren, for his service to the state of South Dakota through his exemplary work as an accordionist.
HC 1005
Recognizing the month of September as Opioid Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month.
Recognizing the month of September as Opioid Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month.
HC 1006
Celebrating and honoring Tabor's Annual Czech Days festivities on the occasion of its seventy-first anniversary on June 13, 14, and 15, 2019.
Celebrating and honoring Tabor's Annual Czech Days festivities on the occasion of its seventy-first anniversary on June 13, 14, and 15, 2019.
HC 1007
Honoring Calico Ducheneaux of Mobridge, South Dakota Girls State Governor and Seamus Duffy of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Boys State Governor and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs.
Honoring Calico Ducheneaux of Mobridge, South Dakota Girls State Governor and Seamus Duffy of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Boys State Governor and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs.
HC 1008
Recognizing February as Black History Month and South Dakota's rich history of African American achievements.
Recognizing February as Black History Month and South Dakota's rich history of African American achievements.
HC 1009
Honoring Rena Ortbahn for her outstanding commitment and dedicated service to the State of South Dakota and the South Dakota Legislature.
Honoring Rena Ortbahn for her outstanding commitment and dedicated service to the State of South Dakota and the South Dakota Legislature.
HC 1010
Honoring the James Valley Christian High School Boys Cross Country Team for its outstanding performance and victory in the 2018 State Class B Cross Country Championship.
Honoring the James Valley Christian High School Boys Cross Country Team for its outstanding performance and victory in the 2018 State Class B Cross Country Championship.
HC 1011
Honoring and commending the city of Yankton on the 150th anniversary of its incorporation.
Honoring and commending the city of Yankton on the 150th anniversary of its incorporation.
HC 1012
Honoring the 2018 Augustana University Baseball Team and the students and staff involved in the baseball program.
Honoring the 2018 Augustana University Baseball Team and the students and staff involved in the baseball program.
HC 1013
Honoring and commending Dr. David E. Peterson for his outstanding service in the field of dentistry to patients in South Dakota.
Honoring and commending Dr. David E. Peterson for his outstanding service in the field of dentistry to patients in South Dakota.
HC 1014
Honoring the 2019 South Dakota Boys & Girls Clubs of America's Youth of the Year finalists.
Honoring the 2019 South Dakota Boys & Girls Clubs of America's Youth of the Year finalists.
HC 1015
Honoring the Pierre Junior Shooters BB Gun Team for placing second in the 2018 Daisy National BB Gun Championship.
Honoring the Pierre Junior Shooters BB Gun Team for placing second in the 2018 Daisy National BB Gun Championship.
HC 1016
Commending and honoring Dakota Wesleyan University Women's Basketball Team for their outstanding athletic performance upon winning their first NAIA Division II National Championship in the 2018 season.
Commending and honoring Dakota Wesleyan University Women's Basketball Team for their outstanding athletic performance upon winning their first NAIA Division II National Championship in the 2018 season.
HC 1017
Recognizing the individuals and organizations participating in memorial rides and runs this winter to honor and pay tribute to those brave relatives who lost their lives during the tumultuous times in the 1860s through the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890.
Recognizing the individuals and organizations participating in memorial rides and runs this winter to honor and pay tribute to those brave relatives who lost their lives during the tumultuous times in the 1860s through the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890.
HC 1018
Commending the South Dakota Retirement System Board of Trustees for its sound fiscal management and the national recognition of its innovative retirement plan design.
Commending the South Dakota Retirement System Board of Trustees for its sound fiscal management and the national recognition of its innovative retirement plan design.
HC 1019
Honoring and commending Robert A. Wylie for his dedicated service to the South Dakota Retirement System and the development of sound public pension policies in South Dakota and across the country.
Honoring and commending Robert A. Wylie for his dedicated service to the South Dakota Retirement System and the development of sound public pension policies in South Dakota and across the country.
HC 1020
Honoring the South Dakota Army National Guard Specialist Bailey Ruff for being named the national 2018 Soldier of the Year for the Army National Guard.
Honoring the South Dakota Army National Guard Specialist Bailey Ruff for being named the national 2018 Soldier of the Year for the Army National Guard.
HC 1021
Commending the South Dakota Air National Guard 114th Fighter Wing of Sioux Falls on being awarded the Distinguished Flying Unit Plaque, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award, Major General John J. Pesch Flight Safety Award, and William W. Spruance Safety Award for 2018.
Commending the South Dakota Air National Guard 114th Fighter Wing of Sioux Falls on being awarded the Distinguished Flying Unit Plaque, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award, Major General John J. Pesch Flight Safety Award, and William W. Spruance Safety Award for 2018.
HC 1022
Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard's 152nd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion of Pierre for being awarded the Major General Milton A. Reckford Trophy, General Walter T. Kerwin, Jr. Award, and the U.S. Army Supply Excellence Awards for 2018.
Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard's 152nd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion of Pierre for being awarded the Major General Milton A. Reckford Trophy, General Walter T. Kerwin, Jr. Award, and the U.S. Army Supply Excellence Awards for 2018.
HC 1023
Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 147th Field Artillery of Watertown on being awarded the Certificate of Victory for the National Guard Association of the United States.
Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 147th Field Artillery of Watertown on being awarded the Certificate of Victory for the National Guard Association of the United States.
HC 1024
Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard 153rd Engineer Battalion of Huron for being awarded a U.S. Army Deployment Excellence Award and a Department of Defense Reserve Family Readiness Award for the Army National Guard.
Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard 153rd Engineer Battalion of Huron for being awarded a U.S. Army Deployment Excellence Award and a Department of Defense Reserve Family Readiness Award for the Army National Guard.
HC 1025
Commending and honoring Raica, a police service dog for the South Dakota Highway Patrol and her Police Service Dog Handler Trooper Michael Dale, for their loyal team service to the State of South Dakota for the past seven years.
Commending and honoring Raica, a police service dog for the South Dakota Highway Patrol and her Police Service Dog Handler Trooper Michael Dale, for their loyal team service to the State of South Dakota for the past seven years.
HC 1026
Honoring the service of the South Dakota National Guard's Adjutant General, Major General Timothy A. Reisch, for his tenure serving as Adjutant Major General for the State of South Dakota Department of Military from April 2011 through June 2019.
Honoring the service of the South Dakota National Guard's Adjutant General, Major General Timothy A. Reisch, for his tenure serving as Adjutant Major General for the State of South Dakota Department of Military from April 2011 through June 2019.
HC 1027
Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard's Bravo Battery, 1st Battalion, 147th Field Artillery of Yankton on being awarded the General John J. Pershing Trophy for the National Guard Association of the United States.
Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard's Bravo Battery, 1st Battalion, 147th Field Artillery of Yankton on being awarded the General John J. Pershing Trophy for the National Guard Association of the United States.
HC 1028
Celebrating and commemorating the commissioning of the USS South Dakota.
Celebrating and commemorating the commissioning of the USS South Dakota.
Bill Type: House Concurrent Resolution
HCR 1001
Supporting the Governor's efforts to fuel the state fleet with premium E-30 fuel.
Supporting the Governor's efforts to fuel the state fleet with premium E-30 fuel.
HCR 1002
Requesting that local school boards establish a code of ethics and professional responsibility for educators in public elementary and secondary schools.
Requesting that local school boards establish a code of ethics and professional responsibility for educators in public elementary and secondary schools.
HCR 1003
Instructing the Secretary of the Department of Education to undertake a study of high school graduation requirements in this state.
Instructing the Secretary of the Department of Education to undertake a study of high school graduation requirements in this state.
HCR 1004
Strengthening the sister-state ties between the State of South Dakota and Taiwan; supporting the signing of a Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) between Taiwan and the United States; and reaffirming support for increasing Taiwan's international profile.
Strengthening the sister-state ties between the State of South Dakota and Taiwan; supporting the signing of a Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) between Taiwan and the United States; and reaffirming support for increasing Taiwan's international profile.
HCR 1005
Petitioning Congress and the President to defend Israel against hostile actions; expressing the strongest support for, and unity with, the people and State of Israel; and strongly condemning the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement and the increasing incidents of anti-Semitism against Israel and the Jewish people.
Petitioning Congress and the President to defend Israel against hostile actions; expressing the strongest support for, and unity with, the people and State of Israel; and strongly condemning the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement and the increasing incidents of anti-Semitism against Israel and the Jewish people.
HCR 1006
Instructing South Dakota's congressional representatives to support an effort in Congress to terminate the U.S. Department of Education.
Instructing South Dakota's congressional representatives to support an effort in Congress to terminate the U.S. Department of Education.
HCR 1007
Expressing and encouraging support for voluntary country-of-origin labels.
Expressing and encouraging support for voluntary country-of-origin labels.
Bill Type: House Joint Resolution
HJR 1001
Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota regarding appointments to fill legislative vacancies.
Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota regarding appointments to fill legislative vacancies.
HJR 1002
Rescinding an adopted joint resolution regarding a federal balanced budget amendment.
Rescinding an adopted joint resolution regarding a federal balanced budget amendment.
HJR 1003
Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election a new section to Article XII of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to the creation and administration of a trust fund using the net receipts from unclaimed property.
Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election a new section to Article XII of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to the creation and administration of a trust fund using the net receipts from unclaimed property.
HJR 1004
Rescinding House Joint Resolutions calling for a constitutional convention, or convention of the states, for the purpose of amending the Constitution of the United States.
Rescinding House Joint Resolutions calling for a constitutional convention, or convention of the states, for the purpose of amending the Constitution of the United States.
HJR 1005
To apply for a convention of states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office for federal officials and members of Congress.
To apply for a convention of states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office for federal officials and members of Congress.
HJR 1006
Proposing and submitting to voters an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, revising legislative terms of office.
Proposing and submitting to voters an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, revising legislative terms of office.
HJR 1007
To refer to the voters the question of whether the state should expand Medicaid under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
To refer to the voters the question of whether the state should expand Medicaid under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Bill Type: House Resolution
HR 1001
Commending and honoring Angela Kennecke for excellence in investigative reporting and service to the people of South Dakota.
Commending and honoring Angela Kennecke for excellence in investigative reporting and service to the people of South Dakota.
HR 1002
Recognizing the impact of Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias on persons living with these conditions, caregivers, and the State of South Dakota.
Recognizing the impact of Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias on persons living with these conditions, caregivers, and the State of South Dakota.
HR 1003
Denouncing the recent passage of New York's abortion law and requesting that the Governor declare a day of prayer and fasting to atone for the unspeakable crime of abortion.
Denouncing the recent passage of New York's abortion law and requesting that the Governor declare a day of prayer and fasting to atone for the unspeakable crime of abortion.
HR 1004
Petitioning Congress and the President to immediately defund Planned Parenthood of all federal funding; strongly condemning the recent unrestrictive abortion law passed in New York; and, expressing South Dakotans' continued resolve to secure the blessings of life and liberty for our posterity.
Petitioning Congress and the President to immediately defund Planned Parenthood of all federal funding; strongly condemning the recent unrestrictive abortion law passed in New York; and, expressing South Dakotans' continued resolve to secure the blessings of life and liberty for our posterity.
HR 1005
Rebuking Congressman Dusty Johnson for voting against President Trump's emergency measures to secure the Southern border, and urging Senators John Thune and Mike Rounds to support President Trump's constitutional efforts as our military Commander in Chief to do so.
Rebuking Congressman Dusty Johnson for voting against President Trump's emergency measures to secure the Southern border, and urging Senators John Thune and Mike Rounds to support President Trump's constitutional efforts as our military Commander in Chief to do so.
HR 1006
Recognizing the deleterious effects of gambling and video lottery.
Recognizing the deleterious effects of gambling and video lottery.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 1
add a legislator to the membership of the Extraordinary Cost Oversight Board, to establish the board in statute, and to repeal the administrative rules creating the board.
add a legislator to the membership of the Extraordinary Cost Oversight Board, to establish the board in statute, and to repeal the administrative rules creating the board.
SB 2
adjust for inflation the amount of the special education appropriation that may be set aside for extraordinary expenses.
adjust for inflation the amount of the special education appropriation that may be set aside for extraordinary expenses.
SB 3
create the Special Education Interim Legislative Committee.
create the Special Education Interim Legislative Committee.
SB 4
revise certain provisions regarding the classification of agricultural land for property tax purposes.
revise certain provisions regarding the classification of agricultural land for property tax purposes.
SB 5
codify legislation enacted in 2018.
codify legislation enacted in 2018.
SB 6
revise certain provisions regarding sonogram and heart auscultation prior to an abortion.
revise certain provisions regarding sonogram and heart auscultation prior to an abortion.
SB 7
revise certain provisions regarding prohibited activities near polling places.
revise certain provisions regarding prohibited activities near polling places.
SB 8
provide for a statewide resource information system.
provide for a statewide resource information system.
SB 9
provide for the Firearms Protection Act.
provide for the Firearms Protection Act.
SB 10
update references to certain federal motor carrier regulations.
update references to certain federal motor carrier regulations.
SB 11
revise certain provisions regarding the granting of work permits to minors who refuse to submit to chemical analyses.
revise certain provisions regarding the granting of work permits to minors who refuse to submit to chemical analyses.
SB 12
revise certain provisions pertaining to the disqualification of commercial driver license holders for failure to consent to chemical analyses.
revise certain provisions pertaining to the disqualification of commercial driver license holders for failure to consent to chemical analyses.
SB 13
revise certain provisions regarding authorization for public transportation assistance grants.
revise certain provisions regarding authorization for public transportation assistance grants.
SB 14
define solar energy facilities and to establish certain provisions regarding solar energy permits.
define solar energy facilities and to establish certain provisions regarding solar energy permits.
SB 15
define solar energy facilities, establish certain provisions regarding solar energy permits, and revise the procedures by which the Public Utilities Commission processes facility permits.
define solar energy facilities, establish certain provisions regarding solar energy permits, and revise the procedures by which the Public Utilities Commission processes facility permits.
SB 16
establish certain provisions regarding financial security for the decommissioning of wind turbines.
establish certain provisions regarding financial security for the decommissioning of wind turbines.
SB 17
revise certain provisions regarding certain indemnity bonds that the Public Utilities Commission may require.
revise certain provisions regarding certain indemnity bonds that the Public Utilities Commission may require.
SB 18
update certain references to federal laws and regulations regarding pipeline safety inspections and to increase the maximum civil penalty for certain pipeline safety violations.
update certain references to federal laws and regulations regarding pipeline safety inspections and to increase the maximum civil penalty for certain pipeline safety violations.
SB 19
repeal presumptive probation.
repeal presumptive probation.
SB 20
update certain provisions regarding consumer protection.
update certain provisions regarding consumer protection.
SB 21
authorize certain tobacco manufacturers to assign to the state the interest of the manufacturer in any money in a qualified escrow fund.
authorize certain tobacco manufacturers to assign to the state the interest of the manufacturer in any money in a qualified escrow fund.
SB 22
place certain substances on the controlled substances schedule and to declare an emergency.
place certain substances on the controlled substances schedule and to declare an emergency.
SB 23
revise certain references to repealed or obsolete provisions regarding the Department of Education.
revise certain references to repealed or obsolete provisions regarding the Department of Education.
SB 24
revise certain provisions relating to state assessments.
revise certain provisions relating to state assessments.
SB 25
revise the authority of Department of Revenue special agents.
revise the authority of Department of Revenue special agents.
SB 26
clarify certain provisions regarding the regulation of limited gaming in Deadwood, South Dakota.
clarify certain provisions regarding the regulation of limited gaming in Deadwood, South Dakota.
SB 27
repeal the annual license fee for coin operated washers and dryers.
repeal the annual license fee for coin operated washers and dryers.
SB 28
repeal provisions regarding the amusement device tax and amusement device registration.
repeal provisions regarding the amusement device tax and amusement device registration.
SB 29
revise provisions related to unclaimed property and to declare an emergency.
revise provisions related to unclaimed property and to declare an emergency.
SB 30
remove certain unnecessary federal references and dates from certain provisions relating to the Department of Social Services.
remove certain unnecessary federal references and dates from certain provisions relating to the Department of Social Services.
SB 31
revise certain provisions regarding criminal background checks for assistant behavior analysts and paraprofessionals.
revise certain provisions regarding criminal background checks for assistant behavior analysts and paraprofessionals.
SB 32
revise the composition of the South Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners.
revise the composition of the South Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners.
SB 33
authorize the commissioner of school and public lands to sell and acquire certain real property.
authorize the commissioner of school and public lands to sell and acquire certain real property.
SB 34
make an appropriation for the replacement of the Elm Lake Dam spillway and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the replacement of the Elm Lake Dam spillway and to declare an emergency.
SB 35
revise and repeal provisions regarding revocation of occupational licenses.
revise and repeal provisions regarding revocation of occupational licenses.
SB 36
revise the membership of the State Workers' Compensation Advisory Council.
revise the membership of the State Workers' Compensation Advisory Council.
SB 37
revise certain provisions regarding association health plans.
revise certain provisions regarding association health plans.
SB 38
provide for the carrying of a concealed pistol without a permit.
provide for the carrying of a concealed pistol without a permit.
SB 39
prohibit the state employment of certain relatives.
prohibit the state employment of certain relatives.
SB 40
authorize the transfer of certain real property to the Animal Industry Board.
authorize the transfer of certain real property to the Animal Industry Board.
SB 41
provide for the disposition of South Dakota Building Authority refinancing revenues for the Board of Regents.
provide for the disposition of South Dakota Building Authority refinancing revenues for the Board of Regents.
SB 42
revise the definition of campus security officers for purposes of the South Dakota Retirement System.
revise the definition of campus security officers for purposes of the South Dakota Retirement System.
SB 43
redirect funding to a collaborative program in rural veterinary medical education and to provide tax revenue for the support of veterinary students.
redirect funding to a collaborative program in rural veterinary medical education and to provide tax revenue for the support of veterinary students.
SB 44
revise the permanent endowment trust, to authorize the Board of Regents to sell certain extraneous real property and to purchase certain real property, to make an appropriation of sale proceeds, and to declare an emergency.
revise the permanent endowment trust, to authorize the Board of Regents to sell certain extraneous real property and to purchase certain real property, to make an appropriation of sale proceeds, and to declare an emergency.
SB 45
revise the provisions regarding the filing of a statement of additional issues on appeal in certain contested cases.
revise the provisions regarding the filing of a statement of additional issues on appeal in certain contested cases.
SB 46
repeal provisions regarding river basin natural resource districts
repeal provisions regarding river basin natural resource districts
SB 47
repeal and revise certain provisions regarding permits to carry a concealed pistol.
repeal and revise certain provisions regarding permits to carry a concealed pistol.
SB 48
authorize counties on behalf of certain improvement districts to issue convention facility on-sale licenses to sell alcoholic beverages.
authorize counties on behalf of certain improvement districts to issue convention facility on-sale licenses to sell alcoholic beverages.
SB 49
declare void the transgender procedure adopted by the South Dakota High School Activities Association and to establish a determinant in identifying a student's sexual identity for the purpose of participation in high school athletics.
declare void the transgender procedure adopted by the South Dakota High School Activities Association and to establish a determinant in identifying a student's sexual identity for the purpose of participation in high school athletics.
SB 50
remove restrictions regarding the carrying of a concealed weapon in the state capitol by permit holders.
remove restrictions regarding the carrying of a concealed weapon in the state capitol by permit holders.
SB 51
revise certain provisions regarding trusts.
revise certain provisions regarding trusts.
SB 52
require a survey to determine the adequacy of civics and history instruction in accredited schools.
require a survey to determine the adequacy of civics and history instruction in accredited schools.
SB 53
authorize certain retailers to offer quantity discounts or cash discounts for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
authorize certain retailers to offer quantity discounts or cash discounts for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
SB 54
regulate the use of care and maintenance funds by perpetual care cemeteries.
regulate the use of care and maintenance funds by perpetual care cemeteries.
SB 55
require the national motto of the United States to be displayed in public schools.
require the national motto of the United States to be displayed in public schools.
SB 56
revise certain provision regarding the regulation of fireworks and to declare an emergency.
revise certain provision regarding the regulation of fireworks and to declare an emergency.
SB 57
revise certain provisions regarding the ability to obtain title to unclaimed motor vehicles with unpaid repair bills.
revise certain provisions regarding the ability to obtain title to unclaimed motor vehicles with unpaid repair bills.
SB 58
authorize the Bureau of Administration to conduct a study of the Flaming Fountain on Capitol Lake, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Bureau of Administration to conduct a study of the Flaming Fountain on Capitol Lake, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 59
revise certain provisions regarding public records.
revise certain provisions regarding public records.
SB 60
require the secretary of public safety to provide recommendations to the Legislature on a statewide threat assessment plan.
require the secretary of public safety to provide recommendations to the Legislature on a statewide threat assessment plan.
SB 61
provide certain provisions regarding nursing facility closures.
provide certain provisions regarding nursing facility closures.
SB 62
provide for the use of certain general funds to increase Medicaid reimbursement rates for existing Medicaid providers.
provide for the use of certain general funds to increase Medicaid reimbursement rates for existing Medicaid providers.
SB 63
increase the penalty for a subsequent conviction for trespass to hunt, fish, or trap.
increase the penalty for a subsequent conviction for trespass to hunt, fish, or trap.
SB 64
require certain wind energy facilities to include aircraft detection lighting systems.
require certain wind energy facilities to include aircraft detection lighting systems.
SB 65
provide for the construction, renovation, improvement, remodeling, alteration, addition to and repairing of courthouses, jails, incarceration reduction facilities, and other necessary buildings.
provide for the construction, renovation, improvement, remodeling, alteration, addition to and repairing of courthouses, jails, incarceration reduction facilities, and other necessary buildings.
SB 66
establish an interim legislative committee to study issues related to electric services in an annexed area.
establish an interim legislative committee to study issues related to electric services in an annexed area.
SB 67
revise provisions regarding commitment of a child adjudicated as delinquent.
revise provisions regarding commitment of a child adjudicated as delinquent.
SB 68
define certain acts as misbranding of food products.
define certain acts as misbranding of food products.
SB 69
provide for the meeting times of sessions and committees of the Legislature.
provide for the meeting times of sessions and committees of the Legislature.
SB 70
revise certain provisions regarding hospital liens.
revise certain provisions regarding hospital liens.
SB 71
prohibit capital punishment of any person with severe mental illness.
prohibit capital punishment of any person with severe mental illness.
SB 72
provide for a form a physician must use to obtain consent to an abortion.
provide for a form a physician must use to obtain consent to an abortion.
SB 73
revise qualifications for sanitary district trustees.
revise qualifications for sanitary district trustees.
SB 74
revise provisions regarding multiple convictions for certain offenses.
revise provisions regarding multiple convictions for certain offenses.
SB 75
revise certain provisions regarding who is eligible to serve as a candidate in the event of a vacancy.
revise certain provisions regarding who is eligible to serve as a candidate in the event of a vacancy.
SB 76
allow a candidate for legislative or county office to be considered for nomination to statewide office.
allow a candidate for legislative or county office to be considered for nomination to statewide office.
SB 77
revise provisions regarding candidates running for office.
revise provisions regarding candidates running for office.
SB 78
exempt certain medical providers from licensure.
exempt certain medical providers from licensure.
SB 79
increase the penalty for theft of a firearm.
increase the penalty for theft of a firearm.
SB 80
make an appropriation to the Equal Access to Our Courts Commission.
make an appropriation to the Equal Access to Our Courts Commission.
SB 81
revise provisions regarding minimum demand of electric service.
revise provisions regarding minimum demand of electric service.
SB 82
revise provisions regarding election of officers for rural electric cooperatives
revise provisions regarding election of officers for rural electric cooperatives
SB 83
revise provisions regarding meetings and records of rural electric cooperatives.
revise provisions regarding meetings and records of rural electric cooperatives.
SB 84
authorize the possession and administration of opioid antagonists by school district and nonpublic school personnel, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the possession and administration of opioid antagonists by school district and nonpublic school personnel, and to declare an emergency.
SB 85
revise the deadline for the Department of Health's annual report regarding abortions.
revise the deadline for the Department of Health's annual report regarding abortions.
SB 86
revise provisions regarding certain tax rates.
revise provisions regarding certain tax rates.
SB 87
enhance South Dakota.
enhance South Dakota.
SB 88
enhance education in South Dakota.
enhance education in South Dakota.
SB 89
enhance health care in South Dakota.
enhance health care in South Dakota.
SB 90
revise provisions regarding certain financial interest statements filed by persons elected to state or local office.
revise provisions regarding certain financial interest statements filed by persons elected to state or local office.
SB 91
revise certain provisions regarding open meeting requirements.
revise certain provisions regarding open meeting requirements.
SB 92
revise certain provisions regarding the signature requirements for municipal elections.
revise certain provisions regarding the signature requirements for municipal elections.
SB 93
revise certain provisions regarding instruction and restricted driving permits.
revise certain provisions regarding instruction and restricted driving permits.
SB 94
revise provisions regarding rule-making authority to establish certain fuel standards.
revise provisions regarding rule-making authority to establish certain fuel standards.
SB 95
establish standards regarding operation of certain inflatable amusement devices.
establish standards regarding operation of certain inflatable amusement devices.
SB 96
expand application of the tax credit for contributions to a scholarship granting organization.
expand application of the tax credit for contributions to a scholarship granting organization.
SB 97
revise provisions regarding farm winery licensure.
revise provisions regarding farm winery licensure.
SB 98
repeal the sunset of a wine manufacturer license.
repeal the sunset of a wine manufacturer license.
SB 99
establish certain provisions regarding commercial security deposits.
establish certain provisions regarding commercial security deposits.
SB 100
reduce the number of petition signatures required for conservation district supervisor elections.
reduce the number of petition signatures required for conservation district supervisor elections.
SB 101
establish certain provisions regarding out-of-state businesses that provide disaster or emergency related work.
establish certain provisions regarding out-of-state businesses that provide disaster or emergency related work.
SB 102
make an appropriation for gas well cleanup in Harding County.
make an appropriation for gas well cleanup in Harding County.
SB 103
provide for an annual transfer of certain unobligated state general funds into the local bridge improvement grant fund.
provide for an annual transfer of certain unobligated state general funds into the local bridge improvement grant fund.
SB 104
require random drug testing of legislators.
require random drug testing of legislators.
SB 105
distribute a portion of tourism promotion funds to the special racing revolving fund and the South Dakota-bred racing fund.
distribute a portion of tourism promotion funds to the special racing revolving fund and the South Dakota-bred racing fund.
SB 106
authorize a county gross receipts tax.
authorize a county gross receipts tax.
SB 107
revise provisions regarding rape.
revise provisions regarding rape.
SB 108
require certain legislative meetings to be open to the public.
require certain legislative meetings to be open to the public.
SB 109
prohibit certain state employees from acting as a lobbyist for a certain period following termination of employment.
prohibit certain state employees from acting as a lobbyist for a certain period following termination of employment.
SB 110
revise provisions regarding adjustments to the motor fuel tax fund balance.
revise provisions regarding adjustments to the motor fuel tax fund balance.
SB 111
revise provisions regarding certification of emergency medical responders.
revise provisions regarding certification of emergency medical responders.
SB 112
provide for the assessment of certain agricultural land as noncropland.
provide for the assessment of certain agricultural land as noncropland.
SB 113
provide that certain information contained within applications for money lending licenses are public records.
provide that certain information contained within applications for money lending licenses are public records.
SB 114
attribute campaign contributions by certain minors to their parents.
attribute campaign contributions by certain minors to their parents.
SB 115
authorize the conditional carrying of a concealed pistol in the state capitol by certain persons.
authorize the conditional carrying of a concealed pistol in the state capitol by certain persons.
SB 116
create the Dakota promise fund, provide Dakota promise grants, and to make an appropriation.
create the Dakota promise fund, provide Dakota promise grants, and to make an appropriation.
SB 117
authorize Spanish to be used in the process of issuing certain driver licenses and permits.
authorize Spanish to be used in the process of issuing certain driver licenses and permits.
SB 118
establish certain provisions regarding advance care planning.
establish certain provisions regarding advance care planning.
SB 119
revise provisions regarding investments by farm mutual insurers.
revise provisions regarding investments by farm mutual insurers.
SB 120
modify the time period allowable for certain covenants not to compete.
modify the time period allowable for certain covenants not to compete.
SB 121
revise certain provisions regarding manufacturers' warranties for motor vehicles to include all-terrain vehicles.
revise certain provisions regarding manufacturers' warranties for motor vehicles to include all-terrain vehicles.
SB 122
restrict the enactment of policies governing the possession of firearms at public institutions of higher education.
restrict the enactment of policies governing the possession of firearms at public institutions of higher education.
SB 123
provide for the adoption of privacy protection policies.
provide for the adoption of privacy protection policies.
SB 124
provide for the transportation of alcoholic beverages by retail licensees.
provide for the transportation of alcoholic beverages by retail licensees.
SB 125
revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2019 to fund the literacy intervention program.
revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2019 to fund the literacy intervention program.
SB 126
revise certain provisions regarding the common language of the state and to recognize the official indigenous language of the state.
revise certain provisions regarding the common language of the state and to recognize the official indigenous language of the state.
SB 127
revise provisions regarding the Law Enforcement Officers Certification Commission.
revise provisions regarding the Law Enforcement Officers Certification Commission.
SB 128
make an appropriation to the gaming commission fund, to provide for the transfer of funds to the special racing revolving fund and the South Dakota-bred racing fund, and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the gaming commission fund, to provide for the transfer of funds to the special racing revolving fund and the South Dakota-bred racing fund, and to declare an emergency.
SB 129
exempt motor vehicles owned by licensed ambulance services from certain motor vehicle registration fees.
exempt motor vehicles owned by licensed ambulance services from certain motor vehicle registration fees.
SB 130
create an on-sale surcharge license.
create an on-sale surcharge license.
SB 131
accommodate legislation on Medicaid provider reimbursements.
accommodate legislation on Medicaid provider reimbursements.
SB 132
accommodate legislation on education.
accommodate legislation on education.
SB 133
accommodate legislation to lower the state sales and use tax.
accommodate legislation to lower the state sales and use tax.
SB 134
accommodate legislation on Medicaid.
accommodate legislation on Medicaid.
SB 135
modify the requirements for county or municipality disapproval of an off-sale license applicant to sell alcoholic beverages.
modify the requirements for county or municipality disapproval of an off-sale license applicant to sell alcoholic beverages.
SB 136
provide for the utilization of telehealth by a health care professional.
provide for the utilization of telehealth by a health care professional.
SB 137
provide for the payment of claims for covered services provided by a health care professional via telehealth.
provide for the payment of claims for covered services provided by a health care professional via telehealth.
SB 138
revise certain provisions regarding microbreweries.
revise certain provisions regarding microbreweries.
SB 139
prohibit the publication of false information in certain political advertisements.
prohibit the publication of false information in certain political advertisements.
SB 140
provide for the increase of higher education enrolled members of the nine federally recognized tribes in South Dakota at regental institutions.
provide for the increase of higher education enrolled members of the nine federally recognized tribes in South Dakota at regental institutions.
SB 141
provide for the administration of certain assessments in a paper format.
provide for the administration of certain assessments in a paper format.
SB 142
require the state to assume the responsibility for legal expenses of certain persons in state custody.
require the state to assume the responsibility for legal expenses of certain persons in state custody.
SB 143
revise visitation rights of a person causing conception by rape or incest.
revise visitation rights of a person causing conception by rape or incest.
SB 144
remove certain sanctions regarding public assistance for certain felony drug offenders.
remove certain sanctions regarding public assistance for certain felony drug offenders.
SB 145
revise provisions regarding the vesting of title to a removal agency.
revise provisions regarding the vesting of title to a removal agency.
SB 146
revise certain provisions regarding licenses for speech-language pathology services.
revise certain provisions regarding licenses for speech-language pathology services.
SB 147
provide certain provisions regarding commercial pesticide applicators.
provide certain provisions regarding commercial pesticide applicators.
SB 148
provide for state employee protection from retaliation for certain communications.
provide for state employee protection from retaliation for certain communications.
SB 149
increase the amount authorized for certain brand fees and to authorize a brand registration application fee.
increase the amount authorized for certain brand fees and to authorize a brand registration application fee.
SB 150
revise the penalty for possession of substances containing cannabis intended for consumption other than by smoking or inhalation.
revise the penalty for possession of substances containing cannabis intended for consumption other than by smoking or inhalation.
SB 151
revise the course requirements for the opportunity scholarship.
revise the course requirements for the opportunity scholarship.
SB 152
improve civics education in South Dakota public schools.
improve civics education in South Dakota public schools.
SB 153
authorize the Game, Fish and Parks Commission to provide for a special hunting license with the proceeds to be used for habitat.
authorize the Game, Fish and Parks Commission to provide for a special hunting license with the proceeds to be used for habitat.
SB 154
authorize the production and transport of saltwater crustaceans.
authorize the production and transport of saltwater crustaceans.
SB 155
authorize additional nursing facility beds for the Michael J. Fitzmaurice Veterans Home.
authorize additional nursing facility beds for the Michael J. Fitzmaurice Veterans Home.
SB 156
make an appropriation for the payment of certain delinquent taxes.
make an appropriation for the payment of certain delinquent taxes.
SB 157
revise and repeal certain provisions regarding petitions for ballot measures.
revise and repeal certain provisions regarding petitions for ballot measures.
SB 158
make an appropriation for increased reimbursement for care of residents of nursing facilities and assisted living facilities.
make an appropriation for increased reimbursement for care of residents of nursing facilities and assisted living facilities.
SB 159
provide for reimbursement of certain fire and rescue services.
provide for reimbursement of certain fire and rescue services.
SB 160
provide for calculations of sales tax revenues from sellers located outside of the state.
provide for calculations of sales tax revenues from sellers located outside of the state.
SB 161
provide for reporting of hours worked by certain constitutional officers and their employees.
provide for reporting of hours worked by certain constitutional officers and their employees.
SB 162
require that local government bond elections be held in conjunction with the primary or general election in even-numbered years.
require that local government bond elections be held in conjunction with the primary or general election in even-numbered years.
SB 163
revise certain provisions regarding jury lists.
revise certain provisions regarding jury lists.
SB 164
establish procedures for the investigation of certain missing and murdered indigenous persons.
establish procedures for the investigation of certain missing and murdered indigenous persons.
SB 165
revise and enhance provisions regarding the taxation of park model homes.
revise and enhance provisions regarding the taxation of park model homes.
SB 166
revise certain provisions regarding occupational licensing.
revise certain provisions regarding occupational licensing.
SB 167
establish a legislative study to study offenses regarding controlled substances.
establish a legislative study to study offenses regarding controlled substances.
SB 168
revise certain provisions regarding emblem specialty plate stickers.
revise certain provisions regarding emblem specialty plate stickers.
SB 169
allow a property tax extension for certain federal workers and to declare an emergency.
allow a property tax extension for certain federal workers and to declare an emergency.
SB 170
revise certain provisions regarding local referendums.
revise certain provisions regarding local referendums.
SB 171
designate saltwater aquatic farms as agricultural operations.
designate saltwater aquatic farms as agricultural operations.
SB 172
make an appropriation for costs related to disasters in the state and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for costs related to disasters in the state and to declare an emergency.
SB 173
make an appropriation to fund certain health care innovation grants, to require certain reports, expedite the nursing home rate methodology review, and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to fund certain health care innovation grants, to require certain reports, expedite the nursing home rate methodology review, and to declare an emergency.
SB 174
make an appropriation for the construction of a health services building and renovation at the Jameson Prison Annex on the grounds of the state penitentiary and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the construction of a health services building and renovation at the Jameson Prison Annex on the grounds of the state penitentiary and to declare an emergency.
SB 175
make an appropriation for the South Dakota Ellsworth Development Authority and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the South Dakota Ellsworth Development Authority and to declare an emergency.
SB 176
make an appropriation for the second century habitat fund.
make an appropriation for the second century habitat fund.
SB 177
authorize the Department of Public Safety to remodel an existing structure in Sturgis for use as the state metrology lab, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Department of Public Safety to remodel an existing structure in Sturgis for use as the state metrology lab, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 178
make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to fund certain improvements to Palisades State Park and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to fund certain improvements to Palisades State Park and to declare an emergency.
SB 179
revise the property tax levies for the general fund of school districts and to revise the state aid to education formula.
revise the property tax levies for the general fund of school districts and to revise the state aid to education formula.
SB 180
revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2019.
revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2019.
SB 181
provide for the transfer of funds from the budget reserve fund and to declare an emergency.
provide for the transfer of funds from the budget reserve fund and to declare an emergency.
SB 182
revise the special education property tax levy for school districts and to revise the state aid to special education formula.
revise the special education property tax levy for school districts and to revise the state aid to special education formula.
SB 183
revise certain provisions regarding buffer strips.
revise certain provisions regarding buffer strips.
SB 184
revise certain provisions regarding certification of utility permits.
revise certain provisions regarding certification of utility permits.
SB 185
revise certain provisions regarding restoration to competency for criminal defendants.
revise certain provisions regarding restoration to competency for criminal defendants.
SB 186
prohibit the cancellation or nonrenewal of a health insurance policy for a preexisting condition.
prohibit the cancellation or nonrenewal of a health insurance policy for a preexisting condition.
SB 187
define electric bicycles and to provide for the regulation of electric bicycles.
define electric bicycles and to provide for the regulation of electric bicycles.
SB 188
revise certain provisions regarding state tests.
revise certain provisions regarding state tests.
SB 189
establish a fund to receive civil recoveries to offset costs incurred by riot boosting, to make a continuous appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
establish a fund to receive civil recoveries to offset costs incurred by riot boosting, to make a continuous appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 190
promote pipeline construction and fiscal responsibility by establishing a fund, to authorize a special fee for extraordinary expenses, to make a continuous appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
promote pipeline construction and fiscal responsibility by establishing a fund, to authorize a special fee for extraordinary expenses, to make a continuous appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 191
appropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools.
appropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools.
Bill Type: Senate Commemoration
SC 1
Honoring, commending, and thanking South Dakota Highway Patrol Sergeant Steve Swenson upon his retirement for his many dedicated years of service to South Dakotans as a highway patrolman.
Honoring, commending, and thanking South Dakota Highway Patrol Sergeant Steve Swenson upon his retirement for his many dedicated years of service to South Dakotans as a highway patrolman.
SC 2
Honoring, commending, and thanking South Dakota Highway Patrol Lieutenant Paul Gerken upon his retirement for his many dedicated years of service to South Dakotans as a highway patrolman.
Honoring, commending, and thanking South Dakota Highway Patrol Lieutenant Paul Gerken upon his retirement for his many dedicated years of service to South Dakotans as a highway patrolman.
SC 3
Honoring, commending, and thanking South Dakota Highway Patrol Sergeant Trooper Darren Hall upon his retirement for his many dedicated years of service to South Dakotans as a highway patrolman.
Honoring, commending, and thanking South Dakota Highway Patrol Sergeant Trooper Darren Hall upon his retirement for his many dedicated years of service to South Dakotans as a highway patrolman.
SC 4
Honoring and commending South Dakota State University for its ten-year anniversary as a successful NCAA Division I university.
Honoring and commending South Dakota State University for its ten-year anniversary as a successful NCAA Division I university.
SC 5
Congratulating and recognizing Chris Nilsen from the University of South Dakota on breaking the NCAA Championship men's pole vault meet record.
Congratulating and recognizing Chris Nilsen from the University of South Dakota on breaking the NCAA Championship men's pole vault meet record.
SC 6
Commending and honoring the University of South Dakota Women's Track and Field Team for their outstanding athletic performance upon winning their first Summit League Outdoor Championship in the 2018 season.
Commending and honoring the University of South Dakota Women's Track and Field Team for their outstanding athletic performance upon winning their first Summit League Outdoor Championship in the 2018 season.
SC 7
Commending and honoring the Parker School District Board of Education on their selection as the Associated School Boards of South Dakota School Board Award of Excellence recipient for 2018.
Commending and honoring the Parker School District Board of Education on their selection as the Associated School Boards of South Dakota School Board Award of Excellence recipient for 2018.
SC 8
Commending and honoring the 2017-2018 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Kelly Glodt, Pierre, School Superintendent; Cotton Koch, Madison Central, Middle School Principal; Cathy Telin, Britton-Hecla, School Business Official; Chris Noid, Howard, Elementary School Principal; Julie Marshall, Timber Lake, Secondary School Principal; Brad McDonald, Tri-Valley, Assistant Middle School Principal; Sue McAdaragh, Sioux Falls, Curriculum Leader; and Jerry Aberle, Northeast Education Cooperative, Director of Special Education, for being named outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups.
Commending and honoring the 2017-2018 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Kelly Glodt, Pierre, School Superintendent; Cotton Koch, Madison Central, Middle School Principal; Cathy Telin, Britton-Hecla, School Business Official; Chris Noid, Howard, Elementary School Principal; Julie Marshall, Timber Lake, Secondary School Principal; Brad McDonald, Tri-Valley, Assistant Middle School Principal; Sue McAdaragh, Sioux Falls, Curriculum Leader; and Jerry Aberle, Northeast Education Cooperative, Director of Special Education, for being named outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups.
SC 9
Commending and honoring Denise Lutkemeier, President of the Wilmot School District Board of Education, on her selection as the Associated School Boards of South Dakota's Outstanding School Board Member of South Dakota for 2018.
Commending and honoring Denise Lutkemeier, President of the Wilmot School District Board of Education, on her selection as the Associated School Boards of South Dakota's Outstanding School Board Member of South Dakota for 2018.
SC 10
Commending and honoring the University of South Dakota Women's Volleyball Team for their outstanding athletic performance upon winning the 2018 Summit League Tournament Championship.
Commending and honoring the University of South Dakota Women's Volleyball Team for their outstanding athletic performance upon winning the 2018 Summit League Tournament Championship.
SC 11
Commending and honoring Carla McMurry-Kozak, a high school English teacher at Vermillion High School, on being named English Teacher of the Year by the South Dakota Council of Teachers of English and Speech Communication Association.
Commending and honoring Carla McMurry-Kozak, a high school English teacher at Vermillion High School, on being named English Teacher of the Year by the South Dakota Council of Teachers of English and Speech Communication Association.
SC 12
Commending and honoring Shane O'Connell for his success and achievement in national and international rodeo competitions.
Commending and honoring Shane O'Connell for his success and achievement in national and international rodeo competitions.
SC 13
Commending and honoring the University of South Dakota Women's Cross Country Team for their outstanding athletic performance in winning their fifth consecutive Summit League Championship.
Commending and honoring the University of South Dakota Women's Cross Country Team for their outstanding athletic performance in winning their fifth consecutive Summit League Championship.
SC 14
Commending and honoring the University of South Dakota Women's Basketball Team for their outstanding athletic performance in winning their third regular season Summit League Championship in four years.
Commending and honoring the University of South Dakota Women's Basketball Team for their outstanding athletic performance in winning their third regular season Summit League Championship in four years.
SC 15
Commending and honoring Angela Kennecke for excellence in investigative reporting and service to the people of South Dakota.
Commending and honoring Angela Kennecke for excellence in investigative reporting and service to the people of South Dakota.
SC 16
Honoring the life of John Knebel.
Honoring the life of John Knebel.
SC 17
Honoring the 130th anniversary of the establishment of the Michael J. Fitzmaurice State Veterans Home.
Honoring the 130th anniversary of the establishment of the Michael J. Fitzmaurice State Veterans Home.
SC 18
Congratulating Owen Ponto of Rapid City, South Dakota for the extraordinary honor of winning a 2019 Prudential Spirit of Community Award.
Congratulating Owen Ponto of Rapid City, South Dakota for the extraordinary honor of winning a 2019 Prudential Spirit of Community Award.
SC 19
Congratulating Abby Neff of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on the extraordinary honor of winning a 2019 Prudential Spirit of Community Award.
Congratulating Abby Neff of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on the extraordinary honor of winning a 2019 Prudential Spirit of Community Award.
SC 20
Honoring and commending the 2018 Tea Area High School Titans Boys Soccer Team and the students and staff involved in the program.
Honoring and commending the 2018 Tea Area High School Titans Boys Soccer Team and the students and staff involved in the program.
SC 21
Commending and honoring the Tea Area High School boys' golf team for their second State A Championship title under the leadership of head coach, Jason Sudenga.
Commending and honoring the Tea Area High School boys' golf team for their second State A Championship title under the leadership of head coach, Jason Sudenga.
SC 22
Honoring and commending the Lennox Junior Legion baseball team for capturing the 2018 South Dakota State Junior Legion Baseball Title.
Honoring and commending the Lennox Junior Legion baseball team for capturing the 2018 South Dakota State Junior Legion Baseball Title.
SC 23
Honoring and commending Travis Ehrisman, high school science teacher, on being named Tea Area School District Teacher of the Year.
Honoring and commending Travis Ehrisman, high school science teacher, on being named Tea Area School District Teacher of the Year.
SC 24
Honoring, commending, and thanking Lincoln County Officer Travis Johns on being named South Dakota Officer of the Year in 2018 by the South Dakota Association of School Resource Officers.
Honoring, commending, and thanking Lincoln County Officer Travis Johns on being named South Dakota Officer of the Year in 2018 by the South Dakota Association of School Resource Officers.
SC 25
Honoring and commending Harrisburg student Andrea Brandner, winner of two grand championships at the 2018 South Dakota State 4-H Horse Show.
Honoring and commending Harrisburg student Andrea Brandner, winner of two grand championships at the 2018 South Dakota State 4-H Horse Show.
SC 26
Honoring and commending David Preheim for being selected as the 2018 Southeast Area Assistant Principal of the Year by the Southeast Area Principals' Group.
Honoring and commending David Preheim for being selected as the 2018 Southeast Area Assistant Principal of the Year by the Southeast Area Principals' Group.
SC 27
Honoring Lennox High School freshman Xavier Larson for receiving a superior award at the state-wide oral interpretation competition.
Honoring Lennox High School freshman Xavier Larson for receiving a superior award at the state-wide oral interpretation competition.
SC 28
Honoring and commending Blake Crosby on being awarded Lennox School District Teacher of the Year.
Honoring and commending Blake Crosby on being awarded Lennox School District Teacher of the Year.
SC 29
Honoring Lois Henry for her outstanding commitment and dedicated service to the State of South Dakota and the South Dakota Legislature.
Honoring Lois Henry for her outstanding commitment and dedicated service to the State of South Dakota and the South Dakota Legislature.
SC 30
Commending, honoring, and thanking President George H. W. Bush for his many years of great service to our country.
Commending, honoring, and thanking President George H. W. Bush for his many years of great service to our country.
SC 31
Honoring and commending Jaelyn Morehead on being recognized as Tea Area's first National Merit Finalist.
Honoring and commending Jaelyn Morehead on being recognized as Tea Area's first National Merit Finalist.
SC 32
Honoring and congratulating Nash Hutmacher for winning the 285-pound weight class at the 2019 State Class A Wrestling Tournament for the third consecutive year, as well as his success in the sport of football.
Honoring and congratulating Nash Hutmacher for winning the 285-pound weight class at the 2019 State Class A Wrestling Tournament for the third consecutive year, as well as his success in the sport of football.
SC 33
Honoring Cammack Ranch as the 2018 Leopold Conservation Award recipient.
Honoring Cammack Ranch as the 2018 Leopold Conservation Award recipient.
SC 34
Commending and honoring the Deuel County High School Gymnastics Team for winning the 2019 State A Gymnastics Championship.
Commending and honoring the Deuel County High School Gymnastics Team for winning the 2019 State A Gymnastics Championship.
SC 35
Recognizing and honoring the bravery of the Beresford FFA students who quickly and courageously acted to help the residents of a burning apartment building.
Recognizing and honoring the bravery of the Beresford FFA students who quickly and courageously acted to help the residents of a burning apartment building.
SC 36
Honoring the Canton High School wrestling team for their outstanding accomplishments during the 2018-2019 season.
Honoring the Canton High School wrestling team for their outstanding accomplishments during the 2018-2019 season.
SC 37
Commending and honoring Korbin Leddy as a recipient of a 2019 Prudential Spirit of Community Award.
Commending and honoring Korbin Leddy as a recipient of a 2019 Prudential Spirit of Community Award.
SC 38
Honoring Alec Atwood of Beresford High School.
Honoring Alec Atwood of Beresford High School.
SC 39
Recognizing and commending Technical Sergeant Michelle Eosso for being selected as Honor Guard Program Manager of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
Recognizing and commending Technical Sergeant Michelle Eosso for being selected as Honor Guard Program Manager of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
SC 40
Recognizing and commending Captain Frank Mercurio on being selected as Company Grade Officer of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
Recognizing and commending Captain Frank Mercurio on being selected as Company Grade Officer of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
SC 41
Recognizing and commending Senior Airman Benjamin Broussard on being selected Airman of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
Recognizing and commending Senior Airman Benjamin Broussard on being selected Airman of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
SC 42
Recognizing and commending Senior Master Sergeant Andrea Scheving on being selected Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
Recognizing and commending Senior Master Sergeant Andrea Scheving on being selected Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
SC 43
Recognizing and commending Senior Airman Dyllon Schwartz for being selected as the Honor Guard Member of the Year.
Recognizing and commending Senior Airman Dyllon Schwartz for being selected as the Honor Guard Member of the Year.
SC 44
Recognizing and commending Master Sergeant Toni Dominguez on being selected First Sergeant of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
Recognizing and commending Master Sergeant Toni Dominguez on being selected First Sergeant of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
SC 45
Recognizing and commending Staff Sergeant Anthony Morgan on being selected Noncommissioned Officer of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
Recognizing and commending Staff Sergeant Anthony Morgan on being selected Noncommissioned Officer of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
SC 46
Recognizing and commending Major Scott Howe on being selected as Field Grade Officer of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
Recognizing and commending Major Scott Howe on being selected as Field Grade Officer of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
SC 47
Recognizing and commending Staff Sergeant Janay Jones on being selected as Military Volunteer of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
Recognizing and commending Staff Sergeant Janay Jones on being selected as Military Volunteer of the Year of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
SC 48
Celebrating the accomplishments and hard work of the annual award winners of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base
Celebrating the accomplishments and hard work of the annual award winners of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base
Bill Type: Senate Concurrent Resolution
Urging Congress to increase federal funding for special education.
Urging Congress to increase federal funding for special education.
To provide for legislative task forces to study, report, and develop and consider recommendations and proposed legislation regarding sustainable improvements to the continuum of mental health services available in the state.
To provide for legislative task forces to study, report, and develop and consider recommendations and proposed legislation regarding sustainable improvements to the continuum of mental health services available in the state.
Commending, honoring, and thanking South Dakota's numerous women veterans for their service to our country and state.
Commending, honoring, and thanking South Dakota's numerous women veterans for their service to our country and state.
Commending and thanking the men and women of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), urging Congress and the President to fund construction of steel barriers and border control impediments along with the strengthening of current border control infrastructure, and urging Congress and the President to ensure compliance with and enforcement of federal immigration laws.
Commending and thanking the men and women of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), urging Congress and the President to fund construction of steel barriers and border control impediments along with the strengthening of current border control infrastructure, and urging Congress and the President to ensure compliance with and enforcement of federal immigration laws.
Commending Senators John Thune and Mike Rounds for their votes to confirm Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the United States Supreme Court, and wishing Associate Justice Kavanaugh well in his new role.
Commending Senators John Thune and Mike Rounds for their votes to confirm Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the United States Supreme Court, and wishing Associate Justice Kavanaugh well in his new role.
Urging the President of the United States to make agricultural exports a priority and protect agricultural products from all current and future tariffs.
Urging the President of the United States to make agricultural exports a priority and protect agricultural products from all current and future tariffs.
Directing the Executive Board to create a fifteen-member task force to study and make legislative proposals regarding alternatives to imprisonment for those convicted of the crime of ingestion of controlled substances.
Directing the Executive Board to create a fifteen-member task force to study and make legislative proposals regarding alternatives to imprisonment for those convicted of the crime of ingestion of controlled substances.
Requesting Congress to lawfully change the Medicaid eligibility requirements to give states the option to provide Medicaid services to persons in jail pending disposition.
Requesting Congress to lawfully change the Medicaid eligibility requirements to give states the option to provide Medicaid services to persons in jail pending disposition.
Petitioning Congress and the President to immediately defund Planned Parenthood of all federal funding; strongly condemning the recent unrestrictive abortion law passed in New York state; and, expressing South Dakotans' continued resolve to secure the blessings of life and liberty for our posterity.
Petitioning Congress and the President to immediately defund Planned Parenthood of all federal funding; strongly condemning the recent unrestrictive abortion law passed in New York state; and, expressing South Dakotans' continued resolve to secure the blessings of life and liberty for our posterity.
SCR 10
Urging the United States Congress to amend the Dakota Removal Act of 1863.
Urging the United States Congress to amend the Dakota Removal Act of 1863.
SCR 11
requesting that the President of the United States designate a single state funeral be held upon the death of the last living identifiable veteran from World War II.
requesting that the President of the United States designate a single state funeral be held upon the death of the last living identifiable veteran from World War II.
SCR 12
Petitioning Congress and the United States Department of Agriculture to halt payments to JBS.
Petitioning Congress and the United States Department of Agriculture to halt payments to JBS.
SCR 13
Recognizing the "Know Before You Fly" campaign as an official source of safety education for operators of unmanned aircraft systems and instructing the Department of Public Safety to educate the public about the campaign.
Recognizing the "Know Before You Fly" campaign as an official source of safety education for operators of unmanned aircraft systems and instructing the Department of Public Safety to educate the public about the campaign.
Bill Type: Senate Joint Resolution
Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, related to terms of office for members of the Legislature.
Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, related to terms of office for members of the Legislature.
Proposing and submitting to the voters an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, providing for wagering on sporting events.
Proposing and submitting to the voters an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, providing for wagering on sporting events.
Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, related to partisan elections of judges.
Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, related to partisan elections of judges.
Rescinding House Joint Resolution 1001, adopted by the Ninetieth Legislature of the State of South Dakota.
Rescinding House Joint Resolution 1001, adopted by the Ninetieth Legislature of the State of South Dakota.
Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to the authorization of certain games of chance in the City of Yankton.
Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to the authorization of certain games of chance in the City of Yankton.
Bill Type: Senate Resolution
SR 1
Urging the President and United States Congress to act quickly to end the ongoing federal government shutdown.
Urging the President and United States Congress to act quickly to end the ongoing federal government shutdown.
SR 2
Recognizing the impact of Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias on persons living with these conditions, caregivers, and the State of South Dakota.
Recognizing the impact of Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias on persons living with these conditions, caregivers, and the State of South Dakota.
SR 3
Commending and honoring Angela Kennecke for excellence in journalism.
Commending and honoring Angela Kennecke for excellence in journalism.
SR 4
Rebuking Congressman Dusty Johnson for voting against President Trump's emergency measures to secure the Southern border, and urging Senators John Thune and Mike Rounds to support President Trump's constitutional efforts as our military Commander in Chief to do so.
Rebuking Congressman Dusty Johnson for voting against President Trump's emergency measures to secure the Southern border, and urging Senators John Thune and Mike Rounds to support President Trump's constitutional efforts as our military Commander in Chief to do so.
SR 5
Petitioning Congress and the President to immediately defund Planned Parenthood of all federal funding; strongly condemning the recent unrestrictive abortion laws passed in New York and Vermont; and, expressing South Dakotans' continued resolve to secure the blessings of life and liberty for our posterity.
Petitioning Congress and the President to immediately defund Planned Parenthood of all federal funding; strongly condemning the recent unrestrictive abortion laws passed in New York and Vermont; and, expressing South Dakotans' continued resolve to secure the blessings of life and liberty for our posterity.
SR 6
Supporting and encouraging all efforts, public and private, to enjoin the implementation of any regulation that impermissibly and unconstitutionally defines a machine gun to include a bump-stock-type device.
Supporting and encouraging all efforts, public and private, to enjoin the implementation of any regulation that impermissibly and unconstitutionally defines a machine gun to include a bump-stock-type device.
SR 7
Urging South Dakota's congressional representation to seek a federal disaster declaration and to provide federal aid for counties and tribes in South Dakota suffering from devastating effects created by Winter Storm Ulmer.
Urging South Dakota's congressional representation to seek a federal disaster declaration and to provide federal aid for counties and tribes in South Dakota suffering from devastating effects created by Winter Storm Ulmer.